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'Protest financiers' list brings angry denials, includes deceased executive


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Who cares about this list of Thai financiers of protest? The constitutional court has already ruled that Suthep himself would not be charged with anything because he was only expressing objections to the government's policies. So why the hypocritical bother to name Thai financiers?

Perhaps because :

Foreigners who spoke on the red stages in 2010 were deported.

Foreigners who have spoken on the PDRC stages have yet to be deported.

In 2010 Abhisit and Suthep grinning from ear to ear as the DSI listed all the "red backers" and their bank accounts were frozen.

In 2014 the PDRC backed media is claiming this is all unfair and the backers should not be named (perhaps because they are on the lists).

Its called reciprocity................and once precedents are set then things continue.

All in my opinion of course.

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

where are fascists?

Marching around the streets, intimidating electors and plotting to overthrow a democratically-elected government to set up their own unelected council, like they always do.

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"Chalerm denied reports that the Pheu Thai Party stopped him from revealing the names of protest financiers, saying no one could stop him because the PM had given him the authority to make the decision. He also dismissed reports he would be sacked as CMPO director."

Now there's a man who has lost grip on reality and no longer sees any boundaries to his hunger for power. Maybe his run away incident really bruised his self image as being "well hard" more than we thought.

Someone mentioned fascism earlier

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Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

Have not seen your red nonsense for a while... and now you resurface with more of the same... you should be proud of your little Yinluck, she has almost bankrupted the country , all to please Big Brother and you... get back in your hole and hide yourself in shame..

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Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

Amazing, he had the foresight to donate to the PDRC before he died a year ago? rolleyes.gif

He may have given money to Suthep during the start up period. Or, he may have left a bequest, or his estate may have given money.

It is conceivable that he funded Suthep some time ago. it is also possible that a family member used the deceased's name. Considering the quality of the offspring, nothing would surprise me.

In any case, do you honestly believe that Suthep, the experienced political organizer, the defacto face of the Democrat party of the South, was asleep in his bed one night and had an epiphany a few weeks before his protests that he should appoint himself leader and organize the protests?

Suthep was a powerhouse because he had a network, built over many years. When he said jump, the Democrats party leadership, asked how high.

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.


Lol.... What do you call intimidating people and companies who want to make donations based on their political beliefs?

I would call that fascism lock, stock and barrel.

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Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

Have not seen your red nonsense for a while... and now you resurface with more of the same... you should be proud of your little Yinluck, she has almost bankrupted the country , all to please Big Brother and you... get back in your hole and hide yourself in shame..

It is not red nonsense. I am dealing with allegations, which I have pointed out previously, are allegations. It is possible that the deceased may be linked to the funding of Suthep, one of Thailand's most powerful politicians. This is how the power is structured.

I don't think proud is the appropriate emotion I have for the PM, but I do respect her pluck and courage in the face of adversity. She certainly hasn't wilted. I would have done things differently, but then I'm not Thai, nor the PM of a country where so many powerful interest groups have been fomenting civil disorder and actively sabotaged a legally elected government. I find it a bit odd that so many foreigners who are on the lower end of the social hierarchy, embrace that hierarchy on the assumption that they hold some sort of special status.

As for getting in a "hole", I am gainfully employed, and can afford to maintain a respectable lifestyle, so no holes for me. I am not ashamed of being fair, nor of offering some reserved support for the legally elected government of Thailand. More importantly, I don't pay too much heed to the angry comments of those who are far below me in the Thai social hierarchy. In this case, when I refer to the social hierarchy, I am playing by the rules people like you support. As such, be quiet and know your place. Usually, I wouldn't write such a statement, nor leave out the word please, but I believe I must word it in a manner such that you will understand and accept, since it represents all that Suthep represents.

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Seems like very sleazy tactics, but that is what I have come to expect from the Shinawatras and their cronies.

I guess when you put a deceased person's name on the list, it loses a lot of credibility. Nothing REALLY lost, though. These people tell so many lies and say so many stupid things that only fools would believe them.

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

You guys really love that f word, don't you?

It really does get tiring. I doubt if most of the people know what went into being a fascist believer.

