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Rumour about Obama-Beyonce relations spread


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Rumour about Obama-Beyonce relations spread

Photo : Mail online

A French media firestorm has been circulating claims that Barack Obama and Beyonce are dangerously in love, Mail online reported Wednesday.

It came as Francois Hollande, France's head of state and a well-known love cheat, arrived in America on an official state visit without his now-ex partner, Valérie Trierweiler.

Rumours of an affair between the American president and the superstar singer- both of whom are married- were first made on Europe 1 radio station this morning.

They led to denials from the Washington Post, who were said to be preparing to break the incredible story.

Kristine Coratti, director of communications for the newspaper, said "I can tell you that it's false," adding ’The Washington Post does not produce articles' of this kind.

But Pascal Rostain, the photographer who last month took photographs of Hollande secretly visiting a Paris love nest on the back of moped and wearing a crash helmet, spoke of the alleged relationship.

He said revelations of any kind of affair between Obama, 52, and Beyonce, 32, would send shockwaves around the world.

Read more : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556239/French-media-goes-crazy-rumor-President-Obama-Beyonce-having-affair.html#ixzz2t6c547Bt

-- The Nation 2014-02-12

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I didn't quite get that. Did some French outfit say that the Washington Post was getting ready to break the story, and then the Post said it was false? Did they say the story was false, or just that they don't run stories like that?

I can't stand Obama, but he deserves more than just rumors.

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Obama is not gay. Some people who think being gay is an insult and want to insult our beloved president came up with that lie. The USA has had a gay president though. Not "out" in the modern way (that concept wasn't known) and not a good one: JAMES BUCHANAN. America's most iconic president, Abraham Lincoln, had some lavender tones but wouldn't be considered gay by modern people.



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Obama is not gay.

Not sure, but he does have an effeminate way and kind of cute. Having a wife and children is no barrier.

Sadly he is not gay.

The USA is still waiting for a DECENT gay president. Buchanan was crap. Maybe someday.

If there was the tiniest bit of truth to that smear piece from the fringe website, it would have been explored and revealed LONG AGO by the mainstream media. Even Fox News isn't sleazy enough to run with that total garbage.

Edited by Jingthing
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I've got some news for you folks.

It is well known Obama was a pothead as a youth. Big time pothead. Other drugs as well.

He publicly came out with that before he got into politics. Not news.

I could see it is possible for a young man like that to become involved in sex exchange for drugs with men.

Here's the news.

That does NOT mean the young man is a gay man.

That is called men having sex with men. Not always about preference.

There is also common youth experimentation with males. There is fluidity with young men and then later, generally much less fluidity of orientation preference.

With women, there is more potential fluidity through life.

Again, Obama is a not a gay man, even if he did sell his bootie when young. Which is hardly proven.

If you're going to label every American president who engaged in same sex exploration when young a gay man, then probably over half of all American presidents have been gay. But that's obviously not the case.


Edited by Jingthing
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