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Man accused of sexually assaulting unconscious woman who later killed herself


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Murder, Suicide? I am sure we will never know the truth. A friend of mine supposedly suicided by bashing himself then drowning himself in 18 inches of water. Check out many articles on Kevin Attew and also in T.V.

"...dead with her face submerged under water."

This is odd. What water? How much water?

Difficult to drown in a small amount of water unless you are unconscious

. Can't really stick your head in a puddle and commit suicide.Very difficult to do.

Enough to drown in, and who mentioned a puddle apart from you?

Edited by aussiebrian
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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

You must be on yaba! Where do you get this information?? US bystanders would immediately offer assistance in this case. Federal US laws protect any citizen who renders aid to people. Even if their aid results in more harm to the victim, their INTENT was to help, and therefore is safe from any prosecution or being sued.

US maybe the sue capital, but it is also the most helpful capital for people in need.

'People in need' like, for its own citizens? In health care, natural disasters, and big bank pirate protection? Or you must mean social security, gun rights, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those are aplenty.

But yes, thank god for the Good Samaritan laws in the US and elsewhere. However, nobody could have foreseen the criminal nature of that rescue worker.

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When he, his wife and another witness went back to check on her, they found she was already dead with her face submerged under water.

unconscious woman who later killed herself

Something about the above 2 quotes smells

Yes this doesn't seem right. Is it a part of Thai culture to kill yourself after rape? I don't understand this. Something seems amiss. Are Thai women stigmatized to such a extent that suicide is a viable option at saving face? Would her boyfriend dump her over this? Would people think it is somehow her fault? Weird. So many questions. Why did she lose consciousness?

That would be yes 3 times.

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Badly written report.

1) no explanation as to why she spent a whole night in Foodland. Was this because she was deranged and wondering around? Was it because she was sick and given a chair in the office? Was she a protestor looking for some warmth as the last few nights have been cold? Was she herself on drugs and unable to sleep? No mention of if she bought anything (it seems not).

2) How did Foodland staff know her boyfriends phone number? Why not just call an ambulance on the 199 service.

3) how does the writer know that she was unconscience when she was allegedly raped or is this sensationalism at her expense?

4) most people know that the foundations take things for payment as their salaries we next to nothing. Her boyfriend and Foodland should've known better especially ifnshebwas a young attractive lady. I've never known the foundation vehicles to show up with just one man.

5) I find it strange that she should want to kill herself afte already making an effort to alert a passing bike and should've felt safe. Or perhaps she got itchy feet for the same reason that she was walking around a store all night.

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One word- Caning.

Sex crimes usually gets you 24 strokes. Doesn't really look like a bottom anymore after 24. Anyone who has watched those Malay prison videos would be thinking twice about cowardly opportunistic raping.

Some kind of deterrent to this type of crime would be nice. Really, what's stopping the next guy?

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Poor girl, to commit suicide, she must have been trought hell, i hope she will found peace.

I will just add ont thing: most of the daily crimes that happen in Thailand are not translated/published in the english newspapers.

We can not have a clear picture of whats really going on in this country, but i get the feeling when i talk with thai friends, that the situation is quite


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Unfortunately with the state of reporting around the world, things dont always makes sense.

I have never seen any Thai reporter investigate anything and rather go on hearsay for the facts.. (That person told that person who say that person do this or that)

A thai woman forcing herself on your bike after screaming rape, then jumping off, doesnt take too many braincells to work out that she needs help. So why didnt that couple attend to her?

Something is not right and the reporter should have looked into it before handing this shit reporting to his/her editor to be printed.

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Lower than a worms belly, Thai men seem to have just no self-discipline do their mothers teach them anything as how to treat and respect a lady the weaker sex, or the vulnerable sex as some male Thais seem to think easy prey, I hope he does the decent thing now and takes his own life, or someone else does it for him, R.I.P to the poor lady and condolences to her family and friends.

Edited by metisdead
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Does he think its ok because he stopped trying? Or maybe he said it because under Thai law its ok? 'Attempted' is not so serious? Its hard to tell exactly which are the crazy parts sometimes.

And there is something missing from the story:

""She called for help. She said she was raped," he said.

He stopped and the woman immediately jumped on his motorbike between him and his wife.

"But after a short ride, she asked me to stop," he said.

When he, his wife and another witness went back to check on her, they found she was already dead with her face submerged under water."

Not saying he did anything wrong, but he just left her in some random place? Didn't try to convince her to go to a hospital or the police? She was probably very emotional, maybe he could have stayed with her a while and help her calm down. What was she doing when they left? There is another witness, but the article doesn't mention what he/she saw. Probably just a matter of insufficient reporting here.

There is something missing because I don't think someone can kill themselves by sticking their head under water. The article makes it sound like she was found on the side of the khlong with her head under water, not floating in the khlong face down. Was the rescue driver still there? Did he bring her there to rape her? Was he still in the bushes from which she escaped? Something is missing... Very sad.

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There are a lot of very sick people out there. Humans in the lowest form.

Death penalty please. Bang Kwang prison.

Statistics show that in those countries where the death penalty exists and is executed the number of capital crimes goes up. In spite of that some US states have in recent years decided to execute the death penalty again. The main reason is that the victims (families and friends) have the right of revenge. Last time I read about it, statistics in those states showed the same results.

There's no doubt that most people whose child or another very close one is murdered would very much like to torture the murderer to death. But it's the duty of the collective (society) to prevent that and uphold the laws.

Edited by EricBerg
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There are a lot of very sick people out there. Humans in the lowest form.

Death penalty please. Bang Kwang prison.

Impossible to give death penalty for this scumbag, just asked my lawyer mate. He told this bastard won't get more than 2 yrs for raping (off course he did) and the ring stealing. He gets 2 yrs and after 16 months will be unchained sadly. Guess his next work will be a condo guard and can rape more ladies if he has this mood.

My all hope only in soldier boyfriend ...

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I don't understand something at all. I have never seen foundation pick up with out staff I mean only with driver. They are not taxi, so how this could be happened ??? For example if the patient dies on the way to the hospital the driver drives and gives CPR same time ? Something is wrong in this case.

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When he, his wife and another witness went back to check on her, they found she was already dead with her face submerged under water.

unconscious woman who later killed herself

Something about the above 2 quotes smells

I agree, it sounds fishy to me too.

Can a person hold their own face under water until they die?

I assume it's like holding your breath, you can't do it until death.


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I would think that they would trust the rescue worker. I am concerned about the drowning/suicide! Is there any chance the accused was following them and when she got off for whatever reason he finished her off so he could claim only attempted rape.

Police will sort it with their amazing ability to get a confession.

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A sick puppy, for sure.

It would be great to think the country would now wake-up to the atrocities of these dirty-thieving-b*stard 'rescue' volunteers. But hey, nothing will change. Seems worrying about the copyright of whistles is far more important!

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