Get so tired of hearing that also high so so's and amarat. People should get some guts and name names. there is no law against it. Look how often Thaksin's name comes up and no law suits.

On another note.

Chalerm responded also to reports that the CMPO had erred by including the late Chaleo Yoovidhya, co-founder of energy-drink giant Red Bull, on the suspect list, saying he knew that Chaleo had died.

Chalerm denied reports that the Pheu Thai Party stopped him from revealing the names of protest financiers, saying no one could stop him because the PM had given him the authority to make the decision. He also dismissed reports he would be sacked as CMPO director.

Some thing about Chalerm knew he was dead and yet he was the one who was going to release the name of the protestors.

Then he goes on to deny that he is going to be sacked. I wasn't aware of that rumor.

But I have had some simalar rumors in my head when I was under the influence of ear medicine booze.

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If PDRC buys normal goods at retail price from shops/distributors, surely that should be OK (otherwise the noodle vendors will be in trouble).

But buying at an usual discount or even for free, then that is aiding. As is getting large money donations.

Even for donations - DSI have to distinguish between true donations (aiding), and forced donations (protection money, threats by PDRC).

And DSI should only publish what can be proven, or they will get sued.

You have proof of these threats for protection money of course ? What's that, you don't ? So yet another red sheeple making up <deleted>. Facts and proof please....

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Who cares about this list of Thai financiers of protest? The constitutional court has already ruled that Suthep himself would not be charged with anything because he was only expressing objections to the government's policies. So why the hypocritical bother to name Thai financiers?

Perhaps because :

Foreigners who spoke on the red stages in 2010 were deported.

Foreigners who have spoken on the PDRC stages have yet to be deported.

In 2010 Abhisit and Suthep grinning from ear to ear as the DSI listed all the "red backers" and their bank accounts were frozen.

In 2014 the PDRC backed media is claiming this is all unfair and the backers should not be named (perhaps because they are on the lists).

Its called reciprocity................and once precedents are set then things continue.

All in my opinion of course.

So by your reckoning, the PDRC protestors have the right to go and kill 20 policemen and burn down 40 buildings because the reds did it ? 2 WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT, or didn't your mother ever teach you that ?

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

You guys really love that f word, don't you?


dont be too hard on the Red Farangs, they are still busy leaning the alphabet and are stuck on the letter "F"....whistling.gif

I'm worried when they get to R and have to write ' reform' , they going to choke on it......
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Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

So someone who died way before the protests were even conceived had a premonition and provided for funding in his will, just in case.

Sure GK, anything you say. Just has credible as most PTP politicians statements.

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It is not red nonsense. I am dealing with allegations, which I have pointed out previously, are allegations. It is possible that the deceased may be linked to the funding of Suthep, one of Thailand's most powerful politicians. This is how the power is structured.

I don't think proud is the appropriate emotion I have for the PM, but I do respect her pluck and courage in the face of adversity. She certainly hasn't wilted. I would have done things differently, but then I'm not Thai, nor the PM of a country where so many powerful interest groups have been fomenting civil disorder and actively sabotaged a legally elected government. I find it a bit odd that so many foreigners who are on the lower end of the social hierarchy, embrace that hierarchy on the assumption that they hold some sort of special status.

As for getting in a "hole", I am gainfully employed, and can afford to maintain a respectable lifestyle, so no holes for me. I am not ashamed of being fair, nor of offering some reserved support for the legally elected government of Thailand. More importantly, I don't pay too much heed to the angry comments of those who are far below me in the Thai social hierarchy. In this case, when I refer to the social hierarchy, I am playing by the rules people like you support. As such, be quiet and know your place. Usually, I wouldn't write such a statement, nor leave out the word please, but I believe I must word it in a manner such that you will understand and accept, since it represents all that Suthep represents.

I do respect her pluck and courage in the face of adversity. She certainly hasn't wilted.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you. She is facing adversity from people demanding an honest government. She is the Parliamentarian elected leader not the peoples. She should be a leader and do some thing about these honest issues she is facing rather than denying them.

She is a disgrace and if she wasn't so good looking I doubt she would be in office now. She defiantly does not have the intelligence to rule a nation.

