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Pheu Thai chief threatens mass protest if election is postponed


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My interpretation of the law might be a little rusty, but has Pheu Thai party leader and caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan now broken the law himself by calling for protests whilst under a SoE? Will he also now be arrested and have his bank accounts frozen? Lose his Ministerial position? Will Tarit immediately call for an investigation? Or is this once again a "do as I say, now what I do" situation as is far too common from the pro-Govt/PT side of things?

Thai law makes the Gordian Knot look like a bowline.

Indeed. And can be (mis)interpreted in so many creative and wonderful ways. I like things a bit more black and white personally.

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For red shirts, it means violence and riots- not protests or demonstrations. They wouldn't know a civilized demonstration to save their lives- especially when paid/hired.

Third reply and we already have the predictable assenine response from the Taxin vengence/we love the Dear Leader brigade. Outside of a few small areas in Bangkok. life in the vast majority of the country is going on as normal. The people want to vote in the election to elect the MP of their choice to represent them in Parliament. Some of the successful candidates will not be from PTP.

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

Fascist= Shinawatra i take it?

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

what absolute rubbish you spout!

I was going to use the block button, but now reading his posts just makes me laugh

I think trolls like him of which there seem to be a few now that the political situation is heating up, come on here spouting off as if they know what is going on, is sad and pathetic.

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For red shirts, it means violence and riots- not protests or demonstrations. They wouldn't know a civilized demonstration to save their lives- especially when paid/hired.

Third reply and we already have the predictable assenine response from the Taxin vengence/we love the Dear Leader brigade. Outside of a few small areas in Bangkok. life in the vast majority of the country is going on as normal. The people want to vote in the election to elect the MP of their choice to represent them in Parliament. Some of the successful candidates will not be from PTP.

Yes..............outside bangkok the brain washed go along drinking whisky and being brainwashed . Bacteria breeds in filth just as ignorance breeds exiled Dictators.

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I guess Taksin's thinking goes along the lines, that even if the election next Sunday is only in some constituencies, the people elected there are sure to be part of the new parliament, whenever that comes into existence. So if he can get his people through in the North and Isaan now, then he's gotten at least half a victory. And those farmers need not be paid immediately, as their vote has been cast already.

As for the other constituencies, postponed election will be happening as often as needed, until the quota is full.

So, get the election going now, then pay off the farmers, where elections were delayed and screw the rest of the country as soon as the PTP has the majority, or at least a coalition around the PTP.

And that is exactly, why the EC should stop the whole thing now, before the EC can be mired in a big mess of elections, re-elections and changed legal situations.

As for the red shirt demonstrations, they will have to deal with the farmers, who hold the government responsible for not paying up. If it gets ugly, it will be farmers against farmers. And that will be really ugly! But then, Taksin coudl not care less.

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This will be interesting with the usual violent red shirt protestors and the Yingluck Govt in charge .... wonder if the Govt will ask the Army to keep the Peace and Order ? ..... wonder if this will end up being Red Shirts attacking the Yingluck Govt .... someone mentioned the "gordian knot" ... no kidding ... how will CNN and BBC interpret this mess

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This will be interesting with the usual violent red shirt protestors and the Yingluck Govt in charge .... wonder if the Govt will ask the Army to keep the Peace and Order ? ..... wonder if this will end up being Red Shirts attacking the Yingluck Govt .... someone mentioned the "gordian knot" ... no kidding ... how will CNN and BBC interpret this mess

The red shirts tried burning this city down in 2010. They're still called 'peaceful protestors' by the pro Shinawatras. They can do the same now and the government will still attack the anti government protestors.

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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.

The vast majority of Thais do not give a toss what you, or any other farang know it all thinks.

As that other mug on here said "don't like it -go home"

The Thais will have their say this Sunday- well apart from those idiots in the south.

