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Video Special: Bangkok 'shutdown': protesters fill streets of Thai capital

Jonathan Fairfield

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please don't insult Suthep English ability.

Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America.

And what state university did Thaksin & Yingluck been too?

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please don't insult Suthep English ability.

Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America.

And what state university did Thaksin & Yingluck been too?

"Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America."

So if he studied in the US of A would you not think that he would have developed a good level of spoken English?

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please don't insult Suthep English ability.

Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America.

And what state university did Thaksin & Yingluck been too?

"Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America."

So if he studied in the US of A would you not think that he would have developed a good level of spoken English?

Don't feed the troll!

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Surely the BBC can come up with more quality than this crap. Are they on the shina payroll?

No. They and CNN et. al. are on the payroll of the globalists and Dr. Thaksin is their main man in Thailand (Carlyle Group etc.). One may hate the old line families that own and control much of the power and industry in Thailand but it is, at the least, Thais in power over Thais. What Dr. Thaksin represents is internationalists (who aren't Thai) taking over and exploiting the Thai people worse than the so called Amataya.

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Surely the BBC can come up with more quality than this crap. Are they on the shina payroll?

No. They and CNN et. al. are on the payroll of the globalists and Dr. Thaksin is their main man in Thailand (Carlyle Group etc.). One may hate the old line families that own and control much of the power and industry in Thailand but it is, at the least, Thais in power over Thais. What Dr. Thaksin represents is internationalists (who aren't Thai) taking over and exploiting the Thai people worse than the so called Amataya.

I am sure that BBC is not on Thaksin payroll.

Else why would they report that 5.8 million protesters came out on the street of Bangkok to chase off the Yingluck?

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Thaksin and the Shinawatras are the Rockefeller's, Bilderberger and illuminati of Thailand. And this mob consists mainly of the same kind of conspiracy theory people as believe these families and secret societies rules the world and plan to kill 3/4 of us or so but chem trails and toxins in the water etc...

The Shinawatra regime sucks, as did Abbhist's and Sutheps.

One sided? Yea for sure, this is very one sided.

But blowing whistles after everything that guy said without even a thought about his claims seems rather foolish and reminds me a bit of The Great Leader in DPRK or Mao Zedong...

Or even worse, Pol Pot, anyone remember how the people cheered on the streets as the communists rolled in to Phnom Penh overthrowing the government and taking over the country? What followed next? Yea... I think we don't need to speak about that...

What pisses me off the most is the use of the Thai flag as a symbol for their minority fight. It's like saying "We are the Thais, all you people in the north, north-east or middle provinces who disagree with is are not Thais", and make Their flag being a symbol against them... Very unfair and utterly undemocratic in every aspect...

I don't think Thailand will reach real civil war, I think it all will ends with a huge anti-climax.

Also, the talk about Thaksin owning all the channels, does that really matter? Why don't they get their asses out in the provinces and explain their agenda, let people know that they are on their side, the peoples side, and explain why people should vote for them and what they will gain from it, farmers are already pissed for not being payed for their rice so seems like a really good timing.

But then again, Thai stubbornness is not to play with, if once decided that "This is good" it can be very difficult to make someone change opinion. Reason seldom seems to be a reasonable reason to change opinion here.

Has anyone else been to democracy monument in an evening listening to the speakers? It's not like they put up reasons and good arguments. It's more like a big game where they in one way or another sings or says "You suck, red suck, suck suck suck, we are the people"...

Really sad for those who actually are the people. The 80% or so...

Real election and real campaign seems fair, but what Suthep is doing seems just utterly childish and non-democratic in every aspect.

Oh wait, couldn't I get deported for uttering my opinion? even though I live, work and spend my life here like any other tax-paying citizen? better shut up then...

God bless the people God bless the King, but please don't bless the Shinawatra's and Suthep. Make them both disappear. Let's do like Cambodia, start with year 0...

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The image of this "revolution" is actually disturbed by S. A guy not even willing to talk, not showing any willingness to compromise, making personnel threats against the acting PM and their family, being under investigation for his involvement in 2010, not given any detailed information what is final goal is except to kick out the Shin clan. What shall a serious news magazine report?

On the other side you have a calm PM, offering snap election, talks, keeps the situation during the protest very calm, offering even a delay in the election process to allow the opposition to form their own strategy.

