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Rumour about Obama-Beyonce relations spread


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Obama lives with his wife, two daughters, and his mother-in-law, plus Valerie Jarret (Michelle's BFF) spends every waking hour hovering.

I think the last thing he needs just now is another woman in his life.

Anyway he'd never get away with it with Auntie Valerie around.

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I didn't quite get that. Did some French outfit say that the Washington Post was getting ready to break the story, and then the Post said it was false? Did they say the story was false, or just that they don't run stories like that?

I can't stand Obama, but he deserves more than just rumors.

'i can'ts stand Obama' ... gosh is it because he is African american and not European american??

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Wow! Go Barry go!

JFK and Marilyn Monroe,

Barrack and Beyonce..

Probably not true, but you can be sure the Republicans will run with it as far as they can, true or not.

Don't forget, the impeached Clinton for getting a blower!

I guess republicans never have sex with women.

Maybe that's why they are so uptight?

I say go for it Mr. President.

I doubt I could say no to a woman like Beyonce!post-147745-0-35003500-1392258581_thumb.

Looks like presidential quality to me!

Edited by willyumiii
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Beyonce is Definately a Hottie.

Barak Obama is stupid. But not that stupid.

Michelle definately wears the pants in that family.

She would do Barry O Thai Style:

She would be "Feeding it to the Ducks"

Jennifer Lopez gets 2 "Schwings" over Beyonce any day........ or night

I used the term "stupid" in a satyre form

And I don't want to get into "tit for tat" over President Obama's politics, actions, or qualifications on this Forum.

All of us have our own opinions on him and his Party's agenda during his terms in office.

The USA is as divided about his Presidency as Thailand is over TS, the PTP, PDRC and Democrats.

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Obama is not gay.

Not sure, but he does have an effeminate way and kind of cute. Having a wife and children is no barrier.

Sadly he is not gay.

The USA is still waiting for a DECENT gay president. Buchanan was crap. Maybe someday.

If there was the tiniest bit of truth to that smear piece from the fringe website, it would have been explored and revealed LONG AGO by the mainstream media. Even Fox News isn't sleazy enough to run with that total garbage.

Sadly he is not gay. xsleep.png.pagespeed.ic.8tBszHPj2b.webp

If there was the tiniest bit of truth to that smear piece from the fringe website, it would have been explored and revealed LONG AGO by the mainstream media... UNDOUBTEDLY coffee1.gif

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Obama is not gay. Some people who think being gay is an insult and want to insult our beloved president came up with that lie. The USA has had a gay president though. Not "out" in the modern way (that concept wasn't known) and not a good one: JAMES BUCHANAN. America's most iconic president, Abraham Lincoln, had some lavender tones but wouldn't be considered gay by modern people.


while i agree being gay is not an insult, id rather be accused of banging beyonce.

power to him if its true.

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No worries. Our beloved President Obama is a wonderful family man who would never cheat on She Who Must Be Obeyed!

?? I thought Yaowapa Shinawatra was She Who Must Be Obeyed ...... Maybe there is more than one. :-) In a cage fight between Yaowapa and Michelle,

I would definitely put my money on Yaowapa.......

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Obama is not gay. Some people who think being gay is an insult and want to insult our beloved president came up with that lie. The USA has had a gay president though. Not "out" in the modern way (that concept wasn't known) and not a good one: JAMES BUCHANAN. America's most iconic president, Abraham Lincoln, had some lavender tones but wouldn't be considered gay by modern people.


Don't forget that Lincoln lived with Joshua Speed for four years and they slept in the same bed during that time... http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/11/09/abraham_lincoln_gay_straight_something_else.html Of course, historians say that may mean nothing at all, wink wink, nudge nudge...

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Oh my now Obama is feeding the press stories to boost his man hood. Everyone in his hood in Chicago knows he prefers men

Clearly, what's happened here is that the Michelle Obama interview with Jay Leno in which she revealed that her husband sang to her often and that he was a fan of Marvin Gaye, lead to a series of Chinese whispers that went from "Obama likes Marine Gaye" to "Obama likes Gayes" to "Obama is gay."

Perfectly understandable.

With similar aims, I'm trying to spread the word that "Thakkar has an enormous trick, ladies."

So far, the Daily Mail hasn't called me to confirm or deny anything.


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