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Phuket Immigration Nightmare


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Went to Phuket immigration this morning to do my annual retirement extension, 7th one,

arrived just before 1030am, it was fairly busy.

Went to get a ticket and found out it was not possible as the ticket machine is under

guard by three wanabee volenteer immigration police, one large African American

lady and two men, one Welsh I think.

Asked the one I thought was Welsh for a ticket and was told let me see your paperwork

first, I said I just need a ticket mate to which he repied we have to check your paperwork

first so I reluctantly handed over my paperwork.

All the necessary paperwork, copies required were there and he briefly rummaged through

them, missing the extension application form and asking me "have you filled a form in?" to

which I replied yes seven times and retrieved my bundle and removed the application form

and showed it to him to which he said "are you taking the piss mate?" to which I replied "I

just want a ticket mate". I am sure these volenteers are of some help to people who don't

know what they are doing but to people like me and many others who are doing this on a

regular basis they are nothing more than an unnecessary hindrance.

My ticket number was 234 and it indicated that I was 11th in the queue which didn't overly

impress me but there you go. I now had quite some time to observe what was going on in

the office. The first thing I noticed was that the ticket system which I thought would stop the

queue jumpers did not as I observed on several occasions Thai agent like persons who had

bundles of passports and forms and had never been anywhere near the ticket machines doing

just that, queue jumping.

My second observation was that the number machine was controlled by the immigration officers

and this allowed them to take as much time as they wished, and some wished quite a lot of time,

to decide when they would attend to the next person.

So it was not a big surprise when 1130 came along and numbers were only on 232, only 2 to go,

but at 1140 everything came to a halt period, chairs vacated and pushed under desks, and 20 mins

later 1200 O'clock office closed until 1300.

1300 doors open and my number came up about 1320 but because the boss had not come back

from lunch yet ( my wifes observation ) my extension was not completed until after 1400 at which

time the ticket guards wanabees stop issuing tickets to newcomers ( this is 2 hours before the place

closes ) luckily I was in the system so I could now get a copy of my new extension and show the

wanabees my paperwork before I can now get a second ticket to get my re-entry permit.

I did not bother doing my 90 day as it is not due until Monday and by 1425 I had had enough so I will

do it next week sometime after I have calmed down a bit. Almost 4 hours in immigration is definitely

more than enough.

The longest it has ever taken me to renew my retirement extension previous to this has been 40 minutes

so I have to conclude that all the ticket machines appear to have accomplished is to make everyone

jump through another layer of hoops,( three times if you are renewing your retirement extension, re-entry

visa, and 90 day report as I was today ) and handed over control of how long the whole rigmarole takes

to the immigration officers who to be perfectly honest really don't care or have much incentive to care how

long it takes to do our visas, so be prepared to spend much more time at immigration from now on.


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There was a college student handling it when I went, who was insufferably full of herself. I got in an argument with the foreign man as I'd never ever once before had to produce any kind of local ID with an address to get a resident's certificate- until that visit- he pooh poohed this as impossible. Then I got dirty looks from both of them for insisting to the desk officer the RC was free, and I'll take a receipt then if it is not- oh it is free then. Jeez so Monkey-Mouse, turd- world...I'm embarrassed for them.

I swear I'm going to record my next visa extension attempt for you tube. We all should.

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Have to say that my annual extension last month was the smoothest ever due to the ticketing system. For sure the volunteers need to have a rumage through your paperwork, but only to make sure you have all the paperwork and copies to prevent gumming up the works when you reach the officer. I for one was quite happy with the new system, not that it was any quicker, just saves the jostling to get the next vacant seat in front of the officer.

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Have to say that my annual extension last month was the smoothest ever due to the ticketing system. For sure the volunteers need to have a rumage through your paperwork, but only to make sure you have all the paperwork and copies to prevent gumming up the works when you reach the officer. I for one was quite happy with the new system, not that it was any quicker, just saves the jostling to get the next vacant seat in front of the officer.

You got to get better at "jostling"
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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

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There was a college student handling it when I went, who was insufferably full of herself. I got in an argument with the foreign man as I'd never ever once before had to produce any kind of local ID with an address to get a resident's certificate- until that visit- he pooh poohed this as impossible. Then I got dirty looks from both of them for insisting to the desk officer the RC was free, and I'll take a receipt then if it is not- oh it is free then. Jeez so Monkey-Mouse, turd- world...I'm embarrassed for them.

I swear I'm going to record my next visa extension attempt for you tube. We all should.

The girls are gone and a form of address confirmation for your certificate of residence was always required.

Otherwise how could you prove to the officer that the address on the application form is correct.

