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Hair salons.


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Haha...the OP is obviously a troll, but here goes anyway: what a waste of $5000 (and $3000 a month). I know a working woman who got 1 MILLION baht ($23,000 USD at the time) from her farang boyfriend...who wasn't living in Thailand. Of course, she just kept on working the bars anyway. The money was whittled away quickly, "borrowed" by family members. Sigh.

Edited by Ajaan
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Ya I think troll, but what the heck.

Why is it ALWAYS a hair salon?

Out of the dozens of girls that have tried this on me, all but one wanted to go that route - the exception wanted a beer bar.

EVERY SINGLE example I've known where the guy actually did do this, cost him FAR MORE money overall than if he'd just given her a very healthy allowance. And that's well over a hundred examples by now, probably most guys I know got married tried this one time or another.

NOT ONCE have I seen a business become self-sustaining, it's ALWAYS a bottomless money pit.

I've figured out it's just that the girl wants big face to be a business owner, has no real interest in actually doing business.

Sometimes the guy being hands-on involved makes it work, but the net profits are never worth the time and effort at farang scale incomes.

Just hand over the cash for them to spend, much cheaper in the long run.

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