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Thai editorial: Time to pull the emergency brake


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so you guys think PTP won the last election ?

the way I am seeing it of actual votes - 12 million were no votes and 8 million are still undetermined and I suspect the latter were not all for PTP - they might hale some sort of victory in the press that they won something and if stupid people listen they might believe, maybe it was a fairground darts competition and Charlerm got the big fat teddy, it sure wasn't an election

The people very clearly said "NO" to PTP

yet they still persist mafia style

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so you guys think PTP won the last election ?

the way I am seeing it of actual votes - 12 million were no votes and 8 million are still undetermined and I suspect the latter were not all for PTP - they might hale some sort of victory in the press that they won something and if stupid people listen they might believe, maybe it was a fairground darts competition and Charlerm got the big fat teddy, it sure wasn't an election

The people very clearly said "NO" to PTP

yet they still persist mafia style

Where are you getting the numbers?

Please answer without sarcasm or insult as it's just a genuine inquiring question.

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Its a simple answer. Lets the people vote and let Democracy play itself out.

Nobody in this government has been charged with illegal wrong doings, yet they have all stepped down.

Soon, the PM will step down once the voting is tallied.

New PM will be elected by the people.

Why is this so complicated again?

Do we still think this whole issue is about reform? No, it is about a Power Grab by the Dems.

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Its a simple answer. Lets the people vote and let Democracy play itself out.

Nobody in this government has been charged with illegal wrong doings, yet they have all stepped down.

Soon, the PM will step down once the voting is tallied.

New PM will be elected by the people.

Why is this so complicated again?

Do we still think this whole issue is about reform? No, it is about a Power Grab by the Dems.

because the system is broken as demonstrated by PTP and before any new government takes office changes/reforms need to take place so that a debacle like this never happens again - what is the point of voting another government into office when the we have failure after failure, government has to work within a framework of laws and in Thailand they are not strong enough allowing rampant abuse - PTP even tried to dismantle what little framework there was

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so you guys think PTP won the last election ?

the way I am seeing it of actual votes - 12 million were no votes and 8 million are still undetermined and I suspect the latter were not all for PTP - they might hale some sort of victory in the press that they won something and if stupid people listen they might believe, maybe it was a fairground darts competition and Charlerm got the big fat teddy, it sure wasn't an election

The people very clearly said "NO" to PTP

yet they still persist mafia style

Where are you getting the numbers?

Please answer without sarcasm or insult as it's just a genuine inquiring question.

the numbers of the votes were very clearly stated shortly after the election - they did not break down which candidates got votes but they did release numbers and a count of no votes - go look it up

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An amazingly stupid editorial in my opinion.

The PDRC and their backers want an interim PM to be appointed. The PDRC have broken the law on many occasions and also committed a serious crime in obstructing elections.

And yet now this Editorial says lets reward the PDRC, lets stick the middle finger up at all those who voted, and all those who wanted to vote but were blocked by the PDRC - and lets appoint an interim PM to stop the problems.............

LOL cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

How about an Editorial saying "Enough is Enough - PDRC stop and respect the February 2nd election process"

All in my opinion of course

How about an Editorial saying "Enough is Enough - PDRC stop and respect the February 2nd election process"

Perfectly said Level Head

When will they lock up these PDRC people who are dragging down Thailand

Unfortunately there is no election process for the main problem which is the continued involvement of the wanted criminal Thakisn Shinawatra directing the operations of the outgoing Yingluck Government.

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"Nothing is legally impossible, according to Anand. He is right again. And, ironically, that is what the political rivals are implying, too. Neither side of the political conflict has shown utmost, unconditional respect for the laws or Constitution. If the political enemies can be selective about which legal aspects they adhere to, doesn't that mean nothing is written in stone? Isn't it time now to do what's best for Thailand first and make that legal later?"

No he's not right. The law is there to be adhered to. Yes it can be changed but this needs to be done via the proper legislative process with the agenda being "this law is flawed". Not "I've been caught out doing something wrong and want to avoid gaol" or "this law is inconvenient for my needs, lets ignore it and sort it out later".

If pdcr have broken laws let the courts decide what they have done. If PT have broken the law let the courts decide. All who break the law should be tried and punished or not accordingly.

This guy seems to be heading down the blanket amnesty route again with this thinking. Look where that led to.

Must disagree.

Laws are not holy things. They are written and designed by flawed people with agendas. When enough laws are in place and adjudicated on by one sect of society, and the laws become simply a way to legitimize the crimes, then obedience to the law is suicide.

Hence revolutions.

Laws here are bent according to the judge or panel and made to fit for favours or bias all the time... examples are never set as the next case that is exactly the same can and often does have an opposite result or ruling... There is no black law book here.

Thai law is nothing like others, The origins of Thai law have been traced to three general sources: Thai Customary Law, Buddhist Law, and Chinese/Maritime Law.

Current Thai law is a combination of the Civil Law System, Common Law and Thai Traditional Law. This eclectic legal heritage for example has affected the way the modern Thai legal system approaches extraterritorial application of foreign laws within their state, and against their nationals.Since Thailand relies primarily on the Civil Law System, the decisions of Thailand’s Courts do not have precedential weight, except for the decisions of their Supreme Court, which are considered secondary authority.

So there is no precedent in Thai law no blacks law book and because of that there is no consistency and ergo no stable rule of law ... its more like personal rules interpreted by individuals..all is bendable and changeable. There is as we can see regarding the voting and constitution fiasco nothing consistent about the judicial law system here.

The current laws are 'the dictatorial laws of Thaksinism' - no need for the fancy description!!!

