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Rice-pledging scheme: Thai Farmers raise pressure


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Yingluck lovers / Suthep haters all very sleepy this mornings. Two words only to highlight from the OP


Hey, speaking of which, whatever happened to this guy?


Member Since 2014-01-13

He registers the very first day of the Bangkok Shutdown, then spends the next 20 days delivering anti-Suthep diatribes non-stop to the point he racks up 589 posts. So that's basically 30 posts a day, or ONE POST EVERY 30 MINUTES -- assuming he has to spend 9 hours eating, sleeping, taking dumps, taking showers, visiting the 7-11 etc. Curiously, his last post is on Feb. 2nd, the day of the election debacle. Then he shuts down entirely and goes totally silent. Now, why would someone register the day of the Bangkok Shutdown then go insanely active but just for the 20 days until the election then stop? I don't get it.

Do you work for the NSA by any chance?

There are other forums discussing Thai issues where we have seen the same pattern. A new poster appears. Delivers hundreds of pro-Thaksin posts and then disappears. Misinformation is a tool that Thaksin and his PR advisors are past masters at using. We have seen this during the re occupation of Bangkok. We've just seen it again. They also work on the Western Media and use high powered lobbying companies and PR folk to hammer the message home to the BBC, Washington post etc etc etc. Jonathan Head of the BBC toes the Thaksin lie or line. I'm a great believer in the fact that the chickens do come home to roost sometimes and I am awaiting the comeuppance of these nasties. I believe that Thaksin is a highly dangerous individual to the point of madness and I also have a tinge of sorry feelings for his sister who does as she is bid without question (because that is the Thai way). Then I am also astounded at how people can still swallow Thaksin's BIG lie about being a democrat. All his actions, both in power and as a fugitive, show him to be an autocrat. I have not seen one democratic action from him.

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You got to hand it to Yingluck, she is persistently consistent in her abject inability to govern.

Now she suggests that her buddies the rice millers, presumably the ones who she did ensure we're paid and not those who are a year waiting for their money (presumably because they are from the wrong areas and we couldn't have those that didn't vote for Yingluck getting a look in now could we). Anyway I digress, so she now suggests they lend back to the farmers at mo more than nine per cent per year up to 50% of the value of the rice the farmers have delivered and not been paid for.

What planet is she living on? Never mind not paying the farmers for the crop they have delivered most likely putting themselves into debt with loan sharks at horrendous rates to do so, but now she suggests they can borrow money from the people they gave the rice to while they are waiting for payment. That's like buying a TV but not paying for it with no interest on the outstanding balance and then lending back to Samsung half what you owe them and charging 9% interest for the pleasure.


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