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Tanzanian con-artist suspect arrested by Pattaya Police

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I was expecting the "black money" scam but the spray to the face scam came totally out of left field. Not very original but points for effectiveness.

Yes, the use of "artist" in the description con-artist, suggests a little skill or finesse.

In this case there was very little art, but then it appears not much was needed.

But then as Bernie Madoff (and the CEOs of most major corporations) know, there's an abundant supply of supposedly intelligent, successful people who are easily blinded by greed.

Hi Suradit, I totally agree with your humourous point - but then organisations like the EU totally rely on high sounding plausible phrases to a LOT of gullible people.

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Police arrived and arrested Mr. Gailly Sunday Mwakibinga

​I'd assume he only did that, because they gave him such a weird name. Blame his parents.By the way, how do you pronounce Mwakibinga?-w00t.gif


WOW, some people are so stupid trusting. Who the f*** gives a man they just met 300k in his hotel room too?

I know some blokes who give 3k- 5k baht to a girl in there bedroom whom they had just met. she did not give it to him , he took it


this story does not add up, she takes 300k to a motel room instead of meeting him in a mall with cctv or even a bank ? he hangs around pattaya with the loot ?

NO !! there is more to this . xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.webp xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.webp


Of course there were other opportunities to exchange money, but I guess she wasn't prepared for his generous offer and greed took the best of her.

Same like the 'black money' scam... greed.


For most scams to work, the victim needs to be a bit greedy, and in this case, more than a little bit greedy and stupid. I hate to blame victims, but some of these people are really asking for it.


She's obviously as much to blame as the con-artist - of which Pattaya has plenty of local talent. Apart from the stupidity of being so eager to part with B300,000, including using her car as collateral, one would think she would know the THB has declined against the USD and isn't likely to go back up by much any time soon.

I'm guessing the reason she was willing to even consider the deal was she was offered such an attractive rate that she knew she could take the money straight to an exchange booth and make a 10 or 20% profit, being 30-60k Baht.

That was the "con" part of the whole deal. He convinced her that he was willing to sell USD at a ridiculously cheap rate and she could immediately make a profit.


Every time I read articles like this I feel so smart , I'm sure my IQ is superior to all these people-


She's obviously as much to blame as the con-artist - of which Pattaya has plenty of local talent. Apart from the stupidity of being so eager to part with B300,000, including using her car as collateral, one would think she would know the THB has declined against the USD and isn't likely to go back up by much any time soon.

I'm guessing the reason she was willing to even consider the deal was she was offered such an attractive rate that she knew she could take the money straight to an exchange booth and make a 10 or 20% profit, being 30-60k Baht.

That was the "con" part of the whole deal. He convinced her that he was willing to sell USD at a ridiculously cheap rate and she could immediately make a profit.

Maybe a commentary on the generally held views of darker skinned races by most Thai people...sum num na!


wow an african con...thats new hahahahah....they usally say they are upandcoming ''footballers''...i have so much to say about that....but.....i would be all ''racisist and @#it....

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