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I can teach English, do you have a job?


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I was wondering if there's a school who can offer me what I'm looking for. I'm 52 and I have a wide general education. Next to English I know some other languages and I am skilled in many technical subjects. I have teaching experience on primary and secondary government schools.

I would like to have a weekly salary, which has to be paid every week the same for 1 year.

I need some help from the school to gain my teachers licence.

I would like to have a free, good place to stay, including the cost for energy, air conditioning, internet and some furniture. A carport would be welcome. It doesn't have to be big.

I am used to rual areas and I can speak some Thai. I am good with Thai children.

I'm not in for the money, I want to like my job, my place to stay, my colleagues.

Please, sent me an PM and I sent you my email adress and further personal information. Please, NO head hunters, I do not like to work for other peoples salary, no matter what you offer me.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Not many jobs out there paying a weekly salary, accommodation (with carport) and bills!

You're right and I'd assume that OP can pay his electricity and water bills out of his monthly salary.

Quite difficult. Our school will need a new teacher for the new school year in May. I'd assume that you're a guy, so a place to stay/ live would be available. Paid weekly is a task our superiors wouldn't get. All that's not the norm seems to be difficult here.

The house is the biggest on campus with a carport, you'd have to share with me. ( Enough space for two cars, even If I have a longer one.( car!)

But: No air conditioner. The (foreign) colleagues consist of myself and five from an ASEAN member country, where you'll have to get used to.Honestly, not everybody's taste. They'd planned some changes, but that could take a long time.

They're actually looking-as usual- for a young dynamic and experienced teacher, which isn't really available. I'm 53.....started there three years and some moons ago.

Found my own way to have free internet, pretty fast for free though. Furniture, well shouldn't be THE problem. You won't find that downtown either.

I'm not in this house on weekends, nor on holidays, as I'm living in a neighboring province with my loved ones.

They'll pay you lunch from Monday to Friday, but it's not Thai cuisine.( A 20 baht coupon)

It's not in a rural area, it's in one of the biggest cities in Isaan, in the center of Ubon Ratchathani.

Please let me know what you think of it and page me, if you're interested. Good day.-wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Not many jobs out there paying a weekly salary, accommodation (with carport) and bills!

You're right and I'd assume that OP can pay his electricity and water bills out of his monthly salary.

Quite difficult. Our school will need a new teacher for the new school year in May. I'd assume that you're a guy, so a place to stay/ live would be available. Paid weekly is a task our superiors wouldn't get. All that's not the norm seems to be difficult here.

The house is the biggest on campus with a carport, you'd have to share with me. ( Enough space for two cars, even If I have a longer one.( car!)

But: No air conditioner. The (foreign) colleagues consist of myself and five from an ASEAN member country, where you'll have to get used to.Honestly, not everybody's taste. They'd planned some changes, but that could take a long time.

They're actually looking-as usual- for a young dynamic and experienced teacher, which isn't really available. I'm 53.....started there three years and some moons ago.

Found my own way to have free internet, pretty fast for free though. Furniture, well shouldn't be THE problem. You won't find that downtown either.

I'm not in this house on weekends, nor on holidays, as I'm living in a neighboring province with my loved ones.

They'll pay you lunch from Monday to Friday, but it's not Thai cuisine.( A 20 baht coupon)

It's not in a rural area, it's in one of the biggest cities in Isaan, in the center of Ubon Ratchathani.

Please let me know what you think of it and page me, if you're interested. Good day.-wai.gif

Hello Puyai,

Sure, I am interested. Thanks for your reply anyway. I'm in a kind of hurry right now, I have a meeting in BKK today. Please answer some questions.

If I am correct, I'm living with you in the same house? What nationality do you have?

Several ASEAN teachers you said? What kind of school is it?

How long is long? Are you driving a Caddilac El Dorado? Any scooter availible?

The trip to school is easy, one straight way!

I assume they want me to teach conversation? How many classes a week? And how big are those classes?

Okay, I have to go. I look forward to your reply.



Ps you are male too isn't it? ;-)

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Navara: they like "Yes Men". They pay the salary monthly. and while you may get a free apartment, you won't get it all in one package.

Don't you have savings?

Can't you handle the budgeting yourself - put those 32,000 B into a savings account and divide it by 4.35 weeks and make weekly withdrawals of the set amount.


"Help" with anything is a double edged sword. I would NOT trust my career to some strangers' help.

If you are dynamic and young at heart, why shouldn't you get the job?

Just don't present this long wish list or you will scare them away, JMHO.

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Not many jobs out there paying a weekly salary, accommodation (with carport) and bills!

You're right and I'd assume that OP can pay his electricity and water bills out of his monthly salary.