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"Nothing is legally impossible, according to Anand. He is right again. And, ironically, that is what the political rivals are implying, too. Neither side of the political conflict has shown utmost, unconditional respect for the laws or Constitution. If the political enemies can be selective about which legal aspects they adhere to, doesn't that mean nothing is written in stone? Isn't it time now to do what's best for Thailand first and make that legal later?"

No he's not right. The law is there to be adhered to. Yes it can be changed but this needs to be done via the proper legislative process with the agenda being "this law is flawed". Not "I've been caught out doing something wrong and want to avoid gaol" or "this law is inconvenient for my needs, lets ignore it and sort it out later".

If pdcr have broken laws let the courts decide what they have done. If PT have broken the law let the courts decide. All who break the law should be tried and punished or not accordingly.

This guy seems to be heading down the blanket amnesty route again with this thinking. Look where that led to.

Must disagree.

Laws are not holy things. They are written and designed by flawed people with agendas. When enough laws are in place and adjudicated on by one sect of society, and the laws become simply a way to legitimize the crimes, then obedience to the law is suicide.

Hence revolutions.

Laws here are bent according to the judge or panel and made to fit for favours or bias all the time... examples are never set as the next case that is exactly the same can and often does have an opposite result or ruling... There is no black law book here.

Thai law is nothing like others, The origins of Thai law have been traced to three general sources: Thai Customary Law, Buddhist Law, and Chinese/Maritime Law.

Current Thai law is a combination of the Civil Law System, Common Law and Thai Traditional Law. This eclectic legal heritage for example has affected the way the modern Thai legal system approaches extraterritorial application of foreign laws within their state, and against their nationals.Since Thailand relies primarily on the Civil Law System, the decisions of Thailand’s Courts do not have precedential weight, except for the decisions of their Supreme Court, which are considered secondary authority.

So there is no precedent in Thai law no blacks law book and because of that there is no consistency and ergo no stable rule of law ... its more like personal rules interpreted by individuals..all is bendable and changeable. There is as we can see regarding the voting and constitution fiasco nothing consistent about the judicial law system here.

The current laws are 'the dictatorial laws of Thaksinism' - no need for the fancy description!!!

"sigh" if you dont understand or the implications of what it means just say so, its probably better than coming out with silly made up words. Tends to make you look very foolish.

There is btw no jury system here in Thailand, Heres a simple breakdown of the Thai justice and law system for people that can deal with fancy (proper ) descriptions


Or here http://www.thailandcourt.com/

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Do I sense fear? The Nation and its fans were predicting the quick collapse of the government, but it did not happen. It appears that the government is hanging on, albeit for dear life, but still in the game. Abhisit showed himself to be useless and devoid of leadership during this crisis. And there we have the power vacuum. So who will fill it?

We've had a vacuum in power for two and a half years now.

But its pretty obvious that Suthep and who ever is supporting this gig aren't interested in having abhisit involved.

So the question still stands. If they have an appointed group, what comes after because it won't be abhisit. They won't risk him losing to Thaksin son.

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"Nothing is legally impossible, according to Anand. He is right again. And, ironically, that is what the political rivals are implying, too. Neither side of the political conflict has shown utmost, unconditional respect for the laws or Constitution. If the political enemies can be selective about which legal aspects they adhere to, doesn't that mean nothing is written in stone? Isn't it time now to do what's best for Thailand first and make that legal later?"

No he's not right. The law is there to be adhered to. Yes it can be changed but this needs to be done via the proper legislative process with the agenda being "this law is flawed". Not "I've been caught out doing something wrong and want to avoid gaol" or "this law is inconvenient for my needs, lets ignore it and sort it out later".

If pdcr have broken laws let the courts decide what they have done. If PT have broken the law let the courts decide. All who break the law should be tried and punished or not accordingly.

This guy seems to be heading down the blanket amnesty route again with this thinking. Look where that led to.

Must disagree.

Laws are not holy things. They are written and designed by flawed people with agendas. When enough laws are in place and adjudicated on by one sect of society, and the laws become simply a way to legitimize the crimes, then obedience to the law is suicide.

Hence revolutions.

Laws here are bent according to the judge or panel and made to fit for favours or bias all the time... examples are never set as the next case that is exactly the same can and often does have an opposite result or ruling... There is no black law book here.

Thai law is nothing like others, The origins of Thai law have been traced to three general sources: Thai Customary Law, Buddhist Law, and Chinese/Maritime Law.

Current Thai law is a combination of the Civil Law System, Common Law and Thai Traditional Law. This eclectic legal heritage for example has affected the way the modern Thai legal system approaches extraterritorial application of foreign laws within their state, and against their nationals.Since Thailand relies primarily on the Civil Law System, the decisions of Thailands Courts do not have precedential weight, except for the decisions of their Supreme Court, which are considered secondary authority.

So there is no precedent in Thai law no blacks law book and because of that there is no consistency and ergo no stable rule of law ... its more like personal rules interpreted by individuals..all is bendable and changeable. There is as we can see regarding the voting and constitution fiasco nothing consistent about the judicial law system here.

The current laws are 'the dictatorial laws of Thaksinism' - no need for the fancy description!!!

Huh? The constitution was written by a pro junta committee.

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True!! but this government has it's own laws that attempt to skirt around said constitution. Remember the illegal and unconstitutional amnesty bill and the illegal and unconstitutional bill to change the senate (and remove the checks and balances) and the 2.0 trillion corruption fund that didn't have to undergo scrutiny from parliament and the .........do you get the drift!!!!

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