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Steroids for Exercise


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Ok serious one, come to my gym follow my routine without warming up or stretching and grin and bare it the next morning.

If stretching is counter productive, better inform every am or pro athlete trainer in the world they got it wrong. Meanwhile, i will continue to warm up/stretch before doing any kind of weight lifting.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My man, I provided a link to an article that describes the latest medical thinking on the subject of stretching vs exercise, if you don't like it don't read it, if you've already read it and disagree with with the content, your prerogative, but quit bleating on to me about it!

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Steroids in my book can be used especially if your older. Think HRT but in your situation not yet needed.

Believe me its normal to be sore when you start training.

Testosterone is legal here for HRT and can be bought. But it is an injectable. first check blood levels if its needed.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Look into glutamine. It is an amino acid that the body produces naturally. It aids in recovery and helps when you take after a workout. It is usually sold in powder form at GNC stores. I am sure in comes in capsule form too. A Thai pharmacy might have it. If they do it will be much cheaper than buying it at GNC stores.

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Streach before you start. Reduce the repetitions/weights you are using until your muscles become accustomed to the new exertion and slowly increase over the weeks. Streach again when you have finished. Take it easy and set achievable targets. You would also benefit from doing some running, but start with short and achievable distances. I am 69 and run for aerobic exercise and then do the weights, crunches etc for anaerobic exercises and feel great. Good luck and the secret is, once you start keep it up and remember your not trying for the Olympics!thumbsup.gif

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There was a big multipage feature on the use and misuse of body-building drugs in Thailand in the Spectrum magazine of the Bangkok post last Sunday.

Frighteningly informative!!!

That topic is very complex....it goes from improving health to destroying it.

It is like a glass of red wine is good for health...2 liter per day not.

Having an elderly man exercise regularly, eat healthy and increase his testosterone level to what it was when he was young is without any doubts very good.

Taking 20 different medications at 100 times their recommended dosage till you 120-150 kg of pure muscle will kill your liver also without any doubts.

and enlarge your heart and virtually all other internal organs as the numerous autopsies on bodybuilders has shown

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Taking testosterone if you have a swollen prostrate is very dangerous as it will quicken any sign of prostrate cancer to full blown, check with your doctor or hospital.

Yes it is.. that is why you should do a test for prostate cancer before doing any steroids. There are many things to consider before doing such a thing. It is not a spur of the moment decision. Unfortunately many abuse the substance and give legit users a bad name. HRT is real beneficial for many people.

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Soooo where can someone buy steroids in Thailand?

Have you never been in a Pharmacy in Thailand, I mean ANY pharmacy, even Boots!

I'm not certain you have, perhaps you can give some specific examples of what you have found where?

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There was a big multipage feature on the use and misuse of body-building drugs in Thailand in the Spectrum magazine of the Bangkok post last Sunday.

Frighteningly informative!!!

That topic is very complex....it goes from improving health to destroying it.

It is like a glass of red wine is good for health...2 liter per day not.

Having an elderly man exercise regularly, eat healthy and increase his testosterone level to what it was when he was young is without any doubts very good.

Taking 20 different medications at 100 times their recommended dosage till you 120-150 kg of pure muscle will kill your liver also without any doubts.

and enlarge your heart and virtually all other internal organs as the numerous autopsies on bodybuilders has shown

Id love some links to the numerous autopsies on bodybuilders id love to learn more about this. I suppose it is possible at doses that some of the top bodybuilders take. But I have never heard of this so i would love to read your data. Thanks if you can supply that.

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Soooo where can someone buy steroids in Thailand?

Have you never been in a Pharmacy in Thailand, I mean ANY pharmacy, even Boots!

I'm not certain you have, perhaps you can give some specific examples of what you have found where?

The only pharmacies i found steroids other then testosterone (legal) are in the tourist area's and certainly not where I live (outside the tourist area's). Now I have never been looking for the stuff so it might be available but i haven't seen it. In the past I have been asked to buy some stuff and send it to friends so I do know how it looks. I found my local pharmacies real law abiding.. xanax and stuff also is not available there.

