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Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand

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Enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in Udon early hours this morning.

Thai Met Office reported it as 8.7C. Clang, is there a welder on the premises ?

Do you know what a brass monkey is ?whistling.gif



15 degrees Celsius in the night and 29 in the day time i sign for it for a whole year !

If you call 15 gr cold ,the rest of the world thinks you'r joking.

Minus 15 gr is cold and minus 25 gr is cold ........

pff 15 gr is cosy !

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Enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in Udon early hours this morning.

Thai Met Office reported it as 8.7C. Clang, is there a welder on the premises ?

Do you know what a brass monkey is ?whistling.gif

If you are going to say it was a device which held cannon balls and that brass contracts more than iron in cold weather thereby leading to the cannon balls falling off the brass monkey; you would be wrong

The coefficient of expansion of brass is 0.000019; that of iron is 0.000012. The math shows that if the base of the stack were one metre long, the drop in temperature needed to make the 'monkey' shrink relative to the balls by just one millimetre, would be around 100 degrees Celsius.


That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

Than you sure have an explanation for this?

Rank Year ACE Index 1. 2005 250 2. 1950 243 3. 1893 231 4. 1995 228 5. 2004 227 6. 1926 222 7. 1933 213 8. 1961 205 9. 1955 199 10. 1998 182

The average temperature in 2013 was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit (14.6 Celsius), which is 1.1 F (0.6 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline. The average global temperature has risen about 1.4 degrees F (0.8 C) since 1880, according to the new analysis. Exact rankings for individual years are sensitive to data inputs and analysis methods.

Scientists emphasize that weather patterns always will cause fluctuations in average temperatures from year to year, but the continued increases in greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere are driving a long-term rise in global temperatures. Each successive year will not necessarily be warmer than the year before, but with the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists expect each successive decade to be warmer than the previous."

This is all still a short term trend. Go back several hundred years and you can find long periods of much warmer weather and long periods of much cooler weather.

First you denialists say "no warming since 1998!" and then all of sudden "that is all still a short term trend, you should look at many centuries"! But not the last one, right? Contradicting your own statements. That is so typical for denialists. Switching time periods at will and spot weather statistics, "It was very cold in New York last month, the climate change is a big hoax!".

What matters in science is the published peer reviewed papers, not what somebody says in his blog. Those scientific papers overwhelmingly (99.5 percent or more) support the climate change models. If there were still conflicting facts about the climate change out there, somebody would have already written a paper about it, proving with facts that these models are wrong. Then gotten more and more support eventually but no such paper exists.

Its called scientific inertia. The people involved in the climate panic debate have to toe the line or loose funding. Within the scientific community 25 years ago 99% would have agreed the unviverse is expanding at a constant rate and that expansion is likely slowing down. If you had said then that the expansion of the universe is accelerating and that 80% of the mass and energy is missing you would have been labled a fool.

Consensus does not equal fact

Glad to see somebody gets it. In the 70's it was global cooling...


That's because of Global Warming!

Average temps worldwide are on the up & up and confirm global warming as a trend.

The average temperature in 2013 was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit (14.6 Celsius), which is 1.1 F (0.6 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline. The average global temperature has risen about 1.4 degrees F (0.8 C) since 1880, according to the new analysis. Exact rankings for individual years are sensitive to data inputs and analysis methods.

Scientists emphasize that weather patterns always will cause fluctuations in average temperatures from year to year, but the continued increases in greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere are driving a long-term rise in global temperatures. Each successive year will not necessarily be warmer than the year before, but with the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists expect each successive decade to be warmer than the previous."

This is all still a short term trend. Go back several hundred years and you can find long periods of much warmer weather and long periods of much cooler weather.

First you denialists say "no warming since 1998!" and then all of sudden "that is all still a short term trend, you should look at many centuries"! But not the last one, right? Contradicting your own statements. That is so typical for denialists. Switching time periods at will and spot weather statistics, "It was very cold in New York last month, the climate change is a big hoax!".

