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All smiles for Vanessa Mae despite violinist finishing LAST on Olympic skiing debut


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I don't think she is even a Thai citizen. She can't speak Thai and grew up in the U.K. and got to the Olympics just because of her looks and tenuous connection to Thailand, it is really disrespectful that she was allowed to compete with real atheletes who have trained a better part of their lives to achieve this goal.

Born in Singapore!

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I don't think she is even a Thai citizen. She can't speak Thai and grew up in the U.K. and got to the Olympics just because of her looks and tenuous connection to Thailand, it is really disrespectful that she was allowed to compete with real atheletes who have trained a better part of their lives to achieve this goal.

having a bad hair day?

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.

Pierre de Coubertin

I've got no idea who Pierre is, but it's interesting you mention hair as the quote sounds like something coming from a gay hairdresser.

If you go to compete, you go for gold.

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There have been to many uninformed posts on this topic. Vanessa Mae did not write the qualifying rules. The Olympic committee decided to make qualification easier for countries with no natural environment for winter sports, their aims were to increase the number of countries entering and to encourage a greater interest in the Winter Olympics around the globe. You can decide if these were good ideas or not.

Vanessa Mae, a keen amateur skier, managed to qualify and performed to the best of her ability. To say that she finished last is inaccurate and disingenuous, the BBC World News reported that 20 skiers failed to complete the course, so obviously she was better than them on the day.

Before the London Olympics the great Olympian Steve Redgrave said on camera, "a silver medal only means that you are the best of the losers". I feel sure that a large number of Olympians who are not destined to grace the podium would not agree with that attitude. So congratulations to Vanessa Mae, she did her best and shows up all these jerks posting negative comments on TV.

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I give her credit just for going to represent one of her two countries in the Olympics,

and particularly because there was NOT ONE THAI in these winter Olympics.


Are you saying Kanes Sucharitakul isn't Thai either, or did you misinterpret news reports saying Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is the first female Winter-Olympics contender representing Thailand?

Surely the athletes from the top nations who just barely failed the qualification in a tough internal competition must feel jealous when they see someone from an exotic country (with regards to winter sports) meets qualification requirements by racing against Slovenian youngsters. It requires a lot of training still, and is more that I'd be able to achieve.

It's nice to see a Garuda flying down the slope, so I say "good on her". She's adding some color to the games. A bit like Pussy Riot, only tamer.

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I give her credit just for going to represent one of her two countries in the Olympics,

and particularly because there was NOT ONE THAI in these winter Olympics.


Are you saying Kanes Sucharitakul isn't Thai either, or did you misinterpret news reports saying Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is the first female Winter-Olympics contender representing Thailand?

Surely the athletes from the top nations who just barely failed the qualification in a tough internal competition must feel jealous when they see someone from an exotic country (with regards to winter sports) meets qualification requirements by racing against Slovenian youngsters. It requires a lot of training still, and is more that I'd be able to achieve.

It's nice to see a Garuda flying down the slope, so I say "good on her". She's adding some color to the games. A bit like Pussy Riot, only tamer.

There was an interview that she said, at that time it seems, noone else was competing that she knew of, which was why she went for it. Obviously one more did get in. Maybe because she did it, who knows.

No intention to mislead, I don't know who Kane's is.

This is the legacy of the Jamaican bobsled team. They had a dream and went for it.

Much more fairplay than Zola Budd in any case. Not political, just wanting to do it.

Qualifying standards are a subjective thing. If you live with snow half the year,

it is easier to be a good skier than some one living in the tropics.

Inclusive Olympics seems better than exclusive.

The top ranks will not be swelled by looser standards.

But the top ranks won't be harmed either.

Yes, 20 skiers DNF, so she did better than all them, even if she was the slowest FINISHER.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I don't think she is even a Thai citizen. She can't speak Thai and grew up in the U.K. and got to the Olympics just because of her looks and tenuous connection to Thailand, it is really disrespectful that she was allowed to compete with real atheletes who have trained a better part of their lives to achieve this goal.

having a bad hair day?

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.

Pierre de Coubertin

I've got no idea who Pierre is, but it's interesting you mention hair as the quote sounds like something coming from a gay hairdresser.

If you go to compete, you go for gold.


Pierre de Coubertin Author profile

in Paris, France
January 01, 1863

September 02, 1937


About this author

Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin was a French educationalist and historian, founder of the International Olympic Committee, and is considered the father of the modern Olympic Games. Born into a French aristocratic family, he became an academic and studied a broad range of topics, most notably education and history.

...you could just take a second to find out who he was and click on his highlighted name....it would save you a minute to write this stupid comment...