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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

merijn I did not post this op to tell everyone a bunch of lies, I don't know when you were last at

Phuket immigration office but I can assure you today the ticket guards stopped issuing tickets at

2 pm sharp and made sure everyone in the office knew about, if you were already in the system,

as I was today then you can get a second or third ticket after 2pm but you cannot get an initial

ticket after 2pm whether you believe it or not it's a fact. smile.png

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if you don't want to go yourself you can always use a agent and pay some extra, that's what the officers want..


I have never had a problem in 7 years until today it's an old story give an idiot a uniform and control

of a link in the chain ( ticket machine in this case ) and it is almost inevitable that chaos will ensue.


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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

merijn I did not post this op to tell everyone a bunch of lies, I don't know when you were last at

Phuket immigration office but I can assure you today the ticket guards stopped issuing tickets at

2 pm sharp and made sure everyone in the office knew about, if you were already in the system,

as I was today then you can get a second or third ticket after 2pm but you cannot get an initial

ticket after 2pm whether you believe it or not it's a fact. smile.png

Maybe there was something special and the office closed early ? Happened before.

As i was not there i don't it off-course but as i said before i never had any problems to get a ticket after 15:00 and i go to the office a few times a month.

Please don't take it as a offence as i don't know you but i noticed on several occasions that the volunteers where treated as garbage by the costumers.

Things like throwing the papers to them and demanding them to fill in the application forms as they are to lazy.

Or pretending to have all the paperwork ready and demanding a ticket only later to be send back to them by the officer as they don't have the correct paperwork or form.

I don't think that the volunteers are perfect but it is lot better as the mad house from before and in general i think that most are happy with them.

Edited by merijn
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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

merijn I did not post this op to tell everyone a bunch of lies, I don't know when you were last at

Phuket immigration office but I can assure you today the ticket guards stopped issuing tickets at

2 pm sharp and made sure everyone in the office knew about, if you were already in the system,

as I was today then you can get a second or third ticket after 2pm but you cannot get an initial

ticket after 2pm whether you believe it or not it's a fact. smile.png

Maybe there was something special and the office closed early ? Happened before.

As i was not there i don't it off-course but as i said before i never had any problems to get a ticket after 15:00 and i go to the office a few times a month.

Please don't take it as a offence as i don't know you but i noticed on several occasions that the volunteers where treated as garbage by the costumers.

Things like throwing the papers to them and demanding them to fill in the application forms as they are to lazy.

Or pretending to have all the paperwork ready and demanding a ticket only later to be send back to them by the officer as they don't have the correct paperwork or form.

I don't think that the volunteers are perfect but it is lot better as the mad house from before and in general i think that most are happy with them.

I am curious merijn why you would be going to the immigration office " a few times a month " regarding visa

issues?? blink.png

And the office was not closing early today, they stop issueing initial tickets everyday at 2pm, not just today.


Edited by phuketjock
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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

merijn I did not post this op to tell everyone a bunch of lies, I don't know when you were last at

Phuket immigration office but I can assure you today the ticket guards stopped issuing tickets at

2 pm sharp and made sure everyone in the office knew about, if you were already in the system,

as I was today then you can get a second or third ticket after 2pm but you cannot get an initial

ticket after 2pm whether you believe it or not it's a fact. smile.png

Maybe there was something special and the office closed early ? Happened before.

As i was not there i don't it off-course but as i said before i never had any problems to get a ticket after 15:00 and i go to the office a few times a month.

Please don't take it as a offence as i don't know you but i noticed on several occasions that the volunteers where treated as garbage by the costumers.

Things like throwing the papers to them and demanding them to fill in the application forms as they are to lazy.

Or pretending to have all the paperwork ready and demanding a ticket only later to be send back to them by the officer as they don't have the correct paperwork or form.

I don't think that the volunteers are perfect but it is lot better as the mad house from before and in general i think that most are happy with them.

I am curious merijn why you would be going to the immigration office " a few times a month " regarding visa

issues?? blink.png

And the office was not closing early today, they stop issueing initial tickets everyday at 2pm, not just today.


Maybe he "works" there!!

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Went to Phuket immigration this afternoon to do my 90 day report. Arrived just after 14:00, it was fairly busy. Went to one of the volunteers (the one on the right). He gave me the TM 47, and told me I would not need a picture. I filled in the form, the volunteer checked it and gave me the ticket 002 at 14:09. Went over to Nr.3. He didn’t like the copy with the visa and the departure card, so I went downstairs to get another one. Back upstairs to Nr. 3. He bostiched the receipt of notification into my passport. When I asked him if everything was OK, he made a hand sign like chasing away a bothering fly,and ignored me and my question. Out of the place shortly after 15:30

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I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

hey merjin if you think a marriage extension is bad try applying for a dependant visa for taking care of your kid it's 100 times worse than a marriage extension