Now tell me what a serious magazine should report?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The usual Western media slant that murderous corrupt scumbags are wonderful, if they come from dirty elections, but dumbed down for the Australian viewer. I would like to see them defend similar characters to Thaksin if they got in power in Australia and changed laws to legalise their corruption.

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After watching that video I am now convinced that some of these people are nuts, suitable cases for treatment, with absolutely no credibility whatsoever.

It`s a case of, which side is the best of 2 evils. God help the future of this country.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Surely the BBC can come up with more quality than this crap. Are they on the shina payroll?

No. They and CNN et. al. are on the payroll of the globalists and Dr. Thaksin is their main man in Thailand (Carlyle Group etc.). One may hate the old line families that own and control much of the power and industry in Thailand but it is, at the least, Thais in power over Thais. What Dr. Thaksin represents is internationalists (who aren't Thai) taking over and exploiting the Thai people worse than the so called Amataya.

I am sure that BBC is not on Thaksin payroll.

Else why would they report that 5.8 million protesters came out on the street of Bangkok to chase off the Yingluck?

Please re-read my post. The first word of my post was, "NO", in response to the question of whether the BBC is on Dr. Thaksin's payroll. It is really difficult to communicate with you when you won't read for comprehension. You set up a 'straw man' argument (that I said BBC was on Dr. Thaksin's payroll) and proceed to knock it down.

I've been watching BBC lately (because I can't stand CNN) and I haven't heard any reporting on numbers in attendance. Do you have a link by any chance? If BBC reports 5.8 million protesters in the capitol, it makes a lot of Thaksinistas on this forum look foolish.

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The usual Western media slant that murderous corrupt scumbags are wonderful, if they come from dirty elections, but dumbed down for the Australian viewer. I would like to see them defend similar characters to Thaksin if they got in power in Australia and changed laws to legalise their corruption.


And does the Australian army park its tanks on Sydney Harbour Bridge every four years?

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Very ignorant Falang , very embarassing , a complete idiot who hasn't got a clue

Your comments make TV so lively comments from very ignorant Farang, embarrassing , comments from idiots who have no clue, thanks John

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Is anyone getting tired of and catching on to the Dark Illuminati Giant Coorporate entities controlling this planet for known hundreds of years? Anyone with a logical brain knows 99% of all news media are owned and controlled by large coorporations, no such thing as Free Press. The BBC is among the worst of these and only spins what they want, in order to brainwash/dumb down the masses even further for their own evil agenda. Go away western press and leave Thailand to solve it's own Thainess.

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Biased and one sided, that's not journalism. They left out a lot of important details in their story, and cute how they focused on the money being handed to Suthep without explaining WHY the people are giving him the money. Not unexpected, though, as most of the Western "news" is being told what to report by Thaksin's supporters in their countries (corporate interests).

Then, would explanation of WHY people give him the money (consolidation of interests? regain power?) make him look any better?

The gov't froze his accounts. The people respond by supporting him. That's the WHY people are giving him money.

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most of the Western "news" is being told what to report by Thaksin's supporters in their countries (corporate interests).

O god Thaskin runs channel 4 in the UK now rolleyes.gif . <deleted> is there anything he doesnt control? Global warming too no doubt the wee bastard.

The reality is Thaskin in monetary and political terms is a global lightweight and has zero influence outside Thailand and a few random spots. The combined wealth and power of the elite backing the yellows far exceeds anything he can dream of.

Western countries report like this because the train of thought is democracy is King. If some little corrupt politican in Thailand wants to end it he wont be seen favourably.

I agree that Thaksin himself does not run channel 4 or other news outlets. It's who profits from Thaksin's business arrangements that do, though. Thaksin has sold out Thai national interests to international corporate interests, and that is who controls the media. That's what you've missed. This isn't so much about Thaksin as it is about corporatism and globalist corporations.

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Facile and lazy report that does nothing to explain the reality of the political situation in Thailand. Unfortunately typical of the lack of real analysis, explanation or insight in both C4 and BBC reporting. I'm very disappointed I must say.

What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?

"What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?"

You would assume that a person who is alleged to have studied for and received an M.A. in Political Sciences at Middle Tennesse State University in the USA, would be able to speak very good English.

Not really. I've lived in the States and worked in Universities there. Plenty of foreign students who don't have a strong command of the English language, and professors working in those universities as well who don't.

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I agree that Thaksin himself does not run channel 4 or other news outlets. It's who profits from Thaksin's business arrangements that do, though. Thaksin has sold out Thai national interests to international corporate interests, and that is who controls the media. That's what you've missed. This isn't so much about Thaksin as it is about corporatism and globalist corporations.

