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My girlfriend just left me!


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but seriously, a wife, or a mother from a girl who has spent 7 years as a whore?

yeah, sure......for a thai guy maybe, but for an American?


I've met many more Americans that marry and have kids with them than I have Thais.

And for some it even works out OK. Bottom line is, up to you, may skew the odds against success but it's your life give it a shot, just once you've made that bed be ready to sleep in it. . .

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but seriously, a wife, or a mother from a girl who has spent 7 years as a whore?

yeah, sure......for a thai guy maybe, but for an American?


I've met many more Americans that marry and have kids with them than I have Thais.

And for some it even works out OK. Bottom line is, up to you, may skew the odds against success but it's your life give it a shot, just once you've made that bed be ready to sleep in it. . .

Your point is well reasoned, and I am in agreement, it CAN work,

but, after being in the sex business, there is no way that she doesnt view her body as more than a machine, designed to get her what she needs in the material world, which I am fine with,

I just hope she is smart enough, that when I am no longer in the picture and she has built up a huge bank balance that would have gone to the condo owner anyway, that she take some time to think about her life and what she wants to be, in the future, which they dont seem to put much thought too....

She has told me that the younger girls were already biting into her income, and at 32, even though she looks great, if it was between her and a 21 year old sitting next to her, I think most guys would opt for the 21 year old. She knows her time in the shop is limited, and has bought real estate which brings her income and has increased in value, greatly, in the north, so, we aren't talking about your every day bar girl here.

her home is immaculate and her car paid for in cash.

her home has more air conditioners than a good friend of mine and is in a gated community.

all good things,

but marriage?

After trying that twice,

I will stay on the pay by the week plan,

I like it,

she likes it,

and if she is smart, she will invest wisely, as I am not sticking around forever,

bangkok is hot, and it seems impossible to start a business here, with al the corruption and rules that change according to the breeze,

I was told it is impossible for a farange to own a business here and expect it to be profitable.

even the restaurants get stuck up by the police here,

I dont see the benefit

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You are lucky enough for the THB 15k /m some have lost million and got deported on top and many have committed suicide, when you say : your girl friend, do you beleive that you are the only one? its so easy to get a type of escort for the when you are in need. It will cost you much less without in your mind any commitment towards her. One trick they also like to play is to break and see your reaction, then if they find that you cannot live without her. They will turn you mad.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That backfired big time on my girl,

she walked over a verbal misinterpretation,

I let her go, and started tasting some of the more variety ofdelicacy here,

and then when she started sending me the "miss u" text messages,

I let her back in.......and, there havent been any more of those silly games

she said I was the only man who ever let her go like that,

interestingly, my last wife used to say similar things, ie., none of her games worked on me....

now that I think of it, I had another g/f that used to say that too, that I was able to see right thru her,

really, like there are so many unknoen variables when it comes to females..........right

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Many "girls" end up being taken care of in their dotage by hooking up with truly elderly guys and taking care of them first.

But I've also seen some actively "out there" well past forty, seems that there are plenty of farang that seem to have a preference for older women, maybe on the theory that they'll be more stable and eager to please.

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Tell me the difference ? I had both varieties I think and the only difference is the amount of money invested?

You tell me the difference, OP? My Thai wife costs me a fortune. She's my wife.

I took her on and promised to look after her through marriage. I can't back out now.

Unconditional love doesn't have a price 555+

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Tell me the difference ? I had both varieties I think and the only difference is the amount of money invested?

You tell me the difference, OP? My Thai wife costs me a fortune. She's my wife.

I took her on and promised to look after her through marriage. I can't back out now.

Unconditional love doesn't have a price 555+

Yes it does. It's 49.88 on Amazon.


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Many "girls" end up being taken care of in their dotage by hooking up with truly elderly guys and taking care of them first.

But I've also seen some actively "out there" well past forty, seems that there are plenty of farang that seem to have a preference for older women, maybe on the theory that they'll be more stable and eager to please.


my friend is pushing 70, and he has no trouble finding women in their 50's. still willing to play for pay,

the reality is though

he is ugly, and so are the women he f_uc_ks, so,

good luck to all of them is all I can say,

I will keep myself in great shape, as I have been all my life and have no trouble w thew opposite sex,

I also accept the reality that these girls here, all have a story, all have issues, and all need men, and all need money, I dont care what bracket they are in, save the top 1%

even the girls that make good money in real careers are all broke because they bought into consumerism, Channel, and Louis Vuitton,

I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied

So instead you have girls that you can satisfy. wai2.gif No wonder you come Thailand.