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Went to Phuket immigration this afternoon to do my 90 day report. Arrived just after 14:00, it was fairly busy. Went to one of the volunteers (the one on the right). He gave me the TM 47, and told me I would not need a picture. I filled in the form, the volunteer checked it and gave me the ticket 002 at 14:09. Went over to Nr.3. He didn’t like the copy with the visa and the departure card, so I went downstairs to get another one. Back upstairs to Nr. 3. He bostiched the receipt of notification into my passport. When I asked him if everything was OK, he made a hand sign like chasing away a bothering fly,and ignored me and my question. Out of the place shortly after 15:30

I think you were probably lucky seabear and the volunteer gave you the start of tomorrow mornings numbers,

or the 2pm cut of is for visa or extension applications not 90 day reports or front row desks business, but I am

not sure on that , but I did notice when the 2pm deadline hit one of the volunteers picked up the closed stand

and placed it in front of the back row desks. Who knows sad.png

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4 hour wait???

I would have attempted to bribe the volunteers after 45mins, failing that I would have driven to Krabi. Much nicer in immigration there

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

Where is the immigration at Phag Nga? or are you talking about Krabi?

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4 hour wait???

I would have attempted to bribe the volunteers after 45mins, failing that I would have driven to Krabi. Much nicer in immigration there

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

Where is the immigration at Phag Nga? or are you talking about Krabi?

37 Moo 3 Tamnampud Muang problems finding? give them a call they speak english 076460512 usually just a lot of myanmar but farang get vip for free hehe..

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4 hour wait???

I would have attempted to bribe the volunteers after 45mins, failing that I would have driven to Krabi. Much nicer in immigration there

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

I was under the impression that annual extensions can only be processed in your residential area (Province)

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If this is true it is a most odious invasion of privacy.

What right has anybody, other than an immigration official,

to see one's passport, visa application

papers and other private documentation?

Who, in their right minds would instigate a procedure such as this?

Who, in their right minds would hand over passports and other official government documents

to complete strangers who are not even nationals of this country, let alone

employees of the government?

What kind of pathetic human being would want to do this "volunteer" job in the first place?

Is there an ulterior motive of some sort, official, or, commercial?

Is that why these so called volunteers came to Thailand to hang

about immigration centers all day invading peoples' privacy?

Do we see the long shadow shadow of the Patriot Act in this?

Are they passing on private information to commercial interests, or, even to connections in the underworld?

How are these volunteers selected?

Are they paid?

What background checks are being carried out on them?

What right have they to access anybody's private information or tell anybody what to do?

What do they do with the information once gleaned from the hapless visa applicant?

In the alleged conversation one can see the high handed nosy parker Nazi block warden attitude developing.

Once these "volunteers" get their feet under the table where will it all lead?

Complain to the salient authorities, embassies etc., about these pseudo officials and get rid of them before the procedure becomes official policy everywhere.

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If this is true it is a most odious invasion of privacy.

What right has anybody, other than an immigration official,

to see one's passport, visa application

papers and other private documentation?

Who, in their right minds would instigate a procedure such as this?

Who, in their right minds would hand over passports and other official government documents

to complete strangers who are not even nationals of this country, let alone

employees of the government?

What kind of pathetic human being would want to do this "volunteer" job in the first place?

Is there an ulterior motive of some sort, official, or, commercial?

Is that why these so called volunteers came to Thailand to hang

about immigration centers all day invading peoples' privacy?

Do we see the long shadow shadow of the Patriot Act in this?

Are they passing on private information to commercial interests, or, even to connections in the underworld?

How are these volunteers selected?

Are they paid?

What background checks are being carried out on them?

What right have they to access anybody's private information or tell anybody what to do?

What do they do with the information once gleaned from the hapless visa applicant?

In the alleged conversation one can see the high handed nosy parker Nazi block warden attitude developing.

Once these "volunteers" get their feet under the table where will it all lead?

Complain to the salient authorities, embassies etc., about these pseudo officials and get rid of them before the procedure becomes official policy everywhere.

Feel better?

But I do have to agreed with almost all of your points. Like the nosey receptionist in the DrSurgery, whats worng? none of your bloody business!

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Jeeze mate didn't sound too bad. Try Chiangmai, you have to queue before 7am just to get a ticket!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Must have been a long time since you were there...Monday this week arrived at 2.25 PM and was out by 2.35PM., after being advised that PM was better time to go...sure was!

The majority of people say similar experiences now

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Yell at me if you wish but I take a slightly different view, for starters, I wonder had the OP been more welcoming to the farang assistants, whether or not he might have had a smoother and faster journey through Immigration.

Also, the farangs who operate as assistants in Immigration and the volunteer police also, they serve a useful purpose and as such they have a job to do, I don't buy this, "siding with the enemy" mentality.

OK flame away.

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