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Briton Jailed In Thailand Over Girlfriend's Killin


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Why throw her back on the bed with such force? Silly bugger. I'd have just pulled her pants down and given her a ###### good spanking until she couldnt sit down for a week. Problem would have been solved. No damage done.

Any guy using force to get his way with a woman is a loser. Anyone advocating it here earns a fast trip off the forum. Goodbye.

Problem solved, no damage done.


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Soon after the discovery of the dead girl (2 days after her death and at 2am according to reports), the following statement was reported -

The officer heading the investigation, Captain Padungpong Dukesukkhaen, added: "She tried to convince him to go back and stay together in England. The body was found beaten to death. We didn't find wounds from any weapons. An autopsy showed she had a broken neck, jaw, and occipital bone."

Sounds to me like one very strong punch catching the recipient totally unawares? Perhaps as she ran at him, the puch then snapping the head back and breaking the neck?

Or, it could fit with the thrown onto bed story, if thrown far and hard enough, landing face first onto the top edge of the headboard with full body mass and velocity behind the point of impact.

If a punch, then 2nd degree murder is appropriate as they were drunk and quarreling

If the throw, then manslaughter, or even death by misadventure, would be likely in a western courtroom.

But we must never forget that examples have to be set here

Another drunken lout story.

What are women thinking when they hook up with drunken English pimps.

He should have got 20 I say.


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It's still a light sentence all things considered. Neither his own family nor the victim's family seem to be too happy with the prospect of him getting out of jail very soon.

Sad for all concerned.

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I confirm about Thai jails, I have been to two of them, and visited a brother of a friend at one of them.

My opinion is they were far better than american prisons.

hel_l the one I went to in isaan had a courtyard that was nicer than half the parks in Bangkok.

The prisonors seemed to spend all the time outside, or learning new vocational skills, and from what I could see of the quarters and other buildings inside, were cleaner and better maintained than many peoples houses.

I am guessing though that the food in american prisons is better.

Things like gang and racial beatings and rapes are not tolerated by the Thai administrators.

And yes, if you have the money, your options definitely increase.

I am sure there are a couple Thai prisons that are extemely unpleasent, but if I had to chose between the two I probably would option for the Thai one.

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Why throw her back on the bed with such force? Silly bugger. I'd have just pulled her pants down and given her a ###### good spanking until she couldnt sit down for a week. Problem would have been solved. No damage done.

What a knob head you are!

Out of all the ridiculous topics of 'string them up high' that ive seen on this forum this must be the most ridiculous I've seen yet..... come on, yabaa.... and defending him and happy he got reduced sentence, the guy killed another person, took a life from somebody..... would you like your friends to defend your killer if you was killed?

Get a grip on life you f**king losers, I mean come on, we all know the Dogs <deleted> is a haven for criminals on the run from UK, or wannabe crims.

Hope the guy rots in h*ll, my condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

Mods need to wake up and monitor the idiots now posting on this forum.

Agree 100%

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10 years, what means that he is out in 6 or so. Sentenced just in time for a general pardon for the Kings Jubilee. That is cheap if you compare that with what a 17 year old will get when caught with hundred ya baa to support his or her family.

Seems like a nice guy encouraging drug use and drug dealers.

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Despite the rows, according to reports, she only had his interest and health at heart when persuading Chetwode-Talbot to stop drinking any more.

He just lacked any sense of self-control, acted on impulse, and paid the ultimate price. He should have a lifetime ban placed on him for any future relationships. Hope he never touches another drop of drink (drugs?) again in his life. He won't if he knows what's good for him!

As for his girlfriend, she was the victim in this case, and for her we can only say R.I.P.

So sad!

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Why throw her back on the bed with such force? Silly bugger. I'd have just pulled her pants down and given her a ###### good spanking until she couldnt sit down for a week. Problem would have been solved. No damage done.

Yeah, I can see you're a Millwall fan. I've half a mind to become one too - that's all I'd need.

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Why throw her back on the bed with such force? Silly bugger. I'd have just pulled her pants down and given her a ###### good spanking until she couldnt sit down for a week. Problem would have been solved. No damage done.

Any guy using force to get his way with a woman is a loser. Anyone advocating it here earns a fast trip off the forum. Goodbye.

