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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.

Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

Terrorism?! That involves physical violence to the extreme. Red shirts?

Don't be so dramatic, unless you wanna star in a thai soap opera.

Do you know the definition of terrorism given by UN?

Extreme groups of BOTH faction can be called terrorists...

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However long it drags on for, it is better than the Poodles Council and Suthep as dictator for one or two years. Democracy has a cost and has to be defended against the outraguous acts of the EC and their partisan friends in the CC. Election is legal, valid and the result is bindiing... apart from Coup conspirators who want it either not to happen or for a system in place that ensures only Dems can win. Hence the Courts blatantly siding with Suthep in full view of an incredulous world media.

The election must proceed and the EC can shame themselves all they like. Votes cast will tell who has the numbers and it sure as hell isn't Suthep

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This bloke is an idiot, the country is a mess. When is someone going to grow a pair and just rid the country of these muppets from both sides?

If you would read the news: Suthep want a short interim government that prepares a changes to the constitution and laws to get rid of vote buying and corruption (=get rid of the Shinawatra clan + other self serving politic Dinosaurs) AND than all members of the interim government are also banned for 5 years from politics (to ensure they don't do any self serving things) and he himself will leave politics (=getting rid of their own muppets).

So this "idiot" is exactly doing what you want.


And let's assume this is how it would go down and that the protesters have a good case in general.

But you cannot keep people from voting, that's crazy.

For the sake of at least giving the pretense of a democracy and avoiding the reds coming in and pullling off the same scheme, the right to vote needs to be enforced as a human right.

Yes, probably the election will be nullified anyway and there will be a long process to sort things out after that, followed by yet another election.

But don't go down that road.

Edited by rideride
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Suddenly the foreign media is not so welcome, not that it has outed the great leader and the Coup plotter.

Shoved from behind in a totally non agressive manner, no danger to equipment of himself if he falls on the camera.

Just more examples of the transparant Coup attempt and the lenghts the master will go to to avoid it being filmed. Falangs coming in for lot of abuse last night bottom end of Rachprasong near Pratunam. Not long before they start beating them us as they think we are all journos... Must be those leaves they are chewing. Very very crazy eyed guys there at night and won't be going back again.... Which is good news for all the clothes shops in the area.


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Why can't he just go on stage and try to convince everyone to vote for "no one" or "null" or whatever its called? Its a much bigger statement on how the Thai people are behind you if they come out en masse and vote for no one. And much better than having an election where no one will know what the true result would have been - we have parties boycotting it, protests in front of polling stations intimidating people not to vote,etc.

I guess deep down he knows he doesn't have the support he claims to have.

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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

This bloke is an idiot, the country is a mess. When is someone going to grow a pair and just rid the country of these muppets from both sides?

If you would read the news: Suthep want a short interim government that prepares a changes to the constitution and laws to get rid of vote buying and corruption (=get rid of the Shinawatra clan + other self serving politic Dinosaurs) AND than all members of the interim government are also banned for 5 years from politics (to ensure they don't do any self serving things) and he himself will leave politics (=getting rid of their own muppets).

So this "idiot" is exactly doing what you want.

Ok h90,

So, you are telling me that there is currently no provision in the Thai constitution or criminal code that says that it is illegal for any person to buy votes or otherwise illegally influence an election? (including blocking candidate registrations and polling places)

Further, you are telling me that there is no law in Thailand that makes corruption, in a variety of forms, a crime?

And, you are telling me that the "reforms" that do need to be made can ONLY be made by suspending the existing constitution and appointing an unelected and undefined peoples council which has no oversight by the people, no limits on their powers, no checks and balances on their activities, no specified duration for their rule, and no ratification plan for whatever they come up with when they are done....

Is that REALLY the argument you are making???

How about this plan...

How about actually APPLYING AND ENFORCING THE LAWS THAT ALREADY EXIST to arrest the known perpetrators of vote buying and election fraud and illegally interfering with the election process.... How about if you actually arrest them, try them, convict them, and PUT THEM IN JAIL and not let the BS Thai judicial system let them run away, ignore the law, buy their way out, and all the other BS that they do.

Next, how about you actually apply the existing laws on corruption... You have the DSI and the anti corruption ministry but they are just as corrupt as the people they are supposed to stop. More corrupt probably... so how about actually arresting the people who do this stuff and make a special place in hell for the police and other agencies who are charged with the responsibility to prosecute these corruption crimes who are also on the take.

