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PDRC to rally at CMPO office today


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Their reasons behind protesting at CMPO....
Press Statement by PDRC Spokesperson Akanat Promphan: 28 Jan. 2014 (No. 2)

PDRC Spokesperson: Police Shooting Unarmed Protesters;
Chalerm’s intoxication renders him mentally incompetent to direct CMPO

(Pathumwan stage, 16.00 hours) PDRC Akanat Promphan has disclosed evidence showing that police officers have been shooting down unarmed, non-violent citizens without cause. Reports on the latest incident at the Thai Army Club were received while he was briefing the press on other attacks on anti-government protesters where police involvement was suspected.

Akanat lambasted law enforcement officials’ involvement in attacks on unarmed, non-violent protesters and suspicious activity during advance polls on 26 Jan. 2014. The first instance was at Wat Sri Iam polling unit, Bang Na where protest leader and Thaksin opponent Suthin Taratin was brutally shot and killed after rallying against early voting. “Following Khun Suthin’s murder, an individual going by the name of Wittaya Saensuk posted this picture on his Facebook page with the caption: ‘Satisfied. After advance voting at Pra Kanong yesterday, went to warmly welcome PDRC with bullets at Bang Na.’ His page indicates that he currently works at National Police headquarters.” (see images 1 - 3 attached below)

The second occurrence was at Nong Khaem advance polling unit for Tawee Wattana/Nong Kaem and Nong Kaem/Bang Bon Districts. The latter is the district where Wan Yubamrung, son of CMPO director Chalerm Yubamrung, is registered as a Pheu Thai MP candidate. Pictures of 3 men acting suspiciously at the polling unit have been released. One man, who tripped and fell while fleeing the scene, was later discovered to be a police officer from Nong Kaem precinct. He had disguised himself to mingle with protesters and was armed with a gun registered under a different name.

Akanat questioned what the plain-clothes officer was doing at the polling unit. “This individual was armed with a prohibited weapon - a criminal offense - in clear defiance of the Emergency Decree. Was he operating independently or under instructions of his superiors?”

The final incident took place today in front of the Thai Army Club where PDRC core leaders and supporters were protesting the 2 Feb. 2014 election. Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conferring with the Election Commission on said elections inside. At approximately 14.30 hours gunshots were heard and a protester was shot in the leg by a man dressed in black. The gunman was later revealed to be a police officer.

“CMPO has admitted that the individual in question is in fact a police officer,” said spokesperson Akanat. “However, CMPO’s Facebook page tells a different story. The police claim that the officer was on duty observing the scene and was attacked by protesters, although several media outlets present, including Bangkok Post and Bluesky Channel, reported firsthand that the man in black was the gunman responsible for the attack. Moreover, a gun and four pingpong bombs were found in his possession (see image 4 below). This disproves CMPO’s claim that the officer was passively observing. After all, many armed, uniformed police officers were already present among the demonstrators. Thus CMPO’s claim that an armed, disguised officer was needed is ridiculous. The CMPO is, once again, simply telling a lie to cover up their involvement in the attack.”

“It is now indisputable that police officers are brazenly shooting unarmed, non-violent citizens without cause. Once again, this calls into question the underlying purpose of CMPO’s establishment. Police attacks clearly prove this is a renegade unit authorized by the state to attack innocent anti-government protesters.”

In addition to disputing CMPO’s legitimacy, spokesperson Akanat also expressed strong reservations about caretaker Labor Minister Chalerm’s mental competence to direct the unit. “It is widely known that Chalerm frequently appears in parliamentary debates - which are televised - while inebriated. His speech is slurred and his face is flushed. In addition to being irresponsible and reckless, we suspect that he issues CMPO orders and attacks while intoxicated as well. But the fatal attacks on protesters show that this is a matter of life and death for both citizens and law enforcement officials. No individual, especially not Chalerm, should be making critical decisions while mentally incompetent for whatever reason. We therefore urge Yingluck Shinawatra to rethink her unsound appointment. In fact, as previously stated, we demand that she dismantle CMPO by the end of today altogether.”
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This is another attempt at promoting bloodshed by Suthep. He needs military intervention to fulfill his plan.

Why don't some of you supposedly educated westerners read some uncensored media,

It's mind boggling that so many here have fallen victim to propaganda. (videos doctored, negotiations are really a trick to attack)

The truth is very easily found, if you leave thai visa for a minute or two.

Wow, paranoid much.

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As Chalerm demonstrates the steely resolve of his confidence for which he is famous by confiding that the Centre for the Management of Peace and Order will flee to whisk it's peculiar delegation of peace and order to a get-away location if the present site is seized - he is made to confront at this point some embarrassing inconsistencies regarding his particularly odd definition of what security, peace and order is, as his organization has provided none of those things to where they were clearly needed, like the attack that resulted in the death of a PDRC leader, not to mention the nightly grenade attacks and the general campaign of terror that the protesters have had to endure. So credibility - as always - is Chalerm's Archilles heel. The people's problem is that they have to live under his peculiar definition of security, peace, and order - with all the limping that goes with it. The CMPO's greatest embarrassment will be the election itself, because Chalerm has promised that they will take care of everything seamlessly - from one corner of the country to the other. And if you believe that, there's a bridge in Brooklyn that is just waiting to be bought.

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