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Southern militants shoot and burn Bangkok Bank employee


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Radical moslems gotta go. You would think the South Moslems would come out strong ckndemning such an attack.

Problem is that those who actively condemn the insurgents tend to get murdered e.g.


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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

Gov't has massively failed in the scope of the south as well. No real diplomatic plans or strategy to satisfy them. Things got worse when ........stepped into the position of PM. Having his clueless sister as puppet sure doesn't help the resentment.

Things are getting more brutal down there. Swallow the pride, and if negotiations fail, hey thailand is still an amazing place with 3 provinces circumcised, right?

Wrong. Simply sends the wrong message. Next would be Phuket and so on. Slap marshal law on the whole bloody region and conduct house to house searches. Illegal possession of firearms or explosive ordinance, twenty years minimum no exceptions. Those providing support and or shelter,should also serve significant sentences. Those in Government service found in collusion with these terrorists, (Not Militants), should be executed. That clown Chalerm claims that there are no terrosts in Thailand . Let the military handle the operation and be held responsible for the results without intereference from that bunch of bullies and idiots that think they can run this country

Provide both the Army and the police with armoured vehicles for normal operation instead of these stupid pick-ups and motorbikes.

Areas flying the Malaysian flag should be isolated and those responsible charged with sedition.

Stop this stupid Thai ness crap and do what needs to be done before any more young ladys get shot and burned alive.

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I think the full investigation should be completed and then determine who was at fault. One problem is that too many Army Weapons and ammunition have been stolen or sold to really determine.

If this guy was accussed of terroristic acts before this could be retribution, even if missed guided, they should have only attacked him not his family. Not sure what he accused of maybe the same thing ??

The problems in the South are typlical of the Muslim method of land acquisition, seem there were several Crusades over this same problem.

Bottom line too sad this is the only way some people believe they can exsist.

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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

This is precisely what the Muslim separatist, terrorist. want...to govern southern Thailand...

The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas...killing innocents in other areas...

Secondly...succumbing to the terrorists wishes...just encourages these mentally ill creatures...all over the globe...the carnage will just intensify in all countries where these scum of the earth live out their miserable lives...they have no heart...must be dealt with a no mercy...no prisoners...resolve...

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You can say what you want to bout Thaksin, but he had a way of handeling things like this and the drug problem too.

You have to be kidding, he did do some good things but those two examples were not any of them! unless of course, you think it's ok to give the police carte blanche to roam around settling old scores in the name of the war on drugs or the army carte blanche to rape and murder thai citizens because they wanted to practice their own religion, speak their own language and practice their own culture. Tak Bai pretty much kicked off the latest unrest in the south.

Dumbest post this year!

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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

Gov't has massively failed in the scope of the south as well. No real diplomatic plans or strategy to satisfy them. Things got worse when ........stepped into the position of PM. Having his clueless sister as puppet sure doesn't help the resentment.

Things are getting more brutal down there. Swallow the pride, and if negotiations fail, hey thailand is still an amazing place with 3 provinces circumcised, right?

You think these guys care who the PM is or what party is in power? get real.

Stop politicising it, these gangsters don't care who's in power, they don't recognize the government of Thailand.

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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

This is precisely what the Muslim separatist, terrorist. want...to govern southern Thailand...

The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas...killing innocents in other areas...

Secondly...succumbing to the terrorists wishes...just encourages these mentally ill creatures...all over the globe...the carnage will just intensify in all countries where these scum of the earth live out their miserable lives...they have no heart...must be dealt with a no mercy...no prisoners...resolve...

"The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas"

<deleted>! it's their land, stolen from them by the Thais with collusion from the Brits! They have no interest in Thailand.

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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

This is precisely what the Muslim separatist, terrorist. want...to govern southern Thailand...

The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas...killing innocents in other areas...

Secondly...succumbing to the terrorists wishes...just encourages these mentally ill creatures...all over the globe...the carnage will just intensify in all countries where these scum of the earth live out their miserable lives...they have no heart...must be dealt with a no mercy...no prisoners...resolve...

"The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas"

<deleted>! it's their land, stolen from them by the Thais with collusion from the Brits! They have no interest in Thailand.

You cannot run back time eddie its not 1785 they will also increase demands after every concession, its real complicated, Malaysia doesn't want them they cannot be allowed to be a country on their own it is far too small, it must learn to integrate and live as part of Thailand.

All methods have been tried, hard line by Thaksin and later softer, a Muslim Army General in charge and dialogue and softly approach by the Abhisit administration... all have failed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Thailand_insurgency

These insurgents do not want peace unless it is totally 100% on their terms, no compromise, no talks, this is of course impossible and so it goes on sound familiar ?

I do not have an answer to this one, when there are no talks there is no peace.

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I'm generally a peaceful type of guy and have a live and let live attitude to life but this event churns up so much hatred in me for these cowards that I don't even know how to express it

riding home on my motorbike after a days work at the bank wondering what I'm going to do in the evening with my family and friends.....................................more wrongs don't make it right but I'm sorry my thoughts are disgustingly depraved and what I would do to these animals is nothing I can say here

I've seen some bad shit in my years as a police officer and I mean really bad but this just goes beyond words

I'm not even going to say RIP as there is no rest and there is no peace for this brutal attack on an innocent young life

In the name of god ?

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I don't get the distinction...wouldn't both be "defenseless" human beings in this situation? Aren't men's and women's lives equally valuable?

The example I offered was of "hitting once" not killing.

Well if you don't see the difference between a man hitting a defenceless woman who are typically smaller and weaker than men, and who might also be in early-stage pregnancy, as opposed to hitting a man the same size as you, then I think this little "chat" is really over.

