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We have a little patch of strawberries in the back yard (Chiang Rai). They are smaller than commercial ones but sweet and we do not put chemicals in the garden. I don't know where the original plants came from but I imagine they are obtainable if you look around.

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Thai strawberries in the North appear to be a lot better, large and not sour.

My local Village market has some from the North, this Wednesday down in price 150 baht per KG. [last week 200 baht, week before 250 baht] maybe will come down again ? before they vanish again for 10 months.

Just cannot work out Makro, buy anytime of year frozen = 59 baht 1 KG bag.

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I never taste any real good strawberries here or in India.

They are so cheap that it looks like a normal deal too.

To produce a large amount of good strawberries they should do like in eu : import frozen plants from south america but quality always have a price.

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Depends on your own standard.. on my opinion it's like the Spanish one.. no taste and not sweet but HUGE !!

Also it is very rare to find them ripe. It seems that they grow only one strain good for buisness and easy to transport.. but really poor in gustative point of view.

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See if it is possible to grow strawberries here out of Thai season... yesterday the Village market had the big ripe sweeter one from the North down to 105 baht KG.. [3 weeks ago same ones at same Village market were 250 baht KG]

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  • 1 month later...

FYI, they have plants for sale at the Korat Ya Mo Festivle, plants look nice, but

are Bt'100 each, some are fruiting.

The booth is located about 40-60M past the moat where it changes into a long

tiled fountain.


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Hello All, I saw the photo thread pic's, but this was in line with

info as if anybody wanted plants to grow in the Korat area.

By the way the plants are a little smaller than in pic's post# 6

of this thread.


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Just had fresh strawberries and yogurt for breakfast, sad only got 8 strawberries left, yesterday at the market price was down but small, the seller said 'finished no good taste'.. but 45 baht KG.

If someone could have/grow undercover strawberries all year round. must make money ? this Village market is 2x week, go at least 1x week for over 10 years.. early on at beginning of strawberries season they are around 250 baht per KG, she sells around 30 KG per market time 15:30 - 19:00 they all set up stalls, in 10 years at this market have seen 1 other white person a couple of years ago, so Thais out in the sticks must buy them

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  • 7 months later...

I have grown commercially in the US. I think there could be a real issue with mold here so I would probably hill them high and leave plenty of space between plants to encourage drainage and ventilation. Ofcourse, you know that clipping runners produces more berries.

I would also keep a few ducks in the patch to control slugs.

But I have zero growing experience in Thailand so take these suggestions accordingly.

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