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Can Anyone Reccomend A Hospital To Deliver My Daughter


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I had my son delivered at ram 1 and was quite pleased with the care, service and accomodation, and as of now am thinking of returning for the birth of my daughter next month. I was just hoping to get accounts of TV member's experiences at other hospitals within the city before booking with Ram again.



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Wow, exciting!!

> I had my son delivered at ram 1 and was quite pleased with the

> care, service and accomodation, and as of now am thinking of

> returning for the birth of my daughter next month.

We used Ram 1 too and the executive summary is that we were very happy with it. We chose it mostly because during pregnancy we already went to a clinic on the Hand Dong road run by a recommended doctor who works at Ram 1. Very very nice guy, and explained everything very clearly.

Extended review follows. (This for the general audience, I know you have experience at Ram but let me add my opinion just the same)

It seems that currenly in the West there's a lot of people who prefer a more human/natural approach to childbirth. And there's all kinds of 'trendy' requests and hypes that come and go and some stay. Now, Thai women by and large are completely NOT into any of that (yes, exceptions...) and as ultimately the goal is to keep the mother as happy and comfortable as possible, it would not be good to anyone to try to encourage anything 'special'. Really, it's already quite something if they'll go for natural birth as opposed to a cesarian, but many Thai women are happiest to put it in the hands of the doctor, get connected to equipment, doped up sufficiently and just get through it.

So for a very thorough, professional, but ultimately very medical approach, Ram is excellent.

If however you're looking for trendy delivery techniques, like water birth, standind up birth, or even women who don't want any anesthetic (sp?) and all that, then Ram is most definitely not the place.

Personally I have no opinion on the cold medical approach vs something more natural touchy/feely. I would go along with the preference of the mother as ultimately keeping her happy and comfortable is the most important thing.

Then on being born through the natural channel vs. a cesarian... It may turn out that 'natural' birth involves what seems like as much medication, machines, tools, cutting and then sewing back together as a cesarian.. So be careful of glorifying 'any' natural birth.. It can be a profoundly medical experience.

Overall though on Ram: Excellent doctor, staff, facilities, acommodation, care, food and ultimately a very healthy baby girl to take home.. I would probably go there again. Do negotiate prices and treatmets beforehand of course, 'cause perhaps Ram's greatest skill is printing bills. :o Overall I think good value for money though, especially if you're mindful not to write blank checks beforehand but discuss options a little.



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First son born at Lanna. Will never go back there. The doctor was great, but the hospital and the staff were well below what I had expected. Second son born at Ram 1. Was very happy there. Got a package deal on the birth. What Thai women want and what farang women want, though, is quite different. And what Thai women want and what their farang husbands think they want is also quite different when it comes to a hospital experience. If she's leaving it up to you, I'd go Ram 1. Otherwise, ask her. She must have a huge network of Thai women friends and family. Where did they go? Were they happy? I've heard conflicting stories about McCormick hospital, most people I know say to stay away from Ram 2. I know one farang woman and one Japanese woman who had their babies at the mother and child hospital, and another farang woman who had her baby at Suan Dok. They had no complaints about either the doctors or the services provided by the hospital. It all depends on how comfortable you are in the place and how much trust you have in the people who are working with you to deliver your baby.


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Here's another one for Ram...

We had our first birth there several months ago and were quite please. We talked to a lot of farangs and Lanna seems to be popular for natural births but we chose Ram because it appeared to have better facilities.

General comments:

Suan Dok Hospital (a private facility above Chiang Mai University Hospital) has the best nurses in town. They know how to cater to farang and are very helpful - this is especially true of the nursery. If they had the same facilities of Ram, it would be the perfect place.

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I had my son delivered at ram 1 and was quite pleased with the care, service and accomodation, and as of now am thinking of returning for the birth of my daughter next month. I was just hoping to get accounts of TV member's experiences at other hospitals within the city before booking with Ram again.




My Daughter was born at the mother and baby hospital, I found them to be very professional and very friendly, They have very nice private rooms and in my opinion some of the best trained doctors, I have found the private hospitals to be very money orientated and unable to cope with anything but normal births, The first sign of any complications and the baby will be transferred to the government hospital anyway, I learned this when my son was born with a severe lung infection.

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Here's another one for Ram...

We had our first birth there several months ago and were quite please. We talked to a lot of farangs and Lanna seems to be popular for natural births but we chose Ram because it appeared to have better facilities.

General comments:

Suan Dok Hospital (a private facility above Chiang Mai University Hospital) has the best nurses in town. They know how to cater to farang and are very helpful - this is especially true of the nursery. If they had the same facilities of Ram, it would be the perfect place.

Since when is Suan Dok a private hospital? I know it as a governmet hospital. Last I checked, they did have everything, including MRI's... You're right in saying it's a great hospital, in that the doctors are highly educated- more so than the private doctors who rarely get any new training.

I'd recommend that people with a serious alment get another opininon, especially for some serious. I also don't know why people are going to Bangkok. In m experience, I have found the same incopetance, even at places like Burmgard

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