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Protesters seize ballots in Thailand's South


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You missed the fact that the Thai people voted on this constitution change and got the majority of votes

now you must admit that is democratic

Where did I claim it wasn't democratic ? Of course it is a lot less democratic than the previous one, (which was actually drafted by people who did have an electoral mandate). And one that didn't mandated half appointed senate for instance

But the point here is that the people complaining about Thailand not being a democracy are the ones that drafted the constitution in the first place ! Why can they be trusted to do it right this time, and how many more times do they need to change the rules in order to grab power ?

Apparently they really believe that people are to stupid to realise that they actually have violated the constitution in a much more serious and clear way than the people they claim to want to remove. If you take the high road, you better make damm sure you are above board yourself.

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Just goes to show that this Suthep lunatic is nothing more than a lying piece of <deleted>. He told the International media on Wednesday he supported the elections and would not be blockading or disrupting it. What a low life piece of scum to say one thing and do the opposite absolutely no ethics or integrity at all and people think he is the messiah and the sun shines out his rear.

Funny, I would say exactly the same about your dearly beloved fugitive in Dubai and his useless sister and the rest of the criminals in his employ, the lot of them are detritus of the worst kind !

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I bet all the red shirts wish they were are smart and educated as this mob whistling.gifclap2.gif

Truth is they dont need Thaskin to play underhand to undermine their cause, they do that all by themselves

I suppose you live in the yellow sitrs area? And I guess you have never been to the north or the northeast of Thailand. Because if you had you would not be saying that as you would have learned different. The protests are ignorant and doing the bidding of a mad man.

Hahahaha this one too.

The protests are ignorant and doing the bidding of a mad man. - A very good description for the red shits but you forgot to add that a lot of them are also 'vicious thugs on drugs' and 'rabble' and 'fascists' and the rest of it, also sounds like the reds to me...

Funny how you have no original thinking and the only thing you can do is take the truthful arguments against your dearly beloved fugitive with the usual 'Suteb is just as bad' and say the same things about him regardless of the truth.

I do agree that people should have the right to vote in a democracy ( which this isn't ) I admit the recent vote blocking action is wrong and unfortunate, however this election should not even be happening in the first place.

At least they aren't attacking people with hand grenades, guns and rocket launchers like someone is doing to the protestors....

I am actually starting to think the answer to this will be decentralisation. Let the NE govern itself separately to the rest of the country with the caveat that the only tax money they will get is the tax from within their administrative region. Give it a year they will, be begging Bangkok to reverse it and give them the 'elites' tax again. Funny how they want to kill the ones who have been getting ripped off to pay for the rice scam isn't it....?

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True Democracy comes from voting, not from blocking elections and intimidating and threatening people who want to vote. If you don't want to vote, then don't vote, but don't prevent others who want to vote from doing so. Democracy is also about respecting other people's rights who may not agree with you. If you do not respect other people's rights, how can you ever achieve Democracy? Democracy built on forced ideology is not Democracy, no matter if you call yourself Democratic Reform or Democrat Party. It's not the name but the actions that matter and the actions of Suthep are clearly not Democratic.

I think you need to wake up, and realise this is Thailand not the country you left because you where sick of to many laws

Now you want to turn Thailand in to the country you left, is that not being a hypocrite

Protesting is accepted and legal in Thailand

part of there culture

I not have to tell you what you can do if your not happy living here

there are many falang who have been living here for ages

and we are like willow trees and bend with the wind

What are you talking about? I am not the one that called for Democracy. I do not want to turn your country, who is stuck in the 15th century, into a Democracy. Read your own posts again. You yourself said people are on the streets calling for Democracy.

Don't call for Democracy if you don't want it. Democracy was not invented in Thailand and you don't get to dictate how Democracy works.

You said it, not me.

Again you posting in not correct

I have a Thai wife and a Thai Family

I have no right to an opinion and no right to vote

Like most Falang who have a good life her I bend with the wind like a willow tree

Democracy is but a word that if you got 10 people would all give to a different answer

Democracy to then is an end to the Schin Family in politics

You need a good Thai wife, she will put you straight, and in a couple of years you will like all good Falang assimulate

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Dont thai to me.

Preecha Sukkasem, core leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in Songkhla, officially declared the protesters’ insistence to seal off the postal centre, despite negotiations with Election Commission (EC) officials from Narathiwat.

He said PDRC supporters in five southern provinces were holding a peaceful demonstration, and not disrupting the elections.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............. bah.gif

This also describes the PT detritus very well indeed.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............

