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46 embassies and consulates issue travel warnings for Bangkok


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Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

Even sadder than that is, No they have not but you think they have.

Is it from keeping your eyes closed or just a failure to see the real picture?

It is sad to see an elected government be overturned by the military. That is how this will end up. You can tell people you read it here.

So which is it democracy or corruption or both that you support? Is it good to have a corrupt government as long as they were elected, in your eyes it is wrong for people to protest against corruption?

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They seriously consider things may get very nasty. Hearing the latest plans from Suthep, they have all the reason to think so. Very sad indeed.

Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

The Government simply will not step down as Suthep demands and continues to schedule the election on February 2nd as required by the s. That does not warrant kidnapping threats, harmful threats against government workers , nor the threats to shutdown all aircraft in and out of Bangkok, shutdown of utilities, and ramshaking government facilities. Foreign governments advisories to their citizens is not the result of the government's calm and collected response to the PDRC and its associates, but rather to Suthep's ever escalating threats.

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Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

If only they would abandon democracy and let the unelected take charge, everything would be fine.

Oh the sarcasm! So what is it you stand democracy or corruption or both?

Do you think democratic governments are not corrupt? Since when?

is that the level of your argument? because other governments are corrupt, then Thailand should be no different? there are levels of corruption and I would suggest, if the people of other nations saw the same level of governmental corruption in their own country they too would be on the streets protesting.

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I cannot understand how one nutcase can cause all this mayhem that need to arrest him for his outstanding murder charge and lock him up.

Because very powerful powers do not want that to happen, protect him, and will do everything so that he can succeed, even if at the end the PM will be someone more presentable, and he will be relegated to the role of "hero of the fascist revolution".

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If only they would abandon democracy and let the unelected take charge, everything would be fine.

Oh the sarcasm! So what is it you stand democracy or corruption or both?

Do you think democratic governments are not corrupt? Since when?

is that the level of your argument? because other governments are corrupt, then Thailand should be no different? there are levels of corruption and I would suggest, if the people of other nations saw the same level of governmental corruption in their own country they too would be on the streets protesting.

No not at all. Tis you who are confused. Democracy and corruption are two different things. Sometimes democracies are corrupt and sometimes not. Being a democracy does not mean being not corrupt.

America for example protested the Vietnam war in the streets and the war monger President did not run for a second term and America elected another man on the promise he would stop the war.

That is how a democracy works. If one does not like it, you have an election and elect a different government.

Edited by thailiketoo
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They seriously consider things may get very nasty. Hearing the latest plans from Suthep, they have all the reason to think so. Very sad indeed.

Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

The Government simply will not step down as Suthep demands and continues to schedule the election on February 2nd as required by the s. That does not warrant kidnapping threats, harmful threats against government workers , nor the threats to shutdown all aircraft in and out of Bangkok, shutdown of utilities, and ramshaking government facilities. Foreign governments advisories to their citizens is not the result of the government's calm and collected response to the PDRC and its associates, but rather to Suthep's ever escalating threats.

neither does it warrant threats from red shirt leaders to kidnap a generals daughters! However if you were honest about the situation then maybe you would realise the real reason the Feb 2 elections were called. Regardless of her claims of not being able to resign etc, she and Thaksin know if it is delayed beyond then and if the constitution were allowed to be re written prior to an election, then they would not be re elected. As it is we wait for the constitutional court to decide if they bring charges against 301 PTP MP's for voting irregularities on trying to pass constitutional changes.

Democracy for democracy's sake is not democracy!

Edited by ggold
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Oh the sarcasm! So what is it you stand democracy or corruption or both?

Do you think democratic governments are not corrupt? Since when?

is that the level of your argument? because other governments are corrupt, then Thailand should be no different? there are levels of corruption and I would suggest, if the people of other nations saw the same level of governmental corruption in their own country they too would be on the streets protesting.

No not at all. Tis you who are confused. Democracy and corruption are two different things. Sometimes democracies are corrupt and sometimes not. Being a democracy does not mean being not corrupt.

America for example protested the Vietnam war in the streets and the war monger President did not run for a second term and America elected another man on the promise he would stop the war.

That is how a democracy works. If one does not like it, you have an election and elect a different government.

No, that is how the USA works! besides which Vietnam was a proxy war supposedly against the spread of communism! It was not an internal political power play as in Thailand so is not comparable. coffee1.gif

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Just booked my flights from Taiwan to Bangkok an hour ago.

