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Do you support your wife in the protests?


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The wife is an ardent supporter of the anti-gov protesters. Her time home from the office is spent on Bluesky and Facebook with one or two times a week attending the protests. This is to be expected as she hails from the south however, I do feel some what neglected as our routine has been disrupted. I know it is important to her and what she believes in as a fight for her country. She used to ask me to go with her in the beginning, a couple of months ago that is, but I told her it wasn't my fight. We talked about reasons I shouldn't participate and now in light of the potential violence, she is glad I stay at home while she goes out to fight for what she believes in. I am proud she is doing something for what she believes in. We may or may not agree on the correct course of action to move Thailand forward when we are having discussions, but then that is one of the things I really love about her, the ability to agree to disagree on various topics. That is one way we keep our relationship healthy, by supporting each other in our various struggles, and not trying to control the each other.

Pretty similar to our relationship. Usually no problems.

Maybe just yesterday she was stressed out. Today she came home, changed into "Shutdown Bangkok" uniform, gave me a big kiss and said "I'll be back latest 8.30"

I support her morally but I wouldn't go with her to the protests.

As for "paying her way out " if I get arrested .... of course, that's corruption and she knows it.

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The wife is an ardent supporter of the anti-gov protesters. Her time home from the office is spent on Bluesky and Facebook with one or two times a week attending the protests. This is to be expected as she hails from the south however, I do feel some what neglected as our routine has been disrupted. I know it is important to her and what she believes in as a fight for her country. She used to ask me to go with her in the beginning, a couple of months ago that is, but I told her it wasn't my fight. We talked about reasons I shouldn't participate and now in light of the potential violence, she is glad I stay at home while she goes out to fight for what she believes in. I am proud she is doing something for what she believes in. We may or may not agree on the correct course of action to move Thailand forward when we are having discussions, but then that is one of the things I really love about her, the ability to agree to disagree on various topics. That is one way we keep our relationship healthy, by supporting each other in our various struggles, and not trying to control the each other.

Pretty similar to our relationship. Usually no problems.

Maybe just yesterday she was stressed out. Today she came home, changed into "Shutdown Bangkok" uniform, gave me a big kiss and said "I'll be back latest 8.30"

I support her morally but I wouldn't go with her to the protests.

As for "paying her way out " if I get arrested .... of course, that's corruption and she knows it.

Go meet her at the protest without prior notice.

Just to check.

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My wife could not care less ,she knows they are all just a bunch of crooks , she knows my feelings ,its none of my buisness ,just the same with foreigners and immegrants to Britain ,why should we kow-tow to them, and the Thais would not want me sticking my nose in into their affairs.,

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If she knows you could get deported and she still wants you to risk it,,, then... oh dear oh dear.

She believes that if anything happens she can pay her way out. She earns far more than I do.

you painting the picture of a lunatic. it seems she dont value you at all.

I anm sure she values me. Lunatic.... well maybe at the moment. Hopefully, It will die down.

There's a lot of advice here but is anyone in a similar situation?

I have seen photos of farang wearing "full uniform" at the demos.

And there in is the problem.. you're a pet to her.. her pet farang (dog)!

But when the pet stops barking where she wants it to bark.. pets are easy to disown or abandon, even after 15 years.

And if you think it only applies to you, think again. So many stories here of thai wives/ girlfriends having sexual relations with someone else for sannook but come back home to the farang and say I love you like the farang dog who loves them unconditonally and is happy to see them again when they come home.

Rule #1 in thailand: Never get into a situation where you cannot get out of in 30 seconds if you spot the heat around the corner. (thank you Robert De Niro!)

P.S. the kiss and be back by 8:30 tonight is something you'd say to your dog too.. just saying..

Edited by JakeSully
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My advice: stay out of politics at all!

Thai LoSi, MidSo or Hi So most of them do lack critical thinking plus they cannot discuss (political) issues on an abstract level without emotional involvement; my experience after a couple of years watching.

Here is all or nothing, either with me or with the terrorists (either side same same) when it comes to such topics. So better have a chilled beer and a decent talk about politics with your European friends; in case the family discussion is heating up, just 'mai pen rai' her and handover your CC; she'll immediatley forgot the argument :-)

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Wifey dislikes PT intensely and hates what they are doing to the country. She also hates Suthep and what he is doing as she knows his history and doesn't trust him. She is a lifelong Democrat supporter and wishes they were standing in the forthcoming election if it takes place. She is very pessimistic things will change for the better anytime soon.