By the way when is Chalerm going to behead himself ? When is Yinglack going to offer answers to the attorny general about giving a convicted fugitive a diplomatic passport ? and on and on and on....

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True Democracy comes from voting, not from blocking elections and intimidating and threatening people who want to vote. If you don't want to vote, then don't vote, but don't prevent others who want to vote from doing so. Democracy is also about respecting other people's rights who may not agree with you. If you do not respect other people's rights, how can you ever achieve Democracy? Democracy built on forced ideology is not Democracy, no matter if you call yourself Democratic Reform or Democrat Party. It's not the name but the actions that matter and the actions of Suthep are clearly not Democratic.

I think you need to wake up, and realise this is Thailand not the country you left because you where sick of to many laws

Now you want to turn Thailand in to the country you left, is that not being a hypocrite

Protesting is accepted and legal in Thailand

part of there culture

I not have to tell you what you can do if your not happy living here

there are many falang who have been living here for ages

and we are like willow trees and bend with the wind

What are you talking about? I am not the one that called for Democracy. I do not want to turn your country, who is stuck in the 15th century, into a Democracy. Read your own posts again. You yourself said people are on the streets calling for Democracy.

Don't call for Democracy if you don't want it. Democracy was not invented in Thailand and you don't get to dictate how Democracy works.

You said it, not me.

Again you posting in not correct

I have a Thai wife and a Thai Family

I have no right to an opinion and no right to vote

Like most Falang who have a good life her I bend with the wind like a willow tree

Democracy is but a word that if you got 10 people would all give to a different answer

Democracy to then is an end to the Schin Family in politics

You need a good Thai wife, she will put you straight, and in a couple of years you will like all good Falang assimulate

Democracy is an end to Shinawatra family in politics?

So you're saying removing a democratically elected PM (Yingluck) from office is Democracy?

If SOME people want that, it's great for them. But in order to make it happen, the MAJORITY of people need to want it, which Suthep clearly doesn't have.

The minority doesn't get to tell the majority what to do. Maybe in the 15th century, but not in 2014.

I think your "good wife" needs to stop giving you whatever you're smoking.

Edited by ShannonT
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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

Kurt, you are talking nonsense again. This election is a mandated one by the constitution and aknowledged by the head of state.

The only concern about legitimacy would be the actions of the "peacefull" protestors trying to disrupt them, which indeed isn't legitimate.

I understand you like councils and have no interest in democracy whatsoever. As I told you before, Birma would be much better suited for the likes of you, who are guests in this country and refuse to aknowledge and follow rhe laws of your host country.

And North Korea would be better for the likes of you who want to live under a meglomaniacal dictator with a personality cult.

But rhetoric aside, as for your next point, Thailand is very far from having a real and functioning democracy and that is why the protestors are protesting, they want the Shins to stop trying to pervert democracy to serve their own ends, with each month they have been in power we have moved further and further away from democracy quite demonstrably. The Shin detritus needs to leave and a new dawn will rise for the kingdom.

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Kurt, you are talking nonsense again. This election is a mandated one by the constitution and aknowledged by the head of state.

The only concern about legitimacy would be the actions of the "peacefull" protestors trying to disrupt them, which indeed isn't legitimate.

I understand you like councils and have no interest in democracy whatsoever. As I told you before, Birma would be much better suited for the likes of you, who are guests in this country and refuse to aknowledge and follow rhe laws of your host country.

When you see Thailand have a true democracy you will see many protestors out there cheering

this corrupt government are far from being democratic

True Democracy comes from voting, not from blocking elections and intimidating and threatening people who want to vote. If you don't want to vote, then don't vote, but don't prevent others who want to vote from doing so. Democracy is also about respecting other people's rights who may not agree with you. If you do not respect other people's rights, how can you ever achieve Democracy? Democracy built on forced ideology is not Democracy, no matter if you call yourself Democratic Reform or Democrat Party. It's not the name but the actions that matter and the actions of Suthep are clearly not Democratic.

Whilst I agree vote blocking is not democratic, you seem to be under the false impression that 'vote = democracy'. WRONG, try reading some more and try again...

Is using the law against your enemies but ignoring it when it is used against you democratic ?

Is ignoring the ruling of the courts because you don't like it and trying to have the judges removed democratic ?

Is trying to whitewash over 25,000 crimes all for the benefit of a fugitive on the run democratic ?

