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Immigration Reaffirms Warning to Foreigners Involved in Protests

Jonathan Fairfield

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

Wow that had categoried all expats in the same brand as tourists

You are obviously one of those people you described as if you have a Busines ( a legal one )

Then you have no clue as to how much tax foreigners pay just to stay legal.

Then if we marry a thai lady we have to prove we are worthy by having money in the bank for show which is border line human rights violation

Allot of us live here and pay more tax that thai businesses as we have to just to have the luxury of owning a house

After taxes paying staff laying out for a family there is not much left for cheap food and other ladies

What land do you live on or sorry what planet ?

Forangs are constantly being bullied by others and why can't we have a say. We have not vote so what is the governments problem

I noticed that was Nonkhai immigration part of esaan who's is anti Sutheo

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I am more than happy not to give a rat's arse about politics. When I am home it really gets my blood pressure up; I feel helpless and angry about it most of the time. As a citizen it is my problem and I have some obligation to debate and vote etc. etc.

Here, not my problem - ignorance is bliss, but apathy ...more so!

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Or denounce your citizenship to whatever country and become a Thai

You reckon having citizenship would stop them throwing you out, do ya? Doesn't that Indian have a passport? You could have citizenship, a Thai passport, have lived here 50 years and would still not be 'Thai'. It's all about your face. xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

As I understand it, Thailand does not recognize dual citizenship. So you are either Thai or a foreigner. If you renounced your citizenship of origin and successfully became a thai citizen through the prescribed procedures, you would hold a thai national identity card and be entitled to vote, run for office, own land, etc. I would guess the soon-to-be deported Indian-Thai holds a passport from Indian and entered Thailand on a visa, not with a Thai passport.
Thailand recognizes dual citizenship in the treaties that have been signed. The problem is that they do not recognize their own treaties.


Do you know what the opposite of love is? It's not hate; it's apathy.

Edited by BudRight
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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

Bull$#ite! Everyone knows that foreigners, including long term foreign expats, have no right to vote or to participate in Thai politics unless they managed to be granted Thai citizenship. This is just fair since it is THEIR country, not ours!

Having strict laws against foreigners mingling in a country's polit realm is something many European countries like Germany should have implemented for immigrants as well long time ago, but failed and they will take the ultimate fall for it in return... Staying with Germany for example, Germans will (and this is simple math and not a conspiracy theory) will be a minority in their own country in 2034, and by then probably have Sharia law implemented with a hardcore fundamentalist Turk at the helm of the German government...

In addition, here the question - who dares, and why, to mess about with Thai politics? Everyone can see that it is a big kindergarden and people here are not ready for true democracy. Thus, a big pulk of sheeple follow an anarchist dictator who puts himself and his followers above the law and boldly instructs that his opinion is the opinion of all people of Thailand, basically taking the whole country hostage, assaulting Thais who want to vote, and abusing the Thai colors that belong to ALL Thai people as "logo" for their own, questionable cause.

So here again my question: Which foreigner would be stupid enough and why to join in and participate in this mayhem that is not helping at all, but splits this wonderful country in half at alarming rate? If I would have a say then it would be, "Yes, send active foreign protest supporters home - now!"

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John Lennon was not deported, which was too bad, since he was shot dead in NYC. They wanted to deport him because of an old pot charge in UK. Or that was reason given, tho I am sure Nixon (and Elvis) hated him... They couldn't deport him because he was protesting against government.

The argument about paying no or little taxes is silly. I am a US citizen and I still pay US taxes every year just like I was living there. I pay the hidden 7% VAT tax here. There is no sales tax in my home state, btw. Regarding "beautiful women" left out part "and be picked clean, if you let them".

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If you are prepared to risk deportation go ahead. Never had sympathy for protesters of any kind who disrupt peoples lives and business.

With a firendly nickname and avatar like your, how one could believe differently!

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Shows that you have no rights as a foreigner in Thailand, no matter how long you have lived here.