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Warm up before you lift. It's important to start to work up a sweat. Stretch at the end, not at the beginning, for maximum benefit. If you go the testosterone route, be warned that it can have a bit of an erratic effect on your sex life. At times it will be better than ever, and at other times it will be worse. I didn't like the roller coaster effect so I quit the testosterone supplementation. I might reconsider it when I'm a little older (I'm in my mid 50's).

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I used to forget warmups when i was young.. now I always warm-up on my rowing machine. I am 100% positive it has saved me from many injuries.

Muscle pains are normal when you just begin, will go away in a few weeks. I know that when i have stopped for a holiday or other reasons it always hurts a bit when i start.

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Soooo where can someone buy steroids in Thailand?

Have you never been in a Pharmacy in Thailand, I mean ANY pharmacy, even Boots!

Could you please name the brands?

I asked a couple years ago, and they said no, or try to sell vitamins that just claim grow muscles.

Are we talking about Dianbol, or Deca-Durabolin, or test?

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No pain no gain. You gotta buck up and take the pain if you want to get in shape. Stretching helps and not overdoing it on your first few weeks as well. Start slow and build up. Don't try to do it all in one day when you start. That's why you are paying the price even more than you should.

And at this point steroids won't help you. You still got to put in the time.

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This is a complex question and many factors have to be taken into account.

1/ Going from no workouts to full workouts will leave you very stiff and depending on the type of workout could leave you barely able to

get out of bed and unable to walk down stairs without using a hand rail. So start very slow but even if you are sore you have to go

an exercise to keep the gains coming.

2/ You should end your workouts with a 30 minutes on a spin bike or 30 minutes swimming. The heat rate is to be kept below an

aerobic workout level. well below an anaerobic level. Probably between 100-110 bpm for someone your age. This flushes the lactic

acid from muscles, which will help lessen the stiffness the next day. That is why you see all the athletes on the side lines on spin

bikes (wide receivers in American football) flushing lactic acid while the the opponents offence is on the playing field.

Hockey players, soccer players all do there spinning immediately after the game before the muscles get stiff. A little extra protein

(glass of milk) or if you have been sweating like a race horse a coconut water to replace fluid and electrolyte will be beneficial

not the high sugar sports replacement drinks like Gatorade. If you are more highly trained and lifting more weights you will need

more protein but for your level not so much.

3/ other supplements ie steroids. These alone will not make you stronger or fitter. What they do is help in recovery so they allow

you to work harder, and if you are committed, much much harder. Those guys you see walking around with muscles were you

didn't even know there were muscles do not have Greek Gods for parents. They work very, very, very hard and the "juice"

allows them to work that hard. For you of course you should get your testosterone levels checked. I think it is about 500 baht.

I get mine checked along with cholesterol, triglycerides,STD's, hepatitis etc.. while I am in Thailand. The whole package is less

than 2,000 baht. Steroids are all readily available here across the counter. Testosterone in pill form as well a injected. That is why

there are so many body building type guys here. What they do is far above what you should even consider. See the Doc with your

test results. Get advice from him if your testosterone levels are low. (Low T)

4/ Stretching. You want to be flexible but those are completely different workouts to weightlifting. You will not see sprinters or any

ballistic event guys doing a stretch workout before or after a competition or training event. Lengthening the muscle fibres is counter

productive and can cause joint instability. They will warm the muscles and do a light stretch only. After a heavy weight work out the

muscles are completely frazzled you should do your flush, 30 minutes on the bike then go home. For the stretching component several

hours later the muscles need to be completely warmed up again on a spin bike, tread mill, run and then when you are fully sweating

you can do a proper stretch.

Depending on how much time you have, the level you are working toward you decide how much you want to put in.

Slow and steady with the emphasis on steady is what you need to do to get results.