Enough for today's class.

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What Thailand needs to resolve this conflict is a REFERENDUM, which is not blocked by anyone and internationally observed.

Let people decide if they want reforms or not. If they want reforms, make it happen with BOTH sides participating, then hold elections afterwards.

If the people do not want reforms, hold elections and get this over with.

It's the only way out. Anything else will lead to a civil war.

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Just goes to show that this Suthep lunatic is nothing more than a lying piece of <deleted>. He told the International media on Wednesday he supported the elections and would not be blockading or disrupting it. What a low life piece of scum to say one thing and do the opposite absolutely no ethics or integrity at all and people think he is the messiah and the sun shines out his rear.

Funny, I would say exactly the same about your dearly beloved fugitive in Dubai and his useless sister and the rest of the criminals in his employ, the lot of them are detritus of the worst kind !

And who on God's earth would that be? As I have personally responded to you before in other posts I despise the low life Thaksin so please, please, please , tell me who on earth is my dearly beloved. Please do me that favour as you always respond about some fictious person, who is my dearly beloved as it is driving me crazy who in hell is it?

This pointless response that I am in love with a man in Dubai thing is ridiculous as I am not gay I am a straight man and I have never had feelings for an arab man or woman.

Edited by chooka
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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

Kurt, you are talking nonsense again. This election is a mandated one by the constitution and aknowledged by the head of state.

The only concern about legitimacy would be the actions of the "peacefull" protestors trying to disrupt them, which indeed isn't legitimate.

I understand you like councils and have no interest in democracy whatsoever. As I told you before, Birma would be much better suited for the likes of you, who are guests in this country and refuse to aknowledge and follow rhe laws of your host country.

And North Korea would be better for the likes of you who want to live under a meglomaniacal dictator with a personality cult.

But rhetoric aside, as for your next point, Thailand is very far from having a real and functioning democracy and that is why the protestors are protesting, they want the Shins to stop trying to pervert democracy to serve their own ends, with each month they have been in power we have moved further and further away from democracy quite demonstrably. The Shin detritus needs to leave and a new dawn will rise for the kingdom.

How did the shins lead Thailand to less democracy I wonder. As far as I know, the Shins aren't trying to prevent people from running for office anymore than they are trying to prevent people from voting and having their say.

Yet that is precisely what the protestors have deen doing and claiming they will do tomorrow.

It is quite funny how people still fail to see that in order to rid Thailand of the Shins, all one needs to do is make sure they don't gain the massive electoral backing they have received 2.5 years ago. And it isn't rocket science either as many examples throughout the world, in various democracies have shown.

Of course for this to happen, it would help if the biggest opposition party actually participates in such elections, it would also help to avoid trying to violate people's democratic rights to vote and run for office, because if you do, you already lost the argument and all legitimacy, it is really that simple.

Of course I am in no way shape or form a Thaksin supported, but I guess it must make you comfortable branding me as one. After all how could people try to use reason !

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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

They should used it for cleaning the streets a long time ago.

Suthep has told the International media he is supporting the elections tomorrow and respects everyone's vote there will be no protests a polling booths and everyone is free to vote and he will respect the outcome.

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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

They should used it for cleaning the streets a long time ago.

Suthep has told the International media he is supporting the elections tomorrow and respects everyone's vote there will be no protests a polling booths and everyone is free to vote and he will respect the outcome.

He simply forgot to mention to the international media that he is seizing ballot papers and preventing ballots from reaching polling stations.

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Dont thai to me.

Preecha Sukkasem, core leader of the Peoples Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in Songkhla, officially declared the protesters insistence to seal off the postal centre, despite negotiations with Election Commission (EC) officials from Narathiwat.

He said PDRC supporters in five southern provinces were holding a peaceful demonstration, and not disrupting the elections.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............. bah.gif

I agree with you 100%

we are talking about the Government are we not

Actually im talking about all of them...on both sides ... they are all full of BS every last stinking one..

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Dont thai to me.

Preecha Sukkasem, core leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in Songkhla, officially declared the protesters’ insistence to seal off the postal centre, despite negotiations with Election Commission (EC) officials from Narathiwat.

He said PDRC supporters in five southern provinces were holding a peaceful demonstration, and not disrupting the elections.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............. bah.gif

This also describes the PT detritus very well indeed.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............

By the way when is Chalerm going to behead himself ? When is Yinglack going to offer answers to the attorny general about giving a convicted fugitive a diplomatic passport ? and on and on and on....

indeed and it would be good if you got it through your head that this lot are exactly the same in all but colour...

