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Temperatures plummet further in Thailand's North, Isaan


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Absolutely brilliant weather!

Loving it.

great for spooning.

What's Spooning ?

Sexually the term spooning refers to a sexual position and a cuddling technique, where the two partners may be positioned alongside each other, appearing like two spoons positioned with bowls aligned. In the sexual spoons position, the male lies on one side, with knees bent, and the female also lies on the same side, but with back pressed against the male partner's front.

sleeping resting pose position spooning


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Nice to drive my Nissan morning and night with the heater on. Lovely.

You have a heater in car? Must be import, Thai cars don't have it.

Of course they do!! Just turn off the A/C and turn the temperature control up, and hey presto, hot air will come out the blowers.

Get pretty much the same effect if you were to put a few TV posters in your car!

Edited by ratpiece
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Nice to drive my Nissan morning and night with the heater on. Lovely.

You have a heater in car? Must be import, Thai cars don't have it.

Don't know where you are getting your info but my Honda Civic does as do many other local built brands/models. Even my previous old Nissan did.

Our little Chevrolet Aveo has a heater. Not sure where it's built though.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This must be excellent news, for TAT's rumoured next publicity-campaign, to attract more winter-sports enthusiasts to come skiing or snowboarding here ? laugh.png

One can envision the jet-ski-scam mafia researching the revenue-enhancing potential, of a move into snow-ski rental and bob-sleigh hire, as a matter of urgency ! whistling.gif

It would be nice to Vanessa Mae visiting Thailand and practicing her skiing down the slopes , particularly if she is Thailand representative in the winter sports .. Or just to see Vanessa Mae would be nice..

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transam, on 24 Jan 2014 - 10:04, said:

My ''top model'' Vigo has noooooooooo heater....sad.png

My motorcycle has noooooooooooo heater eithersad.png

My scooter has an ashtray. Seriously.

It was f'ing cold last night here upon the barren lands of the Issan plateau.

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A good blanket over a nice duvet with someone to snuggle with, nothing finer.

No blanket or duvet and alone, miserable. Time for those up north with no significant other

to find a friend with benefits to get through the cold weather together. wink.png

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A good blanket over a nice duvet with someone to snuggle with, nothing finer.

No blanket or duvet and alone, miserable. Time for those up north with no significant other

to find a friend with benefits to get through the cold weather together. wink.png

Much less aggravation to just buy a couple of duvets. See a duvet won't come after your bank accounts, pension, home . . . .

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Don't know where you are getting your info but my Honda Civic does

I didn't know that. Had to go out and crank up my 2006 Civic, turn off the AC, then select "Hi" (which appears after 31 degrees) And, viola -- heat! Couldn't locate the heater core when I popped the hood, however. And someone apparently stole the side view mirror heaters -- think I spotted them on Canadian Ebay. rolleyes.gif

Mine has half circle of blue and half circle red

Now, my 2007 Jazz has only a solid circle of blue -- and, yes, it has no heat either (although the English manual does say some models do, so the manual must cover some export models, as well as the Thai sold models).

I guess for some models it's just easier to leave the heater core and blower deflector in place for all models -- same same rear window defroster coils.

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Isn't a car's 'heater' just a pipe running heat from the engine (since all engines must generate heat) into the cabin? Obviously, AC's don't produce heat, so just letting a car's own engine heat the cabin seems the most sensible way to do it.

A cars heating system runs off the cars radiator water that flows through the engine. There is a valve on the piping that lets the water flow into the cabin area and go through a heating element which in turn heats ther car as air goes through it(either from the fan or fresh air). Pretty simple really, if you want it to circulate quicker just lower one back window a little bit and the car heats up pretty quick.

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A good blanket over a nice duvet with someone to snuggle with, nothing finer.

No blanket or duvet and alone, miserable. Time for those up north with no significant other

to find a friend with benefits to get through the cold weather together. wink.png

Much less aggravation to just buy a couple of duvets. See a duvet won't come after your bank accounts, pension, home . . . .


Something nice and contented about a bed with no 500 year old dead fish farts in it.

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Nice to drive my Nissan morning and night with the heater on. Lovely.

You have a heater in car? Must be import, Thai cars don't have it.

Nissan Pajero Sport does.

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport.

You know what Pajero means?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Absolutely brilliant weather!

Loving it.

Do you like that 63 people died due to your "absolutly brilliant weather" as well?blink.pngsad.png

Please everyone...can we have a minutes silence for those that have departed because of the weather and limit our enjoyment of it between the hours of 9am and 10am.


Enjoyment of the weather...not those that departed.

Edited by Showbags
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(see below)

I would guess reading your response you have not been here as long or are as deeply embedded as I am. Here is some perspective straight from the trenches.