Problem solved, no damage done.


Good one. :o

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I don't understand, a while back two Thai fishing mens who had raped and killed a westerner woman was sentenced to death with in two days?.

I don't understand this one, specially in Thailand, I expected a harsh punishment?

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Tragic ending when the results stem from the pathetic involvement of Alcohol.

Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth.

He took a life. His life should be taken as well. (just my opinion)

Any man that hits a woman is a gut less, low life scum sucking parasite.

Failing to commit suicide shows what a coward he really is.

He is lucky he is in prison in Thailand. In the States he sure would be someones bitch!

My condolences to the girls family. I hope and pray they can find closure.

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Some people are overreacting slightly here, with comments like he should committ suicide, an eye for an eye etc.

From the reports I have read, this is a case of a drunken guy losing his temper and hitting Debra, tragically causing her death. Was he wrong to hit her? Of course he was. Should he be punished? Of course he should. Should he face the death penalty, or spend the rest of his life in prison. Probably not in my view.

While I am in no way defending his actions, the judge rightly took into account the mitigating factors that he handed himself in the next day and confessed to the crime, and then co-operated throughout the trial. The injuries on her body don't seem to suggest that he had been beating her, but are consistent with a single punch being thrown, which supports his story to a certain extent.

The one thing I would be interested to know is if he had a history of domestic violence against Debra. That would be a major factor, in my view, in whether the sentence is sufficient or not.

In the UK this would be a manslaughter conviction, and in view of his confession etc, he would probably be looking at a sentence slightly less than this one. I would guess maybe 8 years.

At the end of the day this man is looking at spending a significant amount of time behind bars, and will have to live with the guilt of knowing he took anothers life.

And before anyone tries jumping all over what I have said, let me re-iterate. Debra was a tragic victim in this, and in no way deserved to lose her life at such a young age. Paul was completely wrong in hitting Debra and fully deserves punishing, as does anyone who thinks domestic violence is acceptable.

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He destroyed the only decent thing/person that ever entered his miserable little life and now he has time to reflect....10 years aint long enough..the girls family will now have a lifetime to consider the what ifs and why.....sorry for them..

Leave him over there we got enough rejects in our prisons.... :o

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Do you think his "trying to kill himself" was superficial? I certainly do.

And i am sure that they probably had a pretty volatile relationship, leaving each other/making up/leaving again etc. etc. but that was their private life, lets leave it at that.

He has got his life to ponder over the "if only i had not drunk that last glass of cognac" and i hope he suffers for it. Spoilt brat. I have no sympathy at all for him. Nor does his family after what i have read.

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I believe that he is not a real Chetwynd-Talbot, but only distantly related through his mother.

He changed his name by deed poll so that he could capitalize on the name.

The real Chetwynd-Talbots were getting really annoyed with debt collectors turning up demanding payment for outstanding bills from the faux Chetwynd-Talbot.

The man always was a crook.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant, and another dreg bites the dust.

Only sad point about this case, is that the burden of expenses for his prison term accommodation has to be met by the Thai taxpayer and others that live here and pay taxes.

A death sentence using one bullet would have been cheaper and more convenient for all.


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Some people are overreacting slightly here, with comments like he should committ suicide, an eye for an eye etc.

From the reports I have read, this is a case of a drunken guy losing his temper and hitting Debra, tragically causing her death. Was he wrong to hit her? Of course he was. Should he be punished? Of course he should. Should he face the death penalty, or spend the rest of his life in prison. Probably not in my view.

While I am in no way defending his actions, the judge rightly took into account the mitigating factors that he handed himself in the next day and confessed to the crime, and then co-operated throughout the trial. The injuries on her body don't seem to suggest that he had been beating her, but are consistent with a single punch being thrown, which supports his story to a certain extent.

The one thing I would be interested to know is if he had a history of domestic violence against Debra. That would be a major factor, in my view, in whether the sentence is sufficient or not.

In the UK this would be a manslaughter conviction, and in view of his confession etc, he would probably be looking at a sentence slightly less than this one. I would guess maybe 8 years.

At the end of the day this man is looking at spending a significant amount of time behind bars, and will have to live with the guilt of knowing he took anothers life.