Of course lots of good information from many people here and I am sure many will disagree with what I have written. thats OK.

Get some ideas from here and persevere. Best of luck thumbsup.gif

Edited by Ulic
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The latest thinking I've read suggests that stretching before exercise is counter productive, chapter and verse here:


The debate about stretching can rage unabated, my personal experience means that I have a good knowledge of what works for me.

Again, in my youth, I was involved in martial arts. The stretching I do now is the same I did then. Not for warming up or cooling down, but to keep my body supple.

There are quotes in the article that do say short and light stretching before training and post training stretching is beneficial. The wording is critical. The criticism is aimed at 'extensive' stretching before training. I don't have the motivation to pursue their definition of 'extensive' stretching but would assume that it involves pushing to the point of pain (albeit briefly) and more than a couple of minutes.

The comments about HRT I find very valid. For women it has been accepted and used for decades. Men just have to get on with it. Why?

Protein drinks/supplements is another area of contention. As is the debate about how many grams/kg of body weight are 'essential'. I advise that a lot of it is personal choice. If you enjoy a post-workout protein shake, cool...enjoy.

Claims are made that between 1 and 2 grams/kg are needed to maintain and build muscle. At 90kg I should be consuming between 90 and 180 grams of protein every day. I eat healthily, average 70 grams of protein a day and haven't had a protein drink for about 25 years.

As for testosterone use making your testicles shrink...no it doesn't. Although wording here again is critical. If I replace the word 'use' with 'abuse' then, yes, it does make your testicles shrink and over the years I've had a few people confide in me, with a certain amount of panic, that their testicles have shrunk to pre-puberty size. It is quite easily rectified. Penis size is unaffected. Or maybe that's just me - it's always been small :)

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Hi I am 55 years old and have been on HRT (Nebido) for the past 5 years and my quality of life has improved dramatically. It looks like you could have low T the best will be to see a Dr specializing in HRT and have your bloodwork done this will immidiately shown you if there are problems the Dr route is vitally important if you have underlaying prostate problems HRT will aggrivate that. Testosterone can only be injected there is no oral route it will get digested in the stomach and all these so called T boosters you can buy over the counter do nothing. My main simptoms were a serious lack of drive and total disinterest in the opposite sex can assure you I was not being my normal selfe. The injections are pricy ($160 every 3 months) but worth every cent. Woman HRT is widely accepted I see no reason why we have to suffer just because some a-holes abused the stuff. Once you get back into regular excesize you will feel much better and wonder how you could get along without being strong and fit. Good luck and keep up the good work.

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Everyone has an opinion and I've just read some good advice and some horrific.

Everyone is different. Some guys can do weights twice a day, other twice a week. If you put 1000 people through an exercise regime, 10% will have fantastic results, 10% will be worse than before.

You said you are "trying to get fit".

I'd guess you want to be leaner and more muscular, but not just look strong and powerful, actually BE strong and powerful.

To get there your brain needs to signal to the rest of your body that some big changes need to happen for you to cope with a new higher level of physical work. Changes will be stronger bones, new muscle tissue, new nerve cells, and other bodily systems to service that muscle, etc.

To trigger that signalling you need to do the work.

Personally I don't bother with warm ups or stretches.

To start just try squats and chinups, once a week or longer, or shorter, depending on if you've made a full and complete recovery and feel good. Keep in mind all the systems you are building within you - give them a chance to develop, don't destroy them every day with more work.

You don't need anything for squats, just good form - knees and nose never forward of toes. Go down and up very slowly, try 7 seconds each way, 3 or 4 for the chins.

Some people can't do even 1 full squat, so just do your best, but go until you've recruited almost every muscle in your body to assist, feel the thighs burn, prolong that burn as you can, and if you can stand up after the last squat you haven't worked hard enough.

For the chins if you can't do one that's ok, just gradually transfer weight off your feet. Don't focus on rep count, focus on the work, in fact learn to make them harder to do, not easier. That's harder than it sounds cos your body will be trying to 'cheat' to get through the ordeal. When you can't go anymore try holding that few seconds longer.