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated in 2006..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they demonized post-coup in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand unfairly IMHO. They use a double-standard. There is a vibrant pro-electoral democratic majority in Thailand in spite of imperfect application. No more imperfect than one finds in many other imperfect Democracies. Thailand Democracy does not need to mirror western style Democracy exactly to be considered valid. February 2nd. will show the vibrancy and strength of Thailand's democratic practices in the face of powerful forces seeking to undo it.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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This will be interesting with the usual violent red shirt protestors and the Yingluck Govt in charge .... wonder if the Govt will ask the Army to keep the Peace and Order ? ..... wonder if this will end up being Red Shirts attacking the Yingluck Govt .... someone mentioned the "gordian knot" ... no kidding ... how will CNN and BBC interpret this mess

They are heavily tipped by the Amsterdams and theShinawatras so they will blame the anti Government protestors

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This will be interesting with the usual violent red shirt protestors and the Yingluck Govt in charge .... wonder if the Govt will ask the Army to keep the Peace and Order ? ..... wonder if this will end up being Red Shirts attacking the Yingluck Govt .... someone mentioned the "gordian knot" ... no kidding ... how will CNN and BBC interpret this mess

They are heavily tipped by the Amsterdams and theShinawatras so they will blame the anti Government protestors

Flaming day, huh?

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they subsequently demonized in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand IMHO. They use a double-standard.

My country isn't lead by an overseas fugitive. My country also didn't have a faux drug war that claimed the lives of over 2000 citizens. Myself, I always like to make fun of people who claim the 'coup rooted government' killed 90 Thais while conveniently ignoring the so called 'democratically voted' government that killed over 2000. Something about judging the speck in someone's eye comes to mind when I read these people's post. whistling.gif

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which PTP government does this guy belong to, he is spouting off this nonsense while his PM is in talks with the EC - seems to me that PTP is full of PM's all spouting their own agenda - if this government had any sense they would have a press office were all statements and public announcements must pass through under approval of the senior cabinet or PM, it would certainly put an end to all these idiots - loose cannons saying the first thing that enters their head and if they can't toe the party line then sack them

So the government has an SOE in place and a senior party member is threatening protests in Bangkok - anybody see anything wrong with this

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they subsequently demonized in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand IMHO. They use a double-standard.

My country isn't lead by an overseas fugitive. My country also didn't have a faux drug war that claimed the lives of over 2000 citizens. Myself, I always like to make fun of people who claim the 'coup rooted government' killed 90 Thais while conveniently ignoring the so called 'democratically voted' government that killed over 2000. Something about judging the speck in someone's eye comes to mind when I read these people's post. whistling.gif

Dead are dead and must be respected, not used for anyone benefit. Whichever side they are: red, yellow, drug dealers, or anti-government protesters. Is not a matter on numbers or political views. Just respect them all please, you and whoever play the game "but in 2010, but in the drug war, but in 1973..."

Let's all get back to be human and try a bit of compassion and respect for who lost life prematurely.

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PTP would never have been allowed to stand in elections in the West as their vote buying populist election promises would have been outlawed

Can you imaging Labour in the UK telling all the farmers they would introduce a scheme to buy their produce at inflated (twice market) prices and give the whole country a 30% pay rise, give all school kids a free computer - it was just utter nonsense from the start

add to that all the lies thieving corruption abuse of the last 2 years - is it any wonder the people want them gone

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This tone-deaf administration refuses to listen to the EC, refuses to listen to the Constitution Court - or finds their really simple and clear rulings hard to understand. They also can't count.

" He cited the advance voting on Sunday, saying that the process went on smoothly in most of the polling units with disruptions in Bangkok and several southern provinces. "

Read that sentence carefully and pair it with the facts : 45 of 50 polling stations in Bangkok closed, and most of the South closed, totaling 11 provinces.

Reality and Pheu Thai have never really been on speaking terms. Oh, and by the way, threatening the involvement of the UDD is not the function of the Interior Minister.

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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.

Sorry old chap but it is a hilarious matter..in fact its the biggest joke in the eastern hemisphere...all this nonsense that has come from both sides is gut splitting comedy...I ask anyone again to please tell me who is actually in charge here..and if and when we find that person or people then maybe we can this comedy ironed out fast

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Of course caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan is not happy if Suthep's reform would materialize. It would mean that all governors would be voted in and not handpicked anymore by the interior ministry. That would make it much more difficult to steal money.

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