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New Zealand teen jailed in Thailand


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It will be like liveing in hell for this stupid kid in a Thai jail, especially at night when his cellmates line up for their turn when he's forced to drop his pants!

Thailand is a Buddhist country. Same sex sex is not allowed or practiced.

Is there two Thailands, crazy.gif

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"Apparently that's a worse charge if you do it at night-time rather than the day, it's a very serious crime."

This quote should be changed to read "its a worse charge if you're a foreigner", because we all know if a Thai committed this crime absolutely nothing would happen to them. Especially if the victim was a foreigner.

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These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



guests????!!! blink.png complete rubbish you are either a tourist or an expat, But always a customer and always a farang!

Because otherwise, if this country want to behave like a good host, so they should not scam, cheat, beat, rip off, etc etc etc etc their guests thumbsup.gif

Spot on

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These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



Boll*cks, since when has a farang on a sexy pissup been classed as an honoured guest. At best we are tolerated and sometimes treated as a friend. We cannot own land, own our own companies, qualify for Permanent Residence without jumping through hoops. We are 2nd class , don't understand Thainess (whatever that is). If a Thai goes to Europe the Thai can own land, own a company, acquire permanent residence. He was probably arrested , not for stealing, which could have been smoothed over with a donation, but for the dominating of some BIB, until overwhelmed by numbers. (Loss of farce). I behave properly, I don't get drunk, obey traffic laws, I am polite, self controlled (very hard sometimes), but I don't feel like an honoured guest.

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These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



Of course I agree that we should behave properly as guests in this country and to pay the penalty if we don't. However, this story is typical of the gross double standards applying in this country. A young, drunk, stupid foreigner nicks a phone and behaves badly....thrown in jail and left out of contact with those who are looking for him, fearing the worst. A Thai robs, bashes, scams, threatens, stabs (whatever) a foreigner and they are out on bail in Olympic split second timing ( or never charged at all) . Scandalous and disgraceful double standards in the land of scams

double standards maybe!! steal at night and resist arrest in Australia or new Zealand, one stands the risk of lethal injuries!!

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These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



guests????!!! blink.png complete rubbish you are either a tourist or an expat, But always a customer and always a farang!

Because otherwise, if this country want to behave like a good host, so they should not scam, cheat, beat, rip off, etc etc etc etc their guests thumbsup.gif

Spot on

True when I have guests over I try to make them feel welcome with a nice meal and a few drinks. If they bring a bottle of wine (800 baht in the bank) and "WE" consume it I don't throw them out, I open one of mine. The term guest in Thailand is totally wrong people are not guests but "BUSSINESS". All non Thais are purely a commodity.

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where does an 18-year old get the money to go on the p&%s in Thailand? When I was 18 my paper round money wouldn't buy me a bus ticket to the airport.....

2 options for me here :

-Daddy payed , kid without education that never had worked hard for anything and uknown thing values

-Drug money

Choose from one of it , im sure i hit the nail

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It will be like liveing in hell for this stupid kid in a Thai jail, especially at night when his cellmates line up for their turn when he's forced to drop his pants!

Thailand is a Buddhist country. Same sex sex is not allowed or practiced.

You must be new here.

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Interesting comments with many people having him charged , tried, convicted and sentenced which hasn't happened yet.

Yet when a suspected paedophile is arrested many posters get all holier than thou and insist he has done nothing wrong until proven in a court of law.

They then hammer other posters for suggesting bodily parts should be removed with a rusty knife.

Hmmmmmm. Double standards? or looking after your own?

Edited by Mudcrab
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"Apparently that's a worse charge if you do it at night-time rather than the day, it's a very serious crime."If the theft had occurred during the day the maximum penalty, if found guilty, would be up to three years' imprisonment.For theft in the night it was one to five years' imprisonment.


let's see 3 to 5 years for stealing a phone violin.gif .......well man that's a litle bit exagerated don't you think ? make you think twice facepalm.gif before stealing if you know those rules...whistling.gif ..or are they only for foreigners ? burp.gif .The guy i caught who stealed and killed with friends my cow DURING THE NIGHT,worth 15 000 bath didn't go to jail at all... also because that jails in thailand are allready full up......of course they could make an exception for a young and stupid farang who has relatives who can pay a hudge of money to lawyers and the system to get released.

now .....! how much is worth "taking" the money or the rice or both, i mean milions of baths from the rice farmer ?

good day and good night


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I blame the parents for christening their son Samson. I thought that moniker was reserved for bull mastiffs hauling around their chav owners on the streets of the UK

Perhaps the Thai prison authorities should shave his head so that he loses his physical strength just like the biblical Samson. His mental strength already seems to be seriously impaired.

It has been rumoured that Thai taxi drivers in Pattaya and Phuket are organising a collection to raise Samson's bail money. In exchange they have asked the authorities if they can act 'in loco parentis' for a few days in order to introduce Samson to Thailand's cultural niceties.

But, to agree with a previous post, there does seem to be double standards operating here. I have experienced and witnessed far worse crimes committed by Thais than that committed by the dense Samson, but indiginous perpetrators, if punished at all, are given derisory fines and returned to the streets immediately

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I used to forget my phone in a taxi cab in Bkk at night, few minute later I was keep calling to talk to the driver on my phone number then he switched off the phone after a few rings...

