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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%


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A 75% turnout of all eligible voters is, as far as I know, a normal turnout.

The PDRC and the Dems were calling onto their supporters to boycott the elections.

Since 75% of all eligible voters turned out to vote, it seems probable that even the PDRC and Dem supporters ignored that message.


I thought the overall turnout for this election was less than 50% - or are you reffering to a specific province?

Yes, we are specifically discussing CM here.

CM is a PTP province. Last 4 elections turn out was 75%. Nothing changed. It is the regime's strong hold.

So what seems probable is that dispite the protests, dispite Suthep, dispute the DEM's boycotting the elections NOTHING in CM changed which is to be expected. It is the regime strong hold.

So no one ignored any message because nothing has changed.

Edited by djjamie
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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes.

This is the regime leaders home town and the home for the terrorist wing of the PTP called RCM51. They are a loud, violent minority used to keep the silent majority silent and in perpetual fear.

Not that it matters. Elections will be nullified. The picture below showing "vote counting" (if you can call it that) in Chanthaburi says it all.

What I would love to see is that the ballot box translates to the PTP being more popular than the last election. That would make the EC's job easy in nullifying the elections and would ensure the PTP are brought up on charges of vote manipulation as well.

Please get more than 43% of the vote. PLEASE.

Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes

How true! it means an 80% yes-vote

Thailands "think tank" nominatet for Nobel price, in new Quantenphysics theorem in order to explain chaos theory in a simple manner. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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A 75% turnout of all eligible voters is, as far as I know, a normal turnout.

The PDRC and the Dems were calling onto their supporters to boycott the elections.

Since 75% of all eligible voters turned out to vote, it seems probable that even the PDRC and Dem supporters ignored that message.


I thought the overall turnout for this election was less than 50% - or are you reffering to a specific province?

Yes, we are specifically discussing CM here.

CM is a PTP province. Last 4 elections turn out was 75%. Nothing changed. It is the regime's strong hold.

So what seems probable is that dispite the protests, dispite Suthep, dispute the DEM's boycotting the elections NOTHING in CM changed which is to be expected. It is the regime strong hold.

So no one ignored any message because nothing has changed.

Hmm...... backpedalling.

Never mind, that will do me. Like I said in post #4

"There are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"........

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Ok. Humor me…Where is the back peddling?

I stated average voter turn out in Thailand was under what is classified as a majority and is the lowest in Thai democratic history.

I stated that CM voter turn out which was 75% has not changed for the past 4 elections so it is NOT probable that the PDRC or the DEM's ignored that message. It is probable fact that things played out as it did for the past 4 elections.

Come on. Humor me. Back peddling?

Edited by djjamie
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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes

How true! it means an 80% yes-vote

oh statistics and lies

You mean 25% of all CM voters did not even come out to vote..

Then of the 75% that voted 22 % voted no

means 40% is against taxin 25 + 16,5 (75% x 22%)

and from the rest its not even clear that they voted for PTP

So wow big majority in their stronghold.. maybe not even 50% Can you imagine how low it is outside of there. They can never again claim majority support. Humiliating.

How do you know that every single person of those 25% that did not come out to vote is against Puea Thai?

If anything is humiliating its your logic.

Ill spell it out in a way you can follow it.

A true majority is if 51% of the eligible votes go to your party. (hard for sure but in a stronghold something that should be reachable)

75,05% of voters came out in Chiang Mai. 64,08 % of that was valid (not made invallid in protest or normal no vote)

75,05 x 64,08 = 48,09% of the total voters actually voted (others are no show.. no vote.. made invalid in protest )

So even if of that 48,09 percent all voted PTP they still did not get an true majority in their stronghold.

Yes I set harsh criteria and my calculation is a bit bias but in their stronghold one would expect them to easily pass it.

So they can never ever claim a true majority if they can't even have one in their own stronghold.

An other way to look at it.. (dont you love numbers)

36% of all voters that voted either invalidated their ballot or voted no. So the max the PTP can get is 64% in CM and that is when all of their people vote PTP if even 15% vote different they cant even claim a majority too.