Lets hope they stay away from the airport.

As for the financial implications earler last week 33THB to 1$, now that troubles are esclating the THB is getting stronger?

No, the dollar is getting weaker because of the new jobs report. Don't worry next week we will see a better return and maybe better and better as the time goes on.

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To tell them, to stay away from protest sites, is good advise. Of course, if it was me, I would not heed such advise, because it it way too much fun, to listen to the free entertainment and to watch history being made wink.png

They are not telling them, not to come, just to stay away from the protest sites.

As for the Japanese companies, well, I guess, they could try their luck in Cambodia rolleyes.gif

The Japanese, I see, doing business up here, in the North, seem to be quite happy. They have cheap labor costs and make a s$#tload of money in this Country.

Lots of manipulation going on, but the protesters are still there, contrary, to what most people thought, for a few months now. I still believe, that this Government is a goner. The protesters need to step up their actions, to keep people interested. If they do that, its' bye bye miss Yingluck wai2.gif

Hey now steady on. That kind of talk will upset at least 5 contributors to this forum. biggrin.png

I for one hope you are right.

The OP is about travel warnings. Its a good suggestion because if you spend time at the protest sites you may be witness to red shirts, black shirts and anyone else for that matter who fancies taking pot shots at the happy protesters.

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is that the level of your argument? because other governments are corrupt, then Thailand should be no different? there are levels of corruption and I would suggest, if the people of other nations saw the same level of governmental corruption in their own country they too would be on the streets protesting.

No not at all. Tis you who are confused. Democracy and corruption are two different things. Sometimes democracies are corrupt and sometimes not. Being a democracy does not mean being not corrupt.

America for example protested the Vietnam war in the streets and the war monger President did not run for a second term and America elected another man on the promise he would stop the war.

That is how a democracy works. If one does not like it, you have an election and elect a different government.

No, that is how the USA works! besides which Vietnam was a proxy war supposedly against the spread of communism! It was not an internal political power play as in Thailand so is not comparable. coffee1.gif

First a popular US President got assassinated. 2nd, the forces that took over the White House started a giant war that cost billions spent with the military industrial complex. Third the folks that realized this protested in the streets till the usurper promised not to run again. Fourth a new President got elected and stopped the war.

Election is the key. The above story is worse than anything that happened in Thailand. My gosh, a President assassinated and 50,000 Americans died and still they had an election. Thailand is complaining about a few billion dollars in a rice scheme stolen.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I just checked the UK Foreign Office site and there is no mention of a new advisory on there. I noted that the page was last updated yesterday and is reported being current as of today.

I also did a Google search and found nothing else to suggest an update since yesterday.

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Following the news on daily basis, but for now i don't see any reason, why we should cancel our planned trip to Bangkok in March after staying on Samui.

Sounds to me like tourists are pretty safe in Bangkok as long as they just listen to the advices given.

Off course things could change, but we hope the Thais solve their problems peacefully without any more getting wounded/killed.

I think there will be more casualties before it ends.

Nevertheless, I think March should be safe for you.

Make sure you bargain hard for your hotel rates (and other expenses) - it will be a Buyer's market.

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In addition to the travel advisory from Japan the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok has issued a letter signed by officials of 1,500 Japanese companies in Thailand warning about withdrawal and lack of future investment if protests and political upheaval persists.

The Ministry of Tourism, TAT et al might shrug off travel advisories but threats of companies pulling out and potential loss of investment is much harder to ignore.

When foreign companies are threatening to pull out of Thailand then that is bad news, it could mean that they are expecting the fall of the country.

Please give your source of this information, because I have searched for this on line and have not been successful is finding any sources whatsoever.

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is that the level of your argument? because other governments are corrupt, then Thailand should be no different? there are levels of corruption and I would suggest, if the people of other nations saw the same level of governmental corruption in their own country they too would be on the streets protesting.

No not at all. Tis you who are confused. Democracy and corruption are two different things. Sometimes democracies are corrupt and sometimes not. Being a democracy does not mean being not corrupt.

America for example protested the Vietnam war in the streets and the war monger President did not run for a second term and America elected another man on the promise he would stop the war.

That is how a democracy works. If one does not like it, you have an election and elect a different government.

No, that is how the USA works! besides which Vietnam was a proxy war supposedly against the spread of communism! It was not an internal political power play as in Thailand so is not comparable. coffee1.gif

First a popular US President got assassinated. 2nd, the forces that took over the White House started a giant war that cost billions spent with the military industrial complex. Third the folks that realized this protested in the streets till the usurper promised not to run again. Fourth a new President got elected and stopped the war.