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So instead you have girls that you can satisfy. wai2.gif No wonder you come Thailand.

I came to Thailand to visit a friend, after promising for 15 years that I would.

After being here for 3 weeks, I could see, I wanted nothing to do with him, or his lifestyle, and met a girl I liked, and have now moved in with her. I will soon be moving out, but not because I don't like her, I do, when she is drinking, but apparently, unless there is alcohol in her blood, she is an unhappy girl, that can't manage a real smile....

funny, it wasn't like that at all when she was visiting me in my condo....

After I leave her, the last thing I will give her is this advice,

"ask your father, why he left your mother, with 3 little kids"

and try not to follow in her footsteps, because, her mother lives in her head, and also lives in her bank account,

I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,

sadly for her, she is destined to become her mother.....alone and miserable

You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

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Tell me the difference ? I had both varieties I think and the only difference is the amount of money invested?

You tell me the difference, OP? My Thai wife costs me a fortune. She's my wife.

I took her on and promised to look after her through marriage. I can't back out now.

Unconditional love doesn't have a price 555+

How will a farange know when a Thai girl really loves him?

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So instead you have girls that you can satisfy. wai2.gif No wonder you come Thailand.

I came to Thailand to visit a friend, after promising for 15 years that I would.

After being here for 3 weeks, I could see, I wanted nothing to do with him, or his lifestyle, and met a girl I liked, and have now moved in with her. I will soon be moving out, but not because I don't like her, I do, when she is drinking, but apparently, unless there is alcohol in her blood, she is an unhappy girl, that can't manage a real smile....

funny, it wasn't like that at all when she was visiting me in my condo....

After I leave her, the last thing I will give her is this advice,

"ask your father, why he left your mother, with 3 little kids"

and try not to follow in her footsteps, because, her mother lives in her head, and also lives in her bank account,

I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,

sadly for her, she is destined to become her mother.....alone and miserable

You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

Two different girls

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You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

Two different girls

Five minutes ago in another thread you said you are renting your current GF. Not true?

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You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

Two different girls

Five minutes ago in another thread you said you are renting your current GF. Not true?


She is on a weekly lease.....

I skipped on the "option to buy"

I am paying my way, weekly,

smart enough to know, not to pay anything in advance, particularly after she told me that thai men, offer to give her money all the time, (but she doesnt think they want sex) surely, these were customers wanting to make her a mistress, but, she apparently was able to fend that off, until recently,

she chose well with me,

but I am on a very short lease.......

I don't like the attitude, I am gone.....and that's getting closer by the day........

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You say one thing, " I avoid those girls like the plague as they will never be satisfied." But do another, "I am under no illusions, I know who and what she is,"

Confucius has said, “A wise man question himself, a fool, others.” (Charlie Chan in City in Darkness)

Two different girls

Five minutes ago in another thread you said you are renting your current GF. Not true?


She is on a weekly lease.....

I skipped on the "option to buy"

I am paying my way, weekly,

smart enough to know, not to pay anything in advance, particularly after she told me that thai men, offer to give her money all the time, (but she doesnt think they want sex) surely, these were customers wanting to make her a mistress, but, she apparently was able to fend that off, until recently,

she chose well with me,

but I am on a very short lease.......

I don't like the attitude, I am gone.....and that's getting closer by the day........

I was referring to the consumer slaves I have met here, normal girls, with normal jobs, who spend all thier money on Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and a host of other garbage they think gives them status........those girls I avoid, because they will never be satisfied, my last wife taught me that,

I find whores to be more honest about what they need and want

At least they know what they are, and don't pretend to be otherewise, unless it is to their school mates from the other provinces, who don;t know they are whores, just somehow, fortunate