Hope this did not go over the heads of the resident red shirts here.

Your right. You shouldn't even need to state it.

It f*kcing amazes me that it has to be spelt out like this. Why is it so hard to grasp? Propaganda cannot be that strong in the PTP surely?

Does 1+1 = 3? or 2? Why is this even being debated.

No wonder the educated in Bangkok are frustrated.

Facts are facts. End of story.

Edited by djjamie
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Your problem is a reading problem.. but its ok red dye does that to peoples eyes.

I said i set harsh criteria and I am a bit bias.. but to counter it i took their STRONGHOLD to do the math.

I did not even do this for the whole country.

Its the PTP who always say they are the majority but even in their own province they are not.

Anyway... even if they are a majority they cant be corrupt with impunity and ignore laws the way they did.

I am 100% ok with a PTP government that is honest and follows the rules. YL cant even admit the rice program was failed and mired with corruption. If you can't even do that with something that is that clearly failed and corrupt what chance is there then for her to be honest.. none.. because there is no accountability.

I really hope the NACC gets the dirty stuff on her and puts her where she belongs behind bars for corruption.

Any government is good for me.. once the laws are in place and accountability is in place.

My problem is not a reading problem. My problem is understanding your math.

These are your own words:

You mean 25% of all CM voters did not even come out to vote..

Then of the 75% that voted 22 % voted no

means 40% is against taxin 25 + 16,5 (75% x 22%)

Please EXPLAIN to my how you came to the conclusion that EVERYONE of the 25% that did not go to vote in Chiang Mai is AGAINST Puea Thai / Thaksin?

Because you are mixing them with the 16.5% of voters that cast a "No Vote" in order to get a total of who is against Puea Thai / Thaksin.

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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes.

This is the regime leaders home town and the home for the terrorist wing of the PTP called RCM51. They are a loud, violent minority used to keep the silent majority silent and in perpetual fear.

Not that it matters. Elections will be nullified. The picture below showing "vote counting" (if you can call it that) in Chanthaburi says it all.

What I would love to see is that the ballot box translates to the PTP being more popular than the last election. That would make the EC's job easy in nullifying the elections and would ensure the PTP are brought up on charges of vote manipulation as well.

Please get more than 43% of the vote. PLEASE.

Even 47.72% is the worst ever voter turnout in Thai history. Then to chose to deface ballots or cast "no vote" in protest of both the process and the regime overseeing it sends a pretty solid message to the regime that they are not wanted.

Like I said though I hope they get 43% or above of the vote..It will make the courts jobs so much easier.

For some funny reason, when reading your posts, the following idiom comes to mind:

"There are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"........

Great post, so very true!

The Democrats lost!

Big Time!

They need to get used to it, there is no manipulation that will change that, I think the voter turn out speaks volumes myself, Yellow's point to the no-vote total as a vote against PTP, I see them as a neutral vote not for PTP nor for the anti-democracy stop the vote Crunch bunch.

Remember every one that went to vote supported the Thai Democracy! And rejected the protestors plan.


They lost an election they didn't contest? :D

The poor turnout - less than half of voters not including obstructed areas - and 28% of those voting no/informal - is a massive slap in the face for Phuea Thai.

Voter turnout certainly does speak volumes. Why don't you look at the numbers critically?

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ll spell it out in a way you can follow it.

A true majority is if 51% of the eligible votes go to your party. (hard for sure but in a stronghold something that should be reachable)

75,05% of voters came out in Chiang Mai. 64,08 % of that was valid (not made invallid in protest or normal no vote)

75,05 x 64,08 = 48,09% of the total voters actually voted (others are no show.. no vote.. made invalid in protest )

So even if of that 48,09 percent all voted PTP they still did not get an true majority in their stronghold.

Yes I set harsh criteria and my calculation is a bit bias but in their stronghold one would expect them to easily pass it.

So they can never ever claim a true majority if they can't even have one in their own stronghold.

An other way to look at it.. (dont you love numbers)

36% of all voters that voted either invalidated their ballot or voted no. So the max the PTP can get is 64% in CM and that is when all of their people vote PTP if even 15% vote different they cant even claim a majority too.