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The problem will exist as long as foreign countries are involved and are financially supporting insurgents in Thailand. Insurgents are supported by radicals form both Indonesia and Malaysia. Without Indonesian and Malaysian government taking effective measures there is no solution for the Southern problem. Thailand cannot solve it on its own unless there is an all out war against radical Muslims which would result in ethnic cleansing of radical Muslims elements. And that would not go neither well with the western liberal governments nor Muslim countries in the SEA. Hence costly status quo which is not benefiting anyone but radical Muslims in the region.

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The problem will exist as long as foreign countries are involved and are financially supporting insurgents in Thailand. Insurgents are supported by radicals form both Indonesia and Malaysia. Without Indonesian and Malaysian government taking effective measures there is no solution for the Southern problem. Thailand cannot solve it on its own unless there is an all out war against radical Muslims which would result in ethnic cleansing of radical Muslims elements. And that would not go neither well with the western liberal governments nor Muslim countries in the SEA. Hence costly status quo which is not benefiting anyone but radical Muslims in the region.

Indonesia has been very successful in tackling and supressing Islamic extremism, Malaysia also does not appear to have a real problem with Islamic extremism. Don't believe any country, with a few exceptions, would object to operations targeting the armed insurgents, so long as it followed the rule of law.

External funding would be an issue, but as I understand the majority of funding for the insurgency is mainly generated by drug and other smuggling gangs in the deep South. Due to the endemic corruption throughout Thailand it would be reasonable to say that the gangs operate with the assistance of members of the Thai security forces; an example being people smuggling in the deep South facilitated by members of the military & police. So step one could be an overhaul of the security forces in the deep South, but don't hold your breath as they are rarely held to account.

Autonomy along the lines of provincial self-governance (examples being Bangkok & Pattaya albeit at the city level), not separation from the Thai State was on the agenda and was actually proposed by Yingluck, but dismissed by the military as contrary to the Buddhist nationalist slogan 'King, Nation, Religion'.

Hopefully once the political impasse is resolved in Bangkok and the true players in the insurgency identified (it’s amazing that after all these years the Thai government claims they do not know who they are in the nine separate insurgency groups) that the issue of autonomy and economic development is brought to the forefront. In parallel the suppression of those carrying out killings of civilians by way of the empowerment of the villagers in the local community who are against these killings.

To put it more succinctly a quote from a forum member:

“I suggest that the approach that Templer took during the Malaysian troubles in the 50's would be a better option. Until the Thai forces are seen as friends, or at least not oppressive enemies, nothing will change. Accommodation to local desires and aspirations has to be satisfied before peace breaks out. Then the fanatics may be isolated and picked off - often with local support”

Edited by simple1
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You can say what you want to bout Thaksin, but he had a way of handeling things like this and the drug problem too.

Thaksin was the only one who started to treat this filthy piece of human rejects and their holy war in an effective way.

But many TV members hate everything Thaksin did and would like to see Thailand pay for the dead muslims who came with hundreds of them to kill everybody at the Police Station that night.

They will never give up their holy war until every country is made Islam and accept the Sharia law.

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Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

One great advertisement for tourism.

Complete animals the lot of them.

This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

This is precisely what the Muslim separatist, terrorist. want...to govern southern Thailand...

The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas...killing innocents in other areas...

Secondly...succumbing to the terrorists wishes...just encourages these mentally ill creatures...all over the globe...the carnage will just intensify in all countries where these scum of the earth live out their miserable lives...they have no heart...must be dealt with a no mercy...no prisoners...resolve...

"The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas"

<deleted>! it's their land, stolen from them by the Thais with collusion from the Brits! They have no interest in Thailand.

You cannot run back time eddie its not 1785 they will also increase demands after every concession, its real complicated, Malaysia doesn't want them they cannot be allowed to be a country on their own it is far too small, it must learn to integrate and live as part of Thailand.

All methods have been tried, hard line by Thaksin and later softer, a Muslim Army General in charge and dialogue and softly approach by the Abhisit administration... all have failed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Thailand_insurgency

These insurgents do not want peace unless it is totally 100% on their terms, no compromise, no talks, this is of course impossible and so it goes on sound familiar ?

I do not have an answer to this one, when there are no talks there is no peace.

Yes one can and it would only have to be back to the turn if the last century. As to small states...ever heard of these places called Lichtenstein, Singapore, Brunei, and countless smaller states? Have you heard of the Scottish independence vote later this year or the peaceful breakup of Czechoslovakia? Its not so hard when people of good faith set about to actually solve a problem I stead of exploiting it for their own agendas.

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They CAN'T be MUSLIM militants! Muslims follow a PEACEFUL RELIGION! Or so I've been told.rolleyes.gif

"Religion of Peace"

Yes why can't they be peaceful like those Buddhists in Burma, no erm wait, I mean Sri Lanka, no hang on, erm, I mean those Christians in the Central African Republic, no, no, wait and so on.

All faiths have their bigots.

Edited by Bluespunk
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"Religion of peace" ... ahem

Yes why can't they be peaceful like those Buddhists in Burma, no erm wait, I mean Sri Lanka, no hang on, erm, I mean those Christians in the Central African Republic, no, no, wait and so on.

All faiths have their bigots.

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"All faiths have their bigots."

That's why I don't follow any faith.

With you there.

Though I have met a few bigoted atheists in my time.

Edit: not having a pop at you there, could read that way I realise, not my intention.

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  • 1 month later...

The militants certainly know how to win hearts and minds. Is it not past time to bin the on-off-on - mostly off - negotiations and take a different, and very much harder, line?

How many years now have the Gov been doing Same Same but different down there with no success ? (Gov means all, including Red & Yellow)

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