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Dozens injured in grenade attack in central Bangkok


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Why drop it there?? where there's not many people, why not do it where there's more of a crowd, maximising the damage??

(changing hats from the logical to cynical)

Collateral damage is widely accepted during warfare is it not??

(Changing hats back)

Have they located the driver yet and interviewed him?

Back to the same logic, though, why not throw the grenade, if it was from a window, when the crowd was at it's deepest?

If it was indeed a bomb thrown out of the driver's window, it seems like it was wrapped in a white towel, from what I can tell from the video frames. Maybe the driver had the idea that wrapping the explosives in a white towel would prevent shrapnel from hitting protesters and only causing a scare. He probably didn't think that the shrapnel would go through the towel and hit the protesters, causing the 30+ injured and 1 dead.

I saw someone posting on the PDRC Facebook page asking about this video but it was deleted by the PDRC moderators. I wonder why.

Looks like this video might be the end of Suthep, if it turns out he yet again opened fire on his own people.

As the real evidence unfolds, your useless babbling falls to bits.

The red cap belongs to a Chulalongkorn guard who was using the room

Forensic police have said the grenade was not thrown from the pickup

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Why drop it there?? where there's not many people, why not do it where there's more of a crowd, maximising the damage??

(changing hats from the logical to cynical)

Collateral damage is widely accepted during warfare is it not??

(Changing hats back)

Have they located the driver yet and interviewed him?

Back to the same logic, though, why not throw the grenade, if it was from a window, when the crowd was at it's deepest?

Exactly my point.

Suthep had to be the target so why miss him by so much. Think it's been done to death on here and there cannot be many who have not made up their minds by now as to who did what.

Another scenario that I found interesting and plausible is that somebody in the pick up was playing with a grenade (we know they are well armed) and accidently pulled the pin. Thais do that a lot and a woman was shot through the head by her police boyfriend in phuket last month in this way.

It did seem to go off very quickly after coming out of the truck so was on a short fuse, or indeed an accident. Strange times we live in but we do have to try and keep an open mind....

Apart from the forensic police saying the grenade was not launched from the pickup

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe the forensic police haven't watched the video? And how could they have reached a conclusion in such a short amount of time? I am sure that most of the evidence at the scene has been contaminated and the videos that exist offer the best evidence to analyze. As for the theories about why not do it where it would have injured more people, I tend to discount them. If Suthep's own agents were responsible, the incident was designed to provide shock, anger, and more agitation against the current government. In my mind and humble opinion, this scenario is completely possible. By the way, could you please provide your source for the findings of the forensic police? Is this the same police that are so readily denigrated?

Edited by pookiki
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The Bangkok Post reports The Police are searching for 2 men. One, wearing a white cap is said to drop and object and flee to hide behind a pole. 5 seconds later the explosion. The driver, an aide to former democrat MP, rushes from the truck to the same pole. After the explosion both men come out and retrieve an object from the ground and immediately leave the scene without rendering any assistance to the wounded.

Edited by Prbkk
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Not a towel

I'm sure it's the perp's white shirt sleeve that flashes out as he throws the grenade and immediately after he runs away from the back and the small driver jumps out.

That is the same conclusion that I reached. But the guy with white shirt sleeve is in the back of the truck, right? Have any of the mainstream media, Thai or English, wrote anything about this?

You're all going to have to see something different now. The other paper is saying the grenade was dropped by one of the protesters. You're going to have to contact them and tell them that they're wrong, and it's clear that it was thrown from the truck.

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Maybe the forensic police haven't watched the video? And how could they have reached a conclusion in such a short amount of time? I am sure that most of the evidence at the scene has been contaminated and the videos that exist offer the best evidence to analyze. As for the theories about why not do it where it would have injured more people, I tend to discount them. If Suthep's own agents were responsible, the incident was designed to provide shock, anger, and more agitation against the current government. In my mind and humble opinion, this scenario is completely possible. By the way, could you please provide your source for the findings of the forensic police? Is this the same police that are so readily denigrated?

You come up with a conclusion with less information in less time than the police, but you're asking how THEY can reach a conclusion in that time? blink.png

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Maybe the forensic police haven't watched the video? And how could they have reached a conclusion in such a short amount of time? I am sure that most of the evidence at the scene has been contaminated and the videos that exist offer the best evidence to analyze. As for the theories about why not do it where it would have injured more people, I tend to discount them. If Suthep's own agents were responsible, the incident was designed to provide shock, anger, and more agitation against the current government. In my mind and humble opinion, this scenario is completely possible. By the way, could you please provide your source for the findings of the forensic police? Is this the same police that are so readily denigrated?