Taxi driver could be act the same way and never go to jail...

I guess many people forget stuffs in taxi and never got back and I am not talking about all the scams of Taxi drivers especially at night... If you report the case they will be fine by the police and ... nothing.

It is not mean I approve what this dude did bad, just wondering why we are talking about 5 years in jail, especially since the driver got back his phone...

Maybe police need some cash and smell the good deal to make with the kiwi family of the Young fellow.

Edited by cosmont
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It amazes me of how much trouble people can get there self into over here after a night out on the booze. I think that this is going to be a very expensive time for the teen, all due to a simple mobile phone ! Hope he realizes its not woth it in the end !

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Interesting comments with many people having him charged , tried, convicted and sentenced which hasn't happened yet.

Yet when a suspected paedophile is arrested many posters get all holier than thou and insist he has done nothing wrong until proven in a court of law.

They then hammer other posters for suggesting bodily parts should be removed with a rusty knife.

Hmmmmmm. Double standards? or looking after your own?

Don't know but some posters are getting waaaaayyy too excited imagining convicts having sex with this guy. blink.png

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So if a thai taxi driver attempts to molest and rape a chinese girl and gets off with a small fine but the a tourist steals a phone and gets put in prison.... that doesn't sound right.

I guess he must have raped here during the day time, while he took the phone at night. Simple as night and day. whistling.gif

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I used to forget my phone in a taxi cab in Bkk at night, few minute later I was keep calling to talk to the driver on my phone number then he switched off the phone after a few rings...

Taxi driver could be act the same way and never go to jail...

I guess many people forget stuffs in taxi and never got back and I am not talking about all the scams of Taxi drivers especially at night... If you report the case they will be fine by the police and ... nothing.

It is not mean I approve what this dude did bad, just wondering why we are talking about 5 years in jail, especially since the driver got back his phone...

Maybe police need some cash and smell the good deal to make with the kiwi family of the Young fellow.

This happened to me also. I forgot my phone (not cheap phone, 10 K) around at 3 am in taxi. When next morning I went down to grab some breakfast the guards gave me back and told the taxi driver brought back. Just recognized the loosing when I got back my phone. Big luck and I couldn't say thanks for the great man.

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I learn something ever day here. Now when I plan to rob a bank, I will make sure it's daylight outside.

You're gonna have to mate...banks are typically closed at night. So if you were to do it at night, technically it would not be a robbery but burglary.

So, "technically" it would be a nightime burglary, right? Does that carry stiffer penalties as well? Where's my Thai attorney when you need him? Oh, that's right I don't have one.

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Had he not been a westerner/tourist, he wouldnt be treated like a Soi Dog

At every turn, Thailand shames itself again!

I must be missing something here: the kid stole and resisted arrest and it is Thailand that shames itself? How is that? In other countries, including so-called democracies, people have gotten shot trying to resist arrest.

But of course let's not get facts in the way of some Thai-bashing.


Are you paying attention?

Yes... the kid was drunk and he did something stupid... and a reasonable penalty should be handed down. But the issue is that in this country, a Thai can stab a tourist and get a 500 baht fine.... They can rob you, burglarize your home, scam you on the street, cheat you in any kind of business transaction, and the police will not even attempt to assist you. A Thai with no license or insurance can kill a van full of people and never SEE the inside of a jail cell... and ultimately be "found guilty" and then sentenced to 40 hours of community service!!!

This kiwi kid made a drunk mistake and they are going hang a 1-5 year sentence over his head? They should have let him sleep it off, apologize to the cops, call his friends to get 1000 baht "fine, and then have his picture taken pointing at the cell phone... That should have been the end of it.

This is all about how much money they can extort from his family to release him and if you can't see that you are blind.

And if you want to call it Thai Bashing, you are a fool too.

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To all the TV professionals.

My friend's brother (17 years old) stole 700 baht on a drunken night out from a Thai girl in the early hours of the morning in Pattaya.

He was arrested by the boys in brown.

My friend tried to settle with the police who refused. The brother was sent to Chonburi jail for the day.

Short story is he is out on 50k baht bail but must report to police or forfeit the bail and face arrest again. He is waiting for a meeting with the victim to settle in cash) and will face court.

He is Thai with no previous trouble with the police and is employed full time as a welder (good money for a young man).

Yes he did something wrong and deserves punishment. My point is don't always think it is two sided. Thais are often treated in the same manner, it just never makes the news.

I wonder if there has ever been an incident where a Thai girl (or ladyboy? whistling.gif ) stole money from a guy in the middle of the night and was actually prosecuted in the courts for it...

I'd give good odd the answer is NO!

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Just because Thai treat Farang like king, they should not think that they are king.

There are law and order in in this country, and the justice system is pure and un-corrupted.

Anyone who break the law deserves to be punish by the law.

I agree that there should be appropriate punishment, but the fact is that Thailand selectively applies the law and the punishment to the financial advantages of the police and justice system.

Someday, I'd like to visit the alternate reality that you live in... But in the world that I live in, Thailand does not know the meaning of words "law and order" and there is no system of government in the country that is "pure and un-corrupted".

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