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When you want a relationship, but there are too many options...


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Wow, this thread just drips with cynicism. And I thought I was a sour puss.

A lot of it is just jealousy of the young man from old frats who wish they were him.
or jealousy of the old guy with the young bird who does not take a second look at the poor young boy who could only dream of being with something so lovely smile.png just saying

Going by the thousands of old farang/young Thai couples I've seen, most of those men DEFINITELY aren't getting value for the money they're undoubtedly paying.

99% of the time, the women are short, chubby and poorly-dressed with feet like Orks.

im glad you see what i see. I just dont see hi-so thai girls with well to do farangs their own age.

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no offenses but its true girls who have no problem dating foreigners are either hookers or have the thought process of hookers. It game really isnt the same as with your home country girls.

Middle class , young and western can definatly attract middle class young and thai.

Been there , seen it ,happily married to one .

Young , goodlooking polite and respectful then thailand is your oyster

Older , unattractive ? If bitter and disrespectful then prostitutes or if youre lucky a uneducated country girl.

Older and unattractive but kind and loving then choose the right girl treat her right and chances are yiull be happy

Money may get you the girl but it will never get the girls love and the things that come with love ie respect and fidelity.

Bit like in our home countries right?

If all you can attract is hookers and their ilk then that is a reflection of you and your social worth, its never been my experience that hookers are the only option for westerners and I know many others who would agree.

Thailand is no different to any other country, some gold diggers but also many good girls that value self respect , and honesty and like everywhere social standing and good looks are valued.

Your own worth determines the standard of girl you get not the country and not the culture

Why I not see you write " older, attractive, kind and loving man "?

I was good looking when I was young, middle aged and now that I am older i am still good looking and in perfect shape. Good looking people who take care of themselves are always good looking. Ugly people young or old are always ugly ! I can out do 90% of the guys 20 years younger than me in Thailand and I don't give girls money. You young, ugly fat guys who dress like slobs and have tattoos all over the place are the ones I always see with the nasty girls. Us older good looking guy date the 8,9 and 10 girls. Most are educated and are tired of young boy games and drunks. So you young punks need to cool your mouths and give a little respect to the good looking people in this world as we ruled before and still do today ..... ; )

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Of course, Thailand is crammed full of women queuing up to get their hands on unskilled TEFLers with the prospect of one day reaching the heady heights of 40K a month with who they share zero cultural or linguistic compatibility....

Don't generalize so much. Many young men have worked entry-level, low-pay jobs in their twenties and then moved up the ladder to become highly successful. Maybe not you ... but many.

Ah the Boiler Rooms have "great promotional prospects now?"

I'm with the troll now hooting with laughter......cheers....enjoy climbing that 'ladder' over Bang Kwang's wallscheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif ...

Do you actually believe what you say here, or are you just trolling to get a reaction? It's pretty much a truism that virtually all young men start at the bottom .... especially highly successful men ... because it's virtually impossible to master anything without starting at the bottom.

Of course, many never make it to the top ... but no sin in that, necessarily. Unfortunately some who don't make it wind up bitter and feeling forsaken ... and can be very negative and judgmental towards those who are successful.

BTW, I'm not just talking about career and wealth here. There's also success in life and relationships like friendships, family, etc.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Nice, JLCrab...

If I thought all Thai women were the same, I wouldn't have bothered started this thread. Of course, maybe I just need to be broken and convinced that they are...

The women I've been meeting and/or talking to are between 20 and 30 years old, usually middle class, speak fairly good english, and have gone to university. A couple of them have even split the bill with me, surprisingly.

The ones I've maintained contact with haven't indicated any interest in my money, so I'm giving them a chance. They know I'm a schoolteacher here, so obviously, I'm not sugar daddy material at this time in my life. One or two girls I'd been seeing started asking me to buy them shit, but I quickly cut things off with them.

i claudius, I'm a math and English teacher here. Might stay and progress to University level, might not.

You sound like a very decent young man, so let this old one give you his 2 cents worth on Thai Women. Or Farthing! Or Baht! As this is dependant on where you come from.