Election is the key. The above story is worse than anything that happened in Thailand. My gosh, a President assassinated and 50,000 Americans died and still they had an election. Thailand is complaining about a few billion dollars in a rice scheme stolen.

and then Watergate! My gosh, a President assassinated and 50,000 Americans died and still they had an election.

what should they have done declared marshal law? world war one started over the assassination of a king. why is it what ever happens in America is more important than what happens anywhere else. The USA is not the world.

Thais have as much right to complain about the rice scam if they choose to do so, isn't that their democratic right? Especially as this is Thailand and this is not happening in the USA!

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...bombing the oppositions' homes...and putting a price on their heads on one hand.....

...then fabricating threats on themselves on the other hand.....sociopaths are great storytellers........

...all the while screwing the whole country......flagrantly......corruption is one thing....but holding a whole nation hostage to fulfill someone's whims...

...to the tune of several trillion baht by some accounts.....while.the farmers....some that have not been paid 1 baht in almost 1 year.......

....this is really out of control........and what next.......if they stop at nothing to hold on to power.....scary......

If you refer to the "bombing" of Abhisits house yesterday/today, I believe it has been downgraded to likely being a firework. But stay scared, it's safer than opening your eyes instead of instantly believing all the crap incorrectly referred to as journalism. And you also write such a good story......

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...bombing the oppositions' homes...and putting a price on their heads on one hand.....

...then fabricating threats on themselves on the other hand.....sociopaths are great storytellers........

...all the while screwing the whole country......flagrantly......corruption is one thing....but holding a whole nation hostage to fulfill someone's whims...

...to the tune of several trillion baht by some accounts.....while.the farmers....some that have not been paid 1 baht in almost 1 year.......

....this is really out of control........and what next.......if they stop at nothing to hold on to power.....scary......

If you refer to the "bombing" of Abhisits house yesterday/today, I believe it has been downgraded to likely being a firework. But stay scared, it's safer than opening your eyes instead of instantly believing all the crap incorrectly referred to as journalism. And you also write such a good story......
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I think the Greek embassy is reading Thai Visa Forum.

I accused them before for doing nothing constructive to help their citizens.

Congratulations......better late than never!clap2.gif

Greece assuming presidency of the EU on 01 Jan 14 likely had something to do with it.

Seriously? That's like making the village idiot president of the United States!! Oh wait, they already did that a few years back! ;-)

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When will the authorities realize the difference between protesting and terrorism?

Once they have figured out, then things may have a chance of getting sorted.

... Or worse

Nature culls the bad performers... Its only a matter of time before nature says... enough is enough... you are too lazy to smarten up.... Its DODO time for you Thailand!

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I paid 48K for the new school term but my daughter has hardly attended because the gov insists that the schools close. Exams are coming up without the students getting the knowledge to do the tests. Yet more unintended consequences, I suppose.

Suthep on Ekamai Road (where I live) today collecting money from the dummies. I asked one supporting bystander who spoke English how it was going to end and the consequences of the protests and she had no clue whatsoever - a bunch of children pretending to be adults. I asked one of the motorcycle supports how much he got paid, and he denied being paid at all, despite revealing that he comes from Songkla.

Many from the south pay for the trip themselves and try to give some extra for the foodstands f.i. I know a few.

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They seriously consider things may get very nasty. Hearing the latest plans from Suthep, they have all the reason to think so. Very sad indeed.

Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

Even sadder than that is, No they have not but you think they have.

This government it seems does not behave badly mostly it reacts to the countries needs in a positive way and has the interest of Thailand and it's people at it's core. Unfortunately as happens in many countries. Rich facists want to take charge once again so they may continue draining Thailand of it's resources, Filling their private coffers with this by hook or crook booty at the expense and suffering of Thailand and the people. The unbalance of the distribution of the wealth controlled by the greedy facist" government" that pass laws of oppression against the people while granting porkbarrel contracts to their thievng bretheren. Robbing the people of the resouces they actually work for and need to succeed and often just feed themselves.

