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My girlfriend just left me!


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I'm going to assume that as you don't appear to know where to draw the line in terms of the details you provide in these posts of yours, there's very little chance that you know where to draw the line in terms of how you deal with women in real life.

Do you really think we want to know that you're up for sex with your slave when she's menstruating?

Do you think that kind of thing is impressive?

Do you imagine that we aspire to be like you in the way you think and talk about women?

Frankly, you just come over like a total douche with what seems like complete and utter contempt for someone who, despite her profession, is still a human being.

Living life talking through your cock must be so enlightening

Plenty of women want to have sex when they are menstruating.....enlightern yourself

And she is far from a slave, she has free will, and I live, in her spotless home,

close your legs and open your mind,

if you have that capability,

Well duh!

I'm perfectly aware of women's libido during menstruation; my point is that this isn't Pattaya Addicts - it's Thaivisa.

People aren't titillated by your graphic description of your sexual exploits. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business, not ours.

Maybe you believe that by telling anyone who you think will listen, the extent of what this woman will endure under your depraved sexual administrations, it will help compensate for your obvious lack of genuine self esteem.

It won't. It just makes you sound like a screwed up sex case.

Sorry but that's the impression I get.

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Do you guys think all of this is different in Western countries where women shop for the man that can buy nice houses and cars, run him dry, then move on to the next guy? No, they aren't all that way here or there... just enough to mess with the 'system'

I believe this is a Thailand specific issue, but I don't have the experience others have here, only to say, that many thai women are able to take advantage of westerners because, we are on short term visa's and they know, as do we, that unless we put down roots here, (roots in thailand, without the right to own property or a business withoutt a thai partner being the majority owner?)

they have advantages here that they wouldnt have in the west, the US specifically

the tactics of women in general, is the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, this we probably all agree,

but the reality that, Thai law, is applied arbitrarily, and will always favor the thai,

yes, I think it is different here,

it harms them as much as it could potentially harm, us,

I live here short term, as much as I would like to make this a permament stay, the reality is, this is not hospitable to a westerner who wants to earn a living here, legtimately....key word there, legitimately

I am open to being wrong, on everything I just stated as, I live with a thai girl 21 years younger, and I like it,

but the facts are still, I have to leave here, every 90 days, unless I decide to open a bank account here, which I may if gold continues its rally, and tests $1,700 soon, for me it will all be moot, and I won't even need a business anymore, but, it can get boring, mostly because I am not likely to venture out far on my own, and enjoy the comforts of the home I am in

You can own a business and property in Thailand because you are an American. You sound like a teen age noob writing from a one room flat in NYC and dreaming about making it big someday and traveling to Thailand. The sex and menstruating talk is reminiscent of an adolescent with his first girlfriend.

However one thing does make sense. You wrote, "I am not likely to venture out far on my own,"

Without a thai partner, you can own a home and business? Really? Why is it that I am told only condo's can be purchased, which suck, if I wanted to live in an obelisk without grass and trees, I would go back to Manhattan, and, what business can you own in thailand without being the minority partner?

Yes Americans can own 100% of a business and property in Thailand call a lawyer. Come visit Thailand. It is a nice place and after a while you will learn about the strange culture and rules here.biggrin.png

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I'm going to assume that as you don't appear to know where to draw the line in terms of the details you provide in these posts of yours, there's very little chance that you know where to draw the line in terms of how you deal with women in real life.

Do you really think we want to know that you're up for sex with your slave when she's menstruating?

Do you think that kind of thing is impressive?

Do you imagine that we aspire to be like you in the way you think and talk about women?

Frankly, you just come over like a total douche with what seems like complete and utter contempt for someone who, despite her profession, is still a human being.

Living life talking through your cock must be so enlightening

Plenty of women want to have sex when they are menstruating.....enlightern yourself

And she is far from a slave, she has free will, and I live, in her spotless home,

close your legs and open your mind,

if you have that capability,

Well duh!

I'm perfectly aware of women's libido during menstruation; my point is that this isn't Pattaya Addicts - it's Thaivisa.

People aren't titillated by your graphic description of your sexual exploits. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business, not ours.

Maybe you believe that by telling anyone who you think will listen, the extent of what this woman will endure under your depraved sexual administrations, it will help compensate for your obvious lack of genuine self esteem.

