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Phuket Building Code Zoning map

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Witout inviting a debate ( please ) on whether or not this is actually enforced, or even known of my local permit offices, ( and I've seen the thread in the housing forum, and do not wish to tip off the local zoning office...) can anyone provide a readable legend to this map ?

I'm specifically looking for building codes in the yellow and dark green areas


Can anyone confirm yellow is OK for multi story condo? And dark green is not?

Thanks in advance.



Right, which is why I'm asking the question ;

Can anyone provide a readable legend to this map ?

Perhaps I'll ask it another way

Does anyone have this map, or know of it , with a readable legend ?

Google comes up with this same map.

I'm specifically interested in the yellow and green zone data.

Thanks again


Just my guess, given that we built on the light green legend. The yellow should be Ok for a multi-floor condo (subject to building regs) and the light green has a building height restriction of 8 meters. The dark green, I expect only single floor buiding not for commercial use.


This zoomable map correlates with the map on OP. On the map it's possible to see where the national parks and sanctuaries are located (no, no for buildings).




That map seems dated, or half of Laguna and all of the high- dollar condos allong route 4018 parallel to Bang Tao are in National forest which is certainly possible.

Hwever it's noteworthy it is also putting the Strait of Malacca just west of the airport.

Let's see if I can figure out how to make a pic and post it ..

I cannot read Thai, any idea when it was made?

It is interesting and very detailed but not the zoning map I was looking for though the over lays may be worth just going through one by one

Any idea of which one may be the building code map?

I guess it's more likely that was a local thing that went by the wayside as local plannng initiatives tend to do? It's come up on a land sale and the buyer , ( a tourist , not familiar with Phuket governing habits ) wants proof of building rights .


Oh I give up 1 hour and can't figure out how to get a screen shot pic posted ( no btmp? )

Oilinki, would you please , you seem so I Net pic savvy ,

It really is worrying how much of Sirinart is just gone, about 40 % it looks like- some to Laguna , Pavilions, Layan Estates everyting in Nai Thon and now Land and State the other development Le Mare is it? Plus about 200 rai of rubber trees and pineapples .

Man, that Cherng Telay Or Bor Tor Mayor must really be a wealthy guy.


I can neither read Thai, but Google Chromium offers me to translate it to English. After that it's possible to read the left menu in English.

As it's DSI (Department of Special Investigation, police) I would assume it's up to date. But This is Thailand..



^ Oh very good, Thank you again

I have to hit the sack, will get back to the map tomorrow- very interesting topic this has suddenly become.

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