Sport is about competing...against others,but mainly against yourself....winning The Gold Medal is the ultimate prize...for some is the same as just participation...

Edited by funcat
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"Coubertin won the gold medal for literature at the 1912 Summer Olympics for his poem Ode to Sport."

uuhuuhuhuhuuu, became second in the tooth picking contest too ? cheesy.gif

​Olympics needs more blood&guts, some gladiators and lions and <deleted> would definitely make them worth the while to look. Or at least a snow ball fight or something.

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What a shot... What sport did she participate again?

Shave? Pluck? Electrolysis? Trim ? . . . . . or the exquisite natural palm tree pattern so prized by our Japanese brothers ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Let's face it - if this lady was Nok from Nakon Nowhere and looked like a buffalo, this would be a none starter. Nice chair by the way - lucky chair.

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I'm surprised there wasn't any ice skating representation from Thailand. On the rare occasions I am sober enough or bothered enough to take the missus to our local rink some of the kids are absolutely flying around. I think over the next 4 years the Thai Winter Sports committee (if there is such a thing) need to be checking out the rinks....

Her father is Tahi, HTF is that a tenuous connection?

All of you making links to her Thai father, should be aware that this 'link' is indeed highly tenuous as she has had absolutely zero contact with him since she was 9 plus he was a UK citizen.

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"Coubertin won the gold medal for literature at the 1912 Summer Olympics for his poem Ode to Sport."

uuhuuhuhuhuuu, became second in the tooth picking contest too ? cheesy.gif

​Olympics needs more blood&guts, some gladiators and lions and <deleted> would definitely make them worth the while to look. Or at least a snow ball fight or something.

“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!”

William Shakespeare

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She wanted to do it,qualified, did it and looked good doing it. Well done her. She paid her own way, and didn't displace anyone else from the team.

Besides, Little Miss JAG, who has been enthusiastically studying the violin for six months, is a great fan!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Making a mockery of the sport, the serious athletes, and the Olympics, not to mention dragging Thailand to be last.

People always using Thailand when they can't cut it in their own countries.

Many comments similar to the above and others questioning her citizenship have been made in this thread.

I think these comments show some malevolence and grumpyness, just let people be people, I would like to remind the grumpies about the "Olympic spirit" (from Wikipedia):

More generally, the term "Olympic spirit" is an oft-referred-to but perhaps vaguely defined concept associated with the Olympic Games. Some media equate it with Pierre de Coubertin's statement that "The important thing is not to win, but to take part", and view athletes who try their best but finish last as epitomising the "Olympic spirit". Thus the Agence France-Presse wrote: "True Olympic spirit is often found away from gold medallists with their agents and sponsorship deals -- it is found in its purest sense in those that come last."[3] It cited Eric Moussambani, Paula Barila Bolopa, Abdul Baser Wasiqi, Pyambuugiin Tuul, Charles Olemus, Mala Sakonninhom, Luvsanlkhündegiin Otgonbayar, Mira Kasslin and Samia Hireche as incarnations of the Olympic spirit. In 2000, CNN published an article on Eric Moussambani entitled "Olympic spirit: Swimmer competes for love of sport".[4] In 2008, a press officer with the Chilean Tennis Federation described Nicolás Massú as having "really demonstrated the Olympic spirit: the effort, the struggle, his refusal to give up".[5]

Vanessa Mae has not only qualified for the olympics, but she also achieved a valid time. My hat is off to her.

Edited by manarak
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There is a limit in the total number of athletes participating in the olympics, so she did take the place of a real athlete, unfortunately for him or her.

There is a limit on the number of athletes for each event from each country, but as far as I am aware not on the total number of competitors. If I am wrong, perhaps you will link to the appropriate rule.

Any 'real' athlete who couldn't compete was unable to do so because there are better competitors from their own country; not because of Vanessa Mae's presence.

IMO this is a bit pathetic. If I had a Tuvalu passport, and I had enough money to get me in the olympics for the 100m event thanks to favourable rulings, would I want to race next to Usain Bolt, even if I could only run the 100m in 13s? No way, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself and my country in front of cameras from all over the world.

Whatever the sport, most competitors know that they have no chance of a medal; or even qualifying for the final, if there is one.

To them, simply being there is an honour and an achievement; they certainly do not consider that they have embarrassed themselves.

As a Brit, Eddie the Eagle springs to mind, and other posters have listed the many others who knew they didn't stand a chance and were probably going to finish last; but whose dream came true simply because they were there.

As has already been said, the true Olympic spirit is to compete, not to win.

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Let's face it - if this lady was Nok from Nakon Nowhere and looked like a buffalo, this would be a none starter.