Hope this did not go over the heads of the resident red shirts here.

Your math is flawed because in almost no true Democracy anywhere in the world will a party get 50% or more of the ELIGIBLE voters, because most of the time it won't be 100% of eligible voters going to the polls.

How hard is it for you to understand this?

David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the UK and got 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast. The number of eligible voters who showed up was 65.1%.

If Suthep didn't block polling stations across the country, I'm sure that an even bigger percentage (%) would have participated in the 2014 Thailand elections than in the 2010 UK Elections.

Back to the UK. In 2010, there were a total of 45.6 million registered voters, but only 29.6 million voters (65.1%) cast their votes.

David Cameron was elected with 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast and 23.4% of the overall UK eligible voters.

Are you going to complain that the UK election was not Democratic, too? Then you may just go to about every country around the world and complain that their leaders are not democratically elected.

Your problem is that you don't understand the concept of Democracy, just like Suthep doesn't understand it.

What counts is the numbers of votes cast, not the number of eligible voters.

A "majority" is the majority of counted votes. If you don't go vote, your vote doesn't count, because nobody knows your opinion.

Nobody knows what the people who did not cast their votes think. We don't know if they are pro-Suthep or pro-Yingluck.

This here is your statement from a few posts ago:

You mean 25% of all CM voters did not even come out to vote..

Then of the 75% that voted 22 % voted no

means 40% is against taxin 25 + 16,5 (75% x 22%)

How do you know that the entire 25% that did NOT come out to vote are AGAINST Puea Thai and/or Thaksin?

Therefor it is ridiculous for you to claim that everyone who did not go vote is against Puea Thai, because you don't know.

That's why it's important that people are allowed to vote, not get blocked at polling stations and prevented from exercising their voting right.

Mate. Look at trends. Don't compare one country to another.

Took at the trends of Thailand over the past 4 elections.

It is not good for the PTP.

I understand if you don't understand math, but please try to understand the people that DO understand math.

It is not a PTP or a DEM thing.

It is math. It is fact.

Now if the EC lied then so be it. The PTP may well have a majority of over 20%, but until those FACTS come out we will stick to the current FACTS.

Edited by djjamie
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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%

To make it really simple for everyone.

Is the above % a majority?

What does it matter?

The election isn't finished yet.

When all the constituencies have voted and when all the votes are in and calculated, then, and only then can you make any kind of pronouncement, not that it's stopped anybody so far.

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ll spell it out in a way you can follow it.

A true majority is if 51% of the eligible votes go to your party. (hard for sure but in a stronghold something that should be reachable)

75,05% of voters came out in Chiang Mai. 64,08 % of that was valid (not made invallid in protest or normal no vote)

75,05 x 64,08 = 48,09% of the total voters actually voted (others are no show.. no vote.. made invalid in protest )

So even if of that 48,09 percent all voted PTP they still did not get an true majority in their stronghold.

Yes I set harsh criteria and my calculation is a bit bias but in their stronghold one would expect them to easily pass it.

So they can never ever claim a true majority if they can't even have one in their own stronghold.

An other way to look at it.. (dont you love numbers)

36% of all voters that voted either invalidated their ballot or voted no. So the max the PTP can get is 64% in CM and that is when all of their people vote PTP if even 15% vote different they cant even claim a majority too.

Hope this did not go over the heads of the resident red shirts here.

Your math is flawed because in almost no true Democracy anywhere in the world will a party get 50% or more of the ELIGIBLE voters, because most of the time it won't be 100% of eligible voters going to the polls.

How hard is it for you to understand this?

David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the UK and got 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast. The number of eligible voters who showed up was 65.1%.

If Suthep didn't block polling stations across the country, I'm sure that an even bigger percentage (%) would have participated in the 2014 Thailand elections than in the 2010 UK Elections.

Back to the UK. In 2010, there were a total of 45.6 million registered voters, but only 29.6 million voters (65.1%) cast their votes.

David Cameron was elected with 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast and 23.4% of the overall UK eligible voters.

