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Scrutiny by thai police


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From the OP:

Maybe it's a regular routine work. Or maybe through Interpol they received any info ( if there is any past) . I would suggest just talk to him straight or get someone you trust to talk to him.

LOL. Good one. Interpol. In about 1972 I got ticketed for fishing without a license; that's my entire police record. I doubt that qualifies for the attention I've gotten.

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I'm on the paranoid end of the scale, but four times visiting seems weird. If he came alone I would not be comfortable with that considering there is no oversight like in other countries. In fact, if I had that many visits here I would likely move.

That is another fantastic statement. "I moved because police visited often, without making insinuation or demanding any money"

Absolutely, not here at all to be interviewed by law enforcement on a regular basis. Not my idea of a pleasant retirement or vacation.

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How many dumb answers are here. Retired team in nice and vet dream I guess.

If policeman aproaches to you you will pay for him, this way or those way, but you will pay.

If you go to make a complaint to his boss in rongpak, it's a worse idea, cause the boss knows well what's going on.

They have many tricks to freak you out. Let some drugs in your house than find, to take a report to your table against you that you are pedophil and some-one had complaint, or your name was mentioned in a crime file, BUT off course he can help.

They earn a really few money from Government, they bought their jobs, their ranks, so have to earn the investment as soon as possible. That's all.

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You've been in Thailand a long time, go find the highest ranking police officer in the province and ask him what is going on. Let him know that you are worried. if there is anything untoward happening he will sort it out and you can go back to being relaxed. If it is part of something the police are legitimately doing, then you can also relax, but if it a policeman with a secret agenda, you need to let khun yai know about it na khap smile.png

For example this advise, what I say for worse solution.

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Thanks to everyone for info and suggestions. Has helped us relax. My apologies, but two different cops. First one came only once, the superior. Second time two came together. The second cop came alone the third time, and is the one coming next week, alone I assume. The prevailing theory seems right: "Don't worry, just doing their job". That's the way it seemed to me before, glad that mostly people agreed, though the multiple visits seems kind of strange; it seems something has attracted their interest.

And no, I'm not inclined to tell them to go away: I am the foreigner, understandable they keep track. Only asked for passport/visa, house registration, and telephone number. All seems quite reasonable. Will not offer to pay them. Also, someone around all the time. Not worried about a ripoff.

Will report back after their coming visit. Thanks!

Yes Amigo, they were different persons, but they are SAME TEAM.

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I'm amazed at how many really silly answers there are in this thread and how many people think they should treat and regard the police here, just as if they were back home and had the complete backing of their home judicial system to support them.

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And also remember if you piss off the wrong BiB , or for that matter any government official or other powerful enough Mafia figure he can easily stitch you up for yabaa trafficking or just disappear you with impunity.

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There's a thread here, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104690-search-warrant/ , with some good info regarding warrants in Thailand. Always remember that just because you're a foreigner doesn't mean that you have to bend over an take it with a smile.

Possibly, although there was nothing really conclusive in than thread other than hearsay - but it doesn't mean the farang has to act like a complete arse either!

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There's a thread here, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104690-search-warrant/ , with some good info regarding warrants in Thailand. Always remember that just because you're a foreigner doesn't mean that you have to bend over an take it with a smile.

All the police have asked for -- politely -- is my name and telephone number, and copies of my passport and house registration. That hardly qualifies as bending over.

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I don't have an answer for you, but I'd start photo/video/audio recording their visits. Although I'd very casual and friendly-like in doing so. I'd ask them to pose for some pictures with you with a digital camera so the date and time is attached to the photo. Maybe also take photos or video of their arrival and departure, etc. But doing all this with plenty of smiles and nonchalance.

I may be full of it here, but my logic is not so much to have any sort of future-usable evidence per se, but to put that thought into the minds of the coppers.

If you want to go down that route and you have a smartphone / ordinary phone with plenty of memory then you can just put the voice recorder on and leave it on the table. Videoing them without them knowing might be a bit trickier but I suppose can be done with enough forethought.

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There's a thread here, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104690-search-warrant/ , with some good info regarding warrants in Thailand. Always remember that just because you're a foreigner doesn't mean that you have to bend over an take it with a smile.