You come up with a conclusion with less information in less time than the police, but you're asking how THEY can reach a conclusion in that time? blink.png

I came up with a conclusion based on the video as have others. Seems like the police have reached some similar conclusions based on the review of the video. But I am sure there will be an outright condemnation by the PDRC of the police as incompetent and biased -- right?

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Maybe the forensic police haven't watched the video? And how could they have reached a conclusion in such a short amount of time? I am sure that most of the evidence at the scene has been contaminated and the videos that exist offer the best evidence to analyze. As for the theories about why not do it where it would have injured more people, I tend to discount them. If Suthep's own agents were responsible, the incident was designed to provide shock, anger, and more agitation against the current government. In my mind and humble opinion, this scenario is completely possible. By the way, could you please provide your source for the findings of the forensic police? Is this the same police that are so readily denigrated?

You come up with a conclusion with less information in less time than the police, but you're asking how THEY can reach a conclusion in that time? blink.png

I came up with a conclusion based on the video as have others. Seems like the police have reached some similar conclusions based on the review of the video. But I am sure there will be an outright condemnation by the PDRC of the police as incompetent and biased -- right?

Actually, the police have come up with a completely different conclusion. They are saying that the grenade was dropped by a protester, not thrown from the car.

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I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Why would he run like hell after the explosion if he was the one that threw it? Particularly, why would he run through the area where the explosion occurred?

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The video clearly shows the car stopping (why would it stop while everyone else is moving?) and then at 0:13 the driver throws something out of the window and it explodes right afterwards. Play it a few times from 0:13 to 0:15 and you'll see it very clearly.

The video and these 3 seconds are going viral among Thais on Facebook. Won't be long until every Thai knows who really bombed the protesters.

I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Having watched it over and over on freeze frame by frame im very sad to see it really does look like a towel either bounces off the car window or comes out of the window and then explodes just before it hits the ground...

"sigh" this leaves not very much room for conclusions. Either

1 the car stopped and the explosive was quickly wrapped in a towel and lobbed out the window, be it a prank or a stupid thai paying with a grenade that got pulled they panic and throw it out then runs off.


2 someone throws it and it bounces off the car same effect, why exactly the guy jumps out and runs off tho isnt explainable.

It could have either been a stupid mistake that went horribly wrong playing with fire or it was intended. Either way it was done by someone in amongst the protesters, if it was the guy in the car you would have to conclude he was known as a protester and not an infiltrator.

ATM Things look pretty conclusive this was self inflicted and it has indeed gone viral. there should be quite a lot some can do to clean up the vid and get a better idea with the right equipment.. If it does turn out to be as it seems atm then this could well be the end of the protests and Suthep after yesterdays shouting and claims is was the other side.

all very tragic and im not happy at all that something like this has happened even if it means it ruins the protests, the price is far too high sad.png

Have a look at this video.

The grenade gets thrown at about the one minute mark, and you can see a light trail of smoke from the grenade.

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The PDRC do all they can to discredit the police as it is, they see and hear and read what they want to read, there's no reasoning or rationale or applied logic whilst their passions and tempers and frustrations are high..I do think it's a fair assesment that the grenade wasn't lobbed or dropped from a building wink.png

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There is more stupidity in thinking that you can analyze an incident such as this is less than 48 hours based solely on Thai media reports and one 40 sec video than what is currently occurring in some parts of thai society. Everyone wants to speculate and add their insightful opinion. Usually a good starting point is that you don't know and most liking we will never know.

Two people want to assert that either person A with a white cap hiding behind a pole or person B in a vehicle are responsible for dropping a grenade in their immediate vicinity which would thus expose them to serious injury. Only suicide bombers tend to want to expose themselves to being maimed.

Many show their obvious bias in stating that it was obviously the 'Reds' or the PDRC - which is both naive and simplistic - as it fits a simplified narrative that is easy for many to understand when the circumstances are much more complex. There are literally hundreds of diverse groups in Thailand that could have a motivation for undertaking such an incident.

More relevant, there are 10s of thousands of individuals who are armed with various weapons who could easily perpetrate such an incident without any connection what so ever with any political group and for reasons which can have nothing to do with the current political cycle.

Thankfully, professional law enforcement and forensic investigators take weeks, months and even years to painstakingly investigate such cases. There are patently reasonable general grounds, and specific reasons in a politicized case as this, to question the professionalism and objectivity of most criminal investigations in Thailand. However, it can be the case that adequate investigations are conducted in some of these types of cases. As we have seen with some of the 2010 cases which have gone before the courts.

However, at least the investigators don't have to waste time going through either the charade or the reality of a substantial investigation safe in the knowledge that a few TV members have already solved the investigation and can clearly attribute responsibility!

By then most posters will have moved onto the next incident offering their insightful views and solving the case!

May all injured in this incident have a speedy recovery.