And before anyone tries jumping all over what I have said, let me re-iterate. Debra was a tragic victim in this, and in no way deserved to lose her life at such a young age. Paul was completely wrong in hitting Debra and fully deserves punishing, as does anyone who thinks domestic violence is acceptable.

one of the few sensible posts in this thread

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Sometimes I wonder about the stuff posted on this forum? almost any one would say hit kick or even smak the girl is wrong. I know u say Thai men hit the wife all the time, even seen them kick the wife down the road. I put one Thai man in Jail because of this. He dosent like me now by the way. Next morning his wife begging me to pay him out. 3000 baht. can u even beleive that??? But he was beat up in Jail by other Thai men when they learn his behaviour. Learn this its not allowed to beat up a woman, whatever or whoever u are. GOT IT????

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I HOPE YOU ARE ALL ASHAMED: I’m sure none of you remember the 15 year old Scottish girl, Alexandra Stark, killed in a road accident almost a year ago in July. You will not remember as im sure you have discarded the thought of her the way you all discarded her life when you commented on the news paper article about her posted on the forum. I was one of Alex's best friends, she meant so much to me, I cried for hours after reading some of the things people were so offhanded and inconsiderate about saying. However, by the time I was given the link to this forum, the topic had been closed and I could not post the things I wanted to say, therefore I am leaving my comments here as I am not going to let Alex's memory be tarnished in the way it was. Alex was one of the most amazing people I had ever met, and will ever meet, in my life. She was a top student at our school, headed towards becoming a doctor or Psychologist. Alex was such a dynamic person, who touched everyone she knew and made a lasting impression on them. However, her life and memory was mocked by the comments which were posted about her, we were disgusted. For example "In this case some poor judgement on the part of the parents with disastrous consequences ", "Don’t drink and drive, take a joint and fly!" "Well, what was this? Some little boob comes off her bike. I mean sorry and all that, but how many helmet less doe-eyed Thai teenies do likewise and don't qualify for a mention here" ENOUGH said. What was going through peoples minds when you are writing these things! Do you not feel sympathy for the family, would it not have been more appropriate to leave your thoughts of condolences rather than drag Alex's memory through the muck for her family and friends do read! I miss Alex every day, I wont forget the times we had together, I wont forget her last words to me two days before she was killed, I wont forget the last time I stayed at her house, the last time I ever seen her. The problem is all of you who absentmindedly posted your unexplored and inaccurate accounts of what you think Alex was like, did not appear to stop and think of the consequences of your words. So what I also won’t forget is this forum, or the things said about Alex and her family. Those harsh words cut everyone I know who read this. Did you all really think that it was alright to say these things?!?! Finally, I will say that when I read this forum I lost a lot of faith in this world. To think that I could be walking side by side with someone who may think of Alex as a "little boob" makes me sick. I know that tragedies like this happen all over the world every day, and with every tragedy comes a grieving family. You do not have to be particularly intelligent to realise these facts, but yet the compulsion to say the most disrespectful things was still in you. I pray that nothing like this ever happens to any of you, because if it did you would realise the seriousness of all your flippant and hurtful words. Next time think before you speak.

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  • 2 weeks later...


QUOTE(millwall_fan @ 2006-05-25 04:02:57)

Why throw her back on the bed with such force? Silly bugger. I'd have just pulled her pants down and given her a ###### good spanking until she couldnt sit down for a week. Problem would have been solved. No damage done.

You replied:

Any guy using force to get his way with a woman is a loser. Anyone advocating it here earns a fast trip off the forum. Goodbye.

Problem solved, no damage done.

I apologise to the members of the forum. My post was not meant to advocate violence against women. It was a rather pathetic attempt to lighten the thread. I deserved to serve my ban and will think a bit more carefully about such posts in future.

I would just say that you have allowed posts to remain on this thread (including one of you own) that appear to condone the buggery of inmates in Thai jails. Whatever the guy has done he doesn't deserve the sort of extra judicial punishment that you and others seems to be advocating. I quote from one of your posts:

Here's hoping he spends the next ten years as everyone's "special friend".

Who moderates the moderators?

Once again, I apologise for my post. I repeat, I do not advocate violence against women. I trust you do not advocate sexual violence against inmates.

Regards GARY (Millwall_fan)

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