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Thai PM maintains February 2 election date: ruling party source


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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

Mmm....good saying for Mongolia....!

You really need to come to Thailand to get a better picture of what is actually happening here....going around town...witnessing the crowds....talking to people....the news print online (English versions) are quite distorted and confused... the Thai papers are often quite informative....they are online of course...but you may be limited if you cannot read....

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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

in mongolia...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz not alot happens,,just lots and lots of sayings i take itcoffee1.gif

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Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Bring the vote.

Our prayers are with you.

Bravo! (Maybe you can still) BUY the vote, for those farmers who still can't accept they've been cheated and lied to.

Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Our prayers are still with you. And at a time of your choosing please accept our humble, human sacrifices of the lame and the ignorant who post here amongst us. May they enrich the soil of Thailand for all it's people. Amen.

So what has Yingluck done for her people durin 2,5 years?

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Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Bring the vote.

Our prayers are with you.

Bravo! (Maybe you can still) BUY the vote, for those farmers who still can't accept they've been cheated and lied to.

Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Our prayers are still with you. And at a time of your choosing please accept our humble, human sacrifices of the lame and the ignorant who post here amongst us. May they enrich the soil of Thailand for all it's people. Amen.

explain your last sentence please,wai.gif

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So... will Sunday be another 'dry' day in Thailand?

I think they should revoke that silly law ASAP, because I think a little booze may actually make this Sunday bearable.

As the South and Bangkok are not participating, can we have drinks all round?

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Its ridiculous. Do voters even know who the candidates are or what they stand for? Or God forbid - their plan for reform?? There has been hardly any campaigning at all. I guess that's the real reason they need election at all costs. The less informed the voters are, the better.

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"Its final: General election on Sunday, as scheduled"

Thaksin wins, Pheu Thai acts, Yingluck will have her trip to Hawaii, Amnesty Bill will be active again after 150 days,... story book ending for REDEMCRACY

And the next election committee and parliament leaders will all be Red ONLY RED...

... One party domination, welcome to the glorious future state of S( C)HINAWATRA

Edited by MaxLee
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Think about what you're saying maybe?? There are only going to be one set of candidates fielded in this farce of an election, voters do not have a choice who to vote for, they can only abstain!

I thought there many different parties contesting the election?

Most of which are from the previous PTP Coalition...

Welcome to the Democratic Republic of Thaksinland, please leave your weapons at the door.

So there are many different parties contesting the election?

Just 30+ so they obviously dont deserve a vote or even count... or so these Protesters would have us believe.

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So... will Sunday be another 'dry' day in Thailand?

I think they should revoke that silly law ASAP, because I think a little booze may actually make this Sunday bearable.

So go buy some and keep it for sunday, who cares if the bars are shut there is plenty of other places to party if you so choose. Never affects me and its no inconvenience as long as you think ahead.

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Unless you're a Thai citizen and can actually vote on Sunday, why are so many getting caught up in a playground fight with children?

If you don't like the way Thailand was/is/will be run...leave it really down't get much simpler than that.

If you have lived in Thailand a long time, and see the good the bad and the ugly, then what's different now than it was then?

Thaksin/Suthep it doesn't matter, they're both megalomaniacs, hell bent in splintering the country.

Some of the comments from forum members over the past few days is shameful, some people seriously need to step the <deleted> away from the keyboard and go and get laid!!


its nothing to do with us, we are all alliens and who ever runs the land of no smiles they will make it

harder for us to stay.many years ago 100000 was all you needed for a 1 year visa.now look what they

want.So lets all sit back and enjoy the fun,just get lots of beer in.wai2.gifcrazy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifburp.gifhit-the-fan.gif

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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

For all your farmyard wisdom, you seem to completely miss the fact that the PDRC protests have been peaceful. They have blocked roads etc etc, but those are not the actions of gangsters and thugs no matter how you try to spin it.

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This Yingluck's got balls.

Or maybe just a plane ticket to Hawaii for Saturday.


Admit it, you have read my post... If the majority in Thailand wants to keep on voting for what they want to believe in, they simply get what they deserve. End of the line

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Which post number? I only read the first few on the first page.

edit: I did see something about Hawaii, that's why I used it instead of inventing my own destination. If that counts as copy right infringement, I'll change it!