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I'm probably less experienced at all this than everyone here but my two cents - I haven't met any girls with normal jobs other than those who work in hotels, serve as waitresses or work at tour desks so excuse my ignorance. The working girls (I prefer that term to whores) I have come across (fwor!) are as you say very straight forward and predictable that is until my last sojourn to Patong. She came over as very reserved and quiet. She didn't insist on lady drinks and she worked at a bar that paid her a salary meaning she couldn't leave until 0230 with a hefty 1000thb bar fine otherwise she would finish work at 0330. Of course she would accept meet ups the following day which is how I "met" her. During our time together she gave me a lot of personal affection that I would normally expect when in a new and serious relationship including cooking for me. This has had a lasting effect on me and I came away feeling that I had met my future wife. However, other than the initial text in which she expressed how she would never forget me I am now getting less and less from her. My point is that she was an exception in that she did all the things that she would normally do for a boyfriend/husband which may have been unintentional on her part but has, you could say, misled me into thinking that she cares. Okay it's very much my fault for falling for this but it is what it is and I am sure that she has done this before and will continue to do so. She has not been doing it long and has had previous normal jobs (or so she says) including running a farm (of sorts). She never made any promises and never said the L word but I fell for her and had she been more honest I wouldn't still be thinking of her and would be a lot happier than I am now.

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I'm probably less experienced at all this than everyone here but my two cents - I haven't met any girls with normal jobs other than those who work in hotels, serve as waitresses or work at tour desks so excuse my ignorance. The working girls (I prefer that term to whores) I have come across (fwor!) are as you say very straight forward and predictable that is until my last sojourn to Patong. She came over as very reserved and quiet. She didn't insist on lady drinks and she worked at a bar that paid her a salary meaning she couldn't leave until 0230 with a hefty 1000thb bar fine otherwise she would finish work at 0330. Of course she would accept meet ups the following day which is how I "met" her. During our time together she gave me a lot of personal affection that I would normally expect when in a new and serious relationship including cooking for me. This has had a lasting effect on me and I came away feeling that I had met my future wife. However, other than the initial text in which she expressed how she would never forget me I am now getting less and less from her. My point is that she was an exception in that she did all the things that she would normally do for a boyfriend/husband which may have been unintentional on her part but has, you could say, misled me into thinking that she cares. Okay it's very much my fault for falling for this but it is what it is and I am sure that she has done this before and will continue to do so. She has not been doing it long and has had previous normal jobs (or so she says) including running a farm (of sorts). She never made any promises and never said the L word but I fell for her and had she been more honest I wouldn't still be thinking of her and would be a lot happier than I am now.

Nothing uncommon with a Thai prostitute cleaning your shower room and cooking for you after you pay her for sex.

Lots of foreign guys get confused, it's all part of the service, she does it for many of her customers.

She may also be prepared to enter into an agreement for marriage and babies with you. But she is still working.

For her to continue with the 'fake' relationship, you have to keep paying.

Once you stop paying, the service will be cut off.


Every sex worker hasn't done it for long, they nearly all have farms.

Again, part of the service to make you feel special.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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I'm probably less experienced at all this than everyone here but my two cents - I haven't met any girls with normal jobs other than those who work in hotels, serve as waitresses or work at tour desks so excuse my ignorance. The working girls (I prefer that term to whores) I have come across (fwor!) are as you say very straight forward and predictable that is until my last sojourn to Patong. She came over as very reserved and quiet. She didn't insist on lady drinks and she worked at a bar that paid her a salary meaning she couldn't leave until 0230 with a hefty 1000thb bar fine otherwise she would finish work at 0330. Of course she would accept meet ups the following day which is how I "met" her. During our time together she gave me a lot of personal affection that I would normally expect when in a new and serious relationship including cooking for me. This has had a lasting effect on me and I came away feeling that I had met my future wife. However, other than the initial text in which she expressed how she would never forget me I am now getting less and less from her. My point is that she was an exception in that she did all the things that she would normally do for a boyfriend/husband which may have been unintentional on her part but has, you could say, misled me into thinking that she cares. Okay it's very much my fault for falling for this but it is what it is and I am sure that she has done this before and will continue to do so. She has not been doing it long and has had previous normal jobs (or so she says) including running a farm (of sorts). She never made any promises and never said the L word but I fell for her and had she been more honest I wouldn't still be thinking of her and would be a lot happier than I am now.

Nothing uncommon with a Thai prostitute cleaning your shower room and cooking for you after you pay her for sex.