I agree with her thoughts entirely.

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No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.

There are some or rather more than a few Americans that don't know what Socialism really is... like this individual. No need to paint with the wide brush. wai.gif

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No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.

There are some or rather more than a few Americans that don't know what Socialism really is... like this individual. No need to paint with the wide brush. wai.gif

Please explain to this dumb Limey what, "too big to fail" means.

Gov't Motors for instance, living the socialist dream by spending money you dont have, never mind keep the printing presses running the Chinese will buy our IOUs.

Bank bailouts?

Ok lets get into pasat yankee, QE, but lets slag off the Chinese for manipualting their currency.

Must be great to live in the USSA.

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No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.

There are some or rather more than a few Americans that don't know what Socialism really is... like this individual. No need to paint with the wide brush. wai.gif

Please explain to this dumb Limey what, "too big to fail" means.

Gov't Motors for instance, living the socialist dream by spending money you dont have, never mind keep the printing presses running the Chinese will buy our IOUs.

Bank bailouts?

Ok lets get into pasat yankee, QE, but lets slag off the Chinese for manipualting their currency.

Must be great to live in the USSA.

Hmm the way you rationalize is amazing but I'll bite. You are actually part of that circus, let me explain why. You guys voted for Tony Blair, which means you all supported the invasion of Iraq, which means you are equally responsible for 1/3 of the mess created in the aftermath.

See how great it works when we all generalize? facepalm.gif

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Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.

There are some or rather more than a few Americans that don't know what Socialism really is... like this individual. No need to paint with the wide brush. wai.gif

Please explain to this dumb Limey what, "too big to fail" means.

Gov't Motors for instance, living the socialist dream by spending money you dont have, never mind keep the printing presses running the Chinese will buy our IOUs.

Bank bailouts?

Ok lets get into pasat yankee, QE, but lets slag off the Chinese for manipualting their currency.

Must be great to live in the USSA.

Hmm the way you rationalize is amazing but I'll bite. You are actually part of that circus, let me explain why. You guys voted for Tony Blair, which means you all supported the invasion of Iraq, which means you are equally responsible for 1/3 of the mess created in the aftermath.

See how great it works when we all generalize? facepalm.gif

Hardly anyone in the UK voted for Tony Blair, PM is selected by the MPs in the party, not the people.

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At post # 72,

Hmm the way you rationalize is amazing but I'll bite. You are actually part of that circus, let me explain why. You guys voted for Tony Blair, which means you all supported the invasion of Iraq, which means you are equally responsible for 1/3 of the mess created in the aftermath.

See how great it works when we all generalize?

Sorry for copying the whole post, the TV gremlins strike yet again.

Actually not part of it all, saw right through the "war criminal" and his cohorts.

Where did the intelligence info actually come from and who verified it?

No I didnt support the invasion of Iraq, never mind Uncle Sam was doing what the Saudis dont have the balls to do, never mind keep the oil flowing, chai mai?

Look at the place now, a Shi ite stronghold, brilliant stuff couldnt make it up.

Has Abdullah requested sanctuary along with his corrupt brother in arms Karzai?

No problemo, Duabi awaits, they can all get on the piss with Taksin.

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To get back on track, read the previous posts about Nazi uniforms being spotted at various universities.

Same same but different.

Rice farmers vs rubber barons, still the "luat pry" get shat on by their masters.

For all his faults, Taksin was astute enough to work out, there are more rice farmers than rubber barons.

Welcome to democracy Iranian style, the peoples committee will tell you what candidates you can vote for. because you are too uneducated to know what you want.

The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

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Tell her you'll go with her, if she accompanies you to one of the 'peace' protests like the one tonight in Benjasiri Park.

That's nice to see. Finally true peaceful resistance.

I would think this type of gathering would get Gandhi's approval!

More powerful in so many ways!

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You're wife has been sucked into fanaticism, so just as if she became addicted some substance of abuse, be patient and do what you can to help her overcome this hopefully temporary condition.

There really is no harm in going along with her if you want to give in, but do let her know you are NOT willing to sacrifice ANYTHING much less your health & safety to the cause, and as soon as things start to seem unsafe you will decamp for a calmer part of the city.