It won't. It just makes you sound like a screwed up sex case.

Sorry but that's the impression I get.

which one is it, full blown narcissist or lack of self esteem?

you can't have it both ways........

and, who amongst us, is not depraved, in some way?

except you of course,

you must be perfect,

in every way

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94% b.....er off in the end some after 1 month and some after 15 years. Forget and move on BUT don't fall in love with any of them as they all end in sadness.

Who is them? Women, men, lady boys, dentists or doctors, triathletes, monks, politicians?

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94% b.....er off in the end some after 1 month and some after 15 years. Forget and move on BUT don't fall in love with any of them as they all end in sadness.

Who is them? Women, men, lady boys, dentists or doctors, triathletes, monks, politicians?

Or, as my original buddy from Brooklyn advised me upon my arrival,

"love all of them"

"marry none of them"

Had I listened to him the first two times, I would be far different...

I treat this girl like a queen, with every respect, open doors, move her chair at the table, public and private, and show her how a romance can be,

when respect is shown in every way,

"some" american men, are different then the thai boyfriends they have had..some are far worse,

but clearly, we both benefit fron this arrangement and are both working at learning the other's ways....and trying to adjust within a large language barrier, and the reality, that, she isn't leaving thailand, and says so straight away, and, I am 50-50, on whether this is my final destination or the beaches of south florida beckon me home,

I haven't decided, but, the Immigration rules here, will surely have their say; as they do, every 60 days, which frankly, is bullshit,

so, the idea of owning a business here, without becoming a full time citizen,

someone will have to explain that, as it seems like a set up for failure here

relationships included, (due to the Visa rules)

I dont even know if I could get her to the States, even if she wanted to go

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Or, as my original buddy from Brooklyn advised me upon my arrival,

"love all of them"

"marry none of them"

Had I listened to him the first two times, I would be far different...

I treat this girl like a queen, with every respect, open doors, move her chair at the table, public and private, and show her how a romance can be,

when respect is shown in every way,

"some" american men, are different then the thai boyfriends they have had..some are far worse,

but clearly, we both benefit fron this arrangement and are both working at learning the other's ways....and trying to adjust within a large language barrier, and the reality, that, she isn't leaving thailand, and says so straight away, and, I am 50-50, on whether this is my final destination or the beaches of south florida beckon me home,

I haven't decided, but, the Immigration rules here, will surely have their say; as they do, every 60 days, which frankly, is bullshit,

so, the idea of owning a business here, without becoming a full time citizen,

someone will have to explain that, as it seems like a set up for failure here

relationships included, (due to the Visa rules)

I dont even know if I could get her to the States, even if she wanted to go

You are an American you can own a business and land here. What do you think happens every 60 days?

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Or, as my original buddy from Brooklyn advised me upon my arrival,

"love all of them"

"marry none of them"

Had I listened to him the first two times, I would be far different...

I treat this girl like a queen, with every respect, open doors, move her chair at the table, public and private, and show her how a romance can be,

when respect is shown in every way,

"some" american men, are different then the thai boyfriends they have had..some are far worse,

but clearly, we both benefit fron this arrangement and are both working at learning the other's ways....and trying to adjust within a large language barrier, and the reality, that, she isn't leaving thailand, and says so straight away, and, I am 50-50, on whether this is my final destination or the beaches of south florida beckon me home,

I haven't decided, but, the Immigration rules here, will surely have their say; as they do, every 60 days, which frankly, is bullshit,

so, the idea of owning a business here, without becoming a full time citizen,

someone will have to explain that, as it seems like a set up for failure here

relationships included, (due to the Visa rules)

I dont even know if I could get her to the States, even if she wanted to go

You are an American you can own a business and land here. What do you think happens every 60 days?

For now, every 60 days I have to buy a stamp at immigration, exit the country and return before my double entry tourist visa expires.

I qualify for retirement Visa, if I want to open a bank account here, so for now, it is exit the country every 60 days,

this is a major impediment to any future here, as it is under these rules,

To marry here for citizenship, is not in the cards;

she wouldnt do it,

and would want to follow the "old ways" which, requires buying her from her mother,

that ain't flying for me....she's 32, not 18

I noticed a Citibank office near my home, but not sure they open accounts there,

and not sure I want to deal w US tax requirements, until I know why I am opening that can of worms

Edited by Scarpolo
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