Your making excuses and flipping it back about the other lot justify the same idiocy, im making observations of this lot pretending to be gods gift to Thailand and saying nothing about PTP being good or right etc.

Now does that make it clear enough I care for NONE of them but do care about the right to free elections and to vote when one is called.

Edited by englishoak
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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

They were legally obliged to call the election when they dissolved parliament.

Damned if they did, damned if they didn't.

They had no choice.

Did people seriously expect a plurality elected government to just say "Ok, we'll leave so that an unelected council can take the reigns for a while"? Well those living on planet earth know the natural, obvious answer to that.

So you tell me, what should they have done and take into consideration a bit of reality if you decide to answer.

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So much for legitimacy of this election. As many had predicted, just a big waste of money. They should have used it to pay some of the rice farmers instead!

They were legally obliged to call the election when they dissolved parliament.

Damned if they did, damned if they didn't.

They had no choice.

Did people seriously expect a plurality elected government to just say "Ok, we'll leave so that an unelected council can take the reigns for a while"? Well those living on planet earth know the natural, obvious answer to that.

So you tell me, what should they have done and take into consideration a bit of reality if you decide to answer.

HD, You are correct, Ms. Shinawatra has done exactly as the Thai constitution directs her to do thumbsup.gif She set an election date and gave all parties plenty of time to organize their candidates, the problem with suthep is that he does not want an election on any date because he knows that he wil lose! I have said this from the very begining of this nonsense and I will say it again, suthep does not care about the thai people he is out to save his own skin, he has attempted to creat kaos and insurrection in order that he should not be brought forward and tried for murder wink.png

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Today there are many blind fools who are demanding their right to vote

But what are they voting for ?

How can you vote for democracy. When their is only 1 party to vote for

Todays vote is for democracy or dictatorship

If today you vote in a government that has no opposition only one party in power it is a dictatorship not democracy

The protestors have learnt

you can good some Thais all of the time

But you can no fool all Thais all of the time

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True Democracy comes from voting, not from blocking elections and intimidating and threatening people who want to vote. If you don't want to vote, then don't vote, but don't prevent others who want to vote from doing so. Democracy is also about respecting other people's rights who may not agree with you. If you do not respect other people's rights, how can you ever achieve Democracy? Democracy built on forced ideology is not Democracy, no matter if you call yourself Democratic Reform or Democrat Party. It's not the name but the actions that matter and the actions of Suthep are clearly not Democratic.

I think you need to wake up, and realise this is Thailand not the country you left because you where sick of to many laws

Now you want to turn Thailand in to the country you left, is that not being a hypocrite

Protesting is accepted and legal in Thailand

part of there culture

I not have to tell you what you can do if your not happy living here

there are many falang who have been living here for ages

and we are like willow trees and bend with the wind

What are you talking about? I am not the one that called for Democracy. I do not want to turn your country, who is stuck in the 15th century, into a Democracy. Read your own posts again. You yourself said people are on the streets calling for Democracy.

Don't call for Democracy if you don't want it. Democracy was not invented in Thailand and you don't get to dictate how Democracy works.

You said it, not me.

Again you posting in not correct

I have a Thai wife and a Thai Family

I have no right to an opinion and no right to vote

Like most Falang who have a good life her I bend with the wind like a willow tree

Democracy is but a word that if you got 10 people would all give to a different answer

Democracy to then is an end to the Schin Family in politics

You need a good Thai wife, she will put you straight, and in a couple of years you will like all good Falang assimulate

i take exception to that.

i too have a thai family so what

i have every right to an opinion even though i cannot vote.

like some farang i bend as far as i wish and no further and there are limits and values i will not compromise on, I have a good life but not because of thailand but what i have made of it, I give no credit to Thailand for that at all.

I have a very good wife and family and i have never been assimilated, in fact ive encouraged my family to be more than the usual mindless zombies, to think a little bit for themselves and not be afraid of saying what they think or what they can achieve if they put their mind and effort to it.

If you choose to go native to the point of becoming less free thinking than you were when you arrived that is your affair but please do not include some of us in your generalisations because you are nothing like an example of all good farang here. We are in fact all different and most remain free thinking and arnt controlled or P***y whipped by the wife.... thankfully.