Why should we have rights? You have hit the nail on the head, we are foreigners

I wish the UK government would take this stance with foreigners instead of changing everything to suit them and stuff the rest of the population

Exactly. These people crying foul on here would be the first ones thumping their chest and demanding deportation if a non citizen behaved the same way in their own country.

actually not at all........

Thaitown protesters forced Thaksin to cancel Los Angeles talk event

Thaksin Shinawatra was forced to cancel a dinner and talk with red shirts on Sunday night in Thai Town Los Angeles after over 1000 protesters gather in front of Thailand Praza Restaurant. The gathering was peaceful. According to Siam Town USA, Thaksin's supporters had to pay $200 ticket to have live dinner with Thaksin. There was no sign of Thaksin,instead of meeting Mr. Thaksin, the dinner guests got booed instead as they left the restaurant.


Kind of like Fidel Castro giving a speech in Miami.

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

So your mad because Thailand won't let you commit an act deemed illegal by the government? Whether you agree with it or not it is an illegal activity. What would happen in your own country if a foreign visitor (whether they are tourist, studying, working or even married to a citizen) violated the law? In most countries they would be deported or serve time in jail along with massive fines.

mate, I am not upset at all as I am well aware of the ptp crap that issues forth and you dont know Australia very well do you.

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

Wow that had categoried all expats in the same brand as tourists

You are obviously one of those people you described as if you have a Busines ( a legal one )

Then you have no clue as to how much tax foreigners pay just to stay legal.

Then if we marry a thai lady we have to prove we are worthy by having money in the bank for show which is border line human rights violation

Allot of us live here and pay more tax that thai businesses as we have to just to have the luxury of owning a house

After taxes paying staff laying out for a family there is not much left for cheap food and other ladies

What land do you live on or sorry what planet ?

Forangs are constantly being bullied by others and why can't we have a say. We have not vote so what is the governments problem

I noticed that was Nonkhai immigration part of esaan who's is anti Sutheo

Wow Farang elitist clap trap, "dont me put in the same class as a TOURIST....LOL

I am a foreigner working here fully legally and my tax bill is next to nothing, so you obviously have a crap accountant

If your fully legal here and playing all this tax from a Business, why do you need to have money in the bank to show immigration after marrying a Thai lady, if your here on a WP etc you dont need to show any money to immigration

And what has business tax got to do with having the luxury of owning a house ?

The fact is before you moved to Thailand you knew the rules and regulations around farangs, properties, business, etc etc...but yet you did it anyway, but now you starting whinging about human rights, taxation etc, visa's....you made the choice

Stop bleating about how hard your life is...you made these choices

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

"but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours."

Please stop spreading your lies!

You can have any opinion you like, but you can't break the law.

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Personally, I don't think that the rights of foreigners who are here in Thailand, be they tourists, long term residents, or, those with Thai citizenship, have anything to do with this. It is simply another strong arm tactic by a desperate government who a) think that by cracking the whip they will scare people away from the demonstrations and B) are worried that both the local community and the international community seeing foreign faces attending the protests in the media will get the message that the protests are being heavily subscribed to by foreigners here.

Fact is they might be but they may also just be rubber-neckers. I suspect both.

Having said that I consider than any foreigner stupid enough to get up on stage or make an aggressive statement in these affairs is simply asking for trouble: that doesn't make the edict any more palatable and it will infuriate a lot of influential parties. Another home goal I'd say.

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I'm quite happy with this, the mess is entirely of their own making and as they love to blame foreigners for everything when it goes south we should be relieved they cant point the finger at us because we cannot be involved.

In a way this is good because we can go hang out with whatever people we choose regardless of political bias and just say "sorry im just a farang and cant and don't have a side" im neutral, pass the som tam...

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Speak for yourself!! facepalm.gif

I have to disagree with the above statement......

I don't pay ANY tax.

You obviously don't have a work permit, and fk slags like a rabbit then. whistling.gif

Back pack holidaymaker, all out for his own loss. Enjoy! clap2.gif

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

Wow that had categoried all expats in the same brand as tourists

You are obviously one of those people you described as if you have a Busines ( a legal one )

Then you have no clue as to how much tax foreigners pay just to stay legal.