Don't believe for a second that Decent Thai Women are not interested in a Farang! That is about as far away from the truth as one can get. Just be careful, if you are in Pattaya, as to what a Decent Thai Girl is? In my book most Thai Girls I met, including Bar Girls, are very decent. Only one or two out of a hundred I did not like much. But just to let you know that that Thai Women who sold you a shirt and tie that day in the shop, might be also the same one on Walking Street, or Beach Road, in a short skirt and selling her wears. There is a lot of good reasons for that, but mostly poor wages in Thailand and need of money. Even for educated women.

My Thai Wife of 5 years has her B.A. in Business Administration and Accounting. Before she met me she worked in the Tax Department and earned about 15,000 Baht a month, which is good wages for Thailand, outside of Bangkok and Pattaya. Her English is better than most because as a Teenager she won a Scholarship as Top Student to go study in Australian for a year. Everything was paid for but besides that this worked in well with her plans. Her younger sister by a year would also be going to University, so if my wife waited a year they could go together and graduate together.

As they did 4 years later! Little Sister is now a Lawyer engaged to a Judge. My Wife's Father owns a large Plot of Land by Thai Standards. He grows Sugar Cain & Rice, but besides this he is a Government Official for many years, and like the Mayor of His Community. My Wife's Uncle is a General in the Police Force, but Retired now. I only met him one time and he only said one thing to us that I recall. He said that if we ever get into any trouble in Thailand, for any reason, to call him for help. I guess there isn't too many Generals in the Thai Police Force. Now on to you!

Good Looks is not what counts the most in this country! Or any Country! Sure it helps to get that easy Lay, and at a discount, or free. But you told us you want to get away from that. So here is how to do that Son!

Above all else be honest! But also know how to put that into words! Be Yourself! What BS Advice is this? I am 59 Years Old and I still don't know who "Myself" is? So how can a younger man like you know that? Just tell them the truth, and like you told us. That in Western Culture we "Butterfly" much earlier then them. Which is true and they will understand this. Don't ever tell any woman from any country that you are looking for a "Serious Relationship"! They won't believe you! And to tell you the truth Son...neither do I.

So what you really want to tell them Son, and in which all will believe, if what you say is true, is that you are just looking for a Friend. Someone to go dancing with, and have dinner together, and enjoy a good conversation. If you don't know dancing then do it anyway and learn. All Women Love to Dance! If some do not believe this than tell them another truth! That for you sex is easy to find. For them to. But a Good Friend is not so easy!

Now ending this post I want to share something more with you, which I don't like posting here, due to negative responses I can expect, but will as I don't care, and what I say is true. I am 59 Years Old, and My Thai Wife 30, but yet I can't tell you what it feels like to have one agreement with my Thai Wife after 5 years. Oh I have seen her angry! But Thank God, or Buddha, it was always someone else. If she had a knife in her hand, I don't doubt she would not use it. But this is nothing to be afraid of! Just something you need to be aware of Thai Women! Okay?

As you know now, my Thai Wife is 30 years younger than me, yet she will not ever let me go anywhere without her! I can go anywhere I want but she wants to come along always, no matter what. Wants to be my Free Caddy, when I go Golfing! Which I won't allow! But what all Thai Women are really afraid of is losing is "Their Man", to someone else. With Your Good Looks, this is a double concern for you Son!

So, when you do find your mate and friend, be prepared to go everywhere with her. If not...then you are not ready yet. I Love going everywhere with My Wife. She is also My Best Friend! Personally, I think I am Old, Fat, and Ugly. Or maybe not so Old, Fat and Ugly! But compared to her I feel this way. Which brings me to the close and the only time I was every angry at my Thai Wife.

I was sitting on the bed looking through some documents when my wife came from shower. Totally naked, and as expected. She was standing in the full length mirror and doing things only women know how to do their. She caught my eye but not in a sexual way. I felt more like looking at a Statue of Venus! A Bum of a 14 Year Old Girl! A body of an 18 Year Old Girl! And a Pretty Thai Face of a 30 Year Old Thai Woman. How Beautiful she looked!

But this silence got broken when she came over to me in tears and discovered that she was "Ugly"! I saw Venus but she saw a totally different picture! That she was not good enough for me. I just wished I had a picture of my first wife, then another 30 years later, on how she looks today, to define "Ugly"!, to my wife. That was the only time I ever got agry at my wife, and made her promise she will never say this again!

