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Death By Davinci


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I've always thought that one of the best religious films was 'Name of the Rose'. That was the movie where we got to see Christian Slater's arse... :o

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Great book??? It's sometimes hard to detect irony and sarcasm on the net!

I found the book, painfully badly written, giving a whole new meaning to the term trashy novel. (and I unashamedly like some trashy novels).

The film, im sad to report was even worse. Tom Hanks should be ashamed of himself. If you can stay awake for the tiresome 2.5 hours, then you should give your self a pat on the back.

Im annoyed with myself for going to see it frankly.

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So, was there a gay character in the movie? Was anybody even camp?

Let's relax and enjoy a fun thread for once. Pass the tacos and nachos, please (they do serve those, don't they?). I saw that lousy Thai movie about Leonard theCrapyo in Thailand, "The Beach," when I lived at Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. They served popcorn, :o and I went Phi-Phi at the toilet, anyway. :D

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Heard from my foreign friends who've seen it that it was barely comprehensible even if you'd read the book; and if you hadn't you would be completely lost. And they're pretty well educated- and gay... (trying to find SOMEthing gay to talk about in this thread... :o )

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Yes, DaVinci was gay. He was basically run out of his hometown for sexual misconduct (the penalty at the time was death). He spent his last years with a rather worthless, but quite handsome boy who took most of his money and gave him a lot of grief--a story that many a queen in Thailand can probably relate to!

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