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Can Thai Visa control trolls?


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Canadian researchers have confirmed what most people suspected all along: that internet trolls are archetypal Machiavellian sadists.

Can the moderators of Thai Visa exclude or excise these sadists and psychopaths from the general debate?


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The first post-thread I made TV, I got accused of being a troll but have never been called a troll elsewhere and it's a commonly used term on this site.

Maybe whoever calls someone a troll needs to get booted unless they have proof.

Edited by Lockheed
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thailiketoo, on 18 Feb 2014 - 14:00, said:
willyumiii, on 18 Feb 2014 - 13:39, said:

Define Troll.

The thread will develop from there.

Or is this just another troll post?cheesy.gif

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Poster A. writes, the sun revolves around the earth. Poster B. writes "you are an idiot." Poster C. writes, "you must be an American" Poster D. writes, "you must be a Thai."

Who is the troll? Poster B of course.biggrin.png

But Poster D, got it right.

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

Edited by thailiketoo
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possible some of the trolling is to keep the "community" hit count going

remember if there's no membership fee YOU are the product

Take a look at Google Trends with keywords "thaivisa forum"... Interest over time is steadily decreasing coffee1.gif

Must read graphs differently. Seems to be slightly higher to me though I must admit that surprises me a bit.

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possible some of the trolling is to keep the "community" hit count going

remember if there's no membership fee YOU are the product

Take a look at Google Trends with keywords "thaivisa forum"... Interest over time is steadily decreasing coffee1.gif

Interesting graph on google trends. Looks like the red buffalo take over of

Bangkok was great for TV....

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The 'news' forum is a cesspit of idiots repeating the same 5 clichéd arguments. Half the time im not sure if someone is being serious, or satirical in their post.

I might fall into that category. But I like to repeat ones that are based in fact. There are people who on many threads there will make the most outlandish statements continually. They never vary or give any source. They are the type I think who would argue with you over what time it is both using the same clock. They do it to get attention. I have noticed some of them disappearing only to come up again under another name. I think it is the moderators giving them a certain amount of rope and then pulling the chair out from under them.

Then again there are the ones who will start a topic similar to this one where there can be no clear definition and if they come up with one it is useless any way.

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I don`t think there are too many trolls on Thai visa. Perhaps they post so much insignificant rubbish that they just appear to be trolls?

Anyhow, I think the mods do a good job at filtering all the thrash and the real hard core trolls are usually short lived on Thai visa.

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If Thaivisa were to remove all the "archetypal Machiavellian sadists" from Thaivisa forum, they may end up with only a handful of members left..

i would say there are many here with a handful of members.

At least those not clutching their thesaurus.

Edited by HooHaa
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