Two people want to assert that either person A with a white cap hiding behind a pole or person B in a vehicle are responsible for dropping a grenade in their immediate vicinity which would thus expose them to serious injury. Only suicide bombers tend to want to expose themselves to being maimed.

Some police shill is also advancing that theory too. How can they be taken seriously I don´t know, either very low intelligence or extreme, blinding prejudice.

How can anyone in their right mind come up with the idea that someone would carry out an attack by droping a grenade at their feet and then seek cover behind a light pole 4 meters away? It boggles the mind.

They even use that video were it clearly shows something bouncing of the pick-up truck window and down into the street a couple meters away as "proof" to their delusions. Mental cases, the lot of them... or worse.

To that add the conspiracy theory that the "arms" cache was planted. If they would have planted weapons, wouldn't they have planted REAL weapons, instead of pieces of BB guns?

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I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Why would he run like hell after the explosion if he was the one that threw it? Particularly, why would he run through the area where the explosion occurred?

I would politely suggest that you refrain from speculating on details.Your political opinions alone - as opposed to dispassionate scrutiny of facts - seem to determine your refusal to contemplate the possibility this was a "false flag" incident (despite the circumstantial video evidence).

Before making a complete fool of yourself I suggest we let the authorities do their job.

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I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Why would he run like hell after the explosion if he was the one that threw it? Particularly, why would he run through the area where the explosion occurred?

I would politely suggest that you refrain from speculating on details.Your political opinions alone - as opposed to dispassionate scrutiny of facts - seem to determine your refusal to contemplate the possibility this was a "false flag" incident (despite the circumstantial video evidence).

Before making a complete fool of yourself I suggest we let the authorities do their job.

Excuse me, why don't you direct this to the ones making the most egregious accusations here? You know, the ones stating as a fact that a yellow shirt is seen on the video throwing a grenade right next to the vehicle they are driving, for example.

By the way, the "authorities" i.e the chief of police, are advancing the same deranged scenario of someone within the protesters dropping a grenade at their feet.

Edited by AleG
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I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Why would he run like hell after the explosion if he was the one that threw it? Particularly, why would he run through the area where the explosion occurred?

I would politely suggest that you refrain from speculating on details.Your political opinions alone - as opposed to dispassionate scrutiny of facts - seem to determine your refusal to contemplate the possibility this was a "false flag" incident (despite the circumstantial video evidence).

Before making a complete fool of yourself I suggest we let the authorities do their job.

Excuse me, why don't you direct this to the ones making the most egregious accusations here? You know, the ones stating as a fact that a yellow shirt is seen on the video throwing a grenade right next to the vehicle they are driving, for example.

It's a matter of general principle.It's pointless speculating on details until a thorough investigation is complete.In particular it's unhelpful for those with a political axe to grind providing harebrained theories that magically dovetail with their own prejudices.The example I provided was a notorious offender and you have mentioned other examples.The principle's the same.Let's see what the evidence shows and this might take a little time

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I agree. After watching it a few times, it seems pretty clear the grenade was thrown from the car. The guy then opens the door and runs like hell. So it should be pretty dam_n easy to figure who was in the car as it was in the procession....

Why would he run like hell after the explosion if he was the one that threw it? Particularly, why would he run through the area where the explosion occurred?

I would politely suggest that you refrain from speculating on details.Your political opinions alone - as opposed to dispassionate scrutiny of facts - seem to determine your refusal to contemplate the possibility this was a "false flag" incident (despite the circumstantial video evidence).

Before making a complete fool of yourself I suggest we let the authorities do their job.

What are you going on about? I am commenting on what I see from the videos.

Political opinions are irrelevant to my questions. I don't know who threw the grenade. It could have been either side.

What I don't believe is that it was thrown from the truck or dropped by a protester.

Particularly in response to EyesWideOpen, I don't see why someone would throw the grenade from the truck, wait until after the explosion, and then run for cover through the area of the explosion.

I also don't believe a protester would drop the grenade and then run behind a post to hide from it. That's just ridiculous.

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Excuse me, why don't you direct this to the ones making the most egregious accusations here? You know, the ones stating as a fact that a yellow shirt is seen on the video throwing a grenade right next to the vehicle they are driving, for example.

It's a matter of general principle.It's pointless speculating on details until a thorough investigation is complete.In particular it's unhelpful for those with a political axe to grind providing harebrained theories that magically dovetail with their own prejudices.The example I provided was a notorious offender and you have mentioned other examples.The principle's the same.Let's see what the evidence shows and this might take a little time

I am commenting on what I have seen on the video. You're the one bringing politics into it.

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Excuse me, why don't you direct this to the ones making the most egregious accusations here? You know, the ones stating as a fact that a yellow shirt is seen on the video throwing a grenade right next to the vehicle they are driving, for example.