Well I've rambled on too much, good luck with whatever way you choose.

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Modern exercise trends (read magazines like Men's Health to get an idea of current thinking) argues for intense exercise routines concentrating on multiple muscles groups. Intensity training is replacing long boring sessions on aerobic machines like cross trainers and static runners. Circuits have become mixed and rest times between exercises cut to a minimum - chatting to your buddies is something you do over a protein shake at the end of your session. I've been a regular gym goer for the last decade and a half (but not a muscle / body builder)- must admit I love the new stretching machines like the ones made by Procor where you use your own weight to stretch back, legs, arms and shoulders - particularly useful in showing how inflexible your hip is becoming. Have been using these pre and post exercise and have found them to be incredibly beneficial.

Earlier last year while testing for a bacterial infection picked up in Nigeria which resulted in serious cellulitis it was noticed that my fasting blood sugar had crept up to proto diabetic levels. I was advised to try moving my gym routine intensity levels up. This plus specifically concentrating on developing extra muscle volume has completely solved the blood sugar problem. I'm now sold on the new techniques - get to hit the steam room after an hour and a half with double the calories burnt - have lost no weight but have changed size and lost plenty in the gut area. Am now seriously considering the use of pre-testosterone supplements taken daily in shake and pill form which are shown to help build muscle volume by building self production of testosterone - they are also thought to be much safer that straight testosterone injectables.

But guys I'm 64 not 40 something - and I've done this in close consultation with reputable doctors and sport technologist and as many OPs have advised based on my own detailed investigations of stuff on the internet which I've cross checked with published medical and physiological research. There is plenty of cranky stuff on line as well. But guys I recommend this as the way do go.

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Modern exercise trends (read magazines like Men's Health to get an idea of current thinking) argues for intense exercise routines concentrating on multiple muscles groups. Intensity training is replacing long boring sessions on aerobic machines like cross trainers and static runners. Circuits have become mixed and rest times between exercises cut to a minimum - chatting to your buddies is something you do over a protein shake at the end of your session. I've been a regular gym goer for the last decade and a half (but not a muscle / body builder)- must admit I love the new stretching machines like the ones made by Procor where you use your own weight to stretch back, legs, arms and shoulders - particularly useful in showing how inflexible your hip is becoming. Have been using these pre and post exercise and have found them to be incredibly beneficial.

Earlier last year while testing for a bacterial infection picked up in Nigeria which resulted in serious cellulitis it was noticed that my fasting blood sugar had crept up to proto diabetic levels. I was advised to try moving my gym routine intensity levels up. This plus specifically concentrating on developing extra muscle volume has completely solved the blood sugar problem. I'm now sold on the new techniques - get to hit the steam room after an hour and a half with double the calories burnt - have lost no weight but have changed size and lost plenty in the gut area. Am now seriously considering the use of pre-testosterone supplements taken daily in shake and pill form which are shown to help build muscle volume by building self production of testosterone - they are also thought to be much safer that straight testosterone injectables.

But guys I'm 64 not 40 something - and I've done this in close consultation with reputable doctors and sport technologist and as many OPs have advised based on my own detailed investigations of stuff on the internet which I've cross checked with published medical and physiological research. There is plenty of cranky stuff on line as well. But guys I recommend this as the way do go.

Hate to break it to you.. but there is no stuf that has proven to raise your testosterone levels (except heavy full body exercises that is)

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Ok mate, lets do a test, i will stretch and warm up a bit and you dont.

Then we sprint 100 meters. Assuming you havent pulled or torn anything, i will buy u a beer to celebrate. ;-)

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

you are writing nonsense....

A 100 meter sprint isn't exercise with weights.

Not stretching doesn't meant no warm up at all.