Lots of foreign guys get confused, it's all part of the service, she does it for many of her customers.

She may also be prepared to enter into an agreement for marriage and babies with you. But she is still working.

For her to continue with the 'fake' relationship, you have to keep paying.

Once you stop paying, the service will be cut off.


Every sex worker hasn't done it for long, they nearly all have farms.

Again, part of the service to make you feel special.

That's ok I understand all that. Just to let you know she never demanded money from me other than for services. I do appreciate your comments and it is why I joined TV to get wisdom from those of you who have been living the life longer.

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That's ok I understand all that. Just to let you know she never demanded money from me other than for services. I do appreciate your comments and it is why I joined TV to get wisdom from those of you who have been living the life longer.

The service you are paying for when hiring for longer than 1 hour in Thailand is a "fake girlfriend".

The price is all inclusive.

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I'm probably less experienced at all this than everyone here but my two cents - I haven't met any girls with normal jobs other than those who work in hotels, serve as waitresses or work at tour desks so excuse my ignorance. The working girls (I prefer that term to whores) I have come across (fwor!) are as you say very straight forward and predictable that is until my last sojourn to Patong. She came over as very reserved and quiet. She didn't insist on lady drinks and she worked at a bar that paid her a salary meaning she couldn't leave until 0230 with a hefty 1000thb bar fine otherwise she would finish work at 0330. Of course she would accept meet ups the following day which is how I "met" her. During our time together she gave me a lot of personal affection that I would normally expect when in a new and serious relationship including cooking for me. This has had a lasting effect on me and I came away feeling that I had met my future wife. However, other than the initial text in which she expressed how she would never forget me I am now getting less and less from her. My point is that she was an exception in that she did all the things that she would normally do for a boyfriend/husband which may have been unintentional on her part but has, you could say, misled me into thinking that she cares. Okay it's very much my fault for falling for this but it is what it is and I am sure that she has done this before and will continue to do so. She has not been doing it long and has had previous normal jobs (or so she says) including running a farm (of sorts). She never made any promises and never said the L word but I fell for her and had she been more honest I wouldn't still be thinking of her and would be a lot happier than I am now.

Nothing uncommon with a Thai prostitute cleaning your shower room and cooking for you after you pay her for sex.

Lots of foreign guys get confused, it's all part of the service, she does it for many of her customers.

She may also be prepared to enter into an agreement for marriage and babies with you. But she is still working.

For her to continue with the 'fake' relationship, you have to keep paying.

Once you stop paying, the service will be cut off.


Every sex worker hasn't done it for long, they nearly all have farms.

Again, part of the service to make you feel special.

I am not sure this is for everyone,

but in order to know what you have,

you have to resist paying them, at least initially,

and see how far THEY will go, to test THEM, and their true motive

maybe I am an exception (I doubt it)

but I met my g/f the samd way many others did,

by paying her for sex,

but after that, as we began dating,

she refused to take money, and wouldnt ask for it,

and was even hurt when I offered her money after sex,

explaining that all I was trying to do was cover her travel expenses and make up for her lost wages,

she truly wanted a real boyfriend,

and I wanted a girlfriend,

after splitting up because she wouldnt come to my condo after we had dinner and were drinking and I fully expected her to come up and spend the night (she later said, it would have been a "shame" for a thai girl to do that( ( to which I wanted to barf)

I took off to Chiang Mai and started having a great time alone,

(which musicians never are), but,

she soon started texting me the standard "miss u" text,

to which I said well, its too late, I moved to Chiand Mai,

two days later, she drove up, spent the month

and then we returned to bkk,

when I asked her if she was going to continue working,

she replied that she didnt want too,

but spending the last two months with me, had put her late on her mortgage,

and she wouldl have no choice but to work

it was at that point that we struck our deal,

and I moved in with her....

to me, this is no different than any western marriage,

the difference is,

I am not bound eternally, to death (usually ours) do us part,

when she seems disinterested in sex,

which is anytime alcohol is not in her blood,

I act like I am ready to go back to the US,

I am sure things would be different if I lived here,

but after 5 months now,

I am still on a tourist visa,

and anytime I say that I live here,

I am reminded, that I may be physically here now,

but it is clear from her actions,

she doesnt expect me to stay,

in any case,

I am enjoying myself,

and she doesnt fake affection,

so, it might be easier to walk away when the time comes,

that said,

affection takes many forms, and for her, her cultural experience, freaks out when I walk outside without a shirt....

