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How does your wife 'destroy' Western food

Dr. Burrito

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Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

those of us from cattle country eat the kind of steak he is referring to with a little bit of salt and a little bit of black pepper and that is it if they are cooked right. nothing else to hide the taste.

Most of the steaks here in thailand do need to be dipped in a little bit of home made sauce.

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Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

those of us from cattle country eat the kind of steak he is referring to with a little bit of salt and a little bit of black pepper and that is it if they are cooked right. nothing else to hide the taste.

Most of the steaks here in thailand do need to be dipped in a little bit of home made sauce.

Where is cattle country? In my experience the people from Texas and thereabouts burn their steaks and are the very last people in the USA who know how to eat a steak. For people who know something about food I would look to NYC or San Francisco.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I got coriander in my coffee this morning .

Why you not make your food and your wife can make here food she like work fore me

That would be because we enjoy cooking . I made the dinner tonight , mashed cauliflower and carrots with a pork shoulder roasted in the oven and enjoyed by all. I will probably cook tomorrow too , a bit of fish stir fried with green beans and the usual herbs and spices , but the misses will probably gastronomically enhance that with plalasap .

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the list is endless:

-Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

- Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

- Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

- Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

- Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

- Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

- Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

- Thai sausages, just gross

- Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


Regrettably, they are singularly the most inept nation at desserts that I have come across.

Sausages pizza and smooties are not desserts

I don't believe that I said that they were. Are you just trying to get your post count up ? smile.png

I just love those smooties, don't you ?

Love them too

It's just that your comment was only for half of the list.

Quid of the other half ?

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Grass fed, Shoot it, cut it up and eat it straight off the fire.....all you sooks and your hanging and grain fed....best steak you will ever have, taste and tender.

Actually, if you do that, you are cooking and eating it before rigor mortis sets in, which takes a few hours. Just don't try eating it the next day or for a few days after that until rigor mortis has passed and the meat has relaxed.

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Q: How does your wife 'destroy' Western food?

A: Same way you destroy Thai food.

Simple, isn't it?

How come it NEVER occurred to YOU?

I don't destroy thai food. I down load a recipe and follow it. Then if it needs it i modify it to suit my and my kids tastes.

for some reason my wife can not follow a recipe to save her life.

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When my wife first came to the USA she couldn't boil water to cook and egg . Nor could she cook Thai food .. After a year or so of looking on you tube and making some things I can say she is not a good cook she is an excellent cook . Now here in Thailand she bakes anything I want , if she can find it with google she can cook it and its always good . Pizza is the best !









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Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

those of us from cattle country eat the kind of steak he is referring to with a little bit of salt and a little bit of black pepper and that is it if they are cooked right. nothing else to hide the taste.

Most of the steaks here in thailand do need to be dipped in a little bit of home made sauce.

Where is cattle country? In my experience the people from Texas and thereabouts burn their steaks and are the very last people in the USA who know how to eat a steak. For people who know something about food I would look to NYC or San Francisco.

I am from montana and i usually get black angus beef not texas longhorns.

i have never been to texas but from what i understand texas does have pretty good barbecues.

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Love them too

It's just that your comment was only for half of the list.

Quid of the other half ?

I certainly wouldn't disagree with any of your comments (and I don't ever want to see another Be Lucky sausage) - it is just that desserts are a complete national failure worthy of special mention.

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Sorry to say this, but aren't you being a bit on the controlling side regarding what she eats? If she wanted to put chocolate ice cream on her steak, so be it. As long as she doesn't mess with your steak, I don't see it as a problem. I don't eat beef often anymore, and to be quite frank, I can understand why they might want to alter or mask the flavor. The flavor is unusual, and that includes some fine steaks my sis in law makes me when I go back to the states. It is an acquired taste, like all tastes (that's what my consumer behavior prof said, tho admitted he was having a hard time with liver). And there is no disputing taste... well, you can, but it's pointless. Many Thais love bugs (not bad really, mostly a mental thing) but are aghast at our eating beef. She should just tell you she is working on a "fusion cuisine".