You right, all the pro's do not know much when they stretch and warm up before performing and stay "warm" after.thumbsup.gif

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In my youth, I was into strength training and USED steroids. I'm 50 now and still train regularly.

I've seen guys get huge and ridiculously strong by ABUSING steroids, but they eventually pay a price for it. Sometimes physical health problems, sometimes psychological problems, sometimes getting arrested because of roid-rage and fighting.

A couple of other replies on this thread have also made a point of emphasising the difference between use and abuse.

There have also been very sensible replies saying take it steady with your exercise program. If you have gone from a completely sedentary lifestyle to 'only' doing crunches, press ups and stretching, then you are shocking your body and it's telling you in the only way it knows how - Pain.

If you are aching and a bit stiff the next day (sometimes 2 days after), that is healthy and a sign that you are working your body well, but not overdoing it. If the pain is uncomfortable then you have definitely overdone it.

Bit of science now. For most men, as you get older the amount of testosterone your body produces gradually declines.

I have a friend in the UK who was getting all sorts of niggling aches and pains. As a successful buisnessman he was concerned he was also losing his motivation. His GP had been zero help - you're getting old. Live with it.

We sat down and had a long chat about many aspects of his life. What I suggested to him, shocked him, but he was at a point where he would try anything.

Take testosterone. Within 3 weeks he was feeling better. After 6 weeks the niggling aches and pains had gone and he was firing on all cylinders motivation wise.

Testosterone does have its uses, but there are risks involved in using it and I don't think your circumstance warrants it. Getting fit takes time and is a long term commitment. If it was easy, we'd all look great.

Good luck with your training, be patient and if you want some specific advice, please post how many crunches, press ups, etc you are doing.

Surprised by all the excellent advice provided about steroids and exercise a lot of experience and wisdom in the comments some of my favorites were Sean in Udon, Sayonararx, JonesThebaker and Bobblok. I first walked into a gym in 1964 in San Francisco I was 15 years old I am now 65 so I have been exercising for 50 years back in the old days their was a guy from San Francisco named Jack LaLanne some people refer to him as the Godfather of fitness he lived well into his nineties and is famous for performing many athletic feats, during the 1960-ties their were not a lot of gyms and not many people exercised. Over the past fifties years I have observed many different work out programs and styles, back in the old days it was all about power lifting you were judged on how much you could bench press, clean and jerk and squat their were some big strong guys working out in the gym a lot of these guys are now dead and the ones who are still alive have a lot of physical problems, bad backs, knee replacements, hip replacements and numerous shoulder surgeries for torn rotor cuffs etc... The knowledge and information learned over the years has evolved the circuit training and light weights with less then one minute between sets is a good program for advanced weight trainers but the foundation for any exercise routine should start with a good cardio program, and healthy diet is very important along with proper rest and water intake. Anyone who is just beginning to exercise or is making a come back should start very slow and only with light weights if you experience a lot of soreness after working out then you did too much. You have to take time to wake up your muscles it is not a sprint it is a marathon it should be a life long activity, consistency is the key, over the years my observation is most people lack the discipline, determination and dedication to stay in the gym it takes a special pride and attitude to survive long term, my advice to everyone is to just get to the gym and do something some days you feel good and have a lot of energy and you can go for it other days you will feel lazy, tired or unmotivated and these are the day that build character these are the make or break days so when your feeling tried just go to the gym and do a light and short work out even a 15 or 20 minute workout is productive and will keep you in the routine....

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Organic Maca Root powder,

Used by Aztec warriors before battle to increase strength and stamina, once they won the battle they had to stop using it by all accounts as they were 'Humping' everything in sight lol...

A natural product used by many endurance athletes and I believe also known as one of Natures Viagra, prescription only apparently in Norway. so has some good side effects (male libido) claims to improve testosterone levels, do check other side effects though if you on any heart meds/blood thinners... Give the Mrs too unless she starts growing a beard!

An as already said, no pain no gain, take your time and ease into it with rest of muscle groups every other day, always Warm up and Cool down

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