All the police have asked for -- politely -- is my name and telephone number, and copies of my passport and house registration. That hardly qualifies as bending over.

^ You better go back and read your op.

The whole thing seems so random because I know I've done nothing wrong -- nothing from my past, not now engaged in any kind of illegal or questionable activity, nothing. Since I keep to myself, it couldn't be about some association. Since it is all so random, I was concerned there might be some random consequence, like being expelled from the country. I prefer that not happen, and if it seemed to be going in that direction, I would certainly not just take it with a smile.

But now I don't think it was random; I now believe that the ex-wife of a brother-in-law has made some false charges to the police -- of what I can't possible know -- as a way of getting back at the family over what she felt was an unjust settlement in their breakup. She was always friendly with me, but she had some kind of an agenda to put me down to my wife. I expect she was envious of my wife's situation of having landed a falang. looking back, I believe she was/is a bit crazy.

The good news is, I believe, the police are aware that people will make false charges as a way of attacking someone -- or perhaps people are crazy and don't realize their wild claims are false. The police will investigate to their satisfaction. I believe it's very different from in the west, where making false claims can have serious consequences.

It's not sheepish to avoid challenging the powers of the police, it's foolish. They have the responsibility to keep watch. We must choose fights carefully -- especially carefully in Thailand because we don't really understand the culture. There is no fight here, not yet, not that I can see; seems best to avoid turning it into a fight. If my suspicions are correct, and someone has told the police something about me, the police will tell me when and if they decide to, not because I make them do it. But I expect I will never know, because the police will eventually realize there's nothing here and will move on, and if someone has made claims against me, they won't tell me because that could only stir up more trouble.

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If you really think this is the case, then it might be best to be proactive and follow the advice of the more reasonable posters previously, find a way to gather/confirm support of key locals - as prestigious as possible that personally know the people that can vouch for you - and identify a higher-up in the force to approach with a polite inquiry as to what's going on, expressing a desire to set things straight.

In the spirit of helping them with their inquiries, not that you are complaining about anything.

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Most Police Commanders buy there district. make of that what you will. Must admit i have never had any problems with the police . in fact they have been more helpful than anything, It depends where you live, I Was leaving a place in Bangkok, When a police officer came out, he had a lot of egg on his shoulders. Meaning he was a high ranking officer. I said "Sawadee" to him, he asked back," Did i speak Thai",in Thai, i said a little bit he laughed and said he could not speak English and shook my hand. They are not all bad and corrupt.

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  • 3 months later...

Well not exactly the same but when I was with wife and kids back in Europe they would come check a few times a year. Local police would come every 2-3 months ask questions and once a year when the visa renewal was due even some agent from the Government intelligence agency would come over sit and talk with us for 15-20 minutes. Seems normal to check up on foreigners but every few weeks seems a bit too much but TiT :)

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If you really think this is the case, then it might be best to be proactive and follow the advice of the more reasonable posters previously, find a way to gather/confirm support of key locals - as prestigious as possible that personally know the people that can vouch for you - and identify a higher-up in the force to approach with a polite inquiry as to what's going on, expressing a desire to set things straight.

In the spirit of helping them with their inquiries, not that you are complaining about anything.

You know Wym,

you and me have had similar approaches to certain things, albeit, I am still the newcomer.

but something in this story bugs me:

this guy's wife, knows the cops wife......... why does the bell go off in my head, that if the two wives know eachother, why hasnt the OP's wife had IMMEDIATE contact with the wife of the cop?

If you asked me, the cop is interested in the OP's wife, and only goes thru the motions, if the OP is home,

if the OP is not home, then, the cop has the wife to himself.

I know thai women pretty good now, especially the one's that know cops.

everyone here knows that every thai woman has her cell phone permanently attached to their wrists.

something funky is going down here

I could be wrong,

but, thai women?

they are on top of eachother like flies at an italian wedding,

something is wrong if this OP's thai wife doesnt have an immediate contact wth the cops wife,

I say, she doesnt want the cops wife to know he comes around,

this stinks to high heaven

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