Edited by englishoak
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Just goes to show that this Suthep lunatic is nothing more than a lying piece of <deleted>. He told the International media on Wednesday he supported the elections and would not be blockading or disrupting it. What a low life piece of scum to say one thing and do the opposite absolutely no ethics or integrity at all and people think he is the messiah and the sun shines out his rear.

I think you got writes cramp for a moment or forgot how to spell. Should have been this Suthep Thaksin.. Oh you forgot all about the lies about the rice scheme and all the other lies which is too long to mention.

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I bet all the red shirts wish they were are smart and educated as this mob whistling.gifclap2.gif

Truth is they dont need Thaskin to play underhand to undermine their cause, they do that all by themselves

I suppose you live in the yellow sitrs area? And I guess you have never been to the north or the northeast of Thailand. Because if you had you would not be saying that as you would have learned different. The protests are ignorant and doing the bidding of a mad man.

I think he was being sarcastic

Again this is 2014 you still living in the past to make you self importance

Yellow shirts as a party where disbanded years ago

Tourists are the once who wear yellow shirts in respect of our beloved King, are you saying its their fault

These are Thai people protesting again all the corruption you Pr Government backers want to keep in Thailand

Wonder what this means...?

Let's see: from the nic, perhaps Tezza is in Australia. The post was made at around 6.30pm Thai time. Good chance Tezza lives on the Australian eastern seaboard (most Australians do) which is currently 4 hours ahead, meaning Tezza posted after midnight on Saturday night.

Look at the sentence construction, factor in the above, and I'd say Tezza had probably had a few. What do you reckon?

How's the head today, Tezza...?

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Dont thai to me.

Preecha Sukkasem, core leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in Songkhla, officially declared the protesters’ insistence to seal off the postal centre, despite negotiations with Election Commission (EC) officials from Narathiwat.

He said PDRC supporters in five southern provinces were holding a peaceful demonstration, and not disrupting the elections.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............. bah.gif

This also describes the PT detritus very well indeed.

The Hippocratic attitude of these people saying one thing but doing the very opposite in actions and lying when they open their mouths make me sick............

By the way when is Chalerm going to behead himself ? When is Yinglack going to offer answers to the attorny general about giving a convicted fugitive a diplomatic passport ? and on and on and on....

Not at all sure why you drag the Doctors use of the 'Hypocratic Oath' to "do no harm".

Could you possibly mean they are having a hypocritical attitude?

These concepts from very different things the philosopher Hypocrates said millennia ago.

Of course Suthep is the main leader of the rally, like the man holding an umbrella and setting the tone.

But that doesn't mean he has iron hand control of all the groups under that umbrella.

Nor absolute control over the other sub-groups in the restive south.

Suthep is from the middle south, not the deep Muslim south where the majority of these incidents above are described. There is an even greater hatred for Thaksin and his minions in the deep south, and while they would join with any group willing to stand against Thaksin, that doesn't mean Suthep has more than advisory abilities with these groups.

It therefor is hardly hypocritical of Suthep to say let the elections take place but then other small groups decide not to do so.

Thailand has over 50 political parties and most are against PTP, but that doesn't mean they are for Suthep either.


'The enemy of my enemy is at least better than my enemy, if not my actual friend.'

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just goes to show that this Suthep lunatic is nothing more than a lying piece of <deleted>. He told the International media on Wednesday he supported the elections and would not be blockading or disrupting it. What a low life piece of scum to say one thing and do the opposite absolutely no ethics or integrity at all and people think he is the messiah and the sun shines out his rear.

Funny, I would say exactly the same about your dearly beloved fugitive in Dubai and his useless sister and the rest of the criminals in his employ, the lot of them are detritus of the worst kind !

And who on God's earth would that be? As I have personally responded to you before in other posts I despise the low life Thaksin so please, please, please , tell me who on earth is my dearly beloved. Please do me that favour as you always respond about some fictious person, who is my dearly beloved as it is driving me crazy who in hell is it?

This pointless response that I am in love with a man in Dubai thing is ridiculous as I am not gay I am a straight man and I have never had feelings for an arab man or woman.


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you also missed the fact that no one was allowed to speak out against the constitution. Suthep suppressed anyone that spoke out about the constitution. leaflets were destroyed and people were threatened with jail sentences for opposing the referendum. google it the thai 2007 constitution if you doubt me.

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""Protesters seize ballots..."

Sutheps' "democracy" movement.

No more undemocratic than the farce of an election vote buying process by PTP. It is a statement about all the wrong doings of PTP, and a much deserved spit in the face disrespect they have earned.

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