It would certainly be a non starter as far as the critics of her presence are concerned.

They are only knocking her because she is successful in her music career as well as beautiful.

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How do those who say she should not have been there feel about this guy?

Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics: Skier Peter Crook set up his own national association to realise Games dream.

Although born in the BVI, one can see from his Wikipedia bio and other sources that he has lived in the USA since he was 8.

I say: good luck to him, good luck to Vanessa Mae, good luck to all those who manage to fulfil their dream of competing in an Olympics, even though they know that they have no chance of medalling.

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Making a mockery of the sport, the serious athletes, and the Olympics, not to mention dragging Thailand to be last.

People always using Thailand when they can't cut it in their own countries.

Absolute rubbish. She is qualified to represent Thailand, has trained for years to achieve this, did her best. There is no shame in coming last..in fact, it is a time-honoured tradition at the Olympics that the person coming last gets as much of a cheer from the crowd as the winner, celebrating the efforts in even getting that far. Well done, Vanessa Mae !!

Trained years during family vacations at posh ski resorts. Any serious recreational skier could qualify for Thailand at B class. Just another personal attention story. Makes her only other compatriot Sucharitakul look like a joke. Why not represent the UK? Leave real aspiring Thai athletes for real Thais.

Stick to the violin.

Didn't see you on the slopes Tomy!

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Making a mockery of the sport, the serious athletes, and the Olympics, not to mention dragging Thailand to be last.

People always using Thailand when they can't cut it in their own countries.

Absolute rubbish. She is qualified to represent Thailand, has trained for years to achieve this, did her best. There is no shame in coming last..in fact, it is a time-honoured tradition at the Olympics that the person coming last gets as much of a cheer from the crowd as the winner, celebrating the efforts in even getting that far. Well done, Vanessa Mae !!

Trained years during family vacations at posh ski resorts. Any serious recreational skier could qualify for Thailand at B class. Just another personal attention story. Makes her only other compatriot Sucharitakul look like a joke. Why not represent the UK? Leave real aspiring Thai athletes for real Thais.

Stick to the violin.

Didn't see you on the slopes Tomy!

Yes exciting stuff this and good on her for trying to compete I suppose. I wonder if Tiger will try competing for TH in the next summer olympics in baseball or boxing.

Now more importantly, I am surprised (not really) TV and the chiefs in charge didn't have breaking news this morning of USA's loss in hockey, yesterday and today.

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Making a mockery of the sport, the serious athletes, and the Olympics, not to mention dragging Thailand to be last.

People always using Thailand when they can't cut it in their own countries.

Absolute rubbish. She is qualified to represent Thailand, has trained for years to achieve this, did her best. There is no shame in coming last..in fact, it is a time-honoured tradition at the Olympics that the person coming last gets as much of a cheer from the crowd as the winner, celebrating the efforts in even getting that far. Well done, Vanessa Mae !!
Trained years during family vacations at posh ski resorts. Any serious recreational skier could qualify for Thailand at B class. Just another personal attention story. Makes her only other compatriot Sucharitakul look like a joke. Why not represent the UK? Leave real aspiring Thai athletes for real Thais.

Stick to the violin.

Didn't see you on the slopes Tomy!

Was busy rolling out the red carpet for when Vanessa returns to Thailand for post olympic inspirational PR events. Surely she will come to present herself and accolades to the king to honor him as one of his subjects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a difference in leisurely finishing the course and racing on the same course. The other racers did just that and tried their best, to ski out is normal in a ski race what matters is the time. If you are saying that she is better than the others who skied out then are you saying that she is better than Julia Mancuso who happen to DNF the same race, btw Mancuso is rank 44 in the world whilst Vanessa is 2313.

All this was for her PR. She disrespected Thai people by wearing the garuda on her race suit which for anyone in Thailand should know that is a big no-no. It is very sacred to us and can only be given by the King, which in this case was certainly not. The day of the ceremony the Thai team all have the same jackets and asked if she could wear the same but she denied and told them that she was wearing what her sponsors gave her to wear. So much for team spirit in representing Thailand! That's why she came out in white, her partner in grey and her manager in red!

Look into her qualifying - she managed to have 4 races in 2 days with 8 racers, not to mentions she came last in all of them so to get the points. I wouldn't be surprised if she arranged the races herself too. If you are willing to pay - why not! Check out the FIS page and her races, National Junior championship with 8 racers!

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BTW I absolutely agree with it's the participating in the Olympics and not the winning. But I don't agree in famous people using it for their own fame, leave it for participants who trained hard and tried their best at the games.

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  • 8 months later...

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