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To the Farang Bicyclist Who Tried to Push My Car This Morning

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Great another car owner. Chiang Mai roads are fast becoming a parking lot.

If your vehicle takes up 90+% of the road then maybe not a good idea to buy in the first place.

See this all the time with big pickup trucks as they straddle the double yellow and cause other road users to hug the curb to avoid being run over.

The more time a person spends sitting in a car/truck then their core strength wastes away and then they can't ride a bike or even walk anywhere because they are so weakened.

Then they get insecure about being physically incapable and give stink eye to cyclists, motorbikes and even fast walkers.

Sign of the times.

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sorry dude, that was me. I think i got a bad batch of EPO this morning, but I was so close to my PR before your car got in my line. My HR was 163.5, which was ideal; watts at 1725 for 11 seconds, and i just couldn't control the roid rage plus blood transfusion (all done at 2 a.m. in sheer darkness). I was not lost, just focused!!!!

-signed, Lance.

If so you were not focused. It was a road not a racetrack. People doing that give cyclists a bad name and that does not help them gain extra consideration from people using the roads properly.

Yeah--I'm with @mesquite on this [ and obviously @pukkao] it was hilarious--who on Earth can't recognise what he was 'pretending' to say???


sorry dude, that was me. I think i got a bad batch of EPO this morning, but I was so close to my PR before your car got in my line. My HR was 163.5, which was ideal; watts at 1725 for 11 seconds, and i just couldn't control the roid rage plus blood transfusion (all done at 2 a.m. in sheer darkness). I was not lost, just focused!!!!

-signed, Lance.

Lance; congratulations on winning so many races while on drugs. When I'm using drugs I am lucky to find my bike let alone win a race!

-signed Willie N

Is it me---or have I seen this somewhere before??


Willy Nelson talking about Lance Armstrong,He did so well,look what he achieved,and all on drugs.When I was on drugs, I couldnt even find my push bike.


I have seen some Chinese tourists on bicycles as of late doing some pretty STUPID things…..or is it just me?

No, it is probably not just you, I have seen others doing stupid things too, so you are not alone. tongue.png


I must admit my first post was a little hard to tell if I was joking. EPO, Steroids, signed Lance.....ah, you never know. Sorry, I was joking. Let me tell the honest truth in this post:

I got a call this morning from my ex. she needed 100,000 Baht for good luck to give to her mom. If not, I am kicked out of my house that i just bought her last week. She told me about her other boyfriends wanting to take her to dinner (yes, we are married) and I had to get back home or all was lost. Her mom was yelling in the background, "make it 200,000 baht and a new car." I could hear my stuff being broken in the background.

The quickest way to my house was on a bike (borrowed from my other gf who is now pregnant with our 11th kid. I think 7 are mine.). Well, I started on my way and found out there was a poisonous snake stuck to the frame. I panicked. I looked down and, when i got the snake off, looked back up and saw your car. man, i did feel bad and didn't mean to yell......i will hit up the temple tonight.

*note: lost the house, now homeless in CM, visa expired for 9 years, bike was stolen, called farang until i cried, and some joker took my parking space. now i must figure out how to live for less than $500 a month.

hope this clarifies.

signed, clown. giggle.gif

No problem my friend, you can join me and the missus along Loy Kroh Road. If we meet up say around 7pm at Coffee Club we'll start work straight away. We already have a plan and well, all I'll say is its good to meet you again son. Yes, you will be our baby. We'll split the proceeds three ways, and don't worry 'cos there will be plenty. Just throw a tantrum and hit your head on the ground until they give us at least a hundred baht, then we'll move on. Or a beer, we take PayChang as well!

Welcome back son! burp.gif


I have seen some Chinese tourists on bicycles as of late doing some pretty STUPID things…..or is it just me?

I used to think that a lot of Thais were lousy drivers but they are geniuses compared to the Chinese when it comes to road safety. facepalm.gif

Sitting at WaaWee coffee shop [Ratchadamoen]one morning recently watching the antics at that intersection..mind boggling behaviour..Chinese No1, Then Thais and last and not much better were our westerners..

At last i get to see the Thais suffer a bit with the Chinese idiocy, much the same as we suffer the Thai road behaviour idiocy..Thais were actually shaking their heads in despair and disbelief at the Chinese.....Karma is great!!clap2.gif

To be fair also most of the westerners transiting that intersection were only marginally better than the other races..

A young western guy on a Click turned the corner..and just fell off right in front of me..not speeding, not slippery, just fell off....w00t.gif


Has there ever been a thread where someone says

To the ............ sorry for my selfish or unsafe or thoughtless behavior. I will try harder next time.

No never will happen because this is Thailand where it's standard procedure to blame others and even blame others for trying to make them face their own behavior.

Would bet a kings ransom the OP is exaggerating some points or leaving out other details in an attempt to seek validation and/or escape any personal responsibility for the situation.


... the OP is exaggerating some points or leaving out other details in an attempt to seek validation and/or escape any personal responsibility for the situation.



Willy Nelson talking about Lance Armstrong,He did so well,look what he achieved,and all on drugs.When I was on drugs, I couldnt even find my push bike.

I think you've recycled the already worn-out joke enough, don't you?



This topic reminds me of an old farang on some kind of bike, he yelled at my wife during a stop at the traffic. He is old and may be French or Italian. I was yelled at by the similar guy as he was entering the traffic without looking.

Yesterday at the Powerhouse Gym there was this old European old guy he was very rude as the way he talked to me. Normally a Thai guy in the gym would never talked like. Let's say that may be Thailand is too cheap it attract some terrible people from each countries in Europe.

This is what happens when folk harp on about how easy it is to live here on 500 baht a month, etc. The town is now loaded with knobs.

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Willy Nelson talking about Lance Armstrong,He did so well,look what he achieved,and all on drugs.When I was on drugs, I couldnt even find my push bike.

I think you've recycled the already worn-out joke enough, don't you?


Well it is a cycling thread..


Willy Nelson talking about Lance Armstrong,He did so well,look what he achieved,and all on drugs.When I was on drugs, I couldnt even find my push bike.

I think you've recycled the already worn-out joke enough, don't you?


Well it is a cycling thread..

5 days for the comeback harrry, we almost got tyred of waiting.

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