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Sonthiyarn's family accuses Thai police of ill-treatment


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Im advocating nothing of the sort Just who is being exterminated here or held hostage ? lol drama queen bs and you know it.

I find it amusing and Ironic that people whine when the police dont do their job and whine when they do. They had a warrant and searched the premises, not exactly unusual practise anywhere in the world.

Give me a break people whine when police carry out warrants all over the world, tough luck dont break the law and make no mistake the protesters have broken so many laws and got away with it its untrue, it wouldnt be tolerated anywhere else on the planet like here and the sooner thats realised here as well all the better.

About time normality was restored and people realised there are consequences to their actions.

While you are being amused and finding irony, you fail to notice that more discerning people deplore the way the BIB selectively carry out their duties. When a family with a few billion baht or political influence is concerned, it is kid gloves, long delays before breath analysis of a killer of one of their own, invitations to attend police stations (often ignored), concocting of false evidence, and even changing the definition of the crime to exonerate the guilty.

However when a political push comes to investigate a false charge (sedition charges are rejected by court, BP) they come on like gangbusters, and then make false claims about "war weapons".

When equality under the law exists, criticism of the BIB might stop. Until then you can selectively claim that it is mis-directed.

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Sad to say, the BIBs treat everyone below them like this. They're bullies with official authority. Meet someone who has power over them and they're on their knees fawning over these people. Useless bunch of corrupt and lazy people. whistling.gif

Very honest of them though. They easily could of planted real weapons in the house, in which they did not. And everyone a search warrant for your home is never going to be pleasant. Look how it is conducted in Australia, Britain, USA etc, they practically destroy the home, and little miss muffet complains as she may not have been Wei'd accordingly. Tissues anyone?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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