Then if we marry a thai lady we have to prove we are worthy by having money in the bank for show which is border line human rights violation

Allot of us live here and pay more tax that thai businesses as we have to just to have the luxury of owning a house

After taxes paying staff laying out for a family there is not much left for cheap food and other ladies

What land do you live on or sorry what planet ?

Forangs are constantly being bullied by others and why can't we have a say. We have not vote so what is the governments problem

I noticed that was Nonkhai immigration part of esaan who's is anti Sutheo

Wow Farang elitist clap trap, "dont me put in the same class as a TOURIST....LOL

I am a foreigner working here fully legally and my tax bill is next to nothing, so you obviously have a crap accountant

If your fully legal here and playing all this tax from a Business, why do you need to have money in the bank to show immigration after marrying a Thai lady, if your here on a WP etc you dont need to show any money to immigration

And what has business tax got to do with having the luxury of owning a house ?

The fact is before you moved to Thailand you knew the rules and regulations around farangs, properties, business, etc etc...but yet you did it anyway, but now you starting whinging about human rights, taxation etc, visa's....you made the choice

Stop bleating about how hard your life is...you made these choices

Farang don't like Thailand, Farang leave Thailand, Farnag go to Farangland.

Thai don't like Thailand, Thai cannot leave Thailand, becuase no Farangland will want to take Thai.

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Some replies in this thread are really disturbing.

If this happened in my country, I would not accept the involvement of foreigners in national politics, especially financing, lobbying or taking any lead.

Discussion on a forum is different of course.

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Although in theory immigration can, willy-nilly, decide to throw you out, it has to be justified and if you can afford a lawyer I reckon you should be able to challenge this. Watch Sathit do so. Otherwise it's discriminatory,

Yes, it's discriminatory. That's the point. Non-citizens do not have the same rights as citizens, a fact which is true in every country of the world. We volunteered to come to Thailand to accept second-class status as non-citizens. So, why complain. Your citizenship rights await you in your home country.

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Some replies in this thread are really disturbing.

If this happened in my country, I would not accept the involvement of foreigners in national politics, especially financing, lobbying or taking any lead.

Discussion on a forum is different of course.

And of course very few posters would, if the tables were turned. But it does go to show how many westerners loose their perspective and develop this false sense of importance and self worth, just because they pay tax.

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Some replies in this thread are really disturbing.

If this happened in my country, I would not accept the involvement of foreigners in national politics, especially financing, lobbying or taking any lead.

Discussion on a forum is different of course.

And of course very few posters would, if the tables were turned. But it does go to show how many westerners loose their perspective and develop this false sense of importance and self worth, just because they pay tax.

I fully agree with your post!

A NHRC spokesman stated that under the constitution all residents of Thailand have a "right to express political views as long as they are peaceful"

Satish Sehgal, was under a deportation request, because he was alleged to have violated laws that "require Foreigners not to engage in acts that effect national security" the article cited that the government had clear evidence he was a co-leader of PDRC and made speeches to encourage protesters to break laws. That he lead protesters to occupy several state offices (Department of Civil Aviation) in violation of the Emergency Decree.

A tad more then expressing a political opinion!


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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You really have no bloody idea, do you ? The amount of tax I pay monthly is far in excess of the average Thai annual salary.

If you had an idea, you would become a citizen of Thailand and you would have the rights all Thai's enjoy, remember you remain in Thailand by "choice", no one is forcing you to pay taxes, but you rather do your business here than in your home country because you are saving money by the much lower tax rate here!

Again misplaced outrage of a country you chose to do business in, does not give you the rights, to insult Thailand's people or the government they chose, ask that Indian businessman that got caught up in the protest!

You do have a right to vote in Thailand, as a Farang, you can vote with you feet and leave the country, if life here is so unfair!