Are you going to complain that the UK election was not Democratic, too? Then you may just go to about every country around the world and complain that their leaders are not democratically elected.

Your problem is that you don't understand the concept of Democracy, just like Suthep doesn't understand it.

What counts is the numbers of votes cast, not the number of eligible voters.

A "majority" is the majority of counted votes. If you don't go vote, your vote doesn't count, because nobody knows your opinion.

Nobody knows what the people who did not cast their votes think. We don't know if they are pro-Suthep or pro-Yingluck.

This here is your statement from a few posts ago:

You mean 25% of all CM voters did not even come out to vote..

Then of the 75% that voted 22 % voted no

means 40% is against taxin 25 + 16,5 (75% x 22%)

How do you know that the entire 25% that did NOT come out to vote are AGAINST Puea Thai and/or Thaksin?

Therefor it is ridiculous for you to claim that everyone who did not go vote is against Puea Thai, because you don't know.

That's why it's important that people are allowed to vote, not get blocked at polling stations and prevented from exercising their voting right.

Mate. Look at trends. Don't compare one country to another.

Took at the trends of Thailand over the past 4 elections.

It is not good for the PTP.

I understand if you don't understand math, but please try to understand the people that DO understand math.

It is not a PTP or a DEM thing.

It is math. It is fact.

Now if the EC lied then so be it. The PTP may well have a majority of over 20%, but until those FACTS come out we will stick to the current FACTS.

I just want to know why he said that all of the 25% of the voters that stayed home in Chiang Mai are against Puea Thai.

Anyways, still waiting for an explanation.

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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes.

This is the regime leaders home town and the home for the terrorist wing of the PTP called RCM51. They are a loud, violent minority used to keep the silent majority silent and in perpetual fear.

Not that it matters. Elections will be nullified. The picture below showing "vote counting" (if you can call it that) in Chanthaburi says it all.

What I would love to see is that the ballot box translates to the PTP being more popular than the last election. That would make the EC's job easy in nullifying the elections and would ensure the PTP are brought up on charges of vote manipulation as well.

Please get more than 43% of the vote. PLEASE.

Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes

How true! it means an 80% yes-vote

Think you need to check your figures, good try with the usual red misinformation slant.

Seems 64.08% were valid or as you like to call it "yes-vote", but yes vote for whom?

"Of the total ballots casted, 530,427 or 64.08% were valid, 129,983 or 15.7% were invalid, and 167,398 or 20.22% were vote-no ballots."

And if you would like to extrapolate the figures a bit further seems that only 48% of eligible voters actually placed a valid "yes-vote" (your term, not mine) - now that's less than half ........

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ll spell it out in a way you can follow it.

A true majority is if 51% of the eligible votes go to your party. (hard for sure but in a stronghold something that should be reachable)

75,05% of voters came out in Chiang Mai. 64,08 % of that was valid (not made invallid in protest or normal no vote)

75,05 x 64,08 = 48,09% of the total voters actually voted (others are no show.. no vote.. made invalid in protest )

So even if of that 48,09 percent all voted PTP they still did not get an true majority in their stronghold.

Yes I set harsh criteria and my calculation is a bit bias but in their stronghold one would expect them to easily pass it.

So they can never ever claim a true majority if they can't even have one in their own stronghold.

An other way to look at it.. (dont you love numbers)

36% of all voters that voted either invalidated their ballot or voted no. So the max the PTP can get is 64% in CM and that is when all of their people vote PTP if even 15% vote different they cant even claim a majority too.

Hope this did not go over the heads of the resident red shirts here.

Your math is flawed because in almost no true Democracy anywhere in the world will a party get 50% or more of the ELIGIBLE voters, because most of the time it won't be 100% of eligible voters going to the polls.

How hard is it for you to understand this?

David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the UK and got 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast. The number of eligible voters who showed up was 65.1%.

If Suthep didn't block polling stations across the country, I'm sure that an even bigger percentage (%) would have participated in the 2014 Thailand elections than in the 2010 UK Elections.

Back to the UK. In 2010, there were a total of 45.6 million registered voters, but only 29.6 million voters (65.1%) cast their votes.