It's a matter of general principle.It's pointless speculating on details until a thorough investigation is complete.In particular it's unhelpful for those with a political axe to grind providing harebrained theories that magically dovetail with their own prejudices.The example I provided was a notorious offender and you have mentioned other examples.The principle's the same.Let's see what the evidence shows and this might take a little time

I am commenting on what I have seen on the video. You're the one bringing politics into it.

When you "see" and report on something which doesn't accord with your narrow political prejudice, I might revise my position.But until then my comments stand.

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What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

Have a nice day!!

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Maybe the forensic police haven't watched the video? And how could they have reached a conclusion in such a short amount of time? I am sure that most of the evidence at the scene has been contaminated and the videos that exist offer the best evidence to analyze. As for the theories about why not do it where it would have injured more people, I tend to discount them. If Suthep's own agents were responsible, the incident was designed to provide shock, anger, and more agitation against the current government. In my mind and humble opinion, this scenario is completely possible. By the way, could you please provide your source for the findings of the forensic police? Is this the same police that are so readily denigrated?

You come up with a conclusion with less information in less time than the police, but you're asking how THEY can reach a conclusion in that time? blink.png

I came up with a conclusion based on the video as have others. Seems like the police have reached some similar conclusions based on the review of the video. But I am sure there will be an outright condemnation by the PDRC of the police as incompetent and biased -- right?

Actually, the police have come up with a completely different conclusion. They are saying that the grenade was dropped by a protester, not thrown from the car.

First of all, I said 'similar' not the 'same'. If you have followed my observations on this thread after looking at the video, the first thing I noted was the strange behavior of the person in the truck and the person in the back of the truck. The police noted the same behavior and an attempt to recover parts from the grenade. It would seem that the police have a longer video to review than what we have been able to look at. I still don't know the source of the video on this thread other than knowing Bluesky was covering the event and another was taken by a private citizen. If the police are relying are relying on a different video than we have had the chance to review, I hope it is made public as soon as possible.

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? the turn out for the protests has diminished greatly- to the point where you've got maybe 100 people at Asoke, while other 'shut down' intersections were no more.

Perhaps you mean 100,000 at Asoke, maybe more.... open your eyes and stop living up to your pseudonym

When I went to Asoke there was less than 1000.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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? the turn out for the protests has diminished greatly- to the point where you've got maybe 100 people at Asoke, while other 'shut down' intersections were no more.

Perhaps you mean 100,000 at Asoke, maybe more.... open your eyes and stop living up to your pseudonym

When I went to Asoke there was less than 1000.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When did you go to Asoke? There weren't 100,000 there at any time, but in the evenings there is clearly more than a 1000.

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What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

Have a nice day!!

People certainly do see the same thing differently, Long ago in England, a Judge swore he saw a Lawyer whom he knew, and would stake his name on it, only to discover the Man was nowhere near the Judge and had the witnesses to prove it. The English Law was then changed to allow for doubt by an Eye Witness.

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What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

Have a nice day!!

Nothing wrong with it at all.My point was more that when speculation only aligns itself with a particular political position, nobody should object when this is pointed out.

As to harm done, none at all.This is a forum (political discussion anyway) for expatriates with too much time on their hands..full of sound and fury but signifying not very much.We are all guilty of taking ourselves too seriously sometimes.

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? the turn out for the protests has diminished greatly- to the point where you've got maybe 100 people at Asoke, while other 'shut down' intersections were no more.

Perhaps you mean 100,000 at Asoke, maybe more.... open your eyes and stop living up to your pseudonym

When I went to Asoke there was less than 1000.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When did you go to Asoke? There weren't 100,000 there at any time, but in the evenings there is clearly more than a 1000.

In the afternoon. I also live s couple of hundred meters away from the intersection at MBK. I see that one ten times a day. Even if there is a lot more people than Asoke, they don't have more than a couple of thousends. And 50% of those sit inside MBK or do some shopping

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

Have a nice day!!

What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone?

Thammasat Massacre, unkonown number murdered because of the speculation of who was supposed to be represented in a photograph.

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What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

Have a nice day!!

What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone?

Thammasat Massacre, unkonown number murdered because of the speculation of who was supposed to be represented in a photograph.

I don't think that anyone on TVF is capable of taking any action against anyone because of our speculation. As such, I fail to see that people trying to make their own objective conclusions about a very serious situation is harmful. In my opinion, the more people that attempt to objectively analyze a situation provides more clarity than confusion. People all over the world are held accountable for their actions through the use of videos. Videos are politically neutral and are more reliable than eyewitness accounts. As long as people are polite and courteous in making their own observations it should not be condemned - it should be encouraged.

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