What matters in science is the published peer reviewed papers, not what somebody says in his blog. Those scientific papers overwhelmingly (99.5 percent or more) support the climate change models. If there were still conflicting facts about the climate change out there, somebody would have already written a paper about it, proving with facts that these models are wrong. Then gotten more and more support eventually but no such paper exists.

Here you go, peer reviewed: http://www.co2science.org/articles/V16/N50/EDIT.php

"Thus, as we have long contended, and on the basis of real-world data (properly analyzed), Kullman's analysis of tree-line data, along with the results of the many other studies he cites, jointly provide yet another strong amalgamation of evidence that supports the view that there is nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about earth's current level of warmth."

Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso

Science is never settled. They want your money and that's all.


First you denialists say "no warming since 1998!" and then all of sudden "that is all still a short term trend, you should look at many centuries"! But not the last one, right? Contradicting your own statements. That is so typical for denialists. Switching time periods at will and spot weather statistics, "It was very cold in New York last month, the climate change is a big hoax!".

What matters in science is the published peer reviewed papers, not what somebody says in his blog. Those scientific papers overwhelmingly (99.5 percent or more) support the climate change models. If there were still conflicting facts about the climate change out there, somebody would have already written a paper about it, proving with facts that these models are wrong. Then gotten more and more support eventually but no such paper exists.

Its called scientific inertia. The people involved in the climate panic debate have to toe the line or loose funding. Within the scientific community 25 years ago 99% would have agreed the unviverse is expanding at a constant rate and that expansion is likely slowing down. If you had said then that the expansion of the universe is accelerating and that 80% of the mass and energy is missing you would have been labled a fool.

Consensus does not equal fact

That is probably the best description between climate science and climate politics (or religion for some).

I remember the time, when the climate warming doubters were pushed out of the climate scene by something what could be described as hysteria. No alternative theories were allowed or the person would be labeled as "denialist".

Fortunately things are starting to change in climate field. We can expect that there is more and more people who, after many years, are opening the discussion once again. That way the science will get better understanding what is happening and why.


This is January 2009 at the same Don Muang Airport for example


14.7C lower than this mornign 15.6C

Bangkok 15.5C in Jan 2009 MUCH MUCH colder than this morning.


You can check station by station, there is not a single station which has recorded any not even near exceptional temperature.


That's because of Global Warming!

Average temps worldwide are on the up & up and confirm global warming as a trend.

Have a read of this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/09/10/terrifying-flat-global-temperature-crisis-threatens-to-disrupt-u-n-climate-conference-agenda/

"Bummer! Now, just before members of the U.N.’s Church of the Burning Planet are scheduled to finalize their latest hellfire and brimstone sermon, a chilling development has occurred. A flood of blasphemous reports circulated among ranks of former faithful parishioners are challenging human-caused climate crisis theology."

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All I need to do now is find a country where the climate is always like this: say, 15C min and 28C max.

Any ideas? The only places I can think of are Malta, Crete... mid Med.

DreamWorld has a ski slope and my daughter loves it - even Thais can cope if prepared with warm clothes. When I was in Mae Hong Son, everyone was dressed for the cold nights.


All I need to do now is find a country where the climate is always like this: say, 15C min and 28C max.

Any ideas? The only places I can think of are Malta, Crete... mid Med.

DreamWorld has a ski slope and my daughter loves it - even Thais can cope if prepared with warm clothes. When I was in Mae Hong Son, everyone was dressed for the cold nights.

Crete and Malta are not like this. They can have 5C in winter in Crete it can also snow once every 10 years,while in summer it is 32-35C.

If you want climate like 15-25 all year , try to go to Costa Rican capital San Jose or to Medellin Colombia.

But some months are very rainy, while dry season is about 5 months.


I haven't used a fan or aircon for seven weeks and today got my lowest ever electricity bill. Half the amount that I usually pay.

Mind you, I had to wear a long sleeve shirt when I went out last night. Just like a nice UK summer's day.


This piece of news tell completely FALSE facts.

The minimum temperature in Bangkok was 18.8C NOT 15.6C which is the minimum of Don Muang Airport.