No disrespect to any one but I wonder how many people would have even voted for her if she had not been good looking. Also what if Thaksin's had been the leader of the party would they have got 48% of the vote. Or better still if they each had a party who would be the PM today. In other words. How many really voted for Yingluck?

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There is no offence in financing any protest movement unless it has been outlawed by Government or the UN, DSI seems to have just a little bit to much junta styled inclinations and policies , to whom we attribute this we can only guess, Thai people need to remember that a Democracy like Thailand's will always be under the spot light, DSI gestapo tactic's do nothing to instil investment confidence in Thailand , as you could very well be under investigation, with out any come back, DSI needs to be pulled back into line. bah.gif

The red shirt funders were named and shamed - in fact the blacklist released in 2010 by the DSI seemed a somewhat arbitrary list of those associated with Thaksin. Some names were mysteriously removed for no apparent reason (a deal was cut presumably). So this is quid pro quo. If the biggest capitalists in the country want to fund an 'Arab Spring' style movement - which was initially their idea when they put the money into a pot two years ago, not Suthep's - then they should be prepared to be named. If the list was ordinary folk on the street who'd given money, of course that would be objectionable, but it isn't. The problem from the govt side is, won't naming them make them give more money to the PDRC? It's a gamble. CP surely won't want people in Issan and CM boycotting 7/11, but then if they've already been named, what do they have to lose?

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There is no offence in financing any protest movement unless it has been outlawed by Government or the UN, DSI seems to have just a little bit to much junta styled inclinations and policies , to whom we attribute this we can only guess, Thai people need to remember that a Democracy like Thailand's will always be under the spot light, DSI gestapo tactic's do nothing to instil investment confidence in Thailand , as you could very well be under investigation, with out any come back, DSI needs to be pulled back into line. bah.gif

Precisely, since when has the funding of a legitimate group been illegal?

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The biggest financial supporters will not be published for shure...

If Chareon, Bangkok Bank and CP are on the list, then yes they will be. Seems like Chalerm is not going to hold back. There are those that gave hundreds of millions, possibly including Red Bull, but a lot on the list are family members who probably donated small amounts, like a million or so. The Lamsam and Bhiromphakdi families have members on the list, but it doesn't mean the whole family supports the protests, individual members may have given money of their own accord.

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

You guys really love that f word, don't you?

Funny that fascism is now a slur for anyone standing against corruption.

Even though Thaksin has used the nazi tactic of taking a disenfranchised section of society and promising them a better life should they blindly support him.

And we know how well that went, don't we?

In Italy, the supporters of Mussolini eventually turned on him because of the ruin his policies brought to their country.

I look forward to the day that the Red shirts turn on Thaskin because of the lies he sold them as promises of a better life, while he enriches himself and his family illegally.

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at this point wouldn't it be better to swap thaksin for chalerm and send his ass into exile instead? strip him of his citizenship too, he is a disgrace.

While chalerm is a dangerous loon, most of his lunacy comes to nothing. Thaksin on the other hand leaves a trail of misery and tears in his wake (amidst both his supporters and those who get in his way), he is by far the more destructive of the two.

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Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

Right. Most of the money was given two years ago (not to Suthep but put into a general 'anti-Thaksin' pot), so Chaleo actually could have donated before he died. That said, is he even on the list or is The Nation simply taking Suthep's word for it? Because on the BKK Post leaked list, Chalerm - Chaleo's son - is named, not his father. I checked Manager as well and it says the 'owner of Red Bull' (i.e. Chalerm now), so the idea that Chaleo is named seems to come from Suthep alone unless anyone has seen it on a list they've seen?

Surely The Nation should write 'alleged' list anyway since nothing was actually released. Even the much maligned - amongst anti-govt folk on here at least - Khao Sod would provide us with an 'alleged' before repeating an unsubstantiated rumour. It would also provide us with the source of the rumour instead of simply present it as a fact.