It seems you don't have much idea either do you? I did not 'choose' to come here, I was sent here by my corporate powers that be, and while no-one is 'forcing' me to pay taxes, if I did not, there would be very serious repercussions for both me and the company, I would imagine. In all honesty I do not want to be here, but I would be committing corporate suicide if requested a transfer without any reason other than "This place is shithole'.

That said, please point out to myself and to the other readers where in my post I have complained, insulted the Thai people and government,or even made a mention of life being unfair.

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

Wow that had categoried all expats in the same brand as tourists

You are obviously one of those people you described as if you have a Busines ( a legal one )

Then you have no clue as to how much tax foreigners pay just to stay legal.

Then if we marry a thai lady we have to prove we are worthy by having money in the bank for show which is border line human rights violation

Allot of us live here and pay more tax that thai businesses as we have to just to have the luxury of owning a house

After taxes paying staff laying out for a family there is not much left for cheap food and other ladies

What land do you live on or sorry what planet ?

Forangs are constantly being bullied by others and why can't we have a say. We have not vote so what is the governments problem

I noticed that was Nonkhai immigration part of esaan who's is anti Sutheo

There there, calm down, you're not a citizen hence you have no right to involve yourself in the political affairs of the country and that is specifically stated as such in the Immigration Rules and Regs., were you to live in your home country you would no doubt advocate the same against immigrants.

As for the tax aspect: get a better accountant else play by the same rules as the locals.

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You got all thumbs up from the regiment of farting retired old men spending their evenings sat in bars with bottles of singha and thai teerak on their laps. Normal human beings from abroad have invested lot of money and paid taxes in LOS, got married, had children, supported thai families thus improving local economy and the wellbeing of many thais but NO RIGHTS of being represented at all stages in thai society. No my friend, my 12 years here tell me a different story than yours, especially about inexpensive food, tax, police corruption and women. Completely different. Enjoy yr singha and yr thai teerak without condom. It's such a fun, isn't it ?
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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You got all thumbs up from the regiment of farting retired old men spending their evenings sat in bars with bottles of singha and thai teerak on their laps. Normal human beings from abroad have invested lot of money and paid taxes in LOS, got married, had children, supported thai families thus improving local economy and the wellbeing of many thais but NO RIGHTS of being represented at all stages in thai society. No my friend, my 12 years here tell me a different story than yours, especially about inexpensive food, tax, police corruption and women. Completely different. Enjoy yr singha and yr thai teerak without condom. It's such a fun, isn't it ?

At age 64 the last time I saw the inside of a bar was many years ago, ditto the last time I bought alcohol. And my ten years here have taught me that your twelve years have been misspent, for example, if you think that food is not inexpensive here in Thailand I invite you to compare prices against your home country and post the results here, from verifiable sources, I dare you! As for police corruption: I have been ticketed for speed, illegal parking and when my wife didn't wear a seat belt, the fines were all paid at the police station at the Thai rate, I've had no other even remotely negative contact with the police here.

As for your lack of rights: I wonder how you would feel if immigrants to your home country demanded representation and voting rights, as soon as they declared themselves settled, would that be OK in your world, no, I didn't think so.

Finally, your contribution to the Thai economy over the years, by comparison, it amounts to a few satang found on the side walk.


normal person from abroad.

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You got all thumbs up from the regiment of farting retired old men spending their evenings sat in bars with bottles of singha and thai teerak on their laps. Normal human beings from abroad have invested lot of money and paid taxes in LOS, got married, had children, supported thai families thus improving local economy and the wellbeing of many thais but NO RIGHTS of being represented at all stages in thai society. No my friend, my 12 years here tell me a different story than yours, especially about inexpensive food, tax, police corruption and women. Completely different. Enjoy yr singha and yr thai teerak without condom. It's such a fun, isn't it ?

You know, now that you put it that way, being a member of the farting old guy regiment sounds like a lot more fun.

Edit to add: Upgrade off Singha, never trust a fart, and never waste a hard on. thumbsup.gif

Edited by 55Jay
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