Quite difficult. Our school will need a new teacher for the new school year in May. I'd assume that you're a guy, so a place to stay/ live would be available. Paid weekly is a task our superiors wouldn't get. All that's not the norm seems to be difficult here.

The house is the biggest on campus with a carport, you'd have to share with me. ( Enough space for two cars, even If I have a longer one.( car!)

But: No air conditioner. The (foreign) colleagues consist of myself and five from an ASEAN member country, where you'll have to get used to.Honestly, not everybody's taste. They'd planned some changes, but that could take a long time.

They're actually looking-as usual- for a young dynamic and experienced teacher, which isn't really available. I'm 53.....started there three years and some moons ago.

Found my own way to have free internet, pretty fast for free though. Furniture, well shouldn't be THE problem. You won't find that downtown either.

I'm not in this house on weekends, nor on holidays, as I'm living in a neighboring province with my loved ones.

They'll pay you lunch from Monday to Friday, but it's not Thai cuisine.( A 20 baht coupon)

It's not in a rural area, it's in one of the biggest cities in Isaan, in the center of Ubon Ratchathani.

Please let me know what you think of it and page me, if you're interested. Good day.-wai.gif

Hello Puyai,

Sure, I am interested. Thanks for your reply anyway. I'm in a kind of hurry right now, I have a meeting in BKK today. Please answer some questions.

If I am correct, I'm living with you in the same house? What nationality do you have?

Several ASEAN teachers you said? What kind of school is it?

How long is long? Are you driving a Caddilac El Dorado? Any scooter availible?

The trip to school is easy, one straight way!

I assume they want me to teach conversation? How many classes a week? And how big are those classes?

Okay, I have to go. I look forward to your reply.



Ps you are male too isn't it? ;-)

Hi Navara,

Please forgive my naivety, that I'd answered Puyai's post. Just heard from our Thai head teacher that they'd found a guy who'll start in May. You won't find the welcome farang, live for free house with a carport, air,paid electricity, that easy.

I meant my Pick up truck, a Mitsu L 200, really long.............don't know why you need to know my nationality. I hold a German passport, but grew up with Yanks and Germans, had to speak both languages from earliest childhood on.Now speaking \Germish with an American accent.

Do you really think that a male could easily move into a female's house on a school's campus in Thailand? Gotta love it.


Best of luck. Please keep us informed, when you found such a job, will start there too. Thanks.-

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Navara: they like "Yes Men". They pay the salary monthly. and while you may get a free apartment, you won't get it all in one package.

Don't you have savings?

Can't you handle the budgeting yourself - put those 32,000 B into a savings account and divide it by 4.35 weeks and make weekly withdrawals of the set amount.


"Help" with anything is a double edged sword. I would NOT trust my career to some strangers' help.

If you are dynamic and young at heart, why shouldn't you get the job?

Just don't present this long wish list or you will scare them away, JMHO.

Nope. 25 K for starters. I know it's sad. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesss.

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Hello gentlemen,

Thx for the offer.

I know that the salary is low and you might be lucky when they pay you 12 months a year.

I believe that a low salary should be compensated with a good place to live. Do you park your car in the heat whole day? Nope, I do not think so. Do you sit/sleep with a fan when it is 35 degrees or more? Nope, I do not think so.

Being paid every week, suites me better than once a month. (some schools pay by the hour you teach and it might be that it isn't correct what they gave you)

Thank you.

Edited by navara
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Navara I am quite confused by your posts. I think that you are confusing many things.

First No school pays per week. The schools that pay per hour still pay their balance each month. It is not in benefit to a school to pay weekly. If you are looking for only part time temporary work that might be different but any legitimate job with a contract, WP etc will pay monthly.

The majority of jobs do not offer housing or even housing allowance. It is possible to get it but usually they are not the most comfortable places. My last school had housing at the school but teachers weren't allowed to bring alcohol, smoke or have guests visit, there was also an 11 PM curfue even for teachers.

Don't ever share housing with other teachers at a school. Separate your work life and your school life as much as possible.

Someone that wants everything paid for sounds strange. I would advise to ask more questions about the school's curriculum, methodoligies and mission more than asking about housing, vacation time, paid utilities.

It really sounds from your posts that you actually don't know how schools work. I don't know how you can have experience and sound so inexperienced.

Just get out and interview with every school you can find. Eventually you will find a position. Getting your own apartment, and paygin your own bills isn't the worst thing in the world

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Hello gentlemen,

Thx for the offer.

I know that the salary is low and you might be lucky when they pay you 12 months a year.

