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I am currently using IPStar with the IPX-5100 Box. I connected a WLAN router to it. Websurfing etc. is not Problem but I cannot manage to use File Sharing Software like Emule. I know quite a bit about prot forwarding, but as the IPStar Box acts like a Router itself, I have problem to get everything through my WLAN router. Does anyone has a similar configuration and managed to forward ports successfully?

Any hint or help is appreciated!


I am currently using IPStar with the IPX-5100 Box. I connected a WLAN router to it. Websurfing etc. is not Problem but I cannot manage to use File Sharing Software like Emule. I know quite a bit about prot forwarding, but as the IPStar Box acts like a Router itself, I have problem to get everything through my WLAN router. Does anyone has a similar configuration and managed to forward ports successfully?

Any hint or help is appreciated!

Port forwarding must be done at the same point where traffic is NAT'ed (from a private IP to a public IP). When you do a traceroute to any website, you will see that the satellite link itself is in the private IP range, so NAT takes place at IPstar in BKK. That's the only place where you could set port-forwarding.

...which you can't.

  • 1 month later...

I need to stay in touch with my Amateurradio friends around the world and I use the IPStar from CSLoxInfo as well. The software I use for communication is called Echolink. It needs to open ports 5200 TCP and 5198-5199 UDP. I cannot succeed to do it with the IPX-5100 Box, although I tried anything in the Networt settings.

Anybody got any idea how to manage the port forwarding? From the box setup menue it seems to be possible, but I dunno....

Any comment welcome


I need to stay in touch with my Amateurradio friends around the world and I use the IPStar from CSLoxInfo as well. The software I use for communication is called Echolink. It needs to open ports 5200 TCP and 5198-5199 UDP. I cannot succeed to do it with the IPX-5100 Box, although I tried anything in the Networt settings.

Anybody got any idea how to manage the port forwarding? From the box setup menue it seems to be possible, but I dunno....

Any comment welcome


When I got the box it worked perfect, than they turned it off somehow!

The password is operator but I could not get anything yet, I guess their service just sux


If you want to have control of your ports then you will need to pay for a fixed IP address.

Which I think costs 100 -200 baht per month.

I had one with CSLOXinfo's IPstar but haven't bothered with TOT's IPStar as I no longer require it

Just contact support and arrange for a fixed IP

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

How to Port Forward IPStar Satellite router

Firstly, you need to navigate to your IPStar web interface.

You need to know 3 things.

1.) Your IP address

2.) Your Default Gateway address

3.) The port number you would like to forward

To find out your IP Address and Default Gateway address you need to do the following:

In windows, click 'Start' then 'Run...'

Type 'cmd' and press enter. You should now be at a command prompt (a black box).Then type 'ipconfig' and press enter in the black box. It should now show you some information.

All you are looking for are: IP Address, find it then write down the address

Default Gateway, again find it and write it down

Once you have found your default address, type the numbers into your web browser, then add at the end of it “:8080/xwebgateway.cgi” then click go.

It should bring you to your IPStar User Terminal

Click on networking and then you will be asked for a password and user name (default usually ADMIN: operator) If not you will need to call your ISP.

Once in the Network area of the terminal you need to disable netgain, it’s just a radio button that you click.

Then on ‘NAT Pass Thru Port” click add:

Next add the following:

Description: Add a name for this, so you can remember what you added at a later date

Protocol: Set this to TCP

Public Port: set this to your required port number

Private Port: Again set this to the same port number

Private IP: Set this to your IP address that you wrote down earlier

Then click Add:

The Repeat the whole process again but this time at the ‘Protocol’ click ‘UDP” then click add.

Click; apply new settings at the bottom of the screen.

The click Commit new settings on the bottom of the new screen

Your Router will reboot,

That’s it.

If you followed this guide carefully you will have forwarded your ports correctly

P.S. Worked for me - maybe its the netgain disable that is giving the headache - anybody know of a way to stop the cursed piece of plastic to stop logging off 50 times a day?



one forgot to mention that for forwarding, one needs a static IP at least in the internet connection settings, just have to be out of the dhcp range :o

gateway is the router address, and mask is always :D


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