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Woman crushed to death by poorly maintained elevator in Sukhumvit condo


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so no name or address of the condo? I hope that all the people living in that building know about the elevator ... talk of charging the landlord and engineer of the elevator is great - IF it actually gets fixed...maybe the granny's family can try to sue or get some money... and of course the grandaughter watching granny get chopped in half or squished.... the kid may never ride in an elevator again after this...

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Sad and traumatic.

Dare I ask if there are fire inspectors who have the responsibility to check buildings and lifts etc., or, is that a question that invokes stifled guffaws and sad shaking of heads?

If you have the choice between stairs and lift, its a choice between heart attack on the stairs, or,

crushed, or, burned to death in the lift

If you are in a condo you are at the mercy of the service company.

The less they do the more they can put into their pockets.

Imagine the people who have actually bought apartments in these places?
They are stuck with the depreciating asset as the general user areas fall into disrepair and are dangerous through neglect.

Look at the high rises around. What chance have you got in a fire??

And not just condos-how many housing estates can one see around Thailand that have fallen into decay.

Build 'em. Get the money. Charge the service fee and do little or nothing at all.

A lift service engineer advised me once- never get in a lift at the weekend or holiday in an empty office building, in any country.

I had been in a lift that stopped half way below the exit door and the floor. I had to climb out. Just as I got out the lift moved again and I barely escaped being crushed.

The engineer, when he arrived, told me about a guy who had been stuck in a lift for 4 days in an empty office building in the UK over an Easter holiday!

He was a near dead, dehydrated, starved, gibbering idiot, when they found him.

I was stuck in a tiny overloaded lift once with 7 others, cheek by jowl. The lift shifted off its tracks and jammed against the wall.

Talk about panic! Longest half - hour of my life.

Have stayed in hotels here where I didn't want to use the lift as it looked as dependable as a used bean can.

When I went for the emergency stairs the safety doors were chained shut.

We take lifts for granted until the inevitable malfunction.

In fact, we take everything for granted until the worst comes to the worst.

As for the guardians of public safety: a guy told me that his hotel in Khamer went on fire.

On his way to the exits, fighting his way through the smoke and the other punters,

he spotted the fire chief frantically running in the opposite direction.

He was wearing scuba diving goggles and a snorkel.

Or, maybe it wasn't the fire chief!

Maybe it was Jacques Cousteau on a location shoot!

Who knows in a fire?

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Funny that some of the posters here complaining about the Thais are the same Republican leaning Americans that whine about government regulation and the "nanny" state, the exact type of regulations that require inspections of these sort of things.

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what project and developer? Public deserves to know.

Exactly. Demonstrate some courage please, and call these perpetrators out. To hell with the cowardly defamation laws. Everyone has the right to know who the guilty party is. Would you want to ride in this elevator once it has been "fixed"? Maintenance is a little known concept here. Spend money on something that is not broken?

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The company responsible for the management of the condo block and the so-called 'maintenance' of it should be responsible and held accountable for this tragic incident. TIT - now even travel in elevators joins the list - motor vehicles, boats, jet ski's etc.

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Very sad, though I expect quite common. Preventative maintenance seems optional here. I have in the last week reported that one of our lifts in my condo takes you up, then for no reason, back down again.Prevention rather than cure is an unknown concept in LOS.

"Prevention rather than cure is an unknown concept in LOS."

No matter how sad an event, never pass up an opportunity to slip in a little nonsensical Thai bashing, right?

So what your saying is that the crumbling infrastructure in the US, collapsing ceiling at a London theater, inefficient & dated power grids in most western countries, water supply networks that haven't been modernized since the Roman era of occupation in Britain, lack of regulatory enforcement that led to the recent worldwide financial & economic collapse, etc. are to be blamed on Thailand ... since prevention of bad things happening through maintenance is something that occurs exclusively in LOS.

If only they could be more like us.

A bit over the top, aren't you?

This is an issue where the lunatics behind the cause and effect deserve all the bashing they can get until their heads are paste on the foot path. It just so happens that these lunatics are Thais...!

In that regard, these cause and effect circumstances (which play out all too often and with constant frequency) are the result of lunatics, who happen to be... three guesses: No! Not US citizens. No! Not The Romans! And No! Not International Regulatory Commissions!

Let me help you: Human beings in this part of the world, whose character defects are on the magnitude and scale of lunatics... and these human beings just happen to be...Thais!

Better yet, let's dispense with calling them Thais, and simply point out that there exists here a population of human beings, whose behaviors are on par with lunatics.

Incidentally, you just finished bashing the crumbling infrastructure in the US, collapsing ceiling at a London theater, inefficient & dated power grids in most western countries, water supply networks that haven't been modernized since the Roman era of occupation in Britain, lack of regulatory enforcement that led to the recent worldwide financial & economic collapse...

<deleted>? Ironic that!

At least those water supply networks are still working after 2000 years. The Thais can't even make an elevator/lift work immediately after install and I think that is a good point right there.

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How could the residents accept entry and exit of the elevator when knowing up or down movement could occur at any time.

Was an accident waiting to happen, and it did happen.

As motor-bike riders dice with death unneccessarily with their speeding and not wearing safety hats, so these elevator users did the same. No sympathy there.

Really, no sympathy?

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How could the residents accept entry and exit of the elevator when knowing up or down movement could occur at any time.

Was an accident waiting to happen, and it did happen.

As motor-bike riders dice with death unneccessarily with their speeding and not wearing safety hats, so these elevator users did the same. No sympathy there.

Really, no sympathy?

Are you really shocked that the holier than thou members of Thai Visa don't show sympathy?

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How could the residents accept entry and exit of the elevator when knowing up or down movement could occur at any time.

Was an accident waiting to happen, and it did happen.

As motor-bike riders dice with death unneccessarily with their speeding and not wearing safety hats, so these elevator users did the same. No sympathy there.

Really, no sympathy?

Are you really shocked that the holier than thou members of Thai Visa don't show sympathy?

Kind of, yeah.

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I cant say that I have noticed any "Certificate of Maintenance" that are normally in a glass/plastic frame on the inside of the elevator ??---is there --or should there be one in Condo's ??--- so what about the City Hotels--do they have one ???

R.I.P for the unfortunate Lady---God Bless the Child

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