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This famous Thai Popsong of the last months?


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I´m trying to figure out the name of this popular hit being played in the last months all over Thailand.

It´s a female singer and a dance song, no guitars/rock song.

After the hookline, she sings something like "oi oi oi oi".

i know, there are many popular hits around, but this one seems to be the top hit. The Thais always seem to go crazy when they hear it.

can anyone help me to figure out the name?

i would appreciate it, when you not only post a link, but also write down the name of the singer or the title.

thx in advance!

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It has the biggest number of hits on youtube of any Thai song ever, nearly 90 million, the one above is from the international site. Ying Lee is from Buri Ram and if you look at some of her earlier videos she looks quite different!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little bit over played!

I was walking around Amata Spring Country Club watching the Thailand Championships (golf) back in December and some car stereo enthusiast was blasting this out. You could hear it all around the golf course. Players, caddies and spectators were turning their heads and the foreigners that live here were having a little chuckle, some breaking out into a hands up Thai style dance.

Guess you had to be there.......

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Went to the preview of the film, had subtitles which was a surprise. Overall quite disappointing although it did have some good jokes in it. With all that singing talent there should have been much more music, instead the plot fell back on an all too familiar theme of ghosts and people not realising they were dead. As a follow up to the first film it was a bit of a let down.

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it's covered at almost every concert. On Thursday there are the fm95 awards and I will be very surprised if Yinglee does not get a least two awards.

Re the film above the first one was monpleng luktung fm and that did have a nice concert section which the latest one lacked



by far the best Luktung movie ever made'


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I have a couple of those compilation cds and like this song they all sound the same.

All have the isaan backing tune and all fronted by plastic stick insects that can't dance but just wiggle thier arse.

Sorry but all thai music sounds exactly the same, its primitive, no creativity and just copied the same style for 40yrs.

Compare that to the west where new music styles and dances are created every two years.

The music here is also tarnished by the plethora of wannabe karaoke singers at every party,gathering,temple,funeral who insist on ripping apart a tune that is already shredded.

I really can't see what the fascination is with this song...unless you are 9yr old.

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Thai music has more native styles than most countries, certainly western ones and I don't see where new styles are created 'every two years' in the west, does not say much for their longevity or worth if that were true. Thai music has changed enormously in the last 40 years, back then there was no string, phua cheewit or lam cing. Looktung then sounds very different to now. if you listen to more you would see it's not 'all the same'. Hows this for dancing?

Edited by sms747
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