My Wife calls me "Huggy" as she knows I do not mind her cold hands on me, in our bed, this time of year, to keep her warm. But the real person I am to her, and we both laugh about, is the Man, with Big Heart, Big Balls, and Small Money.

But there is a lot of wisdom in this Son! "Big Heart" is a loving and caring person. Big Balls is that you are a Man, and not afraid to fight for a better life for you and your family. But not some Drunk Guy I a Bar, trying to impress her! Small Money means you do not have Bill Gates Money. But enough to support you and her, Which every woman in this world really wants from us, and is expected.




im sure your 30 year old wife doesnt want to lose a 60 year old husband to another 30 year old thai girl. makes sense to me.

It would if you knew Thailand, which you obviously don't!

Come over here one day, instead of dreaming about it, and see for yourself.

Posts, from ignorant young people, who have never even seen a Postage Stamp from here, really doesn't add to the quality of the posts here. It just proves your ignorance on this subject. Or any other that has anything to do with Thailand.

If you save more money from your "Paper Route", or carry more papers.....who knows? You might actually make it here one day? Which I doubt!

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no offenses but its true girls who have no problem dating foreigners are either hookers or have the thought process of hookers. It game really isnt the same as with your home country girls.

I completely disagree. Thailand is changing. This might be how it was/is from the perspective of an older gentleman (wanting younger lady) or from the bar and lower class scene.

Also you can find lots of well traveled Thai girls who have lived and worked in the west now, especially in Bangkok.

Anyway it's all subjective.

One poster said it best. be yourself, if they don't like it they know where the door is. I find it is best in this country to show our hand of cards early and tell them what you expect and where you hope to go with specific time frames.

Less 'games' and 'playing' them than you would do in the west. Speaking straight and showing you're the man (but not in a bastard kind of way) is the way to go.

Edited by tingtongtingtong
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no offenses but its true girls who have no problem dating foreigners are either hookers or have the thought process of hookers. It game really isnt the same as with your home country girls.

I completely disagree. Thailand is changing. This might be how it was/is from the perspective of an older gentleman (wanting younger lady) or from the bar and lower class scene.

Also you can find lots of well traveled Thai girls who have lived and worked in the west now, especially in Bangkok.

Anyway it's all subjective.

One poster said it best. be yourself, if they don't like it they know where the door is. I find it is best in this country to show our hand of cards early and tell them what you expect and where you hope to go with specific time frames.

Less 'games' and 'playing' them than you would do in the west. Speaking straight and showing you're the man (but not in a bastard kind of way) is the way to go.

Edited by tingtongtingtong
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no offenses but its true girls who have no problem dating foreigners are either hookers or have the thought process of hookers. It game really isnt the same as with your home country girls.

Middle class , young and western can definatly attract middle class young and thai.

Been there , seen it ,happily married to one .

Young , goodlooking polite and respectful then thailand is your oyster

Older , unattractive ? If bitter and disrespectful then prostitutes or if youre lucky a uneducated country girl.

Older and unattractive but kind and loving then choose the right girl treat her right and chances are yiull be happy

Money may get you the girl but it will never get the girls love and the things that come with love ie respect and fidelity.

Bit like in our home countries right?

If all you can attract is hookers and their ilk then that is a reflection of you and your social worth, its never been my experience that hookers are the only option for westerners and I know many others who would agree.

Thailand is no different to any other country, some gold diggers but also many good girls that value self respect , and honesty and like everywhere social standing and good looks are valued.

Your own worth determines the standard of girl you get not the country and not the culture

This guy talks sense.

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no offenses but its true girls who have no problem dating foreigners are either hookers or have the thought process of hookers. It game really isnt the same as with your home country girls.

Middle class , young and western can definatly attract middle class young and thai.

Been there , seen it ,happily married to one .

Young , goodlooking polite and respectful then thailand is your oyster

Older , unattractive ? If bitter and disrespectful then prostitutes or if youre lucky a uneducated country girl.