Another desperate attempt to discredit what was a balanced and well-researched news report.

The Channel 4 reporter did nothing except allow the Suthep supporters to make their own rope to hang themselves. It was all the inane comments from Dr Seri and ignorant Suthep supporters that made the anti-democratic protests sound foolish. It was Suthep accepting cash and protesters brandishing placards with irrational and nasty messages in broken English that made the anti-government look hypocritical when they claim better intelligence than the Upcountry folk and a claim to being "less corrupt"

it was a brilliant piece of reporting - hit the nail on the head.

I don't know how Farang commentators expect educated journalists to come to Thailand and be taken in by the non-sensical arguments put forward by the Suthep crowd.

I think ever since 2008 the veil has gradually been pulled away from these "rent a mobs" who pretend to be the voice of the people. In 2008 I think some Western journalists actually believed the progressive intent of the PAD, but as it has become evident that these protesters are actually campaigning for the rights of a minority to exploit and rule over the majority Western commentators have become more critical.

In case some Farangs forgot most Western countries base their values on democracy and human rights - including their media. I have yet to see any credible Western media praise dictatorship over democracy or treating people as second-class citizens which is basically how the Bangkok "rent-a-mob" view the upcountry red-shirts. Is that biased - yes I guess it is as it is reporting based on Western values. The same kind of reporting you will see in Western news reports on Egypt, South Africa, Russia or anywhere else for that matter.


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Facile and lazy report that does nothing to explain the reality of the political situation in Thailand. Unfortunately typical of the lack of real analysis, explanation or insight in both C4 and BBC reporting. I'm very disappointed I must say.

What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?

"What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?"

You would assume that a person who is alleged to have studied for and received an M.A. in Political Sciences at Middle Tennesse State University in the USA, would be able to speak very good English.

Not really. I've lived in the States and worked in Universities there. Plenty of foreign students who don't have a strong command of the English language, and professors working in those universities as well who don't.

Amazing...apart couple top Universities, American Uni's equal north European high schools. Explains a lot ...

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Facile and lazy report that does nothing to explain the reality of the political situation in Thailand. Unfortunately typical of the lack of real analysis, explanation or insight in both C4 and BBC reporting. I'm very disappointed I must say.

What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?

"What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?"

You would assume that a person who is alleged to have studied for and received an M.A. in Political Sciences at Middle Tennesse State University in the USA, would be able to speak very good English.

Not really. I've lived in the States and worked in Universities there. Plenty of foreign students who don't have a strong command of the English language, and professors working in those universities as well who don't.

Amazing...apart couple top Universities, American Uni's equal north European high schools. Explains a lot ...

Just out of curiosity, I had a look at the Tennessee university website. There's no mention at all of Suthep on their list of notable alumni. Assuming that he did actually obtain a qualification there, then they either don't know he exists, or would prefer not to mention any connection.

I'd also be curious to know how he came to be studying at an American university in his twenties. Clearly one of the privileged few and not at all typical of the ordinary Thai voter.

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please don't insult Suthep English ability.

Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America.

And what state university did Thaksin & Yingluck been too?

Thaksin Shinawatra was a member of the 10th class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School,[7] and was then admitted to the Thai Police Cadet Academy. Upon graduation in 1973, he joined the Royal Thai Police. He received a master's degree in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University in the United States in 1975, and three years later was awarded a doctorate in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University in Texas.

Edited by Hawk
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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please don't insult Suthep English ability.

Unless Suthep bought that inkjet printout from Khao San Road, he actually graduated from Middle Tennessee State University of United State of America.

And what state university did Thaksin & Yingluck been too?

Yingluck grew up in Chiang Mai and attended Regina Coeli College, a private girls school, at the lower secondary level and then Yupparaj College, a co-ed school, at the upper secondary level. She graduated with a BA degree from the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University in 1988 and received a MPA degree (specialization in Management Information Systems) from Kentucky State University in 1991.

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Mr. Suthep's facial expression and impressive hand eye co-ordination when the 1000 Baht notes are being handed out reminds me of the kids when I take them to the toy shop.

Regardless of side and colour I have little doubt the future for the majority of Thai people remains as bleak as ever.

Edited by MJP
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Just a little bit biased, it barely scratches the surface of what is really going on. It is much more complicated than they make out...

It's sensationalist reporting, especially the opening piece about the probability of civil war.

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