I see your point, but I'm not so sure it's controlling...

For example: no one wants to see a good wine mixed with cola...

Much in the same way I see the point of someone who chooses a great steak the flavours of which are masked by overpowering spice (regardless of the debate surrounding a great steak)...

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Sugar on toast!

But the best one was the T-Bone steak dressed in strawberry yogurt..

Bless her, she had seen some pink dressing on a steak I had in a restaurant once and assumed it was strawberry, so was only trying to impress...

She made a full recovery and was only in ICU for 3 days!

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Nothing wrong with sugar on toast, as long as it's hot, the butter's melting. Little cinnamon too's nice.

Sankaya, hot bread for dunking or over thick toast.

The brown sankaya over stick rice is OK, other khanom coconut-based puddings.

Mango sticky rice, yum!

But I do stay away from the color jelly balls, anything else floatng over ice. . .

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It's the ketchup on the pizza that kills me. It just straight up ruins the flavor.

This is the latest fad up in isaan at the newly popped up pizza stalls, it's just wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

When I was a noob I took some Thai friends to a very expensive Italian Pizza place in Thailand. You all know what happened with the ketchup. I learned my lesson.

It's the ketchup on the pizza that kills me. It just straight up ruins the flavor.

Pizza sauce and ketchup. Both tomato based. That's not a stretch, almost makes sense when ya think about it?

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Not really her problem. The problem is your insensitivity to her taste. She probably was raised with Thai eating habits, of which dipping meat into that sauce makes her feel warm and comfortable inside. It was not meant as a slap in your face over the quality of the meat, nor was it do to ignorance.

Pity your wife for putting up with your insensitivities.

As far as the others.....just as you would have to blame the school system if the majority of students could not pass a certain subject.....the problem originates with you. I am an excellent chef, taught by my dad, and walk my thai lady through all the proper steps of Western food preparation.

They tend to overcook everything, admittedly.... and revile our food for the juicy red blood that emanateds for medium rare steaks and prime ribs. My wife literally threw up after she received a plate of 40 usd prime rib and all the thin red blood was running down into the potatoes. !!!

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the list is endless:

-Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

- Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

- Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

- Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

- Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

- Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

- Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

- Thai sausages, just gross

- Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


Regrettably, they are singularly the most inept nation at desserts that I have come across.

Sausages pizza, feta and smoothies are not desserts

aHA!!! Another sad poster who fails to understand Thai preferences, reflected in the preparation of their food. Did you ever consider they just do not like our buttery, fatty, egg filled pastries????

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Grass fed, Shoot it, cut it up and eat it straight off the fire.....all you sooks and your hanging and grain fed....best steak you will ever have, taste and tender.

Thank you for making sense of this steak business.

What's wrong with some people ? Were they born without teeth ? Do they need steak which is as soft as butter before they can eat it ?

And this business of grain-fed beef being the best is a load of hot cock ! I have eaten steak all over Australia and the BEST steak comes from the Center, around Alice Springs, no grain out there, just spinefex. And it does not have to be 3 weeks old. clap2.gif

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Dr. Burrito

If is her steak why are you worried? She will be eating it not you so dont you think she should be able to eat it in anyway she wishes?

I take it you've never raised your own beef.... Sort of like buying a 1997 Jordan Cabernet and watching someone swill it like Mad Dog 20-20. Its just a painful thing to see.

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Grass fed, Shoot it, cut it up and eat it straight off the fire.....all you sooks and your hanging and grain fed....best steak you will ever have, taste and tender.

Thank you for making sense of this steak business.

What's wrong with some people ? Were they born without teeth ? Do they need steak which is as soft as butter before they can eat it ?