and she still tries to hide her naked body, which, to me, is wierd

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I'm probably less experienced at all this than everyone here but my two cents - I haven't met any girls with normal jobs other than those who work in hotels, serve as waitresses or work at tour desks so excuse my ignorance. The working girls (I prefer that term to whores) I have come across (fwor!) are as you say very straight forward and predictable that is until my last sojourn to Patong. She came over as very reserved and quiet. She didn't insist on lady drinks and she worked at a bar that paid her a salary meaning she couldn't leave until 0230 with a hefty 1000thb bar fine otherwise she would finish work at 0330. Of course she would accept meet ups the following day which is how I "met" her. During our time together she gave me a lot of personal affection that I would normally expect when in a new and serious relationship including cooking for me. This has had a lasting effect on me and I came away feeling that I had met my future wife. However, other than the initial text in which she expressed how she would never forget me I am now getting less and less from her. My point is that she was an exception in that she did all the things that she would normally do for a boyfriend/husband which may have been unintentional on her part but has, you could say, misled me into thinking that she cares. Okay it's very much my fault for falling for this but it is what it is and I am sure that she has done this before and will continue to do so. She has not been doing it long and has had previous normal jobs (or so she says) including running a farm (of sorts). She never made any promises and never said the L word but I fell for her and had she been more honest I wouldn't still be thinking of her and would be a lot happier than I am now.

Nothing uncommon with a Thai prostitute cleaning your shower room and cooking for you after you pay her for sex.

Lots of foreign guys get confused, it's all part of the service, she does it for many of her customers.

She may also be prepared to enter into an agreement for marriage and babies with you. But she is still working.

For her to continue with the 'fake' relationship, you have to keep paying.

Once you stop paying, the service will be cut off.


Every sex worker hasn't done it for long, they nearly all have farms.

Again, part of the service to make you feel special.


But I met my g/f the same way many others did,

by paying her for sex,


to me, this is no different than any western marriage,

the difference is,

I am not bound eternally, to death (usually ours) do us part,

I don't remember ever giving my UK wife cash for sex when she was my gf.

But I gave her plenty of money and not having much sex when she was my wife.

So not really the same.

One is a prostitute, and one isn't a prostitute.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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I am not paying a girl to live with me,

I am paying, to live, and sleep, with her,

It's great idea ...... until she says "I want you out of my house now"

Which happens in many relationships, but she has all the power.

And you risk losing your home, and any access to the stuff you have in that home.

Make sure your private papers, passport and any valuables are kept elsewhere or risk losing them.

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I am not paying a girl to live with me,

I am paying, to live, and sleep, with her,

It's great idea ...... until she says "I want you out of my house now"

Which happens in many relationships, but she has all the power.

And you risk losing your home, and any access to the stuff you have in that home.

Make sure your private papers, passport and any valuables are kept elsewhere or risk losing them.

No worries,

And good advice,

I dont have much here,

a large suitcase worth of jeans and tee shirts (all bought here)

and a guitar I bought in a pawn shop in the US for $150.00

If she wants me to leave,

she will drive me to the condo, and try to keep a part of the relationship alive


She will always want some access to the treatment she is receiving from me,

She doesn't want to have to go back to work, at the bottom again.

After 3 months away, she isnt at the top of anyone's list anymore,

just mine.....

fantasy you say?


good advice on the passport and other important papers, credit cards, etc.,

they are in the motorcycle jacket, ready to be thrown on my back, any time.....

she thinks I am a retired Hells Angel,

I didn't tell her, someone else did)

I don't expect trouble

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I am not paying a girl to live with me,

I am paying, to live, and sleep, with her,

It's great idea ...... until she says "I want you out of my house now"

Which happens in many relationships, but she has all the power.

And you risk losing your home, and any access to the stuff you have in that home.

Make sure your private papers, passport and any valuables are kept elsewhere or risk losing them.

