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Ant-govt protester 'steals' crowd control equipment


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Hahaha How hilarious.

Yet another CAPO well timed and obviously staged new article distributed by none other than Khasaod the 100% red shirt press unit.

They failed with the last one when nobody else bothered to report it because it had as much credibility as a twitter posting.

I am 110 KG and work out almost daily and I would not be able to pick that lot up and make off with it, have you any idea how much just the armored vest weight on its own? This weedy little chap who must be 60KG soaking wet would be able to run off with all this?..... Lol

More fantasy crap from CAPO.... Give it a rest, we are not convinced, anyone not red oriented has far too much intelligentsia to fall for this.

The stuff was found at his home, he wasn't out wearing it on the street. Do you think he is a billy-no-mates and carried all that stuff by himself?

It's funny because they were filmed looting it and pictured wearing the stuff they'd taken, couldn't get clearer cut evidence. They already caught one of these guys also living around Ramkhamhaeng. Quite a few RU students in the NSPTR.

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We are indeed fortunate to have such a diligent, hardworking, uncorruptable, non partisan police force in this country.

Who closely follow the example of their senior officers in tracking down dangerous criminals without fear or favor to any one group.


We await the quick arrest of those who have shot at and killed and injured the protesters.

Edited by Robby nz
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Hahaha How hilarious.

Yet another CAPO well timed and obviously staged new article distributed by none other than Khasaod the 100% red shirt press unit.

They failed with the last one when nobody else bothered to report it because it had as much credibility as a twitter posting.

I am 110 KG and work out almost daily and I would not be able to pick that lot up and make off with it, have you any idea how much just the armored vest weight on its own? This weedy little chap who must be 60KG soaking wet would be able to run off with all this?..... Lol

More fantasy crap from CAPO.... Give it a rest, we are not convinced, anyone not red oriented has far too much intelligentsia to fall for this.

Hahaha How hilarious.

Yet another CAPO well timed and obviously staged new article distributed by none other than Khasaod the 100% red shirt press unit.

They failed with the last one when nobody else bothered to report it because it had as much credibility as a twitter posting.

I am 110 KG and work out almost daily and I would not be able to pick that lot up and make off with it, have you any idea how much just the armored vest weight on its own? This weedy little chap who must be 60KG soaking wet would be able to run off with all this?..... Lol

More fantasy crap from CAPO.... Give it a rest, we are not convinced, anyone not red oriented has far too much intelligentsia to fall for this.

The stuff was found at his home, he wasn't out wearing it on the street. Do you think he is a billy-no-mates and carried all that stuff by himself?

yes he is 110 kg, and how many brain cells grams?xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.JwCxzAWj6x.png alt=tongue.png pagespeed_url_hash=3761137055 width=20 height=20> not too heavy to carry around?whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

Seems like we have a bad ass here that needs to state his bodyweight and that he works out daily whatever that means and looks like he probably isn't too brainy up there.

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Hahaha How hilarious.

Yet another CAPO well timed and obviously staged new article distributed by none other than Khasaod the 100% red shirt press unit.

They failed with the last one when nobody else bothered to report it because it had as much credibility as a twitter posting.

I am 110 KG and work out almost daily and I would not be able to pick that lot up and make off with it, have you any idea how much just the armored vest weight on its own? This weedy little chap who must be 60KG soaking wet would be able to run off with all this?..... Lol

More fantasy crap from CAPO.... Give it a rest, we are not convinced, anyone not red oriented has far too much intelligentsia to fall for this.

The stuff was found at his home, he wasn't out wearing it on the street. Do you think he is a billy-no-mates and carried all that stuff by himself?

It's funny because they were filmed looting it and pictured wearing the stuff they'd taken, couldn't get clearer cut evidence. They already caught one of these guys also living around Ramkhamhaeng. Quite a few RU students in the NSPTR.

You mean the Students who were vilified (rightly) for daily shootings, ping pong bombings, gang violence, street racing, rape, killing innocent bystanders. and beating up people on busses etc.

Who became media darlings, and angelic pillars of the commutity by coming out on Sutheps side... of course not having anything to do the the bus burnings, shootings (oh they caught the 2 with the gun, but Sutheps lawyer went to get them out) or mob violence in that area when the Redshirts were there.

Quite a transformation and lucky we are that Sutheps righteous crusade has given these student gangs carte blance to cause as much trouble as possible

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It is reported that Mr. Jakkrapong had stolen a bullet-proof vest, a helmet, a shin guard, a club, tear gas ammunition, a police uniform rain coat, two shotgun cartridges, and a green flare.

The policemen might have abandoned their armory room during the clash last month?

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It seems that stealing is a favorite hobby of many of these yellow thugs. Follow his friends and you probably find the stolen guns... Charming people smile.png Sent from my iPhone...

Drop in the ocean compared to what the red 'thugs' stole in 2010. Funny how you red supporters are so quick to condemn when your side did the exact same thing before...Not saying what he did was right but still...

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Hahaha How hilarious.

Yet another CAPO well timed and obviously staged new article distributed by none other than Khasaod the 100% red shirt press unit.

They failed with the last one when nobody else bothered to report it because it had as much credibility as a twitter posting.

I am 110 KG and work out almost daily and I would not be able to pick that lot up and make off with it, have you any idea how much just the armored vest weight on its own? This weedy little chap who must be 60KG soaking wet would be able to run off with all this?..... Lol

More fantasy crap from CAPO.... Give it a rest, we are not convinced, anyone not red oriented has far too much intelligentsia to fall for this.

The stuff was found at his home, he wasn't out wearing it on the street. Do you think he is a billy-no-mates and carried all that stuff by himself?

It's funny because they were filmed looting it and pictured wearing the stuff they'd taken, couldn't get clearer cut evidence. They already caught one of these guys also living around Ramkhamhaeng. Quite a few RU students in the NSPTR.

You mean the Students who were vilified (rightly) for daily shootings, ping pong bombings, gang violence, street racing, rape, killing innocent bystanders. and beating up people on busses etc.

Who became media darlings, and angelic pillars of the commutity by coming out on Sutheps side... of course not having anything to do the the bus burnings, shootings (oh they caught the 2 with the gun, but Sutheps lawyer went to get them out) or mob violence in that area when the Redshirts were there.

Quite a transformation and lucky we are that Sutheps righteous crusade has given these student gangs carte blance to cause as much trouble as possible

Bullshit, guess you must have a head full of it.....

daily shootings - my ass. Most of the shooting is being done in the middle of the night by cowardly red 'thugs'

ping pong bombings - any proof they are the protestors ? They seem to have been used against the protestors too in the attacks against them in the night.

gang violence - in retaliation against the red gang violence. Have you seen the way the reds verbally6 harangue anyone who disagrees with them ? Then out come the catapults and bamboo spears. Then it all escalates from there.

street racing - evidence please ?

rape- - evidence please ? where and when ? You are making this crap up !

killing innocent bystanders - evidence please ? It was the reds who shot an innocent bystander student in Lamlukka 3 days ago...

beating up people on busses - they beat up the bus, not the people, and that was one. How many did the reds set on fire in 2010 ? At least 4 I can remember...

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All this are allegations. So do not make any rush to judgement. And again, the cops are not the most trustworthy guys in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is take this rap for some other offense. Yes, I would like to know who he reports to? We will just wait until the police do their investigation. They are not judge and executioner. And again, why are the cops so inept? They should be embarrassed for what happened.

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