Hence The Nation should have written something like: "PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban claimed the leaked list even included a dead man. Red Bull patriach Chaleo Yoovidhya, two years deceased, apparently appears on the CAPO list. Chalerm, in typically belligerent mood, shot back: 'I know the guy is dead'. Chalerm staggered, nearly falling, but managing to right himself enough to raise a single finger. 'I'm in charge of this list and I'll do whatever the hell I like with it. If anyone wants out, they know where I am. Maybe we can figure something out. Now, someone get me another damn drink... Gin Fizz for me. Always Gin Fizz.'

The CMPO bartender, respledent in a pink tux, brought the sad news that the gin was out. The best minds in Thai intelligence had failed to keep track of the gin situation. Chalerm, despondent, sent a staffer to 7/11 for a fresh bottle of Gilbeys. 'I know I'm funding fascism' said the big man. 'But if it's a choice between gin and democracy, what use is democracy? Besides, when you're trying to take down a notorious fiend like Suthep, you've got to keep the mind limber...' The CMPO head, fresh glass in hand, later threatened to seize the money Chaleo's family will burn for him on Ching Ming. 'Don't get the idea that the grave will protect you', he said."

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I am still waiting for the reds in here to tell us how supporting a LEGAL protest as stated by the contitutional courts is illegal, this will leave tarit/chalerm/the ptp totally open to being charged as these people have done nothing illegal in the eyes of the law. The blood shot eyes of chalerm and the reds are another matter but then who really cares about them anyway.

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The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

You guys really love that f word, don't you?

Funny that fascism is now a slur for anyone standing against corruption.

Even though Thaksin has used the nazi tactic of taking a disenfranchised section of society and promising them a better life should they blindly support him.

And we know how well that went, don't we?

In Italy, the supporters of Mussolini eventually turned on him because of the ruin his policies brought to their country.

I look forward to the day that the Red shirts turn on Thaskin because of the lies he sold them as promises of a better life, while he enriches himself and his family illegally.

I think that's a general political tactic, not necessarily a 'nazi tactic'. lol. Instead of blaming Thaksin and his supporters, maybe the elite should look at what they've done to enable Thaksin to gain the support of the disenfranchised and think about what they might do to win their support. Intead they propose to disenfranchise and alienate them further. If it wasn't Thaksin, it would've been someone else who exploited them for political gain. Maybe someone better. Maybe someone worse (yes, there are actually people worse than TS). But I'm hoping this experience will teach people something. Who is the real enemy? Actually, both Thaksin and the elite behind Suthep. Neither group wants to see real social change. Just Thaksin was smart enough to throw people a bone before the other side were. The other side, remember, generally think the best way to treat the (relatively) poor is to either ignore or ridicule them. I've seen few signs they've moved on from this, although I note even Akanat admitted some of the anti-rural stuff on the PDRC stage had gone "too far" (now they want to win the farmers support, of course).

However, this Nazi stuff has gone way overboard. I agree that Suthep's 'Council' plan resembles Mussolini's Grand Fascist Council and you can draw some parallels, but in the end, your average PDRC supporter no more resembles a fascist than your average red shirt does. Of course there are nationalist and ultra-royalist trends within the movement that should be noted but these forces are more dilute and muted than they were in PAD. It should be kept an eye on, but fascism seems more like an epithet to shut down discussion in the way it's generally used in these discussions, rather than a serious attempt to describe a political phenomenon.

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Chalerm : " ...saying no one could stop him because the PM had given him the authority to make the decision. He also dismissed reports he would be sacked as CMPO director. "

Quote of the year : " No one could stop him ".

It sounds as if at least someone within the administration is getting wise to the fact that Chalerm is perhaps not such a brainy idea after all. He acts unilaterally, he shoots from the hip. He's immune from error because - well, he doesn't do errors, that's all. A deceased man on an enemies list ? Oh, he knew about that. Obviously, not being alive was not a compelling enough reason for Chalerm to excuse him from the list. You've got to do better than that. As Chalerm sees it, he's got a job to run sin out of Dodge. He's got better things to do than to get bogged down in details. But the details are really going to bite this administration, because there are clearly company executives on the list whose only " sin " was to have their products consumed by protesters. And if Chalerm thinks its a good idea to shame the very companies that are voluntarily investing in the fragile economy of this country, he had better think again. Whatever soul-searching occurs at the bottom of a whiskey bottle, now's the recommended time to do it.

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