And finally, how about you follow the constitutional rules for the process of amending the constitution on the issues that do need reform?

It's called RESPECTING THE RULE OF LAW. I know it's a strange concept, and it can be difficult, but in the end, if you follow it, you actually make progress toward your goals and you avoid the revolving door of government by violence in the streets and endless coups.

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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.
Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

Terrorism?! That involves physical violence to the extreme. Red shirts?

Don't be so dramatic, unless you wanna star in a thai soap opera.

Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

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Suddenly the foreign media is not so welcome, not that it has outed the great leader and the Coup plotter.

Shoved from behind in a totally non agressive manner, no danger to equipment of himself if he falls on the camera.

Just more examples of the transparant Coup attempt and the lenghts the master will go to to avoid it being filmed. Falangs coming in for lot of abuse last night bottom end of Rachprasong near Pratunam. Not long before they start beating them us as they think we are all journos... Must be those leaves they are chewing. Very very crazy eyed guys there at night and won't be going back again.... Which is good news for all the clothes shops in the area.


I think she is signing "7 seconds before cut".

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This country is sick. People seem to enjoy this game-play of the rebel Suthep and his hooligans, which are a minority that destroy the country. It's pure anarchy, as the police and army just stand by and watch Thailand go down the drain.

You may not agree with Yingluck, but she's chosen by a majority. And politicians should prove their skills by talking, negotiating, compromising and finding win-win solutions. It's NOT their task to build up barricades and polarise problems whereby victims my fall. Mr.Suthep is now already the first criminal of the country, responsible for more than 10 deaths and over 500 injured people.

Thailand STOP this stupidity, choose better leaders, fight corruption, but go for the democratic process and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.

Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

Terrorism?! That involves physical violence to the extreme. Red shirts?

Don't be so dramatic, unless you wanna star in a thai soap opera.

Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.

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if I was home and I was prevented from voting by a political group I would class that as an act of terrorism

So that's terrorism, but according to the same people the red shirts that raided the ASEAN summit, threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, stormed police hospital, stormed TV station, bomb attacks on electricity pylons, took police hostage, beat soldiers, destroyed CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train tracks and used children as human shield is not terrorism?

I just checked the calendar and it's 2014. Why are you raising things that happened 3 1/2 years ago? That people find this blockage and, yep, terrorism unacceptable does not in any way imply support for any of the things you list above. Why is this so hard for people to understand.

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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Agreed and as long as they sit in front of a polling station it is civil disobedience.

The moment they SHUT DOWN the station and ACTIVELY keep people from moving in (as in grabbing them, holding them, threatening them) as seen in some videos, it turns into something else!

Sure, that's assault among other things and I imagine they have probably broken the electoral law in a few places as well. It's still not terrorism. But if they start throwing grenades into crowds I'll happily change my mind.

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I have no problem with Civil Disobedience UNTIL it impinges upon the rights of other people. There is a very clear line between that. Preventing others from exercising their right to vote is a violation of that voters rights to vote.

How can that be difficult to understand. I thought you guys were the intelligent ones?

Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

All I said was "it's not terrorism".

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so i think it is fair to say then that he is going back on his word again - "not to prevent people from voting?"

I think it is also fair to say then that his actions will cause a lot of problems and very likely again violence between voters and those who try to prevent them from voting?

I think it is also fair to say that this may cause more violence instigated by the mad man Suthep and I think it is also fair to say then that it is time that this lunatic should be "removed" - to use his words - "by all possible means" to avoid bloodshed and violence during the elections.

Removing this lunatic from the equation now might safe the lives of many innocent Thai people - so I say go for it - by all possible means get rid of this hate preaching nut case!

I have not met any Thai yet who would miss this corrupt gangster - Thailand would be a much better place without him! .

The guy is a disaster, the dims have finally woken up to the fact that this election means their anniliation from thailand's political landscape, they cant even stand for office in the next election as they have not voted in this election. They are desperate now. Good riddance to them anyway, at least Korn had the foresight to jump ship before the dis embarked on this madcap endevour.

The powers that be are going have to scrabble hard to limit the damage this guy has wrought to the anti thaksin groups in the country.

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