If she honestly wants you to risk your life for her cause, then I'd say it's time to reconsider your relationship.

You clearly don't understand the Thai thing. I tell my wife to listen to both side before jumping to conclusion.

I don't take side because it's too complicated to understand . Many of them are easily manipulated (brainwashed) . The Thai thing is that the cute beloved poodle is of a higher hierarchy than the farang husband on certain occasion . If your kid got messed up with drugs, do you leave them ? They are willing to die for the wrong cause and you tell her t that you are not ready to die with her ?

You need to catch a good timing and smooth talk her out of the protest . ( for the sake of the poodle or buffalo or something that she love dearly) .

Listening to the Thai protest everyday makes them very emotional.

I sort of tell a story of my past experience for emotional people to ponder .

.... My close friend , ms x told me that she hate her father . So I ask why? (Ms x is the daughter of Mia Noi) She claims that her father cheated her mother and she got to know that he is a married man later on.

Ms x comes from a poor family . Her father works as a small time contractor . One day her father came home and her mother asked him for money. He did not give and her parents was arguing and it escalated to a fight.

Her father smashed the cups , saucers , plates , tables ,etc etc. and ran away. He did not support them for a year. Her mother and her siblings suffered a lot as they are poor ( staying in a slump area) and most of the kitchenware was broken by her father .

I felt really sorry for her and totally agree that her father is a very disgusting , bad , bad man.

6 months passed after she told me the story of her bad bad father and I went to her house for a visit. She was buzy in the kitchen and I was chatting with her younger brother and we somehow brought this story into our conversation.

He told me additional things that was not told by ms. X. ....

Father came home and was emotionally down. He did some job and the employer cheated him and did not pay. Mother asked for money but father was broke. They were arguing and mother got mad and grab a kitchen knife . Father over turn the kitchen table to thwart the knife attack and the tableware broke . He ran as fast as his legs could carry him out of the house with mother chasing from behind with a chopper.

Ms x told me a true story but was incomplete. Her brother fills in the missing part . Ms x still insist that her father is bad. What do you think?

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would you guys support your wives more if it meant more sex????????????

There's more to life than plain sex. I am not complaining about that. She never threatened to cut down on that.

There certainly is! Threesomes, bondage, kinky.....................w00t.gif

But please try and keep on topic, not really the thread to be discussing this.


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Don't rush: if you had 15 years of bliss with your wife, don't throw that away because of political views, and don't allow her to do that.

I happen to have (unwanted) prima facie experience about how political views can destabilize a family - it can be devastating. And for what? For an opinion about a gov't system vs another one - usually both quite corrupt.

Governments are in the end products of the societies/peoples who put them in place, and where there's a culture of corruption generated by an attitude of "may ben ray", that will take several generations to change a bit - if at all.

Bottom line: you may want to explain all these to your wife and tell her that, while you understand her passion for political change, family is something completely different that should be left out of that. And also that you loving Thailand and the Thais doesn't mean you getting involved in a system or another - that you love Thais because of her, and that you'd love her inside or outside of Thailand. And also that, no matter what gov't will be in Thailand, at the end of the day it will not be a gov't who will love her and take care of her in her moments of pain, and share her moments of joy, but YOU.

Makes sense?

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I've got a really good one;

You say that you believe the Buddha exists in all people. No matter who wins, it's the same people but with different faces. No matter who wins there will still be cheating and corruption as we can't all be perfect like the Buddha. You will go to the temple and make offerings for peace in the Thai nation.

She will like this and find it hard to argue against it.

Edited by RandomSand
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Tell her the that as neither party would approve of you protesting it's not the correct thing to do... and you don't have have the right the to vote on the issue either way.

Thai protests only interfere with the processes that might bring about a solution - not the brightest way to bring about government change.

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No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.

There are some or rather more than a few Americans that don't know what Socialism really is... like this individual. No need to paint with the wide brush. wai.gif

socialism sucks the life out of people. what else you need to know?

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Tell her the truth, mate. Let the people decide through voting. If they are willing to accept bribes and whinge about the governent they elected later later on the streets, then let them learn their lesson and vote wisely in the next elections.

Tell her that it's an easy way of avoiding another grenade attack

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