I would suggest that you are very fortunate to be able to afford an extra blanket and jacket. There are many Thais who live from day to day and cannot afford those luxuries.

Umm it sounds a lot like mom saying to the kids to eat what's left on your plate because there are children starving in china...and it turned out to be an old wives tale and they weren't starving there after all. I live among the poorest ethnic laotions and hill tribe people in Thailand. People have ample clothes and blankets from the kids on up. I was in one elderly woman's home and she has collected so many free blankets she stores stacks of them in a giant sort of show case.

But I have seen the poor buggers and handed out unwanted clothes to them

I live in in the mountains in some of the very coldest weather in all of Thailand. Richer countries like Korea occasionally donate used winter clothes specifically to our frigid area. I was astonished no one would touch them as they surmise they must be from dead people and are afraid of ghosts! It is so sad to see such beautiful, high quality coats in mint condition go to waste. I will take a picture next time--just the most beautiful jackets you have ever seen and would be so snug and warm. I have never seen an elderly person wrapped in an aleutian parka. I can only surmise they prefer stooping and shivering over a stinky fire.

I certainly would not condemn them for burning anything to keep their families warm.

It is unnecessary to burn wood to stay warm here and is simply a filthy, bad habit that makes people sick. The haze in turn blocks some of the sun which makes the weather colder in addition to being filthy. As the population rises, it just gets worse and worse not to mention a shame cutting down all those beautiful trees. They burn for warmth here when it is 80 degrees F or higher outside, seriously.
I would suggest that if you, like myself, drive a car, then we are doing more to pollute the Earths atmosphere than a few fires which happen for a short period each year.
For the record, I bicycle or go on foot everywhere I can from the very shortest trips to a great number of kilometers. I haven't been on an airplane in many years or even ventured as far as Bangkok. The poor people you speak of find me strange for bicycling because they generally get on a motorcycle if something is just 30 meters away! And it is fashionable for motorcycles to be modified to be as noisy as possible. When poor kids reach 12 years old they ditch their bicycles for good and drive motorcycles everyday up and down the streets on stupid, meaningless joyrides gunning the gas to make extra noise and creating a danger to themselves and others. I would be impressed if you are capable of bringing yourself to point any sharp criticisms at such absolutely foolish waste and pollution because you seem to want to feel sorry for them.
And surely you must reconsider characterizing millions upon millions of fires set each day in northern Thailand as "a few fires"? Come on! And keep in mind each of these fires typically contain ample plastic. There is no garbage pickup in my area and they don't want it. They like burning it. I only need to take a look at the horizon to see the horrible consequences to the air quality it is having or read how many people are getting hospitalized due to it. The air quality in the countryside gets worse than the air quality in Bangkok each year so get your facts right about poor people burning vs rich people driving cars. In the countryside where the population density is low and has so few cars their air quality becomes worse than the biggest, densest city in Thailand. So don't even try to marginalize this as "a few fires" when there are so many and so devastating consequences that kill people.
Excluding slash and burn of course.
Another completely unnecessary and bad habit of the poor people. It is sad to see these fires go into the national forests every single year either deliberately or through blatant carelessness like some poor fool on a motorcycle tossing his cigarette butt onto dry grass.
Maybe a trip out to one of the villages affected, with any unwanted clothes or blankets to donate to them might do some good.

A trip? What are you talking about??? I live with these people. It is clear the two contributing factors that make these people poor are they are lazy and spend money unwisely. Giving them things for free will only exacerbate their problems. Let me give you some perspective. I sometimes have some gardening work I need done and check nearby laotian and hilltribe villages looking for workers. I pay a good wage, way more than anyone else would for this sort of work, offer to pick them up and bring them home, roll out mats on a nice shaded area for their lunch break, further reward them by picking bananas or papayas for them to take home, and will generally do everything I can to make their job pleasant and would be happy to see them get some extra money. But guess what? They'd rather stay home and sleep all day than accept a job for even one day. Men and women alike. All these excuses come out just like vagrants in the USA if you offer them a job. I usually can get people to come out and work, but it is difficult and frustrating, especially to see they have nothing better to do than loiter around doing nothing.

And please, I am not criticizing.

Me either, just passing on observations of the situation around me.

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Nice to drive my Nissan morning and night with the heater on. Lovely.

we have heaters in our Nissan, where?

No idea re-your Nissan, I was speaking about my Nissan March, look in earlier posts on this topic, some models of cars have dual Air/con-Heat, others only have air con---depends on model and speck.

I think most new eco cars have, but high speck maybe needed. Nearly all cars here --if you have a dial blue and red, you will have dual. AC-Heater.

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