Regarding being the "coldest in decades" it's a lie bigger than the whole Universe.Two years ago it was MUCH COLDER. And it was mid March. That time the Met. Office said it was the coldest spell in 200 years, which was obviously ridicolous.

The lowest T this morning in Thailand outiside the top mountain was 4.6C at Umpang, in Essan the cold Sakhon Nakhon, Nakhon Pathom and Northern Thailand Loei and Chiang Rai were between 5C and 8C of MINIMUM TEMPERATURE, when in December 1999 for example Chiang Rai was 1.5C with frost on the grass. Not to mention that -1.4C at Sakhon Nakhon in Jan 1974, but even in December 1992 as far south as Kanchanaburi the temperature dropped to 4C, a record for central Thailand.

Regarding Bangkok temperatures lower than 18.8C are recorded almost EVERY YEAR, last year it was an exception, for the first time since 1915 with not a single night below 20C. Two years ago 3 of the 4 stations of Bangkok had their lowest MAXIMUM temperature with under 20C of MAX (not min). So, the "coldest in decades" in a giant LIE. If you need more links, I have all history of temperatures of dozens of Thai stations in the past 40-50-60 years, so i can prove this piece of information is 100% incorrect.

Are you a retired weatherman ?

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That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

Nor will overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus stop Luddites from drawing completely incorrect and unsupported conclusions.

Here's a free clue - global warming is a macro-level phenomenon. Because of the increased energy within the atmosphere caused by manmade activities (a.k.a., anthropogenic), this causes climate disruption, also referred to as "Climate Change". This disruption takes the form of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and higher energy storm events. So in fact we can expect unusual events such as cold snaps of unprecedented drops in temperature where normally this would not take place. This is therefore evidence of climate change, which is a consequence of global warming. It does not mean that everywhere on earth the temperature rises by a uniform amount.


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It's 4:25pm and the wind is blowing cold air in the front door.....and the sun is shining! Time to duck under the doona in the bed.


That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

Nor will overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus stop Luddites from drawing completely incorrect and unsupported conclusions.

Here's a free clue - global warming is a macro-level phenomenon. Because of the increased energy within the atmosphere caused by manmade activities (a.k.a., anthropogenic), this causes climate disruption, also referred to as "Climate Change". This disruption takes the form of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and higher energy storm events. So in fact we can expect unusual events such as cold snaps of unprecedented drops in temperature where normally this would not take place. This is therefore evidence of climate change, which is a consequence of global warming. It does not mean that everywhere on earth the temperature rises by a uniform amount.


It's called changing your predictions to fit the outcome. And in this case, no matter what happens, it can be explained by the new theory. Great science there.

Again, we know the correlation between sun spots and climate. Therefor it's reasonable to assume that we are heading towards a much cooler climate. And if that happens, surely you people will explain it by your new, very scientific, theory.

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Enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in Udon early hours this morning.

Thai Met Office reported it as 8.7C. Clang, is there a welder on the premises ?

Do you know what a brass monkey is ?whistling.gif



There are two schools of thought on climate change because there is a political move to introduce UN inspired carbon tax to combat so-called global warming. In order to validate the tax it is necessary to validate the theory of global warming. Look up in the sky and chances are you’ll see the sun. It’s increased sunspot activity that is causing temperature increases. This is not new. Historically there have been periods of earth’s history when the weather has been much warmer and times when it has been a lot cooler. Prior to the current 150 year cycle there was a cold spell known as the “Little Ice Age”; this began in Europe in the fourteenth century. Contemporary pictures and illustrations show this. In London, the Thames froze over most years; this cold snap was preceded by a time where temperatures where noticeably warmer and referred to as “The Medieval Warm Period”. Vines grew right up to northern England according to Geoffrey Chaucer. So why are we being misled? Margaret Thatcher jumped on this bandwagon and played a role in setting up the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). She did this to justify her nuclear fuel strategy. Those events happened over a quarter of a century ago, and remember the UN has proposed a global carbon tax; is there a connection?

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