These oppulent self serving dictator kings never offer improvement to a situation. and often remove any path from the slavery their reqieme imposes to maintain total control. They Just rape the land and trickle down a minimal amount of substandard resources so their charges, their salt mine slaves may survive to do their bidding day by day as they suck the life out of the country and it's people Collect and coveting the siphon riches of the country

Suthrep's threat to kidnapped the peoples legitimate Government representitives do to there opposition to his takeover would have him arrested (perhaps shot) in most any other country. Including most 1st world counties. His obvious complicity, if not direct action in previous coup attempt protest murders without having charges and embarrassment to Thailand justice dept., and the present government

His greed and lust for power seems to have unhinged his devious, childish mind. He truley is a terrorist by his actions and his own statements and should be treated as such for the safety all and the preservation of democracy in Thailand.

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They seriously consider things may get very nasty. Hearing the latest plans from Suthep, they have all the reason to think so. Very sad indeed.

Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

Even sadder than that is, No they have not but you think they have.

This government it seems does not behave badly mostly it reacts to the countries needs in a positive way and has the interest of Thailand and it's people at it's core. Unfortunately as happens in many countries. Rich facists want to take charge once again so they may continue draining Thailand of it's resources, Filling their private coffers with this by hook or crook booty at the expense and suffering of Thailand and the people. The unbalance of the distribution of the wealth controlled by the greedy facist" government" that pass laws of oppression against the people while granting porkbarrel contracts to their thievng bretheren. Robbing the people of the resouces they actually work for and need to succeed and often just feed themselves.

These oppulent self serving dictator kings never offer improvement to a situation. and often remove any path from the slavery their reqieme imposes to maintain total control. They Just rape the land and trickle down a minimal amount of substandard resources so their charges, their salt mine slaves may survive to do their bidding day by day as they suck the life out of the country and it's people Collect and coveting the siphon riches of the country

Suthrep's threat to kidnapped the peoples legitimate Government representitives do to there opposition to his takeover would have him arrested (perhaps shot) in most any other country. Including most 1st world counties. His obvious complicity, if not direct action in previous coup attempt protest murders without having charges and embarrassment to Thailand justice dept., and the present government

His greed and lust for power seems to have unhinged his devious, childish mind. He truley is a terrorist by his actions and his own statements and should be treated as such for the safety all and the preservation of democracy in Thailand.

That first sentence doesn't sound anything like the PTP government! as for the rest of your diatribe, I have to ask which Party and which person you mean, And which fascists?

Edited by ggold
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I paid 48K for the new school term but my daughter has hardly attended because the gov insists that the schools close. Exams are coming up without the students getting the knowledge to do the tests. Yet more unintended consequences, I suppose.

Suthep on Ekamai Road (where I live) today collecting money from the dummies. I asked one supporting bystander who spoke English how it was going to end and the consequences of the protests and she had no clue whatsoever - a bunch of children pretending to be adults. I asked one of the motorcycle supports how much he got paid, and he denied being paid at all, despite revealing that he comes from Songkla.

Many from the south pay for the trip themselves and try to give some extra for the foodstands f.i. I know a few.

Many from the South having terrorist affiliations have their own funds to be used to further the separtist desire for a Muslm state. Helping create havoc and destabilize the government (see "Terroism 101") with or without solid collusion with Suthrep would be a grand opportunity..

But, Would it be surprizing to anyone if Suthrep stuck a deal to rid himself of the troubled unproductive south offering an autotmy to the issurectionists in a bid for support to his coup while he still maintains the riches of the areas north. Not really far fetched given his behavior thus far.

He obviously has no scruples, limits (including murder and kidnapping) or care and respect for anything that does not serve him personally and has a coniving childish mind of a comic book super villian. It could be a very real scenario given hi "out of the box" attepts to gain power.

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I cannot understand how one nutcase can cause all this mayhem that need to arrest him for his outstanding murder charge and lock him up. This is going to put Thailand back years people will get sick and tired of all the hassle remember the last time when the airport was shut down it took days to get travellers back home no government in the western world would allow a man like Suthep to do what he is doing the guy is just plain crazy and at the end of the day nothing will be achieved, there is no consideration for those in Bangkok forced to close there business down for a week or so and at the end of the day when people do not have the money to make up for loss revenue Suthep will go home where no doubt he has million stashed under his bed.

Millions stashed under his bed? Maybe. Someone told me today he has a whistle and flag factory. Now that would be a great racket to get into.

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I paid 48K for the new school term but my daughter has hardly attended because the gov insists that the schools close. Exams are coming up without the students getting the knowledge to do the tests. Yet more unintended consequences, I suppose.

