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Scrutiny by thai police


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I live in Chiang Mai and shortly I am going to live with my girlfriend in a house she owns. I'm sure I have seen somewhere that householders are required to inform the police if they have an alien living in their property, as well as keeping them informed of the aliens movements like trips home or even to other areas. It sounds as though once started it could lead to a lot of hassle.Does anyone know anything about this, or have I got the wrong end of the stick somewhere, which I am quite good at?

Sorry it'a little off-topic but reading replies above have made we wonder that if she does register me then it might draw unwanted attention to her/us.

Anyway, I was going to advise her to register me but now I'm not so sure although I have absolutely nothing to hide

Thankyou for any advice...

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Everyone always mentions that Thai police have to pay for their uniform and gun, as if that is an excuse for extortion. I imagine that those expenses are quickly taken care of and the building of a big house and buying a new car are the real motivators. (Not that that is the case in this instance.)

In a case like this it seems just to be bureaucracy at work, go with the flow. We are all really vulnerable when you think about it and a few get to know you visits and some familiarity with you and yours locally by plod cannot be a bad thing .

As for paying protection of up to 2k a month...I would rather put wasps up my nose, stuff that.

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Pay 1500-2000 a month to live here? I really think all the Falang would just leave then. That's insane to allow yourself to be extorted like that. If there are any other Falangs that pay those kinds of brides to live here, please let your voice be known. I understand the occasional coffee money to the bib, but really extorted on a monthly basis. That could set a bad example for us falangs.

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This doesn't sound good.He could be up to anything but I doubt if its politically motivated. He's possibly setting you up for some sort of scam. Perhaps you should speak to another policeman in the city and explain your worries. Or get yourself a good solicitor and give him a call the next time he shows up.This may scare him off...Thread carefully with this one. Good luck! Some name throwing can often work.If you find out the name of the top policeman in your area and how maybe you could clear this up with them, it may work??

Seems like the best thing to do if you (and especially your Thai wife) are worried. Getting concerns out into the open, where people are aware of the situation, including the attorney.

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It sounds strange to me. While some say it's common practice, I have never had a police man visiting me in all the 10 years I have been living here and I only once had a visit from immigrations police at my than company office (on Christmas day out of all days!).

Maybe you check this with the other farang you know in your area and see what they know about it and next time ask the police why this sudden interest.

I may just be some vague directive from a new boss or what soever, they tend to be rather xenophobic. I would at this stage not worry too much about it.

Maybe he's just after you wife ;-) Than you should worry police man are notorious for having a lot of gig's!

I have to say, that was the first thing that came into my head!

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I think it's most likely innocent, especially if you live in a rural area.

I had a weird business with a policeman when I was teaching up country. At first I spoke to him outside the school doing gate duty/meet and greet, and he took my name and number in a notebook, very formal. He kept coming round to my house, then inviting me to do things like go fishing, play golf and go and collect his car from the garage. He said he wanted to practice his English but we almost always ended up speaking in Thai anyway. I thought he was keeping an eye on me, or gay since I was single at the time and suffer the classic heterosexual delusion that I am the most attractive man in the world.

He basically just wanted to be friends, and I still run into him every now and again when I visit. He just had a very awkward way of going about it.

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Interesting posts.

I only leave here 12 years with my family, moved a few times though, but never happened anything similar to me, as to the OP, or few posters here.

Can only think that no one care to keep track of me, must admit, i feel a little bit left out too.

I think if i were the OP, i would probably have a visit to the police station, not necesserily the local one, but maybe the larger in the Amphur, or Province and put an inquire about this.

Where some think it is normal procedure, for me, it just doesnt sound like it.

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You're an idiot for being so compliant!

Unless you have committed a crime or are suspect to a crime or suspect to a conspiracy to commit a crime then they have no business with you.

You should have told him that he had no business with you or your home and to be on his way.

If he or the local police have any issues regarding immigration then that's for the immigration police alone to handle and he would know that.

Just be firm but polite but tell them to mind their own business. They have no power anyway as you should have been able to see from your 10 years here. They collect money at roadside shakedowns, need to be paid to do their jobs (like follow up on disputes and matters of robbery) and just look at how idle they are in the face of all the illegal possession of government buildings and protest at the moment (no need to mention their uselessness in BKK in April/May 2010).

My opinion is that this guy is trying to set you up for some kind of sting or bribery. Don't play into his game.

I can't tell you how fast such a guy would hit the front gate if he darkened my doorway with that BS routine!

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I just wrote in another blog that I wouldn't live in Thailand if my wife and her family weren't well connected and got someone kind of pissed at me. .

But this is what I mean. They can come and play there games any time they want with the falang or falang wife but never with me. Once they know my family here we are forgotten quickly.

If you think that any one other than the family you are in cares about a falang here you are kidding yourself and foolish. but if you choose to live here without the connections be prepared to deal with this kind of crap and probably paying them a little backshish is as good a way out as any.

Just try and find out what they are really after. Your wife can go down to the police headquarters and inquire. If they don't respect her and probably won't if she is married to a farang then you just wait it out and probably need to pay them off.

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havent had that problem myself but then my BIL is a police officer which might help. Also the guy across the road we get on really well with is a cop as well and so is another guy in the soi, actually we live just around the corner from the police training school and have a lot of police/ex police living in the area. We get on well with all of them so hopefully it means I will not be harassed.smile.png

bugger, spelling mistake

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One can also be proactive like I was more than ten years ago, when I presented myself to the local cop shop with this form, with the wife, my child and Tabian Bahn and Baht-Prachacons in hand. The yellow book deprecates this.

TM.30 Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay

I can't agree enough with other replies to this thread that good relations with the coppers is a big plus when living in Thailand. They have helped me negotiate the labyrinth when the time arrived.

Most of the cops I know want to improve their English, because if they test well they can get an increase in salary. They are always inquisitive about that.

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I've been in Thailand since 2001, was a school teacher for 7 years and am now retired in Phuket renting a house in a plex of 12 others. This has never happened to me, but I have a back-up incase it would, one of my closest Thai friends is a volunteer police officer, and he has told me to call him whenever I need assistance of any kind, and he's always come through! Also I'm very friendly with many of my neighbors and highly respected as an elderly retired teacher!

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I've had one visit a couple of years ago. BiL a cop told me they get instructions to keep a register of foreigners in their area so they can help out in times of need.

It was a standard list of questions and they took a photo for their file. For others who don't think they've been visited, the cops also ask neighbours for details if you're not available.

It does beg the question why the OP is getting multiple visits.

Edit to add. Somewhere in either the Chiangmai or Issan local forums someone a couple of years ago posted a scan of the form his local cops used during their visit.

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and he kept your copies? next thing he asks for your BANKBOOK or ATM pin number...

are you sure it is a real policeman?

next time ask him for his badge, name, right it down, make a copy, call the cops or immigration

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Actually all you gotta do is to tell him HOW MUCH DO I HACE TO PAY EVERY MONTH. And soon you will see he will bring his little Red Box installed in your door and comes by every day to sign and be your body for life. ( normally 1500 to 2000 Bahts per month ). Happened to me but like this and they guy just asked for this money every month and it did turned out in my favor as he was watching my back. " SO BIG MOFIA ". Pay it buddy

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

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