Older and unattractive but kind and loving then choose the right girl treat her right and chances are yiull be happy

Money may get you the girl but it will never get the girls love and the things that come with love ie respect and fidelity.

Bit like in our home countries right?

If all you can attract is hookers and their ilk then that is a reflection of you and your social worth, its never been my experience that hookers are the only option for westerners and I know many others who would agree.

Thailand is no different to any other country, some gold diggers but also many good girls that value self respect , and honesty and like everywhere social standing and good looks are valued.

Your own worth determines the standard of girl you get not the country and not the culture

This guy talks sense.

(sorry this dam thing keeps double posting - mods can u delete my duplicates please?)

Edited by tingtongtingtong
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I guess I should just leave Thailand now, huh.

Or leave TV or as I call it Negative City . 12 replies in you have been told all you are dates are likely to be h00kers, that you have an ego and you are a troll . Welcome to Negative City aka TV 555

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree. I generally get a depressing feeling that of despair when reading too much on TV. Ajarn.com forum is worse, the people on there have such a sense of entitlement while pointing out grammar and spelling mistakes.

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Aw bless 'em...the trolls are starting to get irked, and are getting their cheap nylon suits, PVC briefcases in a twist, that the older, broke, blokes aren't falling at their feet, fawning in awe and wonder at their youthful expertise with the Hi SO Thai Chinese girls, nor screaming with envy at the millions of women they imagine are falling over themselves to get at their TEFL/Boiler Room wages

...the poor dears....

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99% of the Thai girls you are seeing are dating other guys

And the Malaysian and Indonesian gals I'm 'seeing' ? ;)

Ultimately, that wouldnt phase me - Thailand completely cured me of sexual jealousy years ago. The only thing that stuns me is that Thai women are still prepared to play the whole 'butterfly' card when the Gik is an accepted part of their private world - its hypocrisy on a grand scale.

End of the day, TiT - men are from Mars and women can **** our ***** ! wink.png

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i claudius, I'm a math and English teacher here. Might stay and progress to University level, might not.


That comment can have 2 meanings.

Do you mean that you might 'progress' to teaching at university level, (which probably is not progress, since university lecturers often have lower salaries than school teachers, but maybe fewer teaching hours).

Or do you mean that you mighut progress to getting a university-level qualification, as opposed to your current lack of qualifications?

Not meaning to be rude, just asking.


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i claudius, I'm a math and English teacher here. Might stay and progress to University level, might not.


That comment can have 2 meanings.

Do you mean that you might 'progress' to teaching at university level, (which probably is not progress, since university lecturers often have lower salaries than school teachers, but maybe fewer teaching hours).

Or do you mean that you mighut progress to getting a university-level qualification, as opposed to your current lack of qualifications?

Not meaning to be rude, just asking.


all the qulifications he needs is his being HANSUM.

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i faced a similar situation myself. my advice is to never marry below your station. middle and lower class girls can appear cute at first but you will soon tire of their ignorance and lack of social standing. in my case i had an investigator vet all the candidates as to medical history, education, etc etc and also investigated the relatives. i then had a short list from which i selected my wife based on her looks, personality and suitability for child rearing. we have had a long and happy relationship due mainly to me doing my homework and i am very happy with the children she has produced.

Hey...aren't you the troll from the other thread...who had a wife (overseas) who was coming here to invest in 'condos' and annoyed at the protestors inconsideration for your plans. sigh....
Yes, he is...,i want to hear more from him, his posts are so funny.

A troll for sure, but wouldn't it be great if he was for real, more please your Lordship?

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Ok... I'll see you guys back at this thread around 2038 and let you know how things went.

At 51 you'd still be very young.

lets pray he still not teeching english in 2038......lol.

Yes, because by then Mandarin will be the language you'll need to know.....but hey, maybe the ( chinese /thai) GF knows some and can teach him?

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I don't know why you guys bother doing it the same way you do back home, for me the bottom line is none of this stuff matters in Thailand, no need to even bother trying to woo/court a reluctant girl.

Just have money to spend and don't be a monster and bob's your uncle, thousands of hotties are waiting eager to please around every corner. . .

Even if I were still young and hansum I doubt if I'd bother doing it any other way, just not worth the effort AFAIC.

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