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Retirement Visa

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Do I need to get latter from embassy every year, on my retirement visa?


Generally not. Sometimes the rules change ( dependent on the officer and your location ) The letter only notionally evidences your address, and the Embassy issues a letter based on what you tell them. Silly really :o

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Which letter are you refering to?

Do you mean the stupid one where you tell the embassy that you want to retire?

If so it should be first time only.

Thereafter it is in your file.

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Hi Matt,

In my experience I would say yes.

Here is a copy of what I wrote in another thread

which covers more than what you are asking

- please excuse my not editing it:


First some Facts about the Embassy Letter.

The American Embassy call it an Affidavit.

The British Embassy Issue a simple letter.

In May 2003 it cost Bht 1,400

It says:

"This is to certify that Mr ....holder of British

Passport No. ... issued in ... on ...is Recognised

as a British Citizen.

Mr ..... has indicated that he Resides at

[FULL ADDRESS] and there is no information in our

Consular records to the detriment of the applicant.

Mr ... has provided evidence showing that he receives

an Annual Pension of £ ...

The Embassy would be grateful for any assistance

you can provide to Mr ... in his application for an

extension to stay in the Kingdom."

So apart from confirming Pension Income, the letter

does confirm that the Embassy is aware of your being

in the Kingdom and that you have no detrimental Record

with them - also it gives the address that the Embassy

has in their files.

Whether this letter is required if you are just relying

on Bank Deposits and not income - I cannot say.

Normally if you apply to the British Embassy in person

you will be asked to pay the fee and collect it the following day.

You can send someone with the receipt to collect it.

I usually Fax my request to them in Advance

- including evidence of my Pension saying I

will produce the Original and pay the Fee,

when I come to collect the Letter - I usually phone

first to ensure it is ready for collection.

I hope this helps someone in their decision making.

Thoughts - as I said previously - the first few

extensions - I was given an initial one month -

and a subsequent 11 months (8 months the first time

- to make one year after First arrival)

What checks are made - address maybe? - local police

station? neighbours? - during this time - I have no idea

- if people with contacts can find out, I would be interested.

I had a different address each time including the last time

when I was given a 12 month extension straight away.

Whether a letter from the Embassy - which

I produced every year might have some bearing for some

applicants on the checking (if any) - or the initial one or two

month extensions is open to conjecture.


Hope this helps


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