Suthep on Ekamai Road (where I live) today collecting money from the dummies. I asked one supporting bystander who spoke English how it was going to end and the consequences of the protests and she had no clue whatsoever - a bunch of children pretending to be adults. I asked one of the motorcycle supports how much he got paid, and he denied being paid at all, despite revealing that he comes from Songkla.

Many from the south pay for the trip themselves and try to give some extra for the foodstands f.i. I know a few.

Many from the South having terrorist affiliations have their own funds to be used to further the separtist desire for a Muslm state. Helping create havoc and destabilize the government (see "Terroism 101") with or without solid collusion with Suthrep would be a grand opportunity..

But, Would it be surprizing to anyone if Suthrep stuck a deal to rid himself of the troubled unproductive south offering an autotmy to the issurectionists in a bid for support to his coup while he still maintains the riches of the areas north. Not really far fetched given his behavior thus far.

He obviously has no scruples, limits (including murder and kidnapping) or care and respect for anything that does not serve him personally and has a coniving childish mind of a comic book super villian. It could be a very real scenario given hi "out of the box" attepts to gain power.

I think you need to find out who is financing this latest dumb stunt. Google is your friend.

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"That first sentence doesn't sound anything like the PTP government! as for the rest of your diatribe, I have to ask which Party and which person you mean, And which fascists?"

For some reason I couldn't quote the other comments especially from Sailingbum1. Therefor only this:...

The choice Thai people now have is simple: chose between bad (Suthep and the dems) and superduperbad (shinaclan).

If elect the darling of Isan again the catastrophy will be huge: continuing rice scheme (billions of usd loss per year) and the two trillion infrastructure plan (two trillion for starts, more later).

Two trillion means Thailand will be in huge debt for some 30 years. Not only pay back that huge amount but pay huge interest too. Then main investment will be the highspeed train to China. That money will never ever be earned back by that train line itself.

In short:

- elect superduperbad, the reds and the country will go broke. Many billions will disappear as usual into the pockets of the bad guy in Dubai and his lot.

- elect bad, the dems and the huge debt will not be made. They will instantly stop the rice scheme and not borrow trillions for a train nobody needs or even wants. And the dems can be kicked out later when there's a better alternative.

I hope the elections will be held later. There should be international monitoring against people checking in the ballot box. The dems MUST go up north and tell the people why they want the bad Dubai guy out. That will mean hard hard work. And much less complaining.

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Weird. Now my text is listed under the name ggold. The last part of previous post I mean. Here again, but under my name:

The choice Thai people now have is simple: chose between bad (Suthep and the dems) and superduperbad (shinaclan).

If elect the darling of Isan again the catastrophy will be huge: continuing rice scheme (billions of usd loss per year) and the two trillion infrastructure plan (two trillion for starts, more later).

Two trillion means Thailand will be in huge debt for some 30 years. Not only pay back that huge amount but pay huge interest too. Then main investment will be the highspeed train to China. That money will never ever be earned back by that train line itself.

In short:

- elect superduperbad, the reds and the country will go broke. Many billions will disappear as usual into the pockets of the bad guy in Dubai and his lot.

- elect bad, the dems and the huge debt will not be made. They will instantly stop the rice scheme and not borrow trillions for a train nobody needs or even wants. And the dems can be kicked out later when there's a better alternative.

I hope the elections will be held later. There should be international monitoring against people checking in the ballot box. The dems MUST go up north and tell the people why they want the bad Dubai guy out. That will mean hard hard work. And much less complaining.

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First a popular US President got assassinated. 2nd, the forces that took over the White House started a giant war that cost billions spent with the military industrial complex. Third the folks that realized this protested in the streets till the usurper promised not to run again. Fourth a new President got elected and stopped the war.

Election is the key. The above story is worse than anything that happened in Thailand. My gosh, a President assassinated and 50,000 Americans died and still they had an election. Thailand is complaining about a few billion dollars in a rice scheme stolen.

and then Watergate! My gosh, a President assassinated and 50,000 Americans died and still they had an election.

what should they have done declared marshal law? world war one started over the assassination of a king. why is it what ever happens in America is more important than what happens anywhere else. The USA is not the world.

Thais have as much right to complain about the rice scam if they choose to do so, isn't that their democratic right? Especially as this is Thailand and this is not happening in the USA!

I agree Thailand has the right to complain about anything. It is not right that they pretend to have a democracy and change governments by coup. Democratic governments change by election.

If Thailand wants to change governments by coup it's OK with me. It might even be a good idea but it is not a democracy.

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