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Thai Wife Stabbed Her Foreign Husband With Screwdriver


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Thai wife stabbed her foreign husband with screwdriver

Police were called to an incident in the Elephant pub in the Muang Chiang Mai and found that a male foreigner had been stabbed.

At the crime scene police found blood stains in the bedroom on the 2nd floor. The injured man was identified as Englishman Simon Constandtin, 34. He was immediately sent to hospital and had suffered what appeared to be a deep wound to his head. His attacker was Sirirat Jitranam, 19, a resident of Nong Khai, purporting to be Simon’s girlfriend. Police officers took her into custody to face charges of wounding with a ten inch screwdriver.

Doctors checked Simon’s condition at the hospital and found his wounds to be quite serious, but fortunately not critical. Their examination revealed that Simon had a five inch deep wound to the head.

During interrogation, Sirirat said that although they were not married, she and Simon had lived together as husband and wife for two years. At first, he was a good guy and helped her earn a living, until lately, he started drinking. When he got drunk, he used her as a punch bag. Before the incident occurred, Simon was drunk and shouted at Sirirat to open the door, but she was asleep upstairs and didn’t hear him at first.

When she eventually opened the door, he hit her and pushed her to the ground. She would not stand for being beaten any longer, so she grabbed a nearby screwdriver and stabbed him in the head. After the interrogation, Sirirat was charged with injuring another person and will face criminal proceedings.

-Chiangmai Mail

Nopniwat Krailerg

Saturday May 20, 2006

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First of all I fail to see why this is considered news -- a domestic dispute gone too far, but not big news.

I also find it interesting that the man is labelled a wife beater, yet it is he that is injured and she that is charged. It makes no mention of her alleged injuries as witnessed by the police.

I also doubt he had a "five-inch-deep" wound in his head -- more likley five-inch-long wound.

In all, typical shoddy reporting from the source listed.

Also, the dead "teacher" who died from an apparent drug overdose is not news, yet they saw fit to include the story and a blurred picture in the print edition.

Show people some personal dignity, even if they are troubled. This is just pruient interest and serves no public need to know.

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Police were called to an incident in the Elephant pub in the Muang Chiang Mai and found that a male foreigner had been stabbed.

I walked past there the other night and noticed that bar was closed. This incident would probably explain it.

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I couldn't ever be a police officer. I grew up in an abusive home, my father used to beat me and my mother. He beat her until I turned 12 and went after him with a bat. I continued to be beat until 17, 2 weeks after my 18th birthday I found him yelling at my sister. I can say that the beatings stopped all together that day...

If he had been beating her I think he deserved it. If I'd have been a cop, he would have fell down a couple of times too.

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If you keep beating your wife/girlfriend then this might happend to you.

If you are not careful with a Thai this is what will happen to you.

Yeah, they're not the best when it comes to their levels of tolerance :o

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If you keep beating your wife/girlfriend then this might happend to you.

If you are not careful with a Thai this is what will happen to you.

Yeah, they're not the best when it comes to their levels of tolerance :D

Yeah, a good beating every now and then and they complain? :o

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If you keep beating your wife/girlfriend then this might happend to you.

If you are not careful with a Thai this is what will happen to you.

Yeah, they're not the best when it comes to their levels of tolerance :D

Yeah, a good beating every now and then and they complain? :o

You sound like a man of experience :D

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If you keep beating your wife/girlfriend then this might happend to you.

My Chinese wife came after me with a hammer five months ago. :D

And I've never beaten her.

That fateful day, she came back from a family get-together with her parents and siblings, and had gotten herself all riled up telling them what an <deleted> loser I am (making only 6 figures in California when everybody and his dog is making 7, 8 and 9 figures, right?).

She came home in a bad mood, shouted "I'm gonna divorce you!" whereupon I calmly said "OK, if you file for divorce, I'm just gonna move to Thailand and will find a nice gal HALF your age."

Then my 41-year old wife yelled "If you do that, I'm gonna track you down and kill you!" to which I calmly retorted "Thailand has 69 million inhabitants, you're never gonna find me!"

That's when she totally snapped, screamed "I'm gonna do it right now, I'm going to kill you!!!" :D

I locked myself into the master bedroom, thinking she would grab a knife, but she surprised me by finding a hammer and starting to break down the bedroom door. :o

I called 911, four squad cars pulled up after what seemed an eternity.

Seeing the squad cars arrive, my wife calmed down and opened the door for the cops.

She got booked on two charges ("criminal threat" and "brandishing a weapon") and got released on $20,000 bail the next day.

She hired an expensive attorney and the case got plea-bargained down to "misdemeanor vandalism". She got sentenced to "time served", a 20 hour anger management course and got put on 3 years of probation.

In spite of all that, she's still (again?) very bitchy and has already thrown a full shopping bag at me, in clear violation of her probation. I will install some video surveillance equipment, tape her doing her "rage" thing and will then send her to jail where she belongs. :D

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Everyone assumes him to be guilty even though the only person to say he beat her is someone that was arrested for stabbing him. Maybe he did, but also there is no reason to believe that he did. She obviously has a few cards missing from her deck. Maybe he does as well, the best possible situation is that they deserve each other but it is also possible that she lost it because he was not nice to her and said he was more violent than he was to excuse her actions. It is unlikely that she would paint him as better than he really is when she is trying to justify stabbing him in the head. So it is most likely that he is far from the wife beater that he is made out to be.

In England, after my wife left me in a 'I'm leaving - OK bye' situation, the next day she found out that there was a council flat empty in the town and decided to go to the council and say that she had left me because I was violent. I had only ever hit her twice (no, I am not proud of that either) in 10 years, once when she was beating the crap out of me for going out late and coming home drunk and once when she was throwing crockery at our 6 year old son. She had often attacked me, so in reality I was the battered husband but once a woman says that she is a battered wife your life is <deleted>*d. Everyone, even those that have known you for years, just wants to believe it. Even those that had seen her the first day when she had simply left with no threat or violence believed her when the story changed. There were only a few that really believed me because she had told a few people the truth at the start and when she decided to live the lie they knew she was lying.

There are quite a few things that our politically correct but totally f#ck#d up society will go off on one about and this is one of those. Another is child molesting. Accuse someone of that and they can never clear their name because people do not care about the facts, they just get the lynch mob going without a second thought. Like in Portsmouth when a peadiatrician was beaten up because the mob were too stupid to know the difference.

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