And this business of grain-fed beef being the best is a load of hot cock ! I have eaten steak all over Australia and the BEST steak comes from the Center, around Alice Springs, no grain out there, just spinefex. And it does not have to be 3 weeks old. clap2.gif

Mikemac, you're just eating a lot of liquid, in this case, blood, rather than pure meat. Each to his own, but I'm not a vampire. coffee1.gif

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One of the first things I learned living in Thailand is Thai people don't eat beef (exceptions too few to count and yes I know about the Muslim South). Try cooking her BBQ pork ribs and she will eat with only BBQ sauce. Boy are you guys .......... Next rule is, if you think you have problems with Thais, never give an Aussie an American steak.

Aussies know exactly what to do with American steaks.......the dogs love them.

Edited by harrry
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My ex nuked my foie gras pate.

I do believe that takes the prize on the thread to date.... Push come to shove, you can wipe ketchup or hot sauce off a good steak. There is no coming back from wprime's pain though. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

Agreed Dr Burrito. Is this the reason why she is your ex wprime?tongue.png

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Should be positive sides to every negative forum. My wife and most Thai women I know do a wonderful

job of cooking western food with a Thai slant. Last night went to dinner at a friends and would dare

any western women to cook the food we had, both western and Thai, with the little bittie dime store

oven that the host lady had to cook with.

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the list is endless:

-Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

- Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

- Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

- Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

- Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

- Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

- Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

- Thai sausages, just gross

- Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


Regrettably, they are singularly the most inept nation at desserts that I have come across.

Sausages pizza, feta and smoothies are not desserts

aHA!!! Another sad poster who fails to understand Thai preferences, reflected in the preparation of their food. Did you ever consider they just do not like our buttery, fatty, egg filled pastries????

Au contraire. I fully understand Thai preferences - they are usually based around ignorance, laziness and availability of whatever is too hand.

The Thais actually like many new foods they become introduced to - the issue is that they have never had the opportunity to learn beyond their own backyards. Compare with the Vietnamese, for example, who with have befitted from the French influence - even Laos and Cambodia, in many cases, have developed more culinary imagination.

"The Thais like it that way" doesn't wash with me - they only know what they know and until their minds expand into what else is possible they will continue turn out pitiful desserts. Mango with sticky rice and coconut milk is a fortunate, natural exception.

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Grass fed, Shoot it, cut it up and eat it straight off the fire.....all you sooks and your hanging and grain fed....best steak you will ever have, taste and tender.

Thank you for making sense of this steak business.

What's wrong with some people ? Were they born without teeth ? Do they need steak which is as soft as butter before they can eat it ?

And this business of grain-fed beef being the best is a load of hot cock ! I have eaten steak all over Australia and the BEST steak comes from the Center, around Alice Springs, no grain out there, just spinefex. And it does not have to be 3 weeks old. clap2.gif

What Is Dry Ageing?

A traditional process whereby the entire carcass is placed in a cooler, generally around 3-8 degrees celsius with closely monitored air flow, temperature & humidity. The ideal time frame is 2-4 weeks. The purpose of this process is to allow the beef time to reach optimum flavour & tenderness. This can result in the loss of up to 45% of the moisture, therefore condensing the flavour. Enzymes within the meat break down the muscle & connective tissue, making it tender & producing a distinctive flavour. http://www.kingsleys.com.au/Beef-ageing.html


The Sirloin, Rib Eye and T-Bone are then dry aged on the bone for 4 to 6 weeks, in temperature and humidity controlled cool rooms to break down the fibres in the meat, tenderize them and allow the natural meat flavours to intensify. The dry aging meat process is expensive as the meat loses between 20% to 25% of its weight apart from the additional costs and work associated with this dry aging process.

Over the last 13 years that Prime restaurant has been in operation it has continued to receive awards and acknowledgments as Sydney's and Australia's best steak restaurant and steakhouse, making it the most awarded steak restaurant. Prime as the most innovative steak restaurant is also noteworthy as it has always been at the forefront of changes in the restaurant industry, being the first restaurant to offer dry-aged beef in 1999.

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