I believe that a low salary should be compensated with a good place to live. Do you park your car in the heat whole day? Nope, I do not think so. Do you sit/sleep with a fan when it is 35 degrees or more? Nope, I do not think so.

Being paid every week, suites me better than once a month. (some schools pay by the hour you teach and it might be that it isn't correct what they gave you)

Thank you.

Being paid every week, suites me better than once a month. (some schools pay by the hour you teach and it might be that it isn't correct what they gave you)

Look, even the language centre, where I was paid by the hour, settled up monthly. It's a bad start when you come up with such a wish list.

Sometimes, you can get cash in lieu of on campus housing. So you pay more elsewhere plus 1,xxx Baht a month for your electricity.

What I'm not getting is these small things of everyday living being a game changer for you. Do you want to teach?

The last place cost 1,300 B, had no aircon and not even a shower. Had no mattress - but it's doable when there is a will. (My personal choice, money would have taken care of it and I could have rented a room with aircon, no doubt).

Sirchai's offer beats my last school's terms hands down. 30,000 but only 9 months...

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Navara I am quite confused by your posts. I think that you are confusing many things.

First No school pays per week. The schools that pay per hour still pay their balance each month. It is not in benefit to a school to pay weekly. If you are looking for only part time temporary work that might be different but any legitimate job with a contract, WP etc will pay monthly.

The majority of jobs do not offer housing or even housing allowance. It is possible to get it but usually they are not the most comfortable places. My last school had housing at the school but teachers weren't allowed to bring alcohol, smoke or have guests visit, there was also an 11 PM curfue even for teachers.

Don't ever share housing with other teachers at a school. Separate your work life and your school life as much as possible.

Someone that wants everything paid for sounds strange. I would advise to ask more questions about the school's curriculum, methodoligies and mission more than asking about housing, vacation time, paid utilities.

It really sounds from your posts that you actually don't know how schools work. I don't know how you can have experience and sound so inexperienced.

Just get out and interview with every school you can find. Eventually you will find a position. Getting your own apartment, and paygin your own bills isn't the worst thing in the world

Ziechen and Onlycw,

Lol, typical farang thinking I would say.

Every Thai school has facilities for teachers to stay. Often new teachers come from far and they need a place to live. And in my region often schools have space for a farang teacher, Sure, it won't be Hilton style, but it will do and it's for free. Usually you teach conversation and the grammar is left for the Thai teachers. What they want from you is that you can get along with the students. A Thai school is a Thai school, they all the same. Some are poor, others have projectors and aircon in the classroom and are called rich.

When you don't understand me, you can't judge me. It's the habbit of farang people to analize people, Thai people don't.

I never said I'm a good English teacher, but I'm devoted to teach Thai kids English, because I believe it's very important for their future. I can teach English, I can be very usefull to them. I like to teach the children of the government schools. The onces who has less chance because they are/were obstructed by their social environment. It's hard work and bad paid.

It is important that you have a resonable place to stay, to relax and to prepare your lessons. Where do you live? I agree you shouldn't share your house, that's for youngsters.

I do not know everything about teaching in Thailand, but I'm sure you don't either. I always get paid by the week, because they always have asked me how I wanted to be paid. It's not a matter of rules, but a matter if the Thai school is willing to do so. I live in Thailand for about 10 years now and I am involved with government schools for the same period of time. And guess what? You never know what they decide.

My idea was to see new places and new people.

Thank you.

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Seems like you have it all worked out - Well done smile.png

LOL. Now the suitable job. I had found some jobs in my region, but the salary wasn't enough to pay for a daily travel and to close to home for setting up a decent place to stay. Infact it all make no sense to me, the Thai government is desperate to find farang teachers (about 50.000 short), but there's no money to fund it all. The schools located in the rural areas are the ones who are really in need, but receive less or nothing to hire good teachers. In 2 years ASEAN will be lauched......


Do you teach?

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Seems like you have it all worked out - Well done smile.png

LOL. Now the suitable job. I had found some jobs in my region, but the salary wasn't enough to pay for a daily travel and to close to home for setting up a decent place to stay. Infact it all make no sense to me, the Thai government is desperate to find farang teachers (about 50.000 short), but there's no money to fund it all. The schools located in the rural areas are the ones who are really in need, but receive less or nothing to hire good teachers. In 2 years ASEAN will be lauched......


Do you teach?

Yes, or rather I did teach for one year smile.png

I had a great experience in an Isaan government school, and I will probably return to the same place in 3 or 4 years time when my son has finished his schooling over here in the UK.

Where are you presently?

