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Army-police rift widens - Navy commander threatens to sue over 'mistaken identity'


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Because the police are crap and have done NOTHING to enforce the law. They are corrupt and incompetent and an international embarrassment.

Done nothing huh? Like how they managed to find the grenade thrower on CCTV at Victory Monument despite that the protesters had covered up the cameras?

Which is true, except that they haven't found him. rolleyes.gif

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Because the police are crap and have done NOTHING to enforce the law. They are corrupt and incompetent and an international embarrassment.

Done nothing huh? Like how they managed to find the grenade thrower on CCTV at Victory Monument despite that the protesters had covered up the cameras?

Which is true, except that they haven't found him. rolleyes.gif

They have a theory though - they suspect he is a Thai national with a grudge against certain people!!

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Hahahah wikipedia fail by pipkins

He thinks the Romans had guns too

Another error was I didn't use Wiki. the quote was

Oh dear, were you not embarrassed enough when I pointed out to you that it is possible to be "shot" with an arrow from a bow, that it didn't have to be a gun?

The Bow, a weapon that was certainly in use by the Romans.


Or was it like most times when you are provided with facts that you don't want to hear, you ignore them and carry on?

Rather stupid if you ask me!!

If you take it to the extreme you can be shot without a weapon...........when you are tired!!

What was funny here was that they all jumped in and laughed at me... Then when I posted the links showing sheakspeare's first usage and it dating back to Greek times... they flamed.

Notice on here that there is very little in the way of debate on these issues, it is just a re-gugitation of Bluesky and jaded expat barfly rhetoric. I hear it all the time if I go out. The more beers they have, the more they know.

Shows they try to pull your posts down by doing this, adding troll insults, a few other "paid up thaksinista" slurs and then. Nothing. No analysis, no reasoned debate, no statistics. Ah well

Was a fair point I made about the press being attacked for showing the truth and it is obviously getting worse here.

Today, Suthep had less than 200 with him on his march. We counted them as did half of twitter crowd. He told them to Zig Zag so they could greet more people (read collect more money) as there were not enough people to fill Silom from one side to the other!!!!!

So, his media have responded by stopping posting photos. almost totally dried up from the Suthep media side so somebody is controlling and co-ordinating the media as well.

Anchalee complaining now in public that Army has not helped them and they should recognise that Bangkok Is Thailand....

And we are wondering why there is a rift between the army and the Police.

Edited by pipkins
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Why are the family that we are not allowed to talk about not saying anything about the protests. Not a word from the big house in Bangkok. No call for peace and stability. No call to get around a table and sort out the problems..Just silence. You would think they agreed with the protests whistling.gif

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Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

If I was the police, I would listen. The military have bigger guns.

yes but this is the Thai army if their big bosses decide to kill a few more fellow Thais the foot soldiers are not comfortable at all with this - except for a few loonies without brain - the others are running backwards twice as fast than forward should they encounter armed resistance!

You think they are willing to die because a bunch of politicians can not talk to each other?

To carry out a successful army campaign a soldier needs to be convinced that what he is doing is right - and since when is it right to kill your fellow countrymen because your boss wants to play politics?

With all the information now available on the internet it is getting harder and harder to brainwash people - even soldiers - and the stinking rich, corrupt armed forces leadership has nothing in common with a Thai foot soldier on minimum wage!

Most families of soldiers here are poor and these soldiers are used to defend the lifestyle of the rich elite. The day will come soon when soldiers will find out that all the rhetoric used to brainwash them are all lies - and that it is actually all about money and power to retain the status quo nothing else!

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Lobbing a grenade at people is a very serious offense. We need some real investigators who know how to investigate. They also need to be objective. Both those qualifications preclude any Thai detective from finding the truth behind the attack. Ms Yingluck should call in western detectives and give them translators and full reign to investigate all leads. Of course that won't happen, but it's probably the only way the investigation will be carried out professionally.

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