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If You Don't Like Thailand, Why Stay Here ?


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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

North Koreans cannot play, sorry!

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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

In no particular order,

Pepsi, coconuts, pad Thai, house rental, petrol, diesel, fruit smoothies, coffee, electricity, property tax, scooters, car tax, car repairs, gardeners (bi-lingual or not), maids, wives (rented or purchased), speeding fines, DUI fines.

Is that enough or do you want more?

(Compared to prices in the UK, as that's where I came from last)

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

the list of items which cost 10Yen is indeed very short, i.e. Thailand is not suitable for you.

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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

In no particular order,

Pepsi, coconuts, pad Thai, house rental, petrol, diesel, fruit smoothies, coffee, electricity, property tax, scooters, car tax, car repairs, gardeners (bi-lingual or not), maids, wives (rented or purchased), speeding fines, DUI fines.

Is that enough or do you want more?

(Compared to prices in the UK, as that's where I came from last)

And Soi Dogs. In the USA they are called Carolina dogs and people actually breed and pay for them.

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I love it. Will never leave. Can't think of a reason to want to go.

Thai people don't like beards. If you were told you must shave or leave, what would you do?

What??? Sure they do. Lots of my friends have facial hair...no problem.

They do not like an unkempt appearance, but neatly trimmed, beards cause less problems than farangs with empty wallets.

I have a little <deleted> manchu thing going on...they always comment how good I look... but they do that anyways.

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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

massage ("legitimate" and otherwise)*


Thai food*

Lao food*

Chinese food

Middle Eastern food

mall food courts with quality food*

produce, etc., bought in a fresh market

shoe repair, clothing alteration, and a host of other basic services

drugs (of the legal/medicinal variety)

basic gyms (such as the one in Lumpini Park)

girlie bars (of all variety)*

boy bars (of all variety)*

sex for pay*

Asian-style nightclubs/discos*

karaoke bars/restaurants*

transportation in general*

beer in 7-11 and other convenience stores


hotels (especially when "star level"/quality is taken into account)

* = not only cheap in Thailand, but virtually impossible to find in the West OR impossible to find a version even remotely approaching the quality level in Thailand

Talk about a deal.........renting a house here in Udon (3 bedroom/3 bathrrom) on 2 rai for 2500 a month. Internet is 850, water 100, Cable is 375, electriction 1000. Cannot find that deal anywhere I know of in Farangland, USA.

Same deal in my home State would be about 60,000. A night out is way cheaper here..with added benefits.

So, yes, Thailand is definitely cheaper... if you rent!!

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The reason why people are saying this thread (and others like it) is a waste of time is because the hard-core complainers here will either not respond, will not give any meaningful reasons for staying, or will simply respond by saying this thread is a waste of time. whistling.gif

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Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

massage ("legitimate" and otherwise)*


Thai food*

Lao food*

Chinese food

Middle Eastern food

mall food courts with quality food*

produce, etc., bought in a fresh market

shoe repair, clothing alteration, and a host of other basic services

drugs (of the legal/medicinal variety)

basic gyms (such as the one in Lumpini Park)

girlie bars (of all variety)*

boy bars (of all variety)*

sex for pay*

Asian-style nightclubs/discos*

karaoke bars/restaurants*

transportation in general*

beer in 7-11 and other convenience stores


hotels (especially when "star level"/quality is taken into account)

* = not only cheap in Thailand, but virtually impossible to find in the West OR impossible to find a version even remotely approaching the quality level in Thailand

Talk about a deal.........renting a house here in Udon (3 bedroom/3 bathrrom) on 2 rai for 2500 a month. Internet is 850, water 100, Cable is 375, electriction 1000. Cannot find that deal anywhere I know of in Farangland, USA.

Same deal in my home State would be about 60,000. A night out is way cheaper here..with added benefits.

So, yes, Thailand is definitely cheaper... if you rent!!

dam_n, I spend a lot of my time in Singapore. My monthly rent for a closet-sized condo is 3000 (and that's in US dollars!). A Honda Civic would cost me more than US$100,000. I could go on. Suffice it to say, even when factoring in airfare and the occasional hotel (if I don't stay at my gf's place), I actually save money when I go to Thailand, even for short stays.

Edit: cute ... I didn't realise damn is still considered a naughty word, but the system automatically changes the spelling to something apparently more harmless

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It's very simple. Because I don't want to be the kind of parent that takes his kids away from all their friends and school that they love. I will wait until they're older and can handle it better.

I foresee a very dark future (not near future, say 30 years ahead atleast) for Thailand and that's why Im hoping to move within the next 10 years. Unlike many here I still have most of my life ahead of me and Im certainly not betting on Thailand that's for sure.

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amykat, on 20 Jan 2014 - 12:30, said:

" A simple question" ..

Yet, a stupid question !!

...only stupid answers.

Stupid is , as Stupid does = Run Forest, Run!!!

Pom Ruak Muang Thai Maak Maak - Pom Yeu Muang Thai di fra Healthy living, relatively inexpensive, good affordable health care...........fresh fruits & vegetables - I say Fresh - not loaded with chemicals to make them look fresh.........public transportation, Cheap Taxi's!!! where else on earth (in a clean environment) can you get in a cab and the meter starts off at around $1 ????? Puleese don't say India, I said clean environment. I can drink water out of the tap in Bangkok and Pattaya and don't worry about it.thumbsup.gif

You will have to move to the Pattaya Addicts forum to see why I love Pattaya!!! giggle.gifgiggle.gif

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"I foresee a very dark future (not near future, say 30 years ahead at least)"--Dellie

Wow you must be the top MoorDo.....30 years...our Village one can only see about a week ahead & then No Lotto numbers allowed to be asked...... Powerful Farang

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Why would anyone stay in any country they dont like seems a bit of a non-starter if I ever decide I dont like Thailand any more I would be on the next flight out to some ware better, but still waiting to find the reason not to like Thailand is just Thailand, lots of things to love about it and very few to dislike about it for me anyway, good days and bad days in every country.

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Probably has something to do with things being less expensive (if it was more expensive then my home country, I likely would not be here).

Care to give me a list of things that are cheaper here ?

I didn't think so.

Rent, food, electric, water, medical, dental... I could go on forever.

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