Edited by chonabot
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Seems like you have it all worked out - Well done smile.png

LOL. Now the suitable job. I had found some jobs in my region, but the salary wasn't enough to pay for a daily travel and to close to home for setting up a decent place to stay. Infact it all make no sense to me, the Thai government is desperate to find farang teachers (about 50.000 short), but there's no money to fund it all. The schools located in the rural areas are the ones who are really in need, but receive less or nothing to hire good teachers. In 2 years ASEAN will be lauched......


Do you teach?

Yes, or rather I did teach for one year smile.png

I had a great experience in an Isaan government school, and I will probably return to the same place in 3 or 4 years time when my son has finished his schooling over here in the UK.

Where are you presently?


At the moment I'm located about 200 km above BKK. I understand your a single parent, your son is half Thai? I have 2 daughters who study in The Netherlands, that's close to you ;-) Yes, teaching in a goverment school can be fun, but also very hard. You have to be devoted to your students, love them and take care. Give them a bit more than only English. You see, in a rural area located school an English teacher is only popular when he/she can get along with them. Only then are they willing to learn. My present job has stopped, because there's no money. All students are very sad. And they paid me so little already. Next to this, I had to buy all my teaching materials myself. I bought the Christmas presents, some food, some presents when they had a good mark for a test...... nothing left of my salary. Next week I'm going to teach vocational grade 12 and grade 7,8 and 9 on my wifes high school. For free. My wifes school the same issue: no budget. You see, when your school is located outside the city borders, no funding from the city. And this made me very sad, because it is there where the problems are, the poor schools.

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Hello gentlemen,

Thx for the offer.

I know that the salary is low and you might be lucky when they pay you 12 months a year.

I believe that a low salary should be compensated with a good place to live. Do you park your car in the heat whole day? Nope, I do not think so. Do you sit/sleep with a fan when it is 35 degrees or more? Nope, I do not think so.

Being paid every week, suites me better than once a month. (some schools pay by the hour you teach and it might be that it isn't correct what they gave you)

Thank you.

Dear Navara,

Your statement that you'd be familiar with Thai schools sounds a little bit questionable, when reading your posts. How could you even have a 12 months contract and paid through, when paid by the hours you'd worked?

Okay, I've met applicants who said that their passport would be at their embassy in Europe, as they'd sent the wrong one...some wanted their salary under the table, etc..

One guy was really asking me to send him money that he could make it to an interview, as he " a sort of ran out of money in Pattaya".

Many people working as teachers here who've got a car, ( not many can actually afford to buy one, without savings) have to park their vehicle in the heat, as not too many schools, or houses have a carport.

I've got three air conditioning units in my house, where I'm actually living. And guess what. Never switched them on this year, as one unit is about 1,500 baht, when running 24/7.

The house on campus has a ceiling fan on the ground floor, first floor only a fan I'd bought. I'm pretty much used to this climate after 12 years.

If I like cold weather, I'd move to Alaska, build my own Igloo but only with my Thai wife and son.

Have you ever thought that some extravagant questions could be the reason not to find a job? Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you, as you might be a nice guy.

Only my point of view.-wai.gif

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The idea of my post was to find a suitable job. I do not want to be lectured by farang teachers who think they know it all. I do not wish to be compared with less successful farang guys who have no money left to spend. I also No not like to be set a side as a possible liar. And stop analyzing me. If you can offer me a job, I'll tell you all about me.

Sent from my Lenovo A390_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Perhaps the Classified section -Hire me is the place for you...

post what you find fit about you, there is no messaging session there, post your contact details, and wait to be contacted (or not).

IF posts on this forum closed for someone wanting to hire, should also treated the same for someone wanting a job?

Theoretical question, obviously the mod has his own mind about this matter, only I am a bit clueless why so.

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Perhaps the Classified section -Hire me is the place for you...

post what you find fit about you, there is no messaging session there, post your contact details, and wait to be contacted (or not).

IF posts on this forum closed for someone wanting to hire, should also treated the same for someone wanting a job?

Theoretical question, obviously the mod has his own mind about this matter, only I am a bit clueless why so.


I did not put this post here; it was Thai Visa who moved it here. It was on another section, with no reactions at all. So I thought, it is a good thing to post it here. I was amazed to read all these reactions of farang people, but sadly enough also many negative reactions. Why is that? I'm happy that the moderator had them removed.

I do know much about the Thai educational system, I live in Thailand about 10 years. I have been assisting my wife for many years, who happened to be a countless rewarded English teacher, one of the few here in Thailand. I see how she has to struggle to make them understand English, so if I want to be helpful, I should teach English too. Sure, I'm a technical guy, but my English is sufficient enough to teach on primary or secondary schools. You do not need a Bachelor English as a farang, you need to get a long with the students and make them talk.

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