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Wife's Weight


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Since we got married, my wife has been gaining weight. She eats constantly and has grown quite fat. She says she likes herself this way and does not want to diet. What can I do to get her back the way she was or do I need to accept that she is going to be fat?


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my wife has gained some weight since I met her, about 10 - 15 kgs which is a lot as she is 4'11" and doesn't carry it well. No matter...our marriage has consolidated and we are now committed to stay with each other until the end. I reckoned that she would not forever appear like the 20 y.o. appearing 33 y.o. that she was when we met. She is now approaching 40 and looks like a 40 y.o. thai woman. Can't really expec' nothin' different.

Sex is still good although the frequency has fallen off a bit but that is attributable to me...I'm gettin' old and can't get it up like before...part ob de pain ob libben, I suppose. She looks after me like she always have an' I couldn't expect anything more...

there are lots worse things than seeing your wife get old and fat, and whatever they are doan' mean too much to me...

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High index of suspicion that this is a troll.

But in case not -- or for anyone else with this problem:

This degree of weight gain and overeating (not to be confused with the natural gradual, moderate weight gain that comes with age) is a sign of something wrong, physically or more likely emotionally. Nagging her about it will only make it worse.

A complete physical check-up will rule out any metabolic causes. Assuming it does, she is doing this either because she is unhappy with your relationship (weight gain can be an unconscious way of pushing a man away) or emotionally troubled in general. If you can identify any areas in the relationship, sexual or otherwise, that need work, work on those as best you can. If she seems to have some underlying emotional problems (insecurity, past traumas, etc), you can try to get her into counselling (do NOT give the impression that the purpose is so she'll lose weight).

If she's not amenable to counselling, has no metabolic prioblem, doesn't want to lose wieght and you can't find any way to improve the relationship (or don't know what might be wrong and she won't say) -- then there is nothing you can do but resign yourself to it.

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