Edited by taony
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This is getting cloudier by the hour. So, is this a Thai election for everywhere except Bangkok and the south of Thailand then?

A warm welcome awaits President Yingluck of the newly founded 'Republic of Lanna and E-san' from all corners of the world.

May be not a bad idea for the return of Lanna Kingdom. You are pushing for it, are you? LOL.

Send from my Mobile

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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

Mmm....good saying for Mongolia....!

You really need to come to Thailand to get a better picture of what is actually happening here....going around town...witnessing the crowds....talking to people....the news print online (English versions) are quite distorted and confused... the Thai papers are often quite informative....they are online of course...but you may be limited if you cannot read....

Bit a childish post Chris. BUT I live and work in Thailand and see the crowds and work/talk with the people. What is going on makes no sense. Abhisit and his 'pathfinders' are driven by jealousy. Not more then that. Or you want to tell me they have ambitious plans so everyone upcountry has study opportunities to learn reading? They want to keep the rurals dumb. Not the Shinawatra's.

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Bit a childish post Chris. BUT I live and work in Thailand and see the crowds and work/talk with the people. What is going on makes no sense. Abhisit and his 'pathfinders' are driven by jealousy. Not more then that. Or you want to tell me they have ambitious plans so everyone upcountry has study opportunities to learn reading? They want to keep the rurals dumb. Not the Shinawatra's.


Edited by metisdead
30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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I wish all the good people of Thailand the greatest of success with their elections on Feb 2nd.

Let's hope the killed and injured are well cared for.

Maybe if some one explained to her how she could make money off postponing it she would postpone it. After all she is a Shinawatra.wai.gif

Maybe they should also explain to her the murders are going to be charged to her. The same as she is doing to Abhist and Suthep. That would but two Shinawatra's in Dubai.

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This announcement clearly means that Pheu Thai's incredulous " offer " to the EC to go outside their constitutionally empowered mandate of overseeing elections and " persuade " the Democratic party to contest the next election - clearly went down like the lead balloon it was the moment Thaksin first thought of it, hence this statement of incredulous unanimity - a unanimity all but lacking in the relationship between Pheu Thai and the EC ever since time began. So it's off to the election and certain perpetual dissolution.

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The number of voters will be 10 - 20 times more than last Sunday. If the protesters try to obstruct the people's democratic right they are absolutely in the wrong and deserve everything they get.

They're protesters, demonstrators. Not 2010's terror hungry rented mobs. Says a lot about your character.

They are not fighting the army however... and are you seriously saying there are no Southern rented mobs in BKK now??

Perhaps you recall that the army were called in at a stage when the casualties were far lower in 2010? I think there was just one related death at that stage, correct me if I'm wrong.

But that's when things got bad, just a couple of days later, 24 dead.

Do you think if the army showed the same attitude against the current PAD (yes I'm saying PAD because we all know it's the same crowd) protestors that you would not get an armed retalliation?

The difference is PAD OR PDwhatever they're calling themselves know that this won't happen with the army.

Both sides have their armed elements ready to fight, and if you think there are no armed elements among the yellow crowd, you are very naive at best.

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This announcement clearly means that Pheu Thai's incredulous " offer " to the EC to go outside their constitutionally empowered mandate of overseeing elections and " persuade " the Democratic party to contest the next election - clearly went down like the lead balloon it was the moment Thaksin first thought of it, hence this statement of incredulous unanimity - a unanimity all but lacking in the relationship between Pheu Thai and the EC ever since time began. So it's off to the election and certain perpetual dissolution.

I wonder did you complain that the EC went outside their constitutionally empowered mandate of overseeing elections to " persuade " the PTP to postpone the next election?

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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

In my home country there is a saying: 'you can not break iron with hands' . Reforms in Thailand take time and elections is the path to follow. What Suthep archives is only putting the country / reforms steps back. With a ruined economy there won' t be place for democracy. Singapore became a serious democracy once the standard of life was well for all. Under Yingluck, I keep saying that, the country's economics are doing pretty well.

Singapore is a serious democracy? w00t.gifclap2.gif

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