No worries,

And good advice,

I dont have much here,

a large suitcase worth of jeans and tee shirts (all bought here)

and a guitar I bought in a pawn shop in the US for $150.00

If she wants me to leave,

she will drive me to the condo, and try to keep a part of the relationship alive


She will always want some access to the treatment she is receiving from me,

She doesn't want to have to go back to work, at the bottom again.

After 3 months away, she isnt at the top of anyone's list anymore,

just mine.....

fantasy you say?


good advice on the passport and other important papers, credit cards, etc.,

they are in the motorcycle jacket, ready to be thrown on my back, any time.....

she thinks I am a retired Hells Angel,

I didn't tell her, someone else did)

I don't expect trouble

Ya, I agree. Why expect trouble. Yours is different.smile.png

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I am not paying a girl to live with me,

I am paying, to live, and sleep, with her,

It's great idea ...... until she says "I want you out of my house now"

Which happens in many relationships, but she has all the power.

And you risk losing your home, and any access to the stuff you have in that home.

Make sure your private papers, passport and any valuables are kept elsewhere or risk losing them.

No worries,

And good advice,

I dont have much here,

a large suitcase worth of jeans and tee shirts (all bought here)

and a guitar I bought in a pawn shop in the US for $150.00

If she wants me to leave,

she will drive me to the condo, and try to keep a part of the relationship alive


She will always want some access to the treatment she is receiving from me,

She doesn't want to have to go back to work, at the bottom again.

After 3 months away, she isnt at the top of anyone's list anymore,

just mine.....

fantasy you say?


good advice on the passport and other important papers, credit cards, etc.,

they are in the motorcycle jacket, ready to be thrown on my back, any time.....

she thinks I am a retired Hells Angel,

I didn't tell her, someone else did)

I don't expect trouble

Ya, I agree. Why expect trouble. Yours is different.smile.png

You are quoting from my friends song, right?

"this one's different?"

I am guided by the principle that they are all the same,

some nicer than others,

some needier than others,

that goes for us too....

my needs are simple,

and they are being met,

if not, I know where to find the next one,

and maybe,

even one that speaks more english

so I dont have to feel I am talking to a haitian

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I don't know why guys have these intricate methodologies for keeping out of trouble with women here.

Ok I've only been here a touch under 6 years but I can't say I've had anything approaching the kind of drama with women that I read about on here almost on a daily basis.

<deleted> is wrong with you people?

Women are so easy to handle here

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I don't remember ever giving my UK wife cash for sex when she was my gf.

But I gave her plenty of money and not having much sex when she was my wife.

So not really the same.

One is a prostitute, and one isn't a prostitute.

But you gave her big heaps of money when she said it's all over.

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I don't remember ever giving my UK wife cash for sex when she was my gf.

But I gave her plenty of money and not having much sex when she was my wife.

So not really the same.

One is a prostitute, and one isn't a prostitute.

But you gave her big heaps of money when she said it's all over.

Yep, prostitutes in Thailand are way cheaper than a wife in the western world.

If only my dad had told me that when I were a nipper.

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I don't know why guys have these intricate methodologies for keeping out of trouble with women here.

Ok I've only been here a touch under 6 years but I can't say I've had anything approaching the kind of drama with women that I read about on here almost on a daily basis.

<deleted> is wrong with you people?

Women are so easy to handle here

Not when emotions are involved,

this is where the men lose their power

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I don't know why guys have these intricate methodologies for keeping out of trouble with women here.

Ok I've only been here a touch under 6 years but I can't say I've had anything approaching the kind of drama with women that I read about on here almost on a daily basis.

<deleted> is wrong with you people?

Women are so easy to handle here

Not when emotions are involved,

this is where the men lose their power

How so?

Why would any man become so emotionally embroiled with a prostitute that they "lose their power"?

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I don't know why guys have these intricate methodologies for keeping out of trouble with women here.

Ok I've only been here a touch under 6 years but I can't say I've had anything approaching the kind of drama with women that I read about on here almost on a daily basis.

<deleted> is wrong with you people?

Women are so easy to handle here

Not when emotions are involved,

this is where the men lose their power

How so?

Why would any man become so emotionally embroiled with a prostitute that they "lose their power"?

I cannot answer that,

the last one I was emotionally involved with just pretended she wasnt a prostitute,

her divorce lawyer portrayed her to be the innocent victim;

that was until I paraded her past infront of the mediator,

I walked away

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