David Cameron was elected with 10,703,654 votes, which is 36.1% of votes cast and 23.4% of the overall UK eligible voters.

Are you going to complain that the UK election was not Democratic, too? Then you may just go to about every country around the world and complain that their leaders are not democratically elected.

Your problem is that you don't understand the concept of Democracy, just like Suthep doesn't understand it.

What counts is the numbers of votes cast, not the number of eligible voters.

A "majority" is the majority of counted votes. If you don't go vote, your vote doesn't count, because nobody knows your opinion.

Nobody knows what the people who did not cast their votes think. We don't know if they are pro-Suthep or pro-Yingluck.

This here is your statement from a few posts ago:

You mean 25% of all CM voters did not even come out to vote..

Then of the 75% that voted 22 % voted no

means 40% is against taxin 25 + 16,5 (75% x 22%)

How do you know that the entire 25% that did NOT come out to vote are AGAINST Puea Thai and/or Thaksin?

Therefor it is ridiculous for you to claim that everyone who did not go vote is against Puea Thai, because you don't know.

That's why it's important that people are allowed to vote, not get blocked at polling stations and prevented from exercising their voting right.

You're being a bit economic with the fact that Cameron's party did not have enough MPs itself to form a government and needed another party to form a coalition.

The stated percentage participating in the election excluded the incomplete constituencies and is therefore predominantly the PTP strongholds.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%

To make it really simple for everyone.

Is the above % a majority?

What does it matter?

The election isn't finished yet.

When all the constituencies have voted and when all the votes are in and calculated, then, and only then can you make any kind of pronouncement, not that it's stopped anybody so far.


And when / if the southern constituants are counted it will look even worse for the PTP.

Suffice to say I agree with you………..For once! smile.png

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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%

To make it really simple for everyone.

Is the above % a majority?

What does it matter?

The election isn't finished yet.

When all the constituencies have voted and when all the votes are in and calculated, then, and only then can you make any kind of pronouncement, not that it's stopped anybody so far.

No it has not and if i recall Charlem.. one of the smarter PTP supporters and member of parliament spoke out first about what they were winning ect ect.. The things we are doing here are far closer to anything one of your leaders has said. cheesy.gif

Edited by robblok
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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%

To make it really simple for everyone.

Is the above % a majority?

What does it matter?

The election isn't finished yet.

When all the constituencies have voted and when all the votes are in and calculated, then, and only then can you make any kind of pronouncement, not that it's stopped anybody so far.

It wasnt a pronouncement, it was a simple question...

... not sure how he could simplify it further for you really...

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"The lowest voter turnout was in Nakhon Si Thammarat with 1,302 voters casting their ballots or 8.78% from a total of 14,825 eligible voters in constituencies which could open for voting."

Now we know.

Quelle suprise!

Aren't they all in Bankok?

i know where their muslim neighbours should go and protest about voting.

Apologies if this has already been mentioned.

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Having inspected the truly bafling array of statistics, projections and interpretations of voting figures in this thread I have come to this conclusion:

Winnie the Pooh won

Piglet was second

Tigger didn't vote as he was busy bouncing on the stage at Asoke

Christopher Robin is about to be deported because he went on the stage with after Tigger and said rude things about Yingluck.

It was an election for crying out loud. The party who won the most votes in a constituency wins the seat. The party which wins the most seats gets to form a government, either alone or in coalition. Any other interpretation is spin. If the result is tampered with by courts or any other agency then it is flouting the declared will of the electorate. Simple really. Now give me some more ear medicine!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'm pretty sure a lot of voters didn't bother because the coup is happening no matter what. Even if PTP had polled 60% of an 80% turnout the powers that be with Suthep as their attack dog wouldn't have stopped the protests and occupations. Democracy in Thailand is dead in the water - if it ever was truly alive which is arguable.

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EC now says official voter turnout is 47.72%

To make it really simple for everyone.

Is the above % a majority?

It is not a majority of the nation.

It is not a majority of the electorate

It is a majority of voters despite the fact that a huge number didn't actually vote for anything.

It probably is a majority of the eligible numpties

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes.

This is the regime leaders home town and the home for the terrorist wing of the PTP called RCM51. They are a loud, violent minority used to keep the silent majority silent and in perpetual fear.

Not that it matters. Elections will be nullified. The picture below showing "vote counting" (if you can call it that) in Chanthaburi says it all.

What I would love to see is that the ballot box translates to the PTP being more popular than the last election. That would make the EC's job easy in nullifying the elections and would ensure the PTP are brought up on charges of vote manipulation as well.

Please get more than 43% of the vote. PLEASE.

Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes

How true! it means an 80% yes-vote

Or that many of them have to work away from home and were not able to vote, yeap defiantly great support and i high turnout and speaks volumes of the support in that area.

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Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong earlier this week boldly proclaimed that on February 2 the overwhelming majority of voters expressed their love for democracy ( and by clear implication Pheu Thai ). I wonder if the 47.72 % of people who are now known to have voted represents the majority he was referring to ? These numbers are fascinating to look at. Chiang Mai is particularly fascinating, because although they had the highest percentage of turnout in the country, they also had the highest percentage of " no " votes. As the number of " no " votes in the country was a staggering 3.4 million plus votes, it may turn out that Prompong was right at least about one thing. They believed in democracy too.

Considering the large turnout in CM, it would seem likely that the Dem supporters decide to go to the polls as well (otherwise the turnout would have been close to 100%). Since there were no Dem candidates, it is not surprising that they would either vote no or to make their vote invalid.

Seems like the Northern Dems does not share the sentiments of the Central and Southern Dems.

So now they have to be a Dem! to have voted No or to have not voted.. How about just disillusioned Thai's who have had enough of them all (i would image that's a high percentage of the country)

I don't suppose to know who voted and who did not vote. I am purely stating probabilities and likelihoods.

A 75% turnout of all eligible voters is, as far as I know, a normal turnout.

The PDRC and the Dems were calling onto their supporters to boycott the elections.

Since 75% of all eligible voters turned out to vote, it seems probable that even the PDRC and Dem supporters ignored that message.


If so.....

they are now at the ballot box. They look down at the list of candidates and cor blimey! The person they wanted to vote for is not on the list! What to do? What to do? Do they vote the opposition? Of course not! Do they vote for someone they have never heard of? Of course not! What to do? What to do? I think, and it's purely my opinion mind you, I think it is very probable that they might just decide to vote no. Agree?

If you disagree, I would genuinely and sincerely like to know why. I always like to hear opposing arguments. That is the only way to expand our horizons and knowledge.


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Chiang Mai with a 20.22% vote-no count speaks volumes.

This is the regime leaders home town and the home for the terrorist wing of the PTP called RCM51. They are a loud, violent minority used to keep the silent majority silent and in perpetual fear.

Not that it matters. Elections will be nullified. The picture below showing "vote counting" (if you can call it that) in Chanthaburi says it all.

What I would love to see is that the ballot box translates to the PTP being more popular than the last election. That would make the EC's job easy in nullifying the elections and would ensure the PTP are brought up on charges of vote manipulation as well.

Please get more than 43% of the vote. PLEASE.

Even 47.72% is the worst ever voter turnout in Thai history. Then to chose to deface ballots or cast "no vote" in protest of both the process and the regime overseeing it sends a pretty solid message to the regime that they are not wanted.

Like I said though I hope they get 43% or above of the vote..It will make the courts jobs so much easier.

For some funny reason, when reading your posts, the following idiom comes to mind:

"There are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See"........

Great post, so very true!

The Democrats lost!

Big Time!

They need to get used to it, there is no manipulation that will change that, I think the voter turn out speaks volumes myself, Yellow's point to the no-vote total as a vote against PTP, I see them as a neutral vote not for PTP nor for the anti-democracy stop the vote Crunch bunch.

Remember every one that went to vote supported the Thai Democracy! And rejected the protestors plan.


Many turned out because they were paid / conned / believe the PTP nonsense, whereas others may well have turned out to support democracy - however, figures seem to show a vast majority